Groundswell News Journal A project of the 501(c)(3) Grassroots Coalition for Environmental and Economic Justice We are a Global Family. News by and about Climate and Social Justice Activists. Our Motto: Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. Our Slogan: The way forward: cycle back to basics. A Celebration of Youth. www.groundswellnews.org. Issue No. 74: April 17, 2021 Photo Courtesy TIYEPAD Thuchila Youth Empowerment Programme and Development Network (TIYEPAD) sponsored football (soccer) matches to engage young people in creating more awareness of their environment. Author Jonas is in the foreground. The sign says, “Protect children & youth globally with positive primary prevention by using an evidence-based method; the contract concept.” Youth for a Sustainable Environement By Jonas Chabroka Fadweck,Through Malawi through Sports Sports. in MalawiContact Jonas: at C/O, TIYEPAD Net- April 4, 2021, from the field Today, I am here at Mbande ground work, P.O.Box 17 (seen in front). After the match, there will Thuchila, Mulanje, Malawi After the church service, we are here! be lots of prizes, gifts, as well as refresh- Email: [email protected] Scouting ever! The game started 10 min- ments. We may be live in our YouTube Phone: +265882035971/+265998480555 utes ago. It’s SMART CLUB MALAWI Channel and later follow us in our blog Blog site: thuchilayouth.wordpress.com Bonanza Football Match finals. sites for more. The main agenda is young Last week, Thuchila Youths launched people in sustaining environment. Source: https://www.face- SMART CLUB MALAWI with the Posi- [Read more about this organization on book.com/100003137835756/ tive Youth Behavior Change Campaign page 17.] posts/4490623934385490/ Contents Climate earth ENDING HUMAN messages from EMERGENCY rEGENERATIon inequality INTEREST readers Pages 1 - 8 pages 9 - 11 pages 12 - 14 PAGEs 15 - 26 pages 28 - 30 Groundswell News Journal #74, April 17, 2021: Page2 What is the Grassroots Coalition for Environmental and Economic Justice? Coalition Founders: John and Iona Conner Mission of Our Journal What are we trying to achieve? Editor/Publisher: Iona Conner The mission of Groundswell News is to be We want to rapidly increase the number Wire Editor: Allen Hengst a beautiful, inspiring, uplifting journal which of serious climate activists in the world and Established: September 2013 educates and enlightens people about climate inspire them though stories from other ac- Web site: www.groundswellnews.org change through scientific articles and stories tivisrs. Our goal is to keep their spirits up, Board of Directors: Ngo Banfogha, Jean- by and about activists who are working to their energy strong, their hearts open, and nette Bartelt, David Hunter Bishop, Bill protect life on Earth and preserve natural their eyes bright and alive. Boteler, Iona Conner, Eric Kifampa, Jussa resources. We are a global family. Our Values Nhari Kudherezera, Rituraj Phukan This journal is based on love for Earth, Advisory Board: Dan Adams, Robert Bur- What is the Grassroots Coalition? all people, all forms of life – plus air, clouds, rowes, Fr. Ted Cassidy, Michael Mann, Mar- John and Iona Conner started this non- rain, snow, weather, oceans, forests, etc. We iam Nabukeera profit 501(c)(3) organization in 1990. The love Nature. We respect everyone and are Contact: Grassroots Coalition, c/o Iona mission was and remains “dedicated to willing to share our experiences, both good Conner, P.O. Box 542, Point Pleasant Boro, creating the critical mass of active partici- and bad, with others who may profit from NJ 08742-9996; [email protected] pants needed to being ecological justice to them. Contributors: Marium Ainebyona, David this Earth by providing information and re- Guidelines for Submissions Hunter Bishop, Maryann Daurio, Anders sources to individuals which encourage and I do not get directly involved in fundrais- Eklof, Jonas Bauleni Fadweck, Barrett Hnatt, assist them to make lifestyle changes ben- ing. To submit a story, you need to write a Derrick Jensen, Pariphat Promduangsri, eficial to the environment and to effectively regular article about your work and submit it Rituraj Phukan grapple with local and global environmen- in a Word document with 2 or 3 photos, in- tal concerns.” cluding captions and photo credits and then Our Motto: email it to me at [email protected]. If Use it up, wear it out, make it Who are we trying to attract? you need funding, mention that in your last do, or do without. We hope to reach people who are con- paragraph and be sure to give your contact cerned about global warming and realize information. that they are part of the problem but don’t Please email Iona at groundswellnews@ Our Slogan: know what to do. We invite them to sign up pa.net for the full Guidelinds. I’ll be eager to The way forward: for our newspaper. Please tell your family see what you submit. Thanks so much. cycle back to basics. and friends about us. Fair Use Law: https://copyright. gov/fair-use/more-info.html Iona’s Column: Welcoming New Members Dearest Global Family, Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom I have been gradually building up the membership of the Grassroots Coalition for of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of Environmental and Economic Justice as my confidence in running Zoom meetings copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. increases. A snapshot of our meetings is on page 10. It doesn’t cost anything to be- Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statu- come a member but we ask that you be working seriously on environmental or social tory framework for determining whether something is justice issues and are a compassionate person. English is our main language. Having a fair use and identifies certain types of uses – such as a robust Internet connection is extremely helpful but we do our best when people’s criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholar- connections are spotty. Please try to set yourself up where the connection is good. I came up with another requirement. I want you to watch Rituraj Phukan’s TED ship, and research – as examples of activities that may talk at https://youtu.be/SBy4irpWRr8 (see page 29) and once you let me know you qualify as fair use. Section 107 calls for consideration want to be a member, I will send you some basic information. of the following four factors in evaluating a question of We are having our most important meeting of the year May Day (May 1) at 11:00 fair use: a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (New York time). Our meetings are wonderful and (1) Purpose and character of the use, including we’re developing a special project with a core group, which we will describe during whether the use is of a commercial nature or is for that meeting. nonprofit educational purposes. My break is coming to an end and I’m finding it difficult to keep up my monthly (2) Nature of the copyrighted work. publishing schedule so you may receive these a little less often. My Mary Kay busi- ness has not gotten off to a very strong start so I must work harder on it to establish (3) Amount and substantiality of the portion used financial security here on the home front. in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole. I’ll be looking forward to greeting new members. The ones we have already are (4) Effect of the use upon the potential amazing! You will enjoy being part of our Global Family. market for or value of the copyrighted With love and hope for all the places and people we cherish, work. Fair Use Logo Iona Groundswell News Journal #74, April 17, 2021: Page3 Climate Emergency Highlights from the UNEP By RiturajAdaptation Phukan, India measures wouldGap bring a return ofReport USD 7.1 has seen adaptation 2020fall down the political trillion in avoided costs and other ben- agenda, at the same time, pandemic recovery The United Nations Environment efits. Achieving the 2°C target of the Paris and stimulus packages could lead to a more Programme (UNEP) Adaptation Gap Agreement could limit losses in global climate resilient and low-emission recovery Report 2020* finds that, while nations have annual growth to up to 1.6 per cent, com- if implemented well. The Adaptation Gap advanced in planning, huge gaps remain in pared to 2.2 per cent for 3°C. Report 2020 celebrates the global progress finance for developing countries and bring- 2020 was not only the year of the that has been made on adaptation over the ing adaptation projects to the stage where Covid-19 pandemic. It was also the year of last decade. But further ambition and action, they bring real protection against climate intensifying climate change: high tempera- backed by finance, is urgently needed. impacts such as droughts, floods, and sea- tures, floods, droughts, storms, wildfires, level rise. The fifth edition of the UNEP and even locust plagues. Even more wor- *United Nations Environment Pro- Adaptation Gap Report (launched in a ryingly, the world is heading for at least a gramme (2021). Adaptation Gap Report high-level online press event on January 3°C temperature rise this century. Nations 2020 – Executive summary. Nairobi. 14, 2021) looks at progress in planning for, must urgently step up action to adapt to Source: https://climateawarenessreport. financing, and implementing adaptation the new climate reality or face serious with a focus on nature-based solutions. wordpress.com/2021/02/07/unep-adapta- costs, damages, and losses. tion-gap-report-2020/ The Paris Agreement requires all its Urgent global action is required to signatories to plan and implement adapta- reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet tion measures through national adapta- the Paris Agreement goals of limiting tion plans, studies, monitoring of climate warming to “well below 2°C and striving change effects, and investment in a green for 1.5°C above preindustrial levels to limit future.
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