STATE SIGNAL C. P.S . A. Medalist '33, '34, '36, '37, '38 VOL- LIV, NO. 8 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT TRENTON, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1940 Thencanic Society Commuters Prepare Gala Program TO PERFORM MIMES Students Present Announces Season As College Amateur Night Nears Radio Productions Debating Schedule Kendall Hall is being haunted these started work to produce a number of On Station WTNJ days by the ghost of a departed mas­ attractive and colorful stage settings. Aibe, Stoner, Moldovan, Conover ter of ceremonies, recognizable by a An orchestra has not as yet been se­ Group Works Under Macdougall; succession of amazing hats. This lected. The committee has several To Meet Shippensburg Rivals troubled soul with the fancy headgear bands in mind, and promises that the Workshop Offers Experience At First Home Debate was master of ceremonies at the Com­ music will be of the best quality ob­ In Radio Broadcasting muters Council annual Amateur Night tainable. Two teams will carry Trenton's last year and he is floating around the Another point of interest which has auditorium now because the commu­ the ghost chewing his hats and clank­ To give students experience in dif­ colors into intercollegiate debating ri­ ferent fields of work connected with ters have begun work on the 1940 edi­ ing his chains in suspense is the iden­ valry during the next two months. The radio broadcasting, a Radio Workshop tion of the show, to be held in Ken­ tity of the master of ceremonies. This Pi Kappa Delta question to be dis­ has been organized on the campus un­ dall Hall on Friday, March 8. Admis­ is a closely guarded secret which will cussed t his year is "Resolved: That der the direction of Robert B. Mac­ the United States should follow a pol­ sion for all, including ghosts, will be not be revealed until the curtain goes twenty-five cents. dougall, instructor of English. icy o f strict (economic and military) up on the night of March 8. Steadfastly disregarding the wraith Members of the Workshop have be­ isolation toward all nations outside Apply to Lucile Bush gun preparation for the production of the West ern Hemisphere, engaged in from last year's show, the committee in charge, headed by Helen Stanton, Entries this year are in charge of ANGNA E NTERS programs which will be presented over armed in ternational or civil conflict." Lucile Bush, chairman of the program Station WTNJ in Trenton every other Debates on this question will enable has planned several innovations. The main change is a five dollar prize to committee. Those applying will be Angna Enters, famous dancer and Thursday evening from 6:30 to 7 p. m. college students throughout the na­ auditioned by the committee and a The programs will begin February 15 tion to express their opinions as to be awarded to a Greek letter organi­ mime, will appear at the college on zation, regardless of how many enter faculty member and judged as to suit­ Friday, February 23, in the final and continue throughout May. the attitude which this country should the contest. Last year a minimum of ability. Anyone wishing to enter program of the Friday Evening take tow ard the three conflicts now (everyone is invited to take part, All Curricula Represented three societies had to enter to make Artist Series. Miss Enters has ap­ The Workshop is composed of stu­ raging in E urope and Asia. singly or in combinations) should ap­ a contest among the fraternities and peared annually for a number of dents of all curricula and is divided To Open With Shippensburg sororities. ply to Lucile Bush, Box 131. The com­ seasons on Broadway. mittee in charge is considering engag­ into groups for script writing, acting, The first home debate will take Cash Prizes Total $25 ing the ghost from '39 to haunt those sound, music, art and production. All place on March 1 during the open The prizes will total twenty-five dol­ who delay in sending in their appli­ Governor Recommends work is being done by students who period, at which time Trenton's affirm­ lars. In addition to the Greek letter- cations. will attempt to produce programs as ative team will match wits with a prize, awards of five, three and two Following is a list of the committee Reduction in Budget nearly professional as possible. team from Shippensburg State Teach­ dollars will be awarded in each of the chairmen: General chairman, Helen On February 15 a program featuring ers College. The members of the two divisions, musical and non-musical. Stanton; program, Lucile Bush; Salaries Receive Large Cut; Sum the unique position of the planets at home team are Mary Albe, William the present time will be presented. If last year's ghost is careful enough tickets, Grace Halsey; stage, Frank­ For New Instructors Deleted Stoner, Ca rl Moldovan and Paul Cono­ in his observing he will find that much lin Bootherstone; posters, Nancy Student chairmen in charge of script ver, all of whom are also members of stress this year will be laid on stage Stuart; ushers, Fred Stahuber; or­ writing for this program are Ethel the Thencanic Society. This same decorations. A large committee has chestra, Martha MacQueen. If the governor's recommendations Bowen, Jeannette Stout and Albert team will travel to the campus of to the New Jersey State Legislature Grover. Montclair State Teachers College, a are accepted by that body, the college Tryouts for participation in the pro­ traditional rival, on March 5 to debate Assemblies to Feature will receive $332,363.50 for expenses gram will be held at the broadcasting with th e up-staters during an assem­ COLLEGE PURCHASES during the next school year. This sum studio next Tuesday night. Notices bly program. Hastings Marionettes regarding the details and further ac­ NEW STRIP OF LAND represents a reduction of almost $50,- Rider C ollege will send debaters to 000 from the $382,337 requested. The tivities of the Workshop will be posted Hillwood Lakes on the evening of and 'Emily Dickinson' reduction is in keeping with past pro­ on the bulletin board in the Com­ March 7 to engage Trenton's negative With the recent acquisition of cedure. munity Room in Gre.en Hall. "Sinbad the Sailor" is coming to team, which consists of Marion Cot- a triangular-shaped piece of prop­ The largest single cut comes in the town! On Tuesday, February 13, the trell, Jean-Rae Turner and Morris erty from the C. V. Hill estate, $290,146 appropriation requested for Offer Variety of Programs assembly program will feature a per­ Schaeffer. Other debates are being the college has squared off the the salaries of administrative officers Most of the eight programs to be scheduled. section of the campus between formance of "Sinbad the Sailor" by and faculty. Governor A. Harry Moore presented will contain a variety of en­ the Sue Hastings Marionettes. The Kendall Hall and Reddan House. has recommended $276,463.50. tertainment. On February 29 a group Debaters Win Recognition program for next Tuesday, February 6, While not a large piece of land, The appropriation requested for ma­ of women in the Kindergarten-Primary will be a talk on "Emily Dickinson," Arrangements have been completed this property is important to the terials and supplies has been reduced Department will demonstrate a new by Myrtyl Ross. by the E astern Teachers Colleges De- future development of this part from $46,675.00 to $42,350.00, and $5,550 type of rhythm band. The broadcast hating Leag ue for inscribing the name of the campus because it juts Miss Ross has given numerous re­ has been recommended for services will be completed by the participation citals in colleges throughout the coun­ of Trenton State Teachers College on obliquely into the campus and such as travel, telephone and printing of pupils of Lanning School in a pro­ try on other topics such as "The a silver trophy which is to be pur­ formerly separated the Reddan instead of the $7,400 requested. Money gram the nature of which is as yet chased this year. The inscription will property from the rest of the col­ Brontes" and "Joan of Arc." Her pro­ allotted for current repairs would be undecided. he in recognition of championship hon­ lege. grams are really full-length plays, $8,000 instead of $9,500. A program featuring some phase of written around the life of the subject ors w hich T renton earned last season. The purchase, which was ap­ Two items have been deleted en­ the Business Education Department and presented in costume. Because of financial difficulties, the proved at a recent meeting of the tirely. The sum of $13,350 was de­ will be given on March 14 with the aid Thencanic So ciety was unable to spon­ State Board of Education, marks The production of "Sinbad the sired for new teachers and a library of Professor Lloyd H. Jacobs, head of Sailor" is presented by one of the sor te ams in league competition this the second increase in the size of assistant, and $15,266 was desired for the Business Education Department. year. the campus in as many months. largest and most active marionette or­ additions and improvements. This lat­ The Workshop offers opportunity for (Continued on Page Three) ganizations in the country—the Sue ter sum would be used for new equip­ students of all departments to present Hastings Marionettes. The presenta­ ment for the science, commercial and programs on the air, representing the tion is handled by a group of experi­ industrial arts departments; grounds interests of their groups.
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