AUTHOR INDEX A E ADRIAN, F. J.- See COCHRAN, E. L. ELDER, S. A.- Physicists and Fipple Flutes at APL, AKRIDGE, J. M.- See HILL, M. L. 3,3, January-February 1964, pp. 15-18 APEL, J. R.- Ways and M eans of Boat Design) 5, EVANS , R. C.- The APL R esistance W elder and 2, November-December. 1965, pp. 18-23 I ts Role in Satellite R eliability, 5, 1, September­ - - -, E. P. GRAY, and A. M. SToNE- Beam­ October 1965, pp. 2-7 Plasma Interactions, 3, 5, May-June 1964, pp. 2-11 F AVERY, W. H.- Status and Future Trends in High­ FASTIE, W. G.-Rockets and the Aurora Borealis, S peed Chemical Propulsion, 4, 6, July- August 5, 5, May-June 1966, pp. 5-10 1965, pp. 2- 9 FEHLNER, L. F.- Improved Data for the Classical --- See HILL, M. L. Determination of Radar Detection Range, 3 , 2, November- December 1963, pp. 17-24 B FISCHELL, R. E.-The TRAAC Satellite, I , 3, BEAL, R. C.-Design and Performance of the January-February 1962, pp. 2-9 DODGE Cameras, 6, 5, May-June 1967, pp. - - - Effect of the Artificial Radiation Belt on 9-14 Solar Power Systems, 2, 2, November-December 1962, pp. 8-13 BERGIN, T. G.- For A Space Prob er, 2, 2, Novem- - -- Gravity Gradient Stabili<. ation of Earth ber-December 1962, p. 2 Satellites, 3, 5, May-June 1964, pp. 12- 21 BILLERBECK, W. J. - See OAKES, B. J. --- Spin Control for Earth Satellites, 5, 1, BOSTROM , C. O.-See WILLIAMS, D. J. September-October 1965, pp. 8- 13 BOWERS, V. A.-See COCHRAN, E. L. FONER, S. N. and R . L. HUDsoN-Mass Spec­ BRUCK, S. D.-The Domain of Polymeric Ma­ trometry of Free Radicals and M etastable M ole­ terials, 3, 2, November- December 1963, pp. 2- cules, 5, 4, March- April 1966, pp. 2-11 12 FRIEDMAN , G. E.-See NAGY, A. W. BUNT, E. A. and H. L. OLSEN-Plasma Arc H eat- FRISTROM, R. M. and A. A. WESTENBERG- Funda­ ing for Hypersonic Wind Tunnels, I , 2, Novem­ m ental Processes and Laminar Flame Structure, ber-December 1961 , pp. 16- 18 I , 3, January-February 1962, pp. 10- 15 --- See WILSON, W. E., JR. c G CHESTON, T. C.-Criteria for Conically Scanned Tracking Antennas, I , 5, May-June 1962, pp. GIBSON, R. E.-Excerpts from the R eport of the 12- 18 Director, I , 3, January-February 1962, pp. 25- - - - and E. J. LUoMA- Constant-K L enses) 2, 26; 2, 3 , January- February 1963, pp. 24- 26 ; 3, 4, March-April 1963, pp. 8-11 3, January- February 1964, pp. 19- 22; 4, 3, Jan­ CHUBBUCK, J. G.- Small-M otion Biological Stim­ uary-February 1965, pp. 18- 22; 5, 3, January­ ulator, 5, 5. May-June 1966, pp. 18-23 February 1966, pp. 18- 22 ; 6, 3, January-Febru­ COCHRAN , E. L., F. J. ADRIAN, and V. A. BOWERS ary 1967, pp. 16-22. - Trapped Free Radicals, 2, 3, January- Febru­ --- An Appreciation, 5, 5, May- June 1966, ary 1963, pp. 2-9 p.2 COTE, A. j., JR.-The Frog and the Radar Dis­ GOOD, W. A.- A Scientist and His Hobby) 2, 3, play, I , 4, March-April 1962, pp. 8- 14 January-February 1963, pp. 18-23 Goss, W. H .-George W. Gardiner and N ew M exico State University, I , 2, November-De­ o cember 1961 , pp. 20-21 DEHAAS, N.-See WESTENBERG, A. A. GRAY, E. P.-See APEL, j. R. DUNNELL, C. A.-TRANET Doppler Tracking GUIER, W. H.-Satellite Geodesy, 4, 3, January­ System, 6, 4, March- April 1967, pp. 17-23 February 1965, pp. 2- 12 July - August 1967 3 H L HAAVE , C. R., A. J. ZM UDA, and B. W. SHAW­ LIBEN , W.-Microelec tronics at the Applied VLF Phase Perturbations Associated with High­ Physics Laborator)" 3, 1, September- October Altitude Nuclear Bursts, 2, 2, November-De­ 1963, pp. 2- 12 cember 1962, pp. 14- 19 LUOMA, E. J. - See CHESTON, T. C. --- and B. W. SHAw- Frequency Monitoring and Nuclear Burst Detec tion: Some Aspects of M VLF, 4, 4, March-April 1965, pp. 2- 10 --- See SHAW, B. W. MACARTHUR, J. L.- See TAYLOR, S. A. HALLENDORFF, R. H .-A M ethod of Radome MAKOF SKI, R. A.- The H elium H ypersonic Wind Compensation with Broadband Capability, 4, 1, Tunnel, 2,5, May- June 1963, pp. 2-8 September-O ctober 1964, pp. 10 - 1~ --- and R. W. HENDERsoN- Considerations in the Design and Performance of H ypersonic Gun HART, R. W.-Combustion Instability in Solid Tunnels, 3, J anuary- February 1967, pp. 2-8 Rockets, I , 6, July-August 1962, pp. 8-18 6, MASON , MONCHICK, HENDERSON , R. W.- See MAKOFSKI, R. A. E. A.-See L. MA SSEY, HOCHHEIMER, B. F. HICKS, R. E.-Chemical Milling of Space Flight J. T.- See Hardware, 6, 4, March-April 1967, pp. 11-16 McDoWELL, R. B.- Improved Detection of PCM March- April pp. HILL, M. L.-Materials for Structural Use Above Waveforms, 5,4, 1966, 12- 18 3000 Degrees F, 3, 4, March-April 1964, pp. MONCHICK, L.- Quantum Effects in Molecular 2-13 Scattering, 5, 3, January-February 1966, pp. 11- Old Faithful, World Endurance R ecord 15 Radioplane, 4, 5, May-June 1965, pp. 17-22 --- and E. A. MASO - R elaxation Phenomena ---, J. M. AKRIDGE, and W. H . AVERY­ in the Kinetic' Theory of Gases, I , 6 July­ Thermal Insulation for H ypersonic V ehicles, I , August 1962, pp. 19- 23 6, July-August 1962, pp. 2- 7 MOORE, R. C.-Computer-Aided Layout of Mini­ HOCHHEIMER, B. F. and J. T. MASSEy-Laser stick A rtwork, 6, 3, J anuary-February 1967, pp. Modes, 3, 3, January- February 1964, pp. 2-8 9- 15 H UDSON, R. L.-See FONER, S. N. MORTON, H. S.-Unique Bowsprit Assures Greater Control for Sailing Catamaran, 4, 4, March­ H UGGINS, W. H.-Computer Pantomimes, 5, 5, April 1965, pp. 17- 23 May-June 1966, pp. 11-17 MOWBRAY, G. H.-A Scientist and H is H obby­ HUNT, R. J.-Availability Model for Shipboard The T echnology of Wine Making, 3, 6, July­ Equipment, 2, 5, May-June 1963, pp. 9-16 August 1964, pp. 18- 23 --- Some Human Perceptual Limits, I , 3, K January-February 1962, pp. 21-24 KATZ, I.- Radar R efl ec tivity of the Earth's Sur­ MUNSTERMAN , G. T.- TunneL-Diode Microwave fac e, 2, 3, January-February 1963, pp. 10-17 Amplifiers, 4, 5, M ay-June 1965, pp. 2- 10 --- Ocean Wave M easurem ents, 4, 1, Septem­ ber-October 1964, pp. 2-6 --- Probing the Clear Atmosphere with Radar, N 6, 1, September-October 1966, pp. 2-8 NAGY, A. W. and G. E. FRIEDMAN-Zero-Field KEARNS , J. P.-Missile-Wing Flutter Simulation, Maser, 3, 6, July-August 1964, pp. 2- 12 2, 4, March-April 1963, pp. 12-16 NISSON, C. J.-A Triode-Diode Function Gener­ KELLEY, M. R.-The T errier-A Capsule History ator, 2, 6, July-August 1963, pp. 15-17 of Missile Development, 4, 6, July-August 1965, NOYES , C. F.-Ministick Packaging-A Further pp. 18-26 Aid to Satellite R eliability, 5, 3, J anuary-Febru­ KERSHNER, R. B.-Present State of Navigation by ary 1966, pp. 2- 10 Doppler M easurement from N ear Earth Satel­ lites, 5, 2, November-December 1965, pp. 2-9 o KIRK , H. F., JR. -See OLSEN, H. L. KOMISK E, P. T.-Error Detec tion and Correction OAKES , J. B. , W. J. BILLERBECK, and K. F . R EAD­ Codes, 5, 2, November-December 1965, pp. 10- Design of an UltrastabLe Oscillator for Satellites 17 2, 1, September-O ctober 1962, pp. 10-14 4 APL Technical D igest O'BRIEN, V.- M oving Bubbles, Drops, and Other SCHULTHEIS, A. C.-Experimental 3-D Radar Fluid Blobs, I , 5, May-June 1962, pp. 2- 6 Display, 2, 1, September- October 1962, pp. 2- 9 - -- Eggs and Other Deformed Spheroids in SCOTT, D. D. and L. M. SNIDER-Explosive L ens Stokes Flow, 4, 4, March-April 1965, pp. 11-16 Flashblindness Protection System, 5, 6, July­ OLSEN, H. L. and H. F. KIRK , JR.-APL Propul­ August 1966, pp. 11-16 sion R esearch Laboratory, I , 1, September­ SEAMONE, W.-Fee dback T ec hnique Improves October 1961, pp. 13- 15 Efficiency of Hydraulic Servos, 4, 2, November­ --- See BUNT, E. A. December 1964, pp. 12- 16 SHANDOR, M., A. R. STONE, and R. E. W ALKER­ p Secondary Gas Injec tion Thrust V ector Con­ trol, 2, 4, March- April 1963, pp. 2- 7 PARKER, J. G. and R. H. SwoPE-Radiation­ SHAW, B. W. and C. R. HAAvE-Frequency Moni­ Produced Sound, 5, 6, July- August 1966, pp. toring of V LF Transmissions, I , 5, May-June 17-21 1962, pp. 7-11 PIEPER, G. F.-Injun, A Radiation R esearch Satel­ --- See HAAVE, C. R. lite, I , 1, September-October 1961, pp. 3-7 SHAW, H., JR.- See RICH, R. P. - - - The Artificial Radiation Belt, 2, 2, Novem­ SNIDER, L. M .-See SCOTT, D. D. ber-December 1962, pp. 3-9 STAFF ARTICLES PIETRANGELI, G. J. - An Airbreathing Mach 7.0 A Correlator of Time Intervals Between Pulses, Transport, I , 2, November- December 1961, pp. 5, 1, September-October 1965, pp. 14- 15 2- 9 An Electromechanical Time-Code Generator, 3, 2, November-December 1963, pp. 24-25 R APL and the VT Fuze, 2, 1, September- October RABENHORST, D.
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