Find No MSU Students Using LSD, Dope B y TRINKA CLINE "This,’’ he said, "is a matter of ethics. We feel we know a total enrollment of 750,000 students, returned the Senate’s Feurig credits MSU’s lack of a widespread drug fad partly State News Staff W riter the students capable of LSD production well enough to detect questionaire, indicating around 3,800 students have exper­ to his confidence in the student body. He said, "Certain persons who might become involved.” No cases of Michigan State students’ using mind drugs or imented with mind drugs—just over one-half of 1 per cent student bodies are quite prone to the use of drugs. It is an Narcotic pushers have been arrested on campus. Here narcotics were included in MSU’s response to a questionaire escape from reality, a temporary escape, that is almost a of the total enrollment. again Feurig reported no extensive problem. He said the submitted by the U.S. Senate in April. By far the largest proportion of estimated cases were social pattern for some groups." University keeps a continuous surveillance for the suppliers, Dr. Jam es S. Feurig, director of Olin Health Center, said credited in the Senate report to the University of California "MSU has not had this to contendwith,” he added, "W hile feeling that elimination of the source is one way to control that while the University knows of no specific cases, a watch in Berkeley—2,500. Two cases of LSD and 30 with other we have a number of this type of student, our student body widespread usage. is maintained for students using or pushing LSD, other hallucinogens were listed on the University of Michigan's is prim arily composed of students from more conservative The Senate subcommittee investigation, sponsored by Sen. hallucinatory drugs or narcotics. homes. But, we do not intend to be complacent about the completed form. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., was not made from a medical Feurig said two students arrested spring term were According to Feurig, LSD was being used for research at is s u e .” viewpoint, but mainly to determine how much authority fed­ picked up for possession of narcotics, but that the University U-M, and apparently some "leaked out.’’ The fact that such LSD is a relatively simple drug to manufacture. Feurig eral agencies have with the drugs and how this control is has not had contact with actual users. acknowledged that facilities for making it are available on research Is not being conducted on the East Lansing campus being used. Sixty-two colleges and universities across the nation, with is partly why Feurig says, "W e have no drug problem here." campus, but mostly to graduate students in chemistry. Senate Starts Vote On Defense Bill, MICHIGAN STATE Reservists Call-Up UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON (UPI)—The Senate began voting Tuesday on a giant East Lansing, Michigan August 17, 1966 1 0 c defense appropriations bill which will be climaxed by an effort to Vol. 59, Number 41 give President Johnson unwanted stand-by authority to call up individual m ilitary reservists for Viet Nam service. The reservist amendment to the $58.2 billion money bill was being backed by two members of the Senate Armed Services Committee —Chairman Richard B. Russell, D-Ga., and Sen. Leverett B. Saltonstall, R-M ass. General debate was expected to run for a day or so before the Com m unist Probe Convenes Senate reaches the showdown stage. Under the Russell-Saltonstall amendment, the President would be empowered to summon for 18-months duty reservists with special skills who have not had prior active service. This could be done without a formal declaration of a national emergency. Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara has voiced administra­ tion opposition to the amendment. Under parliamentary rules, the proposal must obtain a two-thirds vote. D espite Injunction, H ecklers The first voting on the defense money measure saw the Senate firm ly reject a move by Sen. Joseph S. Clark, D-Pa., which would have shunted aside the bill in favor of one appropriating funds for a "Great Society" dem onstra- ----------------------------------------------------- tlon cities program . Appeals Court Clark told the Senate "our priorities are wrong” and that there was "much too much em­ 6U9 Sewage Flow phasis on our belligerent for­ Gives Go Ahead eign policy—backed by armed WASHINGTON (UPI)—Fourteen dem onstrators were hauled out of m ig h t." He was voted down 84 to 5. a controversial session of the House Committee on Un-American Exceeds ‘Share9 Activities Tuesday that was given judicial blessing only 10 minutes The reserve proposal was rec­ ommended by the defense appro­ before it started. lons of sewage each day in the priations subcommittee headed By BEVERLY HALL Boos, cheers and jeers and other assorted noise disrupted the East Lansing sewage plant, said by Russell and Saltonstall. State News Staff Writer hearing in the House Caucus Room on a bill to punish U.S. citizens Patriarche. Despite this Senate Republican who aid the Viet Cong. During the fiscal year 1965- L e a d e r E v e r e tt D irk s e n , 111., to ld When East Lansing is faced The 14, apparently members of groups protesting .the Viet Nam 66, however, the University aver­ newsmen after a meeting of GOP with enlarging Its present sewage war, were taken to the District of Columbia jail to be charged with aged from three and a half to senators that there was some treatment plant, MSU will cer­ disorderly conduct. four million gallons of sewage Some of those ejected from the hearing returned for the afternoon opposition to the proposal. He tainly be a m ajor source of funds, per day, in comparison with 2.2- said some felt that reserve call- a city official reported at the East session after forfeiting $10 bond on charges of disorderly conduct. 2.3 million gallons each day from Rep. Joe Pool, D-Tex„ gaveled the morning session to order ups should be by units, not on Lansing’s City Council Meeting East Lansing and less than a Monday night. Just after a special three-Judge individual basis. million per day from Meridian "Right now the University is federal appeals court overruled T o w n sh ip . sending a million more gallons U.S. District Judge Howard F. The maximum total for the of sewage each day to our plant Corcoran’s injunction Monday to three areas was just over seven than it contracted for,” began bar the hearing while the consti­ Judge $92 Million million gallons per day, which John Patriarche, city manager, tutionality of the committee is is only a million less than the in his report to the council. stu d ie d . suggested capacity for the plant. Also at the meeting, a new Pool had pledged to go ahead Denounced "There are provisions in each Air Strike city ordinance regarding wear­ with the hearing anyway In de­ of the three contracts that allow ing crash helmets while riding fiance of Corcoran's original or­ any one of the contract-holders motorcycles was introduced for der, which stunned the House be­ In House to use extra treatment, over and cause of the constitutional im­ WASHINGTON (UPI) — Angry Settlement consideration by the council. The above their contracted amount, House members denounced U.S. proposed ordinance will not be plications of the separation of if the other holders are not using powers between the Judiciary and District Judge Howard F. Cor­ WASHINGTON (UPI)—The air­ acted on until a future meeting. their scheduled amount,” Patri­ the legislature. coran In a wave of floor speeches line machinists union Tuesday The ordinance states that "a arche explained. The appeals court ruled that the Tuesday and some even demand­ sent its members details on an person operating or riding on If usage goes up, those con­ hearing could proceed, but it ed his Impeachment. estimated $92 million, three- a motorcycle shall wear a crash upheld another section of C or­ The outbursts came after a year contract which it said "thor­ tract holders who are using more helmet of reinforced fiberglass than they originally contracted coran's ruling that called for cre­ special three-judge panel over­ oughly shreds” President John­ F riendly Persuasion or Its equivalent sufficient to for will have to see to getting ation of another special three- ruled Corcoran’s order Monday so n ’s anti-inflationary w ag e sustain successive Impacts, as larger capacity for the sewage judge court to decide whether aimed at preventing the House guidelines. approved by the American Motor­ p la n t. the committee was constitution­ committee on Un-American Ac­ T h e co n tra ct, subject to a Jeffery Gorden, New York, a member of the pro-Communist China Progressive cycle Association.” ally created. This group, which tivities from holding a hearing membership vote on Friday, gave The way it looks now, the Uni­ Labor Movement, is removed from the House Un-American Activities Committee includes Corcoran, will m eet Tuesday on a bill forbidding Am­ the 35,400 members of the In­ MSU originally contracted for versity will be the first to pay, hearing room. UPI Telephoto W ed n esd ay , ericans to aid the Viet Cong. ternational Assn. of Machinists treatment of three million gal­ he concluded. When the committee hearing However, the special panel did a 56-cent-an-hour wage in ­ opened, U.S. marshals dressed decide to hold a hearing on the c r e a s e .
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