Premium Quality • Fair Prices • Reliable Service The above principles have guided Wings Group, now in its third decade, since its inception in a Cape Town garage in 1996. Wings Group has grown significantly since then, but these principles remain at the heart of our business. We always strive to bring affordable daily luxuries to your shelves and consumers, delivered when and where they are needed. We are proud to work with some of the best, most professional manufacturers in the business. The exceptional brands we represent are all leaders in their categories, brands which have existed for over 100 years and are successful in more than 120 countries. Thank you for your ongoing support and for trusting in quality products that will always speak to the heart of the customer. We look forward to many more years of filling your shelves and rewarding relationships. U.B. Grill Dr. S. Reuther 2 bRanDS pages 4–5 pages 6–7 pages 8–11 pages 12–13 pages 14–16 pages 17–19 pages 20–22 pages 23–25 pages 26–28 pages 29–33 pages 34–35 This popular brand of thin and delicate rye crispbreads is a masterful product of Finnish baking. Finn Crisp has perfected the tradition of producing a light staple that keeps fresh for ages, without losing its wholegrain nutritional goodness. The historic Helsinki Summer Olympics in 1952 was the perfect opportunity for Finn Crisp to introduce its delicious, healthy crispbreads to the world, which had already been enjoyed in Finland since the 1800s. Today this Finnish household brand is savoured in nearly forty countries across the globe. Finn Crisp is produced by Lantmännen, a renowned agricultural cooperative in Northern Europe specialising in grain products. All Finn Crisp products contain wholegrain and many are baked with 100% wholegrain flour. Wholegrain is an important source of dietary fibre, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Finn Crisp crispbreads are ideal for healthy snacking or to complement entire meals. The toasted cereal flavour of these versatile crispbreads lends itself to a variety of healthy toppings for the health-conscious consumer, without sacrificing taste. 4 FInn CRISP CRISPbREaD FInn CRISP CRISPbREaD HI-FIbRE tRaDItIonaL 200g 200G Sku CoDE: FIN023 Sku CoDE: FIN024 wEIgHt: 200g wEIgHt: 200g unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 6410500098270 6410500098393 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 6437005047640 6437005047657 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12x200g 12x200g FInn CRISP RounD oRIgInaL FInn CRISP RounD muLtIgRaIn 250G 250G Sku CoDE: FIN020 Sku CoDE: FIN021 wEIgHt: 250g wEIgHt: 250g unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 6410500095668 6410500046424 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 6410500095651 6437005047541 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12x250g 12x250g FInn CRISP tHIn oRIgInaL FInn CRISP tHIn 200G CaRaway kummIn 200g Sku CoDE: FIN001 Sku CoDE: FIN002 wEIgHt: 200g wEIgHt: 200g unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 6410500090014 6410500900108 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 6410500090168 6437005047619 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 18x200g 18x200g FInn CRISP tHIn muLtIgRaIn 175G Sku CoDE: FIN003 wEIgHt: 175g unIt baRCoDE: 6410500091868 CaSE baRCoDE: 6410500090625 mIn oRDER QuantIty: 9x175g 5 Biscuits may have been eaten for centuries, but the ones produced by Fox’s are in a class of their own. Fox’s biscuits are baked in the UK with a very specific mandate: to be better than any other. Consumers seem to agree, making the brand a household name in the UK and far beyond its borders. What started out as a small Victorian-era bakery in Batley in 1853 has grown into a modern enterprise that bakes more than six billion biscuits a year and sends them all over the world. But they haven’t forgotten their family roots. Some of Fox’s biscuits are still baked back home, in Batley. There is something for everyone in the Fox’s range. The quintessential “cuppa”, whether leisurely made or quickly brewed, is perfectly rounded off with something you can dunk, dip or nibble on from Fox’s. Movie nights and coffee catch-ups aren’t complete without some of their chunky, chocolatey cookies; children’s days are brightened by Fox’s colourful Party Rings; and both young and old can slip a snack- ready biscuit bar into their bag before heading off to school, work or on an outdoor adventure. 6 Fox PaRty ICED RIngS Fox mInI PaRty ICED RIng 125G 21gx6x10 Sku CoDE: FOX015 Sku CoDE: FOX016 wEIgHt: 125G wEIgHt: 126G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 5010035002486 5010035066334 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 5010035558556 5010035566339 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 16X125G 10X126G Fox mILk CHoC CHunk Fox ExtREmE CHoC CHunk CookIE 180g CookIE 175g Sku CoDE: FOX009 Sku CoDE: FOX010 wEIgHt: 180G wEIgHt: 175G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 5010035062190 5010035062220 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 5010035562195 5010035562225 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 9X180G 9X175G Fox wHItE CHoC CHunk Fox tRIPLE CHoC CHunk CookIE 180g CookIE 180g Sku CoDE: FOX011 Sku CoDE: FOX020 wEIgHt: 180G wEIgHt: 180G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 5010035063807 5010035566346 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 5010035563802 5010035066341 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 9X180G 9X180G Fox CHoC mILk RounDS Fox wHItE CHoC RounDS 130G 130G Sku CoDE: FOX008 Sku CoDE: FOX019 wEIgHt: 130G wEIgHt: 130G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 5010035064798 5010 035067188 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 5010035564793 5010 035567183 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12X130G 12X130G 7 All Loacker wafer-based products are packed fresh, as soon as they come out of the oven. These exquisite chocolate and wafer creations are made with premium raw materials and ingredients, which defines this family concern’s commitment to exceptional quality. These unique, naturally light tasting products have no colourants, preservatives or hydrogenated fats. Loacker was founded as a small confectionery in 1925 by Alfons Loacker in the province of Bolzano, Italy. Today the company boasts production facilities in the Dolomites region of Italy and Austria, characterised by a pristine natural environment. Here over 800 million items of natural goodness were produced in 2018 alone. The Loacker brand of products is exported to over 100 countries. Everything inside a distinctive Loacker wrapper is in its natural state, with no additives. The lightness of Loacker products is the result of the unique crispy wafer, made the old Italian way, mixed with fine chocolates and creams. Consumers all over the world continue to be delighted by the easily digestible, natural goodness of Loacker wafers. 8 LoaCkER gRan PaStICCERIa LoaCkER gRan PaStICCERIa CRèmE noISEttE 100g noIR oRangE 100g Sku CoDE: LOA032 Sku CoDE: LOA031 wEIgHt: 100G wEIgHt: 100G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 8000380003723 8000380003778 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380141159 8000380141180 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12X100G 12X100G LoaCkER gRan PaStICCERIa LoaCkER gRan PaStICCERIa CoConut 100g wHItE CoConut 100g Sku CoDE: LOA030 Sku CoDE: LOA037 wEIgHt: 100G wEIgHt: 100G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 8000380003761 8000380180837 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380141173 8000380180844 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12X100G 12X100G LoaCkER gRan PaStICCERIa LoaCkER gRan PaStICCERIa DaRk HazELnut 100g CaPPuCIno 100g Sku CoDE: LOA036 Sku CoDE: LOA035 wEIgHt: 100G wEIgHt: 100G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 8000380148035 8000380003754 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380148196 8000380141166 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12X100G 12X100G LoaCkER RoSE oF tHE LoaCkER RoSE oF tHE DoLomItES 150g DoLomItES SELECtIon 150g Sku CoDE: LOA070 Sku CoDE: LOA071 wEIgHt: 150G wEIgHt: 150G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 8000380156009 8000380156573 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380155910 8000380156566 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12X150G 12X150G LoaCkER RoSE oF tHE DoLomItES wHItE 150g Sku CoDE: LOA072 wEIgHt: 150G unIt baRCoDE: 8000380156023 CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380155934 mIn oRDER QuantIty: 9 12X150G LoaCkER CLaSSIC LoaCkER CLaSSIC naPoLItanER 45g VanILLa 45g Sku CoDE: LOA001 Sku CoDE: LOA003 wEIgHt: 45G wEIgHt: 45G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 80001218 80001249 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380101214 8000380101245 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 25X45G 25X45G LoaCkER CLaSSIC LoaCkER CLaSSIC CREmEkakao 45g CoCoa & mILk 45g Sku CoDE: LOA002 Sku CoDE: LOA004 wEIgHt: 45G wEIgHt: 45G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 80001263 80001539 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380101269 8000380180707 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 25X45G 25X45G LoaCkER CLaSSIC LoaCkER CLaSSIC naPoLItanER 90g VanILLa 90g Sku CoDE: LOA005 Sku CoDE: LOA007 wEIgHt: 90G wEIgHt: 90G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 8000380153442 8000380153480 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380154623 8000380154630 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12X90G 12X90G LoaCkER CLaSSIC LoaCkER CLaSSIC CREmEkakao 90g CoCoa & mILk 90g Sku CoDE: LOA006 Sku CoDE: LOA008 wEIgHt: 90G wEIgHt: 90G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 8000380153466 8000380188918 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380154647 8000380188895 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12X90G 12X90G 10 LoaCkER QuaDRatInI LoaCkER QuaDRatInI naPoLItanER 125g VanILLa 125g Sku CoDE: LOA010 Sku CoDE: LOA012 wEIgHt: 125G wEIgHt: 125G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 8000380005918 8000380005949 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380105915 8000380105946 mIn oRDER QuantIty: mIn oRDER QuantIty: 12X125G 12X125G LoaCkER QuaDRatInI LoaCkER QuaDRatInI CHoCoLatE 125g CoCoa mILk 125g Sku CoDE: LOA011 Sku CoDE: LOA013 wEIgHt: 125G wEIgHt: 125G unIt baRCoDE: unIt baRCoDE: 8000380005963 8000380180783 CaSE baRCoDE: CaSE baRCoDE: 8000380105960 8000380180776 mIn
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