-III"e""',,I"S111- JOIN NOW FOR AS LITTLE AS $30 PER MONTH, AND HAVE THE BEST SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE. 3 MONTHS FREE • • • ~THTHEPURCHASEOF ANY YEARLY MEMBERSHIP LIMITED OFFER! • NAUTILUS EQUIPMENT • FREE WEIGHTS • • FULL SUPERVISION • SAUNA • WHIRLPOOL • • AEROBICS AND FREE WEIGHT CLASSES • RECIPROCAL COURTESY AT GYMS IN NEW YORK, DALLAS AND SAN FRANCISCO PAGE 4 TWT JUNE 1 - 7. 1984 607 WESTHEIMER HOUSTON, TEXAS 528-JIMS \\9# _----~(ONTENTS - Volume 10, Number 11 June 1-7, 1984 11 TWTNEWS _ Goy-Endorsed Candidates in June 2 Runoff Election . 19 COMMENT _ Public Forum 21 VIEWPOINT _ Goy Priorities in June 2 Runoff Election by 5 Gay Political Activists 24 NEWS TALK _ Councilwoman Eleanor Tinsley by David Fields 30 HIGHLlGHT _ New Research Project on AIDS by David Hoffman 33 800KS _ Mae West Is Dead-Recent Lesbian and Goy Fiction Reviewed by David Fields 36 MOVIES _ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Reviewed by Lisa Branom 38 SHOW8IZ ----------------------- Fellini and Boy George on Video, Mamie Van Doren in Playboy. by Jack Varsi 44 8ACKSTAGE _ Tennessee's Belles, Impressionist Pete Willcox .. by Rob Clark 46 FEATUAE _ John Currie's Costume Designs Photographed by Michael Galatis Interview with John Currie by John Bode 59 HOTTEA _ Alice Dazzles Dallas, Timmy's S.A. Tea, AustinTEAcious . by Chuck 65 SPOATS _ State Softball Results, Summer Bowling , By Scot Roberts 69 STAASCOPE _ Your June Lovescope by Milton von Stern 76 SPECIAL AEPOAT _ TWT's Readership Survey Results 83 CLASSIFIED _ Wont Ads and Notices 101 CALENDAA _ Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events 105 THE GUIDE _ Texas Business / Club Directory ,~ COVEA ~--------------------------- Costume Designer John Currie • Stylist- Meredith Motley Hair and Makeup - Michael Murphey Photographed for TWT by Michael Galatis TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, Inc., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713) 527·9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year; $40 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1984 by Asylum Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. PAGE 6 TUJT JUNE 1 - 7, 1984 TUJT JUNE 1 - 7, 1984 PAGE 7 YOUR PERSONAL BEST!!! If your appearance is not quite what you have in mind, NO SWEAT ••• In the cool, comfortable atmosphere of FITNESS EXCHANGE, you can shape up or tan in just thirty minutes, three times a week. At the FITNESS EXCHANGE we tailor a program to meet your needs and supervise you on our DOUBLE LINE OF NAUTILUS EQUIPMENT. Our SUNTANA (UVA) tanning beds are safer than the sun itself. Available also are FREE WEIGHTS, sauna, jacuzzi, juices, great music and more. GO FOR YOUR PERSONAL BEST AND GET THREE MONTHS FREE!!! HOURS MON-FRI 6AM-1OPM. SAT 10AM-BPM, SUN NOON-6PM ----m~ HOUSTON DALLAS 2615 Oak Lawn e~cIU~n ~ 3307 Richmond #101 at Maple ~ nlnll I~ at Buffalo Spdwy. ~ ~AUTILUSFOR ME~ PHONE 524-9932 PHONE 526-1220 \WI ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS VOTE Weekly Circulation: 20..0.0.0. PRO·GAY __--------------NEWS HOME OFFICE (713) 527-9111 JUNE 2 members to return the rally to the park. 220.5 Montrose GAS, CIGARETTES & "This year, however, we'll have twice the Houston. Texas 770.0.6 RUNOFF security for your protection;' Bagneris DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 BOOZE MAY GO UP assured. 3920. Cedar Springs ELECTION AUSTI N - The price you pay for a Earlier plans to book a name act into Dallas. Texas 75219 pack of cigarettes, a gallon of gas or a PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick HOUSTON GPC Hofheinz Pavilion at the University of cocktail may go up in Texas, if Gover- FEATURESEDITOR/ART DIRECTOR Blase DiStefano ENDORSEMENT CARD Houston have been scuttled because of nor Mark White has his way. In order for TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark scheduling difficulties and inconvenient NATIONAl SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsi White to finance his educational-reform travel distances to the University of NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick and highway packages, he has come up SPORTSEDITOR Scot Roberts Houston from Montrose, it was ex- with a 17-point proposal to raise $4.85 POETRYEDITOR 0. Flores Alvarez plained. billion over the next three years. ASSISTANTTO THEEDITORSFred Hinton The rally at Spotts Park will begin at CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Among the increases are a nickel 0. Flores Alvarez. Jim Boone. Susan Collins. sundown following the parade down more on the cigarette tax, and a whop- Richard Dearborn. Harry Deutsch. David Fields. Westheimer, traditionally held on the Weldon Grahame. Christopher Hart. Paul Herrera. ping 20% across-the-board increase on Hollie Hollister. George Klein. Sara Lindley. last Sunday of the month, June 24. alcoholic beverages. Dean Malone. Milton van Stern This year's parade is to start earlier, ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bortlow Also targeted for tax increases would at 2:30pm, city officials have requested. GRAPHIC ARTISTS be gasoline. White wants to hike the Tuck Finn. Carlos Palma "It looks like a record year for float en- GAY POLITICAL CAUCUS motor fuels tax from five cents per TYPOGRAPHERS tries:' Bagneris said, adding that more W.J. Quigley. B. Steele gallon to ten cents per gallon. The gover- clubs and businesses were using pro- STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS nor is also asking to raise the general Ell Gukich. Scott Taylor. Greg Havican. fessional float builders this year. AI Macareno. Jim Hamilton. sales tax by 1%, which would raise the Oscor Mendiola. Blase DiStefano. -'-'- - clip and save - -- - current 4% rate to 5%.ln cities where Hollie Hollister. Greg Ollveiro take this to the polls ACCOUNTING Doug Felix there is already an additional 1% Metro- PARADES, PICNICS & CIRCULATION MANAGER Bobby Lamb politan Transit Authority tax, urbanites CONCERTS IN AUSTIN STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTION Steve Miles would pay a total of 7% sales tax, in- RECEPTIONISTSara Lindley AUSTIN - Gay Pride Week in this stead of the present 6% sales tax. Endorsements city officially kicks off this Sunday, June SALES 3 with a pre-GPW concert featuring the EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER U.S.Senate Lloyd Doggett talents of Meg Christian and Harry Wing- Jim Veteto BACK TO SPOTTS CourtCrm.Appeals,2 Greenwood field at the Austin Opry House begin- Advertising rates are available on request by tele- phoning the salesperson in your nearest city. from CourtCrm.Appeals,3 Thorpe PARK WITH FIREWORKS ning at 7:00pm. 10am-5pm. weekdays. 1st CourtAppeals,2 MichaelO'Connor HOUSTON - "We're going back to The next night, Monday, June 4, the DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: Friday. one week prior to publication. 14thCourtAppeals,1 Hancock Spotts Park for this year's gay pride ral- Austin Lesbian/Gay Pride Week collec- ly because the gay community wants to:' tive hosts gay skate night at Hot Wheels AUSTIN StateRep.142 Harold Dutton Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0.253 Dist. Court127 Alice Trevathan Larry Bagneris, Jr., chairman of from 8:00pm until 10:00pm. The event. CORPUS CHRISTI Houston's Gay Pride Week Committee, has become a several-times-a-year tradi- Greg Oliveiro . (512) 993-50.79 Dist. Court333 ElinorWalters DALLAS/FORT WORTH Dist.Court337 BobBurdette has confirmed to TWT NEWS/Houston. tion for the gay community. Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0.622 "And, we'll have fireworks, thanks to a The following Saturday, June 9, a gay HOUSTON/GALVESTON Dist. Court339 LupeSalinas generous donation by the Diana Foun- pride picnic and concert at City Park is Scot Roberts. (713) 527-9111 Co.Civil Court3 HannahChow SAN ANTONIO dation:' he added. planned with beer from 2:00pm until Tim Ramm. (512) 734-5961 Sheriff JohnnyKlevenhagen The rally at Spotts Park had been 7:00pm. Co.Comm.,1 EIFrancoLee traditional until last year when the com- Austin's first gay pride parade will climax the week-long celebration on CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT mittee booked Tina Turner into the Sum- Houston Bureau-Roger Damron mitt. Although it was a memorable Sunday afternoon, June 10. The parade Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles event, going to Spotts Park to share with up Congress Avenue will step off at paid for by the TWT MAGAZINE our elected officials and to cap off the Third Street and continue to the Texas A Divisionof Gay Political Caucus of Houston night with fireworks seems to be even State Capitol. A rally is to follow in Wool- ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. The Corporation more memorable, as the committee has ridge Park, TWT NEWS/Austin was ad- been constantly asked by community vised. PAGE 11 PAGE 10 TWT JUNE 1 - 7. 1984 TWT JUNE 1 - 7. 1984 FORT WORTH LLAMBDA ing a vaccine to prevent AIDS. As for a HOUSTON'S NEWEST sure-fire blood test to determine if a per- ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE APARTMENT COMMUNITY CENTER SEEKS AID son has AIDS, it is also premature be- FORTWORTH - This city's board of cause the test has its shortcomings, National LLambda has voted to request discussion at the AIDS conference donations from organizations and indi- revealed. viduals in the area to help remodel two garage apartments at The Center. The LEGAL DEFENSE purpose is to rent the units to help pay FUND HITS $2,000 the cost of operations and payments on FORT WORTH - The legal defense the property, Buddy Jones of TWTNEWS/ fund, spearheaded by the Tarrant Coun- Fort Worth reported.
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