Taxonomic Studies of Cirsium (Asteraceae) in Japan XVII. Two New Species from Hokkaido and Honshu

Taxonomic Studies of Cirsium (Asteraceae) in Japan XVII. Two New Species from Hokkaido and Honshu

Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 34(1), pp. 31–41, March 21, 2008 Taxonomic Studies of Cirsium (Asteraceae) in Japan XVII. Two New Species from Hokkaido and Honshu Yuichi Kadota Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4–1–1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, 305–0005 Japan E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Cirsium ito-kojianum is described from eastern Hokkaido and is distinguished from C. kamtschaticum by having well branched stem with divaricate, elongated branches, (8–)9–10-seri- ate involucral phyllaries, longer florets, thicker peduncles and ribbed achenes; from C. boreale by well branched stem with divaricate, elongated branches, thicker peduncles, pinnatilobate, middle cauline leaves, vestigial glandular bodies and longer, outer involucral phyllaries. Cirsium yoshidae is described from Mie Pref., Honshu and is clearly distinguished from C. grandirosuliferum by having stem branched below the middle of stem with elongated branches, 10–11-seriate involucral phyllaries, several subtending leaves, longer florets 18–20 mm long, narrowly ovate and ascending to recurved involucral phyllaries and oblanceolate to lanceolate but almost vestigial glandular bodies. Key words : Cirsium ito-kojianum, Cirsium yoshidae, Hokkaido, Honshu, new species. me. These materials were collected by him at Introduction Iseki, Tsu-shi, Mie Prefecture, central Honshu In order to prepare a monograph on the Japan- and he noticed the presence of this thistle there ese Cirsium (Asteraceae) I have reported some about 20 years ago (Yoshida, pers. comm.). This results based on both field and herbarium exami- thistle resembled C. grandirosuliferum in having nations (Kadota, 1989–2007; Kadota and rosulate, basal leaves, numerous erect heads and Nagase, 1988). Here I will report two new narrowly cylindrical involucres. However, this species from Hokkaido and Honshu, Japan. thistle is clearly different from C. grandiro- Thistles characterized by large nodding heads suliferum by having ascending to recurved, mid- and deeply pinnatilobate cauline leaves grow in dle and outer phyllaries and vestigial glandular the maritime grasslands facing the Pacific Ocean, bodies at first sight. Furthermore this thistle is Kushiro and Nemuro Subprefectures, Hokkaido. restricted to Mie Prefecture, central Honshu, on This thistle was regarded as C. kamtschaticum the contrary C. grandirosuliferum is distributed Ledeb. ex DC. (Kitamura, 1937; Kitamura et al., in Gifu and Nagano Prefectures. The range of this 1957; Ko. Ito, 1987; Kadota, 1995) or C. thistle is far from that of C. grandirosuliferum by pectinellum A. Gray (Umezawa, 2007). However, ca. 200 km. In November of 2007 I made a field this thistle is different from both Cirsium species study in Mie Prefecture and it was concluded that by having (8–)9–10-seriate involucral phyllaries, this thistle belongs to a distinct species, Cirsium several subtending leaves, thicker peduncels and yoshidae. larger florets. Especially heads are larger than both species and they are rather ‘suspending’ than ‘nodding’. Taxonomic treatment In late October of 2007 some living materials Genus Cirsium Mill., Gard. Dict. Abringd. ed. 4, of Cirsium were sent from Dr. Kuniji Yoshida to 1 (1754), emend. Scop., Fl. Carn. 355 (1760). 32 Yuichi Kadota Sect. Onotrophe (Cass.) DC., Prodr. 6: 644 10–52 cm, 7–26 cm broad, glabrous on the (1837). adaxial side and pubescent with long brownish Genus Onotrophe Cass. in Dict. Sci. Nat. 36: 145 hairs along midribs on the abaxial side, shallowly (1825). to medially pinnatilobate, 5 – 8-jugate; lobes nar- Ser. Onotrophe (Cass.) Maxim. in Bull. Acad. rowly ovate, 2.5–10 cm long, 0.7–5.5 cm broad, Sci. St.-Petersb. 19: 502 (1874). with weak spines 1–3 mm long; petioles 3.5– Subsect. Borealicola Kitam. in Acta Phytotax. 21 cm long, spiny-winged. Middle and upper Geobot. 3: 7 (1934). cauline leaves shallowly pinnatilobate to coarsely dentate, sessile, auriculate and amplexicaul, 1. Cirsium ito-kojianum Kadota, sp. nov. decurrent. Flowers in July to September. Capitula [Figs. 1–2] 2–3 in a loose raceme or solitary, hanging down Cirsium kamtschaticum auct. non Ledeb. ex to nodding, with peduncles 2–3 cm long, DC.: Kitam. in Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Univ., ser. 3–5mm in diameter at apex; subtending leaves B [Compos. Jap. I] 13: 42 (1937), pl. Nemuro; in 2–5, linear to narrowly lanceolate, 1–2 cm long, Kitam. et al., Col. Illust. Herb. Pl. Jap. I: 33 with sharp spines 3–7 mm long. Involucres (1957), p. p. — Ko. Ito et al., Check List High. bowl-shaped to broadly campanulate, 20–25 mm Pl. Hokkaido IV: 158 (1987), p. p. — Kadota, Fl. long, 20–30 mm (in vivo) and 40–60 mm (in Jap. IIIb: 139 (1995), p. p. sicco) in diameter, sparingly to densely arach- Cirsium pectinellum auct. non A. Gray: noid. Phyllaries (8–)9–10-seriate, ascending to Umezawa, Wild Fl. Hokkaido 211, photo (2007). subpatent; glandular bodies vestigial only on the Differt ab Cirsio kamtschatico, caule bene inner ones, narrowly lanceolate, eglutinous; outer ramoso ramis divaricatis, phyllariis involucrorum phyllaries narrowly ovate with long acuminate (8–)9–10-seriatis, flosculis longioribus, pedun- tips, 10–15 mm long, slightly shorter than the culis crassioribus, acheniis costatis; ab C. inner ones, herbaceous, terminated with sharp boreali, caule bene ramoso ramis divaricatis, spines ca. 2 mm long. Corollae deep pink, pedunculis crassioribus, foliis mediis caulinis (13–)18–22 mm long; lobes 4–6mm long; pinnatilobatis, vittis vestigialibus non nisi super throats 4–6 mm long; tubes (5–)8–14 mm long, phyllariis involucrorum intimis, phyllariis exteri- usually longer than the throats. Achenes purplish nis involucrorum longioribus. brown, 4–4.5 mm long, ribbed; pappus sordid, TYPE: JAPAN: HOKKAIDO; Kushiro (10–)15–17 mm long. Subpref., Akkeshi-gun, Akkeshi-cho, Tokotan, Chromosome number: 2nϭ4xϭ68. 42°59Ј44ЉN 144°52Ј26ЉE, alt. 20 m, 2 August Japanese name: Akkeshi-azami (nom. nov.). 2007, Y. Kadota 073454 (TNS 768100 — holo- Distribution: Hokkaido (the Nemuro Penin- type; Fig. 2). sula, Kushiro and Nemuro Subprefs., the A hermaphrodite, perennial, herbaceous plant, maritime region facing the Pacific Ocean; Fig. 3). 0.25–2 m tall. Rootstock stout, horizontal, up to Additional specimens examined: JAPAN: 3 cm in diameter, with cord-like roots. Stem HOKKAIDO; Kushiro Subpref., Kushiro-shi, declining to erect, well branched from the middle Tottori, 25 July 1960, T. Ozaki s.n. (TNS part or sometimes simple, leafy, spiny-winged, 152917). Kushiro-cho, Konbumori, 42°58Ј17ЉN arachnoid and covered with short brownish hairs 144°31Ј50EЉ, alt. 80 m, 2 August 2007, Y. in the upper part. Basal leaves usually withering Kadota 073491–073492 (TNS 768113–768116). at anthesis or persistent in windy locations near Akkeshi-gun, Akkeshi-cho, Akkeshi, 14 July the seashore. Lower cauline leaves bright green 1971, S. Minoro and S. Tsugaru s.n. (TNS on the adaxial side, thick and somewhat fleshy, 339716); Akkeshi-cho, Tokotan, 42°59Ј44ЉN auriculate and amplexicaul, decurrent, long peti- 144°52Ј26ЉE, alt. 20 m, 2 August 2007, Y. olate; blades ovate to broadly ovate in outline, Kadota 073451–073453, 073455–073458 (TNS Tw o new speciesof o new Cirsium from HokkaidoandHonshu 33 Fig. 1. Habit of Cirsium ito-kojianum Kadota (JAPAN: HOKKAIDO; Kushiro Subpref., Akkeshi-gun, Hamanaka-cho, Biwase, 43°02Ј59ЉN 145°05Ј01ЉE, alt. 10 m, 2 August 2007). Right corner inset shows a “suspending” capitulum. 34 Yuichi Kadota Fig. 2. Type specimen of Cirsium ito-kojianum Kadota (JAPAN: HOKKAIDO; Kushiro Subpref., Akkeshi-gun, Akkeshi-cho, Tokotan, 42°59Ј44ЉN 144°52Ј26ЉE, alt. 20 m, 2 August 2007, Y. Kadota 073454, TNS 768100, holotype). 768085–768099, 768102–768112); Akkeshi- Hamanaka-cho, Biwase, 43°02Ј59ЉN 145°05Ј01Љ cho, Namida-misaki Cape, 42°59Ј46ЉN E, alt. 10 m, 2 August 2007, Y. Kadota 073481– 145°00Ј28ЉE, alt. 70 m, 2 August 2007, Y. 073485 (TNS 768191–768197); Hamanaka-cho, Kadota 073461–073463 (TNS 768213–768215); Kiritappu, 43°04Ј21ЉN 145°07Ј47ЉE, alt. 10 m, 2 Two new species of Cirsium from Hokkaido and Honshu 35 peduncles, pinnatilobate, middle cauline leaves, vestigial glandular bodies and longer, outer in- volucral phyllaries. Both C. kamtscaticum and C. boreale do not occur in the Nemuro Peninsula. Cirsium ito-kojianum grows in maritime grass- lands associated with Thalictrum minus var. hy- poleucum, Potentilla sprengeliana, Rosa rugosa, Rubus parvifolius, Sanguisorba tenuifolia, Les- pedeza bicolor, Geranium yesoense, Angelica sachalinensis, Hypericum erectum, Bupleurum longiradiatum var. elatius, Galium verum subsp. asiaticum var. trachycarpum, Scabiosa japonica Fig. 3. Distribution of Cirsium ito-kojianum var. acutiloba, Adenophora triphylla var. japoni- Kadota. ca, Artemisia japonica subsp. littoricola, Festuca ovina, F. rubra, Miscanthus sinensis etc. August 2007, Y. Kadota 073471–073473 (TNS 768200–768211). Nemuro Subpref., Nemuro- 2. A new species from Honshu shi, Ochiishi to Ochiishi-misaki Cape, 11 August Subsect. Angustiinvolucrae Kadota, Fl. Jap. 1970, G. Murata 21152 (TNS 276977); Ochiishi, IIIb: 135 (1995). 12 July 1972, J. Haginiwa 4637 (TNS 954637); Cirsium yoshidae Kadota, sp. nov. Ochiishi, 9 July 1975, J. Haginiwa 11072 (TNS [Figs. 4–5, 6A] 961072); Ochiishi, alt. 40 m, 7 September 1986, Differt ab Cirsio grandirosulifero, caule bene Y. Kadota 13849–13854 (TNS 9026644– ramoso ramis divaricatis, phyllariis involucrorum 9026639); Bettoga, alt. 40 m, 7 September 1986, 10–11-seriatis, flosculis longioribus, foliis sub- Y. Kadota 13817, 13832 (TNS 9026602); Habo- tentorum pluribus, phyllariis exterinis involucro- mai, 14 August 2007, S. Umezawa 07081404 rum anguste ovatis vel lanceolatis, ascendentibus (TNS 767906–767909); Nosappu, 11 July 1972, vel recurvatis, 3–4 mm longis, vittis oblanceo- J. Haginiwa 4629 (TNS 954629); Nosappu, 14 latis vel lanceolatis fere vestigialibus. August 2007, S. Umezawa 07081401–07081403 TYPE: JAPAN: HONSHU; Mie Pref., (TNS 767910–767912); Goyômai, 11 July 1972, Taki-gun, Taki-cho, Ôka, Ekuni, 34°30Ј34ЉN J. Haginiwa 4627, 4628, 4635, 4636 (TNS 136°35Ј17ЉE, on the small slope along a road 954627, 954628, 954635, 954636); On’nemoto from Aramaki to Nishi-Ikegami near the JR Rail- to Goyômai, 11 July 1972, J.

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