H12064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE December 8, 2000 richer because of the idealism he brought to and attempts to infringe on the rights of free FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE us, because of the professionalism he has speech. Whether it was a president's assault SENATE shown us, and because of the friendship he on the Civil Rights Commission, a proposal for A further message from the Senate shared with us. And, what I think is most trou- a youth sub-minimum wage, efforts to weaken by Mr. Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- bling to us, is that because of his sudden federal contract compliance, to lessen the ef- nounced that the Senate has passed passing, we were not able to talk to him, to fects of full-employment legislation, or to elimi- without amendment a bill and a joint hold his hand one last time and say goodbye nate minority set-asides, the Caucus was resolution of the House of the following to our good friend. And so, I do so today. JU- there to respond.'' titles: LIAN * * * goodbye. We'll miss you. Today we mourn the loss of the JULIAN Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, only the resi- H.R. 2903. An act to reauthorize the Striped DIXON, and send our heartfelt sympathies to Bass Conservation Act, and for other pur- dents of JULIAN DIXON's own district can feel all who love this generous and passionate poses. as deeply about his loss as the citizens of the man. He will be sorely missed by the United H.J. Res. 128. Joint resolution making fur- District of Columbia, the city where he was States House of Representatives. ther continuing appropriations for the fiscal born and received his early education. JULIAN Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, it is with deep year 2001, and for other purposes. managed to serve two districts at once with sadness that I add my voice to the chorus of f his extraordinary wisdom, excellence and dili- condolences offered to Congressman DIXON's LEAVE OF ABSENCE gence: his own in California, where he owed wife Bettye Lee and son Cary. This unex- his first allegiance, and this city. JULIAN be- pected loss is such a tragedy to all of his By unanimous consent, leave of ab- came a Californian when his parents took him friends, staff, and constituentsÐbut mostly of sence was granted to: there as a child, but he never ceased to be a course to his loved ones and family. Mr. BACA (at the request of Mr. GEP- Washingtonian. Shocked to learn the news this morning HARDT) for today on account of official I personally owe much to his wise counsel, while in Los Angeles, I wish I could be there business in the district. particularly during my first years in Congress on the House floor with my colleagues to join Mr. BECERRA (at the request of Mr. when JULIAN almost singlehandedly guided our in the expressions of sorrow and words of GEPHARDT) for today on account of offi- appropriations smoothly through tough terrain. honor. As the heartfelt eulogies flow from cial business. I am eternally grateful that he continued to Washington D.C. to the rest of the country, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois (at the request serve on the D.C. Appropriations Sub- many are reflecting on the lifelong contribu- of Mr. GEPHARDT) for today on account committee although it is a post with head- tions and inspirational leadership of Congress- of illness. aches, but no rewards. Yet all the provincial Mr. FOSSELLA (at the request of Mr. man DIXON. service to his own district and ours must not ARMEY) for today on account of his A superb public servant and guiding mentor obscure JULIAN's singular service to the institu- son's hospitalization. to so many of us, Congressman DIXON will be tion in posts assigned only to members whose Mr. HILL of Montana (at the request greatly missed in the halls of Congress and in balance of justice, compassion and integrity is of Mr. ARMEY) for December 7 and the heart of Los Angeles. Again, to his closest perfect. JULIAN's service on the Intelligence today on account of medical reasons. family and to all who respected and honored Committee and the Ethics Committee came Mr. ROHRABACHER (at the request of Congressman DIXON, my deepest condo- because he was regarded as a member's Mr. ARMEY) for today through Decem- lences. member, the best that we had and the best ber 13 on account of a death in the fam- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I want to offer that there was. We should be so fortunate to ily. my condolences to the family of JULIAN DIXON. ever attract again a member so wise and intel- f ligent, so collegial and so perfect for this All of us are dismayed at his untimely death. House. He was a colleague and a friend here in the SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Congress since my arrival here in 1983. While Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, today America has By unanimous consent, permission to he will long be remembered for his work with lost a champion of human and civil rights, JU- address the House, following the legis- the House Ethics Committee and the Select LIAN C. DIXON of California. I offer my deepest lative program and any special orders Committee on Intelligence, his achievements and profound sympathy to his wife, BETTY, his heretofore entered, was granted to: in supporting development assistance to coun- son, Cary, and his other family, friends, and (The following Members (at the re- tries in the Caribbean and Africa should not be loved ones. JULIAN was serving in his 11th quest of Mr. OLVER) to revise and ex- overlooked. In fact, it was under his leadership term representing the 32d congressional dis- tend their remarks and include extra- that the first South African sanctions bill was trict, was a friend, a brother, and a patriot. Mr. neous material:) enacted by the United States Congress. DIXON was a vigorous, tireless fighter for civil Mr. OWENS, for 5 minutes, today. His death is a loss not only to his family and rights, cosponsoring every major civil rights Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, today. measure during his time in Congress. He lead the people in his Los Angeles district but to (The following Member (at the re- the nation as a whole. I will always feel his the fight to protect the U.S. Civil Rights Com- quest of Mr. THORNBERRY) to revise and mission when it was under assault. He was loss greatly. extend his remarks and include extra- also a tireless advocate of Home Rule for the Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, having neous material:) heard from JULIAN's colleagues from District of Columbia so that all citizens would Mr. GOSS, for 5 minutes, today. have a voice in Congress. He was held in the California and across the Nation, I (The following Members (at their own highest regard by all of his Congressional col- yield back the balance of my time. request) to revise and extend their re- leagues. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. marks and include extraneous mate- He was a champion for the youth of Los An- PEASE). The question is on the resolu- rial:) geles, securing funds for anti-crime prevention tion. Mrs. LOWEY, for 5 minutes, today. programs across the city, and was a con- The resolution was agreed to. Mr. CLYBURN, for 5 minutes, today. sistent and effective voice in protecting the A motion to reconsider was laid on f poor. In 1983, he wrote the first economic the table. sanctions law against South Africa, and, in ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT 1987, he authored an urgent appropriations f RESOLUTION SIGNED bill to provide humanitarian aid to southern Af- Mr. THOMAS, from the Committee rica, the world's poorest region. JULIAN was a GENERAL LEAVE on House Administration, reported great leader in the Congressional Black Cau- that that committee had examined and Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- cus, serving as its chair in 1983±1984. JULIAN found truly enrolled bills and a joint imous consent that all Members may more than any CBC member, defined the role resolution of the House of the following have 5 legislative days within which to that the caucus has played. In 1984, JULIAN titles, which were thereupon signed by revise and extend their remarks on H. said, ``On the floor of the Congress, in com- the Speaker: Res. 671. mittee hearings, before the press and across H.R. 3048. An act to amend section 879 of America, we have spoken out against policies The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there title 18, United States Code, to provide clear- which undermine the enforcement of civil objection to the request of the gen- er coverage over threats against former rights and civil liberties, respect for law and tleman from California? Presidents and members of their families, order, disregard for personal rights of privacy, There was no objection. and for other purposes. VerDate 08-DEC-2000 01:05 Dec 09, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08DE7.008 pfrm02 PsN: H08PT1.
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