/ FRTOAT, APRIL 2, 1965 f A G B TWENTY-POUk Eapmttg Cancer Canvasser at Door Today or Tomorrow—Give case of two parked oars bolBK Audition* wiU be held Tues­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will bangedalnto by an.unknown meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Women to See TIME TO GET GROWING Arsngc Daily Net Press Rim The WeRtber day at 7 pjrt’. at Bailey Audi­ Police Arrests passing vehicle last night about Forecast ed U, 8. Wealhsr Awo About Town torium of Manchester High FeUowa Hall. Mrs. Clyde Beck­ Eye Bank Film 10:30 on Charter Oak S t near For the Week Ekided School for high school etiidents with will head a refreshment Spruce S t The two cars, parked March 27, 1888 H)« ZlpMT Club will qwnsor wMiing to participate in a committee. James W. Havens, 17, of 31 on Charter Oak S t facing east TURF F O O D Mrs. Lois Stevens, executive Clear and cold teolght, law A card party Saturday night variety show May If ahd 16 at jvuirifnaMarshall Rd„ was charged with art cwned by Richard L. Trex- 2«e. Sonny and pleasant tsesi at 8 o’clock at the club house on 8 p.m. at the auditorium.' Pro­ Dr. Max Dubrow, direct larceny sr *16 and ordered to director of the Visual Research ler of 30 Goalee Dr. and the and CRABGRASS KILLER 14,125 Eumtttg HrraUi row. High • • to 88. Bralnard Place. ceeds of the show will benefit the New York Aasoci n 10 ^ appear the Manchester ses- Foundation of OonnecUcut, will Launder Rite Textile Oorp. at Member of the Audit Manchester Association for the^ le Help of Retarded IWren 'gtmTof_____ lilt Court 12 on April 273 Broad St Bureau of Olrenlatlon Help of Retarded Children and Ining Center and Workshop, 19. A *100 bond has been posted. be a guest speaker at a meet­ Maneheatej^A City of Village Charm Ooexistenoe as the only prac­ the Daniel Manchuk S<^lar- ing of the Entanuel Church Police also reported a minor 2,MW Sq. FI. tical road to peace will be the will be a guest speaker at an Patrolman Raymond Mazzone rear-end collision occurred last ship fund. Robert Vater, head open tasting of the Manches­ made the arrest last night about Women on Tuesday at 8 p.m. In PRICE SEVEN CENT# aubject of the third meeting in of the music department of Luther Hall. lilght on Main St near Cam­ 2S b . SAO MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1965 (Claasifled Advertising on Pago 10) the International Series ar* ter Association for the Help of 9 in the case w h l^ involves the bridge S t when Donald P. (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) Manchester High School, wlU Retarded Children, Inc., Tues­ theft of a wristwatch from a She will show a film loaned VOL. LXXXIV* NO. 156 tanged by the service Bureau of direct the show. for the evening by the Connect­ Bernard, 18, of 10 Oliver Rd., Women’s Organizations sched- day at 8 p.m. at Bentley School local store. northbound on Main St„ struck ntS.EMEReO(CI auditorium. His topic will be "A David W. Morsey, 19, of 428 icut Eye Bank and Visual Re­ vded for Thursday from 10:16 search Foundation and answer a vehicle which had stopped In a.m. to 2 p.m. at Centinel Hill A stage crew for the Man­ Sheltered Workshop as a Com­ Broad St., was charged With front of him In order to make chester Community Player’s munity Resource.” sale of liquor to a person forbid­ any questions about toe work U .S. Plans HaU, Hartford. The Rt. Rev. of the organizations. The Con­ a left turn Into Cambridge St. LA W N and U.S. Charges Events Francis J. Fszzalaro will speak production, “Light Up the den by law to receive it, after Autobahn Traffic Sky,” will report to 'Whlton he allegedly sold beer, bought necticut Eye Bank and the Vis­ The operator of the^second car on the goals and acoomglish- ual Research Foundation is was Marion M. Atkinson of 102 GARDEN CENTER ments of the Blcumenlcal Coun­ Memorial Auditorliun tomor­ at a local package store, to a Oxford S t No police actlmi was Reds Harass T o Bolster row noon and Sunday at 1 p.m. minor. sponsored by the Independent In State cil and the results of the ency- BOYSCOVT taken. E^BUCKIAND, CONN. tiical by Pope John XXm, to sat ig> and paint scenery. Court appearance for Morsey Order of Odd Fellows of Con­ 1810 TOLLAND TPi Still Being Stalled •Tacera in Terris.” The show, sponsored by the has been scheduled for April 19 necticut. OPEN DAILY 8 AJW. irjO^-SAT. 8 AJML to IS NOON Naval Ships Newcomer’s Club of the Man­ Notes and News and a *M bond has been posted. Mrs. Rudolph O. Heck will be Viet Force chester YWCA, will be present­ Iva Wilson of Chestnut Hill in charge of devotions. Mrs. Two Hi Leagues M ulcahy Asks The Fellowcraft C h* of Man- Roderick MacLean will be as­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The __ E ast'?’ Th* slowdown did not affect ed Friday and Saturday, April was charged with intoxication BERLIN (AP) Allied military traffic which is ehester Lodge of Masons will 9 and 10. at 8:30 p.m. at the CUB PACK 152 and summortad to appear in sisted with refreshments by Untied States charged Russia Germany continued for the WASHING’TON (AP) — meet Monday at 7:30 pjn. at Cub Scout Pack 1S2 of Bowers To Meet Sunday today with four new Instances of checked through by the Soviets. New York Hike auditorium. court on April 19. She was ar Mrs. Donald Marrti. third straight day today to Only air travelers are not sub­ Anbassador Maxwell D. the Masonic Templa School recently took a trip to rested by Patrolman John hara-ssing American warships Angelo LoVallo, a staff on the high seas. harass civilian traffic into ject to communist controls. In Drining Age Taylor is going back to Sai­ VFW Auxiliary will sponsor ■me Hartford Area Chapter New London for a tour of the Hughes about 1 this morning at Esist Germany announced of the American Association of the Center. speaker and writer for Chris­ In a protest note, Washington Berlin. The move apparent­ gon with plans to add sev­ a card party tonight at 8 at submarine base. Road Violation told Moscow It will “bear full Friday night that Soviet and ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) — A Retired Persons will meet Judith B. Morton of 1108 Tol­ tian Heritage Magazine, will be ly was a protest against East German troops will stage eral thousand Americans to the post honia ’Hiursday, April 8, at 1:30 p.m. The scouts viewed several land Tpke. was charged with responsibility for the serious New York legislative commit­ Handed Driver a guest speaker at a combined consequences” if a collision next week’s scheduled ses­ large-scale maneuvers west of the U.S. force in South Viet at the parlors of Immanuel two-man submarines eind also operating a motor vehicle with Berlin starting Monday and last­ tee has heard appeals from of- Congregational Church, Wood­ meeting of the HI Leagues of comes from further “dangerous sion of the West German flcais of neighboring states to Nam. saw a movie on the new bal­ defective brakes (hand) and or actions of Soviet ships” Interfer­ ing all week. ’This led to specu­ He also intends to see another land St., Hsulford. listic submarine. The highlight dered to appear in court on John G. Carson. 72, of East Concordia Lutheran Church and parliament in West Berlin. lation that the exercise was set raise the New York minimum ing with U.S. Navy operatioas. West German customs offi­ drinking age from 18 to 21. 160,000 South Vietnamese added of the day was a tour through April 19. Patrolman Brian Roon Hartford, was charged with Emanuel Lutheran Church Sun­ Authorized Dealer to coincide with the parliamen­ to the fight against the Commu­ ey made the arrest yesterday failure to grant the right of The U.S. note, delivered to the cials reported It took motorists Connecticut State Police Com­ Members of the Luther a submarine which is still in day at 7:30 pm. in Kaiser Soviet Embassy Friday and tary meeting. nist Viet Cong this year, raising OPEN League of Rmanuel Lutheran active service. Crew members at N. Main and N. School Sts. way, after he was involved In more than three hours to pass The official East German missioner Leo J. Mulcahy told the country’s total to about 700,- an accident yesterday afternoon Hall, Concordia L-u t h e r a n made public by the State De­ Communist checkpoints at the the hearing Friday that 19 a j » . a PJ«. Church will attend a District aboard the submarine explained partment today, is the latest In news agency ADN said the ma­ 000. Luther League Assembly the workings of many parts of at W. Center and McKee StS. Church. Hie topic win be “The western and eastern ends of the neuvers would "test the state of Connecticut highway deaths Taylor completed a week a t ^ To O Police say that the accident Serious Implications of the Sec­ a series of angry exchanges UO-mlle autobahn that cbnnects from 1962 to 1964 were traced 8 Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Gloria their vessel to the cubs. Family Campers over alleged nautical harass­ training troops had achieved In to under-21 youths drinking In policy conferences with Presi­ Thutsdays tUl 8 PJW.
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