Volume II, Number 46 5th Waning Day of Nayon 1377 ME Saturday, 6 June, 2015 Environmental conservation a national duty: president President U Thein Sein poses for documentary photo with Vice President Dr Sai Mauk Kham and prize winners in contests to mark World Environment Day 2015.—MNA NAY PYI TAW, 5 June tal Conservation Day. adoption of an ambitious ronment and ecosystem, crease in population from world loses 30 percent of — The adoption of sus- In his speech at Myan- global environmental pact. the president said. over 40 million in 1990 its forestland, 20 percent tainable development mar International Conven- It is necessary for Supplying food, hu- to 51.4 million today, the of farmland and 10 percent goals and climate change tion Centre (2), the presi- people around the world man needs and resources president added. of pasture land every year, protocols by the Unit- dent said the UN General including Myanmar to fun- to the growing global pop- Then president said having lost 50 percent loss ed Nations this year will Assembly is going to adopt damentally change their ulation, which is estimated 925 million people around of its wetlands between be milestones for the in- sustainable development individual lifestyles so that to grow from 7 billion to- the world are facing food 2000 and 2010, before ternational community, goals in September, while extraction, consumption day to 9.6 billion in 2050, shortages, while anoth- adding that such condi- President U Thein Sein the climate change confer- and waste of natural re- is a major challenge for all er 600 million lack clean tions are threatening the said Friday, in a speech to ence to be held in Decem- sources will not affect the countries including Myan- drinking water. lives of 7 billion people. mark World Environmen- ber in Paris will see the sustainability of the envi- mar, which has seen an in- The president said the (See page 3) Gov’t team seeks to determine Myanmar, UK business chambers agree to origins of rescued boat people strengthen partnership MAUNGTAW, 5 June — return them as quickly as A team of officials led by possible, sources said. By Ye Myint Kingdom and Myanmar. Myanmar, the two cham- and responsible firms. Deputy Minister for Im- The team is com- According to the bers are committed to pro- The signing will help YANGON, 5 June — The agreement signed by UM- moting international trade develop trade between Brit- migration and Population posed of Rakhine State country’s largest business FCCI President U Win and investment, supporting ish companies here and their U Win Myint on Friday Security and Border Af- federation signed a mem- Aung and Mr Tony Picon, joint networking opportu- Myanmar counterparts, visited a camp in Rakhine fairs Minister Col Htein orandum of understand- President of the British nities and facilitating sus- said Mr John Longworth, State housing 733 boat Lin and other officials. ing Friday with the British Chamber of Commerce tainable economic growth (See page 2) people rescued at sea last The team also in- Chamber of Commerce month by the Myanmar spected food and health Myanmar aimed at strength- Navy. conditions of the boat peo- ening partnerships between The team has been ple, who were rescued at the two associations and assigned to investigate the sea southeast of Pyapon, promoting ethical business countries of origin of the some 75 miles south of practices. boat people at the camp Yangon, on 29 May. The MoU will strength- in Taungpyo (Letwe), and MNA en business relationships and enable the sharing of INSIDE information and organiza- tion of exhibitions among Senior General Min Aung Hlaing members of the two asso- and wife hoist umbrella atop ciations, said Dr Maung pagoda, comfort patients at military Maung Lay, vice president of the Republic of the Un- hospital PAGE-2 ion of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce Postponement of general elections and Industry. only likely in face of disaster and Dr Maung Maung Lay said there were numerous UMFCCI President U Win Aung and BCCM President Mr Tony Picon sign instability: UEC successful business partner- a memorandum of understanding to strengthen business relations between PAGE-3 ships between the United Myanmar and UK in Yangon on Friday.—PHOTO: YE MYINT 2 Saturday, 6 June, 2015 PARLIAMENT & NATIONAL Pyithu Hluttaw Self-reliant electrification projects carried out in some villages: councilor NAY PYI TAW, 5 June uency, who asked about the the power grid, he added. — Self-reliant electrifica- collection of K267.68 mil- U Myint Soe of Pyaw- tion projects had to be car- lion from farmers to electri- bwe Constituency asked ried out in some villages fy 14 villages in Pobbathiri whether there is a plan to with the consent of locals Township this fiscal year. build toilets at pagodas, as spending state budget The council member religious edifices, sites of on electrification of over said village electricity sup- cultural heritage and pub- 63,000 villages in the en- ply committees estimated lic places. Deputy Minister tire country will reduce the expenditures for power sup- for Religious Affairs Dr spending for other impor- ply works before collect- Maung Maung Htay replied tant sectors, Nay Pyi Taw ing the money from local that toilets have been built Council member U Phone farmers under supervision at separate areas of famous Zaw Han told the Friday of district and township religious edifices. However, session of the Pyithu Hlut- electrification committees. some boards of trustees can- Chief Minister of Mandalay Regiion U Ye Myint, Commander of Central taw. Authorities in Nay Pyi Taw not afford to build toilets. Command Maj-Gen Soe Htut and authorities together with well-wisher s The council member Council Area coordinate Likewise, most buildings at fix jade orb atop Wairawsana Jade Pagoda in Hsinywa Myinhmu Village was replying to a question with the Ministry of Electric cultural zones have not yet in Amarapura Township, Mandalay Region, on Friday. raised by U Phyo Zeyar Power to supply electricity been equipped with public TIN MAUNG (MANDALAY) Thaw of Pobbathiri Constit- to local people residing near toilets.—MNA Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife hoist umbrella NAY PYI TAW, 5 June er with religious objects — Senior General Min to the venerable monks. Aung Hlaing, Command- The senior general atop pagoda, comfort patients at military hospital er-in-Chief of Defence and wellwishers enshrined Services, and wife Daw the religious objects into Kyu Kyu Hla attended the reliquary. They also the ceremony to enshrine hoisted tiers of the um- religious objects into the brella, pennant shape vane reliquary of Lawkananhga and diamond orb atop the Abhaya Pagoda, hoist an pagoda. umbrella atop the pago- The senior general da, offer an emerald alms and wife together with at- bowl and golden robes tendees planted a Bo tree and consecrate the pago- in the northern ward of the da in Mayingyi region, platform. Yebyu Township, Tanin- In the afternoon, the thayi Region, on Friday senior general and wife morning. comforted patients at the The command- military hospital in Dawei er-in-chief and wife and Station individually and well-wishers offered a di- provided cash assistance amond orb, pennant shape and foodstuffs to them. vane and umbrella togeth- Myawady Senior General Min Aung Hlaing comforts patients at military hospital in Dawei Station, Taninthayi Region.—MYAWADY Myanmar, UK … NAY PYI TAW, 5 June — Government departments Departmental officials need to accept good (from page 1) should adopt departmental Director-General of the policies for relations with opportunity for relations with media British Chambers of Com- media and releasing infor- preparation for the press merce. mation, Union Minister release, holding press con- The UMFCCI has a for Information U Ye Htut ference and programmes membership of more than told the opening ceremony for media. 30,000 firms. The British of the training course on Altogether 83 officers Chamber of Commerce My- relations with media and from Supreme Court of the anmar was founded in 2014 releasing information at the Union, ministries, the At- and has 11 global sponsors, Ministry of Information, torney-General of the Un- as well as 140 member com- here, on Friday. ion, the Auditor-General of panies, including those from The union minister the Union, the Union Civil Myanmar, the United King- stressed the need for de- Services Board and Central dom, ASEAN and Europe. partmental officials to ac- Bank of Myanmar are at- As of 30 April 2015, cept relating with media as tending the course, which 48 firms from the United a good opportunity. continuesup to 6 June. Kingdom have invested a Journalist U Ye Na- MNA total US $3.5 billion in My- ing Moe of Yangon-based anmar since 1988-89, mak- Journalism School gave Journalist U Ye Naing ing the United Kingdom the lectures on nature of media, Moe gives lectures fourth-highest overall for- ideology on media, defini- on media relations to eign investor in the country. tion, relations with media, GNLM salient points at interview, trainees.—MNA Saturday, 6 June, 2015 3 NATIONAL ernment, in cooperation Later, the president Environmental conservation with international commu- presented prizes to win- a national... nity, has emphasized en- ners of an essay competi- vironmental conservation, tion. development of the green After the ceremony, (from page 1) adopting environmental economy and frameworks the president viewed an The Myanmar con- regulations, while organ- for climate change in its environmental exhibition stitution promulgates that izations are being formed 20-year plan for national and posed for documenta- the state and all its citizens to cooperate on environ- development. ry photo with attendees. shall protect the environ- mental conservation, he In conclusion, the Present at the cere- ment, the president said.
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