tile Newark Post NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE, FEBRUARY 28, 1923. NUMBEH -l NEWARK WOMAN ORPHEUS SINGERS TO A I F B Old" BALL TEAM GETS $100 SOCIAL CONFERENCE , CALLED BY DEATH COME HERE SUNDAY pp eton arm UI Ings FROM BUSINESS MEN DRAWS LARGE CROWD Rebecc~ Shellender Mixed Quartet to Sing at St. Destr~yed in $25,OO~ BI~ze" Chamber of Commerce Gives University----- Serene- of Large Away in.91st Year; Thomas Church. Rev. Thirteen Cows Petlsh In Flames Liberally to Aid in Placing Gathlering of State Work- arne Here'in 1859 Doellefeld to Speak ___- Team on Field ers. Lovejoy, Miss Estate Farmed by Wallace Daniels Scene of Great Losl Hart, Speak r~ eb ecca Shellender died Mon- The Orpheus mixed quartette, one A gift of $100 was ordered drawn of the best in the State, and special­ I Fire Company Unable to Get Water. Buildings ng a t 5 o'clock, at the home last week by the Chamber of Com­ 'fhe De l a w a r ~ Co nfereR.ce of Soc~l ists in church music will be the guests Leveled to Ground I' daughter, Mrs. Thomas Ril ey, merce in favor of the Newark Base­ W'orkers met 111 Newllrk yesterday Il'a l'k, aftei' an illness caused for of the Young People of St. Thomas ball Association, to hel, defray the for its annual get-together m eting. t part by advanced years. Church next Sunday evening at their Save Little Furniture From House Ruins expenses of the team for the coming Several hundred workers and guests passing, perhaps the oldest I'egular meeting. season and to aid the officers of the from Delaware and other States ar­ in the town has been call ed by The principal speaker will be Rev. club in giving Newark real baseball rived in the morning in tin¥! for the She was known by scores of Charles K. Doellefeld, assi ·tant pas­ One of the most di sastrous fires to ~------------------------~ next summer. first ses ion at 11 o'clock .• tor of the Westminstel' Presbyterian break out in this community occurred and fdends in this and other A LONESOME ,SURVIVOR This donation marks the first large The delegates were welcomed by ties. Originally a native of hurch of \Yilmington. Rev. Doelle­ last Saturday afternoon ShOl·tly af­ amount so far sent to the Cl up. The Pres ident Hullihen amI members of Co'unty, she moved here with reid will give an illustrated serm on on ter five o'clock when the barn on the While viewing the remains of Chamber of Commerce voted unani­ the FaCUlty ami-townspeople. nd in 1859, and resided on "The Passion Play." Having wit­ farm of Peter Gray, along the Apple­ the Daniels Farm bu~ldings last mously to subscribe that amount and At a large luncheon in Old College Hossinger Farm near town. nessed the prcsentation of this epic ton road, about three miles from Sunday, attention of several by­ the treasurer, W. H. Evans, was in­ at one O'clock, t he principal speaker was the mother of nine sons at Oberammergau, GermallY, his ser­ town, caught fire in II mysterious standers was called ,to a pite­ f; tructed to pass the check over to was Owen R. Lovejoy, Gen eral Sec­ daughter. Six of the sons mon will be based upon act~al obser­ manner and before an hour had pass­ ous cry down near the little George W. Rhodes, representing the retary of the Child Labor Com mi ssion li ving, as is the daughter. ,"ation and conclusions drawn there­ ed, both the barn, a small machinery shed and chickelil house. Association. of ew York. His address was greut­ shed and the splendid house were John Jelso, of Coatesville, from. There on II bit of foundltUon ly appreciated by u crowd that taxed Egbert and HaITY, of Wil- levell ed to the ground. sat what was once a beautiful the capacity of the dining room. and Geo1'ge and James, of BIG BUILDING Thirteen cows and one or two ' white cat, but now a scrawny BALL SELECTIONS WIN At the afternoon meeting, held in She made her home for the YEAR FOR NEWARK calves, trapped at their stanchions, little, badly scorched, shivering POST OFFICE CONTESTS Wolf Hall, the speakers were J. Pren- " years with her daughter IN SIGHT were unable to be reached in time and shadow. ti ss Murphy, Secr eta;·y of t he Chil­ they perished in their tracks. The When someone tried to pick Names First Man for Dover dren'!t Bureau of Philadelphia. Plans and Specifications for horses happen~d to be in the barn­ it up and comfort it, it turned and Second Man for Foll owing him came Miss Helen Unusual Boom Along yard at the time and were led to and walked away, kicking des­ Hart, well known to all Delawllreans Bridgeville interested in welfare work, and now All Lines ;;afety. peratel~ with its hind feet at I services will be held fl'om Littie in the way of furniture was every st.ep. Pre~id e nt Harding lias sent ~ the engaged 'as a head wOI'ker in the East Side Settlement House in ew York residence here on Friday af­ Newark promises to be a . busy saved from the house. Mrs. Daniels Probably barely escaping from Senate the na mes of William P. Short at two o'clock, with inter- place during the coming building sea­ had some .very fine pieces in every the barn with its life, it was to be postmastev-at Bridgeville, Dela- City. Miss Hart gave an able address on the pha es of her work among the Oxford, Pa., Presbyterian son. Aside from several private room, but most of it \vas destroyed given up for dead and not taken ware, and Will iam P. Satterfield to be POol' and needy of that city, and illus­ homes in prospect, the community before neighbors could carry it out. away with the family. Now it postmaster at Dovel'. Both men were tJ'ated hel' points with some anecdotes can look forward to the New War hovers about the wreckage cry- indorsed by Senator L. Heisler Ball, which kept the audience eagerly Memorial Library which wiIJ cost Cause Not Known ing its poor little scorched body which means that they will be post- was born neal' Coates­ awaiting her next sentence. upward of $200,000. Next the Public About fi ve o'cloc1t a farm hand had to starvation. masters of the respective places' indi- n 1832, the daughter of The bad weather did not seem to School plans will ,vithout question be entered the rear of the house after he cated. It is not likely there will be ancy McIntyre McClurg of hamlJer the ellthusiasm of t he dele­ ready and there goes another $150,- had been to the barn to feed. In a any objections to their confirmation Most of her early life gates and a ll reported themselves as 000. Then a new building for the few minutes he glanced out of a win- which is expected to f~llow immedi- nt in and al'ound OJrford. She very much pleased with the reception Women's College looks very favorable dow and saw one side of t he big In addition to the cattle consumed, ately. J oseph Shell ender in 1852 accorded them in Newark. Dean W. which means another $150,000. The building a mass of flames. He rushed seNeral tons of feed and grain went Satterfield was first on the eligible years later the family J. Robinson was chairman df arrange­ new Fire Building will soon be done to save the cattle and people in the up in smoke. In the machinery shed li st for postmaster at Dovel', with El­ is vicinity, taking over the ments hf;!J'e. and Gossip has it that the Masons house phoned to Newark and gave were several valuable pieces of farm mer E. Benson, second , and William farm. In t he course of a Miss Ethel da Mullin was chairman have a bea~tiful hall in contempla­ the alarm. Nothing ~ould be done by machinery, among them a big tractor, IF. Fooks, third .. Satterfield is a Ball they again moved into of the morning and luncheon sessions, tion. the household and. ~eJghbors so great I several cultivators and many other adh.er ent, and It was expected t~e nty, but in 1884, they while Miss Me rle McMahon had Several of ou Industries are plan­ was the heat. SeeIng that the barn articles. These were twisted and semor senatol' would recommend hiS to Newark and lived on t he cha rg'e of the afternoon session. ning additions- so altogether the out­ and carriage shed were doomed, at- bent by the terrific heat. I appointment. the death of Mr. Shellen- loo k for Newark i unusually prom­ tention was turned to the house. It. I nstead of indorsing the first on e on was directly in the path of the The bla z rn~ sparks fr~m ~e fifire t he eligible li st for the Bridgeville ap­ ROMA CE A D HOSS ising. Rames fanned by a stiff breeze, and set ablaze the dry. grass In t e ?Id poi ntment, who was John W. Dimes, SENSE IN THE MOVIES in a twinkling the roof was ablaze. neal' the road. ThiS blaze, along WIth an ex-service man, 'Senator Ball se­ Romance, tragedy," and good com­ GEORGE L. MEDILL TO Ey this time the firemen from New- a roof fire on t he hou e ~f John lec ted Willia~ P.
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