FREEDOM DEMOCRATIC PARTY (MFDP) : CONVENTION CHALLENGE 39. Memoranda and Diary June - October 196U \ SEE ALSO: MISSISSIPPI POLITICS Count: Convention Report Canton, Mississippi (Madison) June 23, 1964 Dorothy Teal: Communications Five delegat s from the west precinolsof Canton tried to attend tho Madison County Democratic Convention Tuesday, June 23, in the courthouse in Canton, Mlsi i sippi. Mrs, Margaret Glover, AD& Cowan St.; Mrs. Alberta Kelly, 501 N, Singletonj Mrs, Arnle Devine, Apt, 347-D, Housing Project; Leonard Clay, 500 Welch; and Hx the Rev, W, M, McCloud, Rt, 1, Box 6-B, : ade up delegation of elected representatives from the west precinct of the city. They reported that they entered the courtroom at 10 a,m, end sat down without interference. Sixteen >»n were seated around a table, Mrs, Devine said that Mayor Stanley Matthews, who appocred to bo chairman of the group, appointed three men to • credentials coca :lttoe. The ooKCilttoe left t)ie room and returned shortly with a report or statement on a sh et of pa er« The report was handed to Chairman Matthews, who announced that the credentials oaranittee report was accepted unanimously. The report was not read aloud. Than Mayor Mnttliews announced that this mooting was a meeting of the executive ooj'T ittee and that no visitors wore allowed, Af t r a moment's silence lie ropeatod the announcement, Mrs, Devine requested perniosion to speak and eald her group was the delegation fromthe west precinct seeking recognition from the Madison County Democratic Convention, At t'is point the Mayor said that there "wasn't goin;; to e any convention," re­ ported Mrs, Devine, lb repeated his announcement about the group being an executive committee and asked the west precinct delegation to leave* whereupon they left. Having been denied a chance to meet with other elected Madison County Demo­ crats, tho west precinct delegation hold their own "county convention," electing Leonard Clay as chairman. They selected the following representatives to attend the Democratic District Caucus 1 Mrs, Annie Devine, delegate; and the Rev, W. M, BcCloud and Leonor" Clay, alternates. ' • Pop ^>-wr RULES OP PROCEDURE Ii Election of delegates and alternates, A. At this convention ofthe 4th District four people are to be elected as delegates to the Democratic National Conven­ tion and two people as alternates, 1, The 4th District will be divided into two sections: The Eastern section composed of Neshoba, Kemper, Newton Jasper, Clarke, and Lauderdale counties; and The Western section composed of Leake, Scott, Smith, Simpson, Rankin, and i.Iadi3on counties, 2, [Two delegate3and one aternate will be elected from each section, &, First each of the twelve counties in the entire district will be given the opportunity to nominate a person from one of the eastern counties forelection as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, after which the chairman will open the floor for any further nominations. 4, Nominations for the two delegates from the wostern sect­ ion will follow tho same procedure, B. The following rules shall govern the election of delegates and alternates: 1, NO COUNTY MAY HAVE HOBS THAN ONE DELEGATE ELECTED TO THE NATIONAL GO J YE NT ION. \ A county may, however, have both a delegate and an alternate elected from its ral:3, 2, Ono alternate shall be selected from the eastern section andone from the western* The alternate si all bo the person receiving the next highest number of votes behind tho two delegates. In tho ovont that the two highest vote 1 winners are from the' same county, tho one receiving the second highest number shall bo an altornate. b. The altornalto si all have the perogative of declining hisclection, if he itbhos to run for delegate-at-large when tho State Convention convene3 at Jackson on Augus't 6, 3. There shall bo one ballot designating clearly the candidates from tho eastorn section andtte. candidates from the western section. 4, Each delegate to the district convention will have four votes andall ballotting will be done by the whole group. II, Election ofthc 4th District Presidential Elector, A. One per 3D n shall be elected from the 4th District asthe Presidential elector, III, Election of members to the state executive committee, A, Throe people 3hall be elected from tho body at largo to the State Executive Committee, Bf As in the election ofdclegate3to tho National Convention, no county 3hall be allowed to have more than onomciabcr • elected to tho State Executive Committee However, each may, of courso, have more than ono nomination per county. ' • • • ••*—*mmmmaiammmimmmmMiivmmt: - , . •/\_ ESSENTIAL LEGAL POINTS FOR BRIEFING THE I, INJUNCTION A, A Mississippi judge ruled on August 21st, that the injunction suit against the Freedom Party has no effect on this Convention because the Convention is the sole and final judge of who sits as its representatives. (BjThe injunction is unconstitutional as applied to the —'Freedom Party because a party which eacludes a group cannot at the same time forbid that group from affiliating with the National Party. (See footnote, #72, page 34.) II, Registered Voters A, There is no rule of the Democratic Convention that requires that the members of a delegation be regis­ tered votert, in order to be recognized, ^?% B. Those of us Jho arc not registered are kept off the rolls by vo : Lng registrars whose discriminatory practices hart been well documented. 8 out of 9 delegates ar z registered voters. III, Why Formed We formed ar.o' 1 er party and another delegation solely because we we excluded by the regular Mississippi party. Thus, e could not support the nominees of this convention. ee pp. 5-1*0 IV, The Traditiori L Party May Not Be Seated Because: A, The "tradi t Lonal" party has not met the Rules of the Democ; i :ic Party because 1, They c not pledge to put the nominees of the Conven on on the ballot "under the designation and la") '1 of the Democratic Party." a. The aws of the state provide for a primary to chc > e electors for the ballot, and this has bee 3 called off. It is now uncertain how any: le will be on. b. Th pledge at the "traditional" Convention did no". say "under tho designation and label" and wo--d be me'e by placing the nominees on as inr. spendcnts. c. Tt> • Convention waa adjourned and may withdraw the pledge it made, as in i960. » 2, They are not"bona fide Democrats who have the interests, welfare and success of the Democratic Party at heart, • ." (Both rules on p. 36) B. The delegation was unconstitutionally elected. 1, Negroes were excluded at both precinct and county meetings, 2, There was not a single Negro at the State Conven­ tion (pp.47-53). C. In "Equity" we must be seated. 1. The regular party is closed; we are open. 2. The regular party is unfaithful; we are faithful, 3. The regular party has defied the law and suppressed Negroes; wehhave followed the law and have been suppressed. Uu. 1'. V. THE MISSISSIPPI FREEDOM DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS A LEGAL DELEGATION WHICH SHOULD BE SEATED BECAUSE A, It represents over 50,000 people now and has a ppten- tial of over 500,000, white and black. B. It has complied with the laws of the State of Miss­ issippi, insofar as harassment has allowed, Including the holding of precinct meetings, county conventions, and a staee convention, and has conformed to the rules of the Convention (pp. 15-20). (All pages reffered to are in the Brief.) PRLEDOM DEMOCRATIC PARTY TO: STAFF RL: NUI'IBIJ* OF PIJOPLL TO LILCT TO STATI FROM: FDP CONVENTION FROM LACH COUNTY The Greeneville staff meetings asked the Jackson office to figure out how many delegates are elected from each county convention to o to the district and state conventions. That list is attached, flso, here is a breakdown of what the other meetings elect. County Conventions '* county convention should eloctta county oxocutivc pooplc of 15 people Also oach county elects people to so to tho dis trict and state convontions. Tho same people go to both. The attached page tolls how many pooplc go from oach county. District Convention: The District Convention (or district caucus) elects 6 delegates to the national convention, and three alternates. Thoy also elect three people to bo on the state executive committoc. They also choose one candidate for presidential elector. Stato Convention: The state convention elects the rest of the dclogatos to the national convention and approves the people elected at the district cuocuscs. They also elect a national Dcmoocratic Party Committeeman and Committocwoman. They also approve the people tho district meeting elected to the state executive committee. Here is th, information on how many people to cL. ct from each county to go to the district and statcmcetingsJ County Number of People to Licet -• D"olegates Altomatos Total Number, of People ULoctod Adams B 8 16 •klcorn 4 4 8 Amito 4 4 )rat 8 Attala 4 4 4 S'OH& aL^oLy?^^ Benton 4 4 Sony 8 Bolivar 12 12 24 Calhoun 4 4 8 O 0- Carroll 4 4 8 Chickasaw 4 4 8 "hoctaw 4 4 8 Cic.. -borne 4 4 8 Clarke 4 4 8 Clay 4 4 8 Coahoma 8 8 16 n Copi >h 8 8 16 b Covington 4 4 8 Desoto 4 4 8 Forrest 8 8 16 5 Franklin 4 4 8 \s\ George 4 4 8 2 Greene 4 4 8 Grenada 4 4 8 Hancock 4 4 3 County Number of People to Bloct Delegates Alternates Total Number of People •^lccto'd" Harrison 24 24 48 Hinds 36 36 72 Holmos 8 8 16 Humphreys 4 4 8 Issaquena 4 4 8 Itawamba £ 4 8 Jackson 12 12 24 Jasper 4 4 • 8 • Jefferson 4 4 •.
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