CFA’s Distinguished Merit Cats Through Season-End 2007-2008 Distinguished Merit Cats with Largest Number of Qualifying Offspring by Breed/Division Data in the following chart reflects information on cats in CFA’s computer records at the time the chart was compiled. BREED MALE NQO FEMALE NQO ABYSSINIAN GC, NW Cinnaʼs Jack Daniels of Chantebise, DM 53 CH Wil-o-glenʼs Gold Card of Clarion, DM 14 GC Purssynian Jambe Finete, DM 53 AMERICAN BOBTAIL LONGHAIR _____________________ L Beeʼs Calamity Jane of NuDawnz, DM 6 AMERICAN BOBTAIL SHORTHAIR _____________________ _____________________ AMERICAN CURL LONGHAIR Daywarhim Apocurlypse Meow, DM 19 GC DBCats Blue Rose, DM 11 GC, BW, RW Procurlharem Lauren Bacurll, DM 11 AMERICAN CURL SHORTHAIR _____________________ GC, BW DBCats Flutterbye Rose, DM 6 AMERICAN SHORTHAIR GC, NW Placerʼs Purrfect Salute, DM 38 GC Saroukʼs Sundi of Placer, DM 24 AMERICAN WIREHAIR GC, RW Briar-Marʼs Goldeneye, DM 16 Brillocatz Tequila Sunwire, DM 9 BALINESE GC Balikʼs Bolshoi of Purrmatix, DM 17 CH Edelweiss Arwen Evenstar of Pavir, DM 6 GC Purrmatix Dream Come True In Blue, DM 6 CH Rangkesariʼs Tabia of Balik, DM 6 CH Staccatoʼs Diva, DM 6 BIRMAN GC, RW Pleasantview McPorkchop, DM 33 Windflower Merriann of Pleasantview, DM 11 BOMBAY GC, RW Caricatureʼs Isaac Hayes, DM 23 GC, RW Caricatureʼs Sonya Sanchez, DM 10 GC Timariʼs Black Mugsey, DM 10 BRITISH SHORTHAIR GC Brynbuboo Georgypeorgy of Earendil, DM 32 CH Castlkatz Sarah Burnheart, DM 11 BURMESE - DILUTE GC, NW Kawpawʼs Dom Bearignon, DM 17 GC, GP, BW, RW Nakodoʼs Halle Beary, DM 10 BURMESE - SABLE GC Good Fortune Fortunatas, DM 37 Austriana Naiad, DM 10 GC Windflowerʼs Eliza Jane, DM 10 CHARTREUX GC, GP Katoklix Halston of Janvier, DM 32 GC, NW Janvier Nicole, DM 20 COLORPOINT SHORTHAIR GC, RW Casadecanoʼs Reno of Teakatut, DM 20 CH Summitmews Arwen Eveningstar, DM 7 CORNISH REX GC Cozmecats Starship Trooper, DM 26 GC ClausʼNʼCurl Stella, DM 13 DEVON REX CH Kotickeeʼs Raoul, DM 19 CH Dreadlock NʼPolitan Confetti Royal, DM 8 EGYPTIAN MAU GC Emauʼs Kestrel, DM 18 Brockhaven Philomene, DM 13 GC, BW, RW Emauʼs Mau Pounce For The Ounce, DM 13 EUROPEAN BURMESE _____________________ GC, RW Bodyguardʼs Orange Dream Sickle, DM 6 Bondiʼs Maggie Mae, DM 6 CH Penobscotʼs Monrouge of Jomarkat, DM 6 EXOTIC GC, NW Bryn Mawr Bugsy Malone, DM 24 Spellbound Stormy, DM 14 HAVANA BROWN GC Kapaluaʼs Knight Rider, DM 23 GC Acapella Lucille of Soesthill, DM 13 JAPANESE BOBTAIL LONGHAIR GC, BW Kurisumasu Ki-Ito, DM 16 GC, GP, BW, RW Kurisumasu Shobi, DM 13 GC, RW Kurisumasu Jitto, DM 16 JAPANESE BOBTAIL SHORTHAIR GC, BW, RW Bassettiʼs Saisho, DM 30 GC Nekomo Kaede, DM 16 JAVANESE GC, NW Zinzani St. Johnʼs Revelation, DM 16 CH Bellaviaʼs Sapphire, DM 6 KORAT CH Jaltariʼs Jazz Singer, DM 17 GC Jena Tu-Thai, DM 7 MAINE COON GC, RW Idlemaine Butler of Texas Belle, DM 40 CH Groovycats Bobbie Socks of Daddys, DM 12 Groovycats Ticket To Ride, DM 12 Kayentaʼs Sedona of Kanab, DM 12 MANX LONGHAIR _____________________ _____________________ MANX SHORTHAIR GC Tra-Mar Irish Dancer of Fuzzy-Foot, DM 19 Cottori Sophie of Fuzzy-Foot, DM 10 NORWEGIAN FOREST CAT GC, RW Fig Piper of Aqua Dolagon, DM 21 Naturskat Mimi, DM 10 OCICAT GC, RW Walnuthollow Hyperion of Ociopia, DM 24 Pawawʼs Crowheart SOS of Wildtracks, DM 24 ORIENTAL LONGHAIR _____________________ Balinanʼs Will-OʼThe-Wisp, DM 5 ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR GC, RW Casadecanoʼs Diablo, DM 21 GC, NW Sujonz Icebreaker, DM 13 Online Almanac 1 January 2009 Distinguished Merit Cats with the Largest Number of Qualifying Offspring…continued PERSIAN - BI-COLOR GC Anz Nicholas Nickleby, DM 51 GC, RW Marcus Roxanne of Anz, DM 19 PERSIAN - HIMALAYAN GC, RW Demiaraʼs C Weed of Oceanstar, DM 21 CH Oakheavenʼs Divine Ms Jackye, DM 11 PERSIAN - PARTI-COLOR _____________________ GC, NW Marcus MʼDonna, DM 15 PERSIAN - SILVER & GOLDEN GC Joyvyn Purrfect Sirprize, DM 16 GC Danpegʼs Sony of Silverestate, DM 7 PERSIAN - SMOKE & SHADED GC Joleighʼs Little Chamer, DM 32 GC, RW JFK Hyecats Nadia, DM 8 PERSIAN - SOLID GC, RW Joleeʼs Dune of Boberan, DM 48 GC, NW South Paw Starlight, DM 12 PERSIAN - TABBY GC, RW Red Sky Wooden Ships, DM 36 GC, NW Pirontiʼs Treasure, DM 14 RAGDOLL GC, GP,BW, RW Dollhowse Denver Blues of Kebekat, DM 17 CH Kebekat Cinnabon of Wen Xin, DM 6 RUSSIAN BLUE GC Heartbeeps Panama Jack, DM 23 GC, RW Roxanastasiaʼs Sophia Gradowski, DM 10 SCOTTISH FOLD LONGHAIR GC Beepafold Scott Hamilton of Beebop, DM 15 Ezykatz Dianna of Beebop, DM 5 Folderol Florella Le Fey, DM 5 Linanciʼs Saralee, DM 5 SCOTTISH FOLD SHORTHAIR GC, PR, RW Beebop Duke of Earle of Beepafold, DM 16 Hawthorne Fanny of Whiteiron, DM 8 Kitjimʼs Burchfield of Beepafold, DM 8 SELKIRK REX LONGHAIR _____________________ _____________________ SELKIRK REX SHORTHAIR _____________________ _____________________ SIAMESE GC Singa Mikado of Fan-C, DM 39 GC Kaluamoa Kauai Cherish Forever, DM 14 SINGAPURA GC Sayang Manisʼ Pusat Kuching, DM 24 CH Sayang Singapore Tinkerbell, DM 14 SOMALI GC, BW, RW Foxykats Rigel Kentaurus, DM 24 GC Lynn-Leeʼs Summer of Foxykats, DM 16 GC, RW Thecatgardenʼs Prophet, DM 24 SPHYNX _____________________ CH Le Lʼamitie Amenhotepsat of Skinzin, DM 8 TONKINESE Pendragon Misty Snowman, DM 24 Pendragonʼs Pandora, DM 16 TURKISH ANGORA GC, BW, RW Kaeleron Killianʼs Irish Red, DM 16 GC Gillies Surprised! April Fools Us, DM 8 GC Sadakatʼs Kadir, DM 16 TURKISH VAN GC, PR Pekivanokieʼs Katvandu of Invanity, DM 18 GC, GP Invanityʼs Vanessa Redgrave, DM 9 Catteries Producing the Greatest Number of DM Cats Historical data in the following chart reflects information on cats in CFAʼs computer records at the time the chart was compiled. CATTERY OWNERS BREED NUMBER OF DMS South Paw Judy & Greg Brocato Persian 27 Kurisumasu Marianne Clark Japanese Bobtail 20 Bassetti Janet & Bob Bassetti Japanese Bobtail 18 Bastis Wain Harding Abyssinian & Persian 17 Kiddlyn Linda Donaldson & Scott Thorniley Japanese Bobtail 15 Clarion Karen & Ralph Helmrich Abyssinian 14 Miribu Margot Mellies American Shorthair, Bombay & Russian Blue 14 Nekomo Allen Scruggs & Douglas Myers Japanese Bobtail 14 Sol-Mer Mary Jo & Michael Mersol-Barg American Shorthair 14 Shimasu Debbi Stevenson Siamese 13 Boberan Randy Primmer & Robert Farber Persian 12 Marhei Sue & Charles Helmke Persian 12 San-Toi Deanne Johnson & Connie Roberts Oriental & Siamese 12 Austriana Erika Graf-Webster Burmese 11 Felitan Dr. Richard & Barbara Levitan Oriental & Siamese 11 Janvier Mary Ann & Donald Sweeters Chartreux 11 Kitty Charm Darlene & June Feger Persian 11 Rexdancer Kathy Constantino Cornish Rex 11 Bolo Lois & Robert Bantz, Sr. Persian 10 DeMiara Barbara Norris-Eckerle & Denis Downey Persian 10 Emau Melanie Morgan Egyptian Mau 10 Marcus Mark Hannon & David Raynor Persian 10 Stedam Dawn Skupin American Shorthair 10 Tangyi Ronald Laubach & John Robertson Bombay & Burmese 10 Online Almanac 2 January 2009 Catteries Producing the Greatest Number of DM Cats…continued PaJean Pamela & Jean Bassett Persian 9 Pleasantview Julie Collin Birman 9 Instincts Chris Giammarinaro Abyssinian 8 Joleigh Sue Bloomquist Persian 8 Jo-Ni John & Gina Philpot American Shorthair 8 Karraway Karen & Wayne Mull Abyssinian & Scottish Fold 8 Pendragon Richard Racheter, H. Wm. Ohman & Tonkinese 8 Laurie J. & Lisa Homes Placer Carolyn M. Lyons American Shorthair 8 Purrmatix Terri & Bruce Smith Balinese 8 Quin-Jo Becky Jones Persian & Abyssinian 8 Tunacats Lorrie Ann & Charles Anderson Birman 8 Whitesox Jan & Curt Gabbard & Karen Lane Birman 8 Windflower Carolyn Bullotta Birman & Burmese 8 Wyndchymes Lynn Search & Karen Bishop Japanese Bobtail 8 Blu Spurs Ellen Weiss Cornish Rex 7 Casadecano Patricia Decano Colorpoint Shorthair, Javanese, 7 Oriental Shorthair & Siamese Catillak Lisa Smith Persian 7 Cattrax Manuel & Dianna Fekete Persian 7 Kulta Joann Lee Kultala Oriental 7 Laki Barbara & Richard Kish & Donna Jean Landis Burmese & Tonkinese 7 McCataclan Tim & Diane McClanahan Siamese 7 McKittycreek Bill & Sue Storten Maine Coon 7 Mystichill Diane Silverman Persian 7 Procurlharem Caroline Scott & Michael Tucker American Curl 7 Roxanastasia Helene Schneider-Hester Russian Blue 7 Teahs Tia & Janice Steiner Persian 7 Wil-o-glen Carolyn Osier Abyssinian 7 USAF Tommy Meadow Singapura 7 Distinguished Merit Males with the Largest Number of Qualifying Offspring Historical data in the following chart reflects information on cats in CFA’s computer records at the time the chart was compiled. # QUALIFYING NAME COLOR/BREED OFFSPRING GC, NW Cinnaʼs Jack Daniels of Chantebise, DM Ruddy Abyssinian 53 GC Purssynian Jambe Finete, DM Fawn Abyssinian 53 GC Anz Nicholas Nickleby, DM Blue & White Persian 51 GC, RW Joleeʼs Dune of Boberan, DM Cream Persian 48 GC Pasht-Bast Braveheart of Clarion, DM Ruddy Abyssinian 43 GC Copacats Marque OʼZorro of Cattrax, DM Black Persian 42 GC, RW Idlemaine Butler of Texas Belle, DM Black & White Maine Coon 40 GC Singa Mikado of Fan-C, DM Seal Point Siamese 39 GC, NW Badfingerʼs Raisinʼ Cain, DM Ruddy Abyssinian 38 GC, NW Placerʼs Purrfect Salute, DM Silver Tabby American Shorthair 38 GC Good Fortune Fortunatas, DM Sable Burmese 37 GC, RW Stormwatch Dirtrack Demon of Nascat, DM Brown Mackerel Tabby & White Maine Coon 37 GC, NW Kanabʼs Luanneʼs Mahogany Rush, DM Red Tabby & White Maine Coon 36 GC Lullaby Abracadabra of Midas, DM Black Persian 36 GC New Moonʼs Eclipse of Rogers Hts., DM Seal Point Siamese 36 GC, RW Red Sky Wooden Ships, DM Brown Tabby Persian 36 Softmagic Big John of Bolo, DM Red & White Persian 36 GC Mystichill On The Marque of Marhei, DM Black
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