You're viewing an archived copy from the New Jersey State Library. 00:: M :O Z THE JOURNAL OF STATE AGENCY RULEMAKING t- MOO ..J t­ U ", 4:: ::> O o-lZet: VOLUME 19 NUMBER 22 :;:) UI- November 16, 1987 Indexed 19 N.J. R. 2087-2224 (Includes adopted rules filed through October 23, 1987 ) MOST RECENT UPDATE TO NEW JERSEY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1987. See the Register Index for Subsequent Rulemaking Activity. NEXT UPDATE WILL BE DATED OCTOBER 19, 1987. RULEMAKING IN THIS ISSUE RULE PROPOSALS A rchitec ts a nd certifie d landscape a rchitects: licen sing exam ina tio n fees 2 123(b) Interested per sons comm ent deadline 2088 Weights and me asu res: read y- to-eat foo ds 2124(a) T ho ro ug hbre d racing: co rrec tion to p rop osal concern ing BANKING ner ved horses 2124(b ) M axim um interest rate on first mo rtgages on residences Harness racing: nerving and registratio n of ner ved with one to six units 2089(a) ho rses 2 125(a) COM MUN IT Y A FFAIRS PUBLICUTILITIES C o unc il on Afforda ble Housing: accesso ry a pa rt ments ..... 2089( b) Ca ble TV : p re-p ro posal fo r telep ho ne service sta nda rds .... 2 125(b) Fa ilure to rep o rt suspected ab use o r explo ita tion of T RANSPO RTA Tl ON institution ali zed elde rly: ex tensio n of co mm en t pe riod ... 2090(a) Soi l erosio n a nd sedi ment co ntro l on DOT projects 2126(a) ENVIRONMENTAL PR OTECTIO N Restricted parking o n Routes N .J . 35 in Seaside, N .J . 47 Co astal wetlands maps fo r G lo uces ter C o unty ................... 2090(b) in G lass boro, N .J . 49 in Salem , an d N .J . 50 in Sho re Prot ecti on Pro gr am 209 1(a) Uppe r T ow nship 2 127(a) Determ ina tion of noise from stat ion a ry so urces : ex tensio n No left tu rn on Route N .J . 82 in U nio n 2128(a ) of co m me nt peri od 2092( a) TREASURY-GEN ER AL Toxic Ca tastro phic Prevention Ac t p rogr am : ex ten sio n Posit ive o r negat ive balan ces in ret irement accoun ts 2 129(a) of co m ment pe riod 2092( b) TU RN PIKE A UTHORITY H EAL TH Prequ alifi cati on of bidders fo r wide ning co ntrac ts 2129(b) Hospital reimbursement: uncompensated ca re coverage for outpat ient dial ysis 2092(c) RULE ADOPTIONS Back-u p a nd ac ute hem od ialysis treat men t: a nnual inpati ent ad missio ns for a pplica nt hospital .............................. 2093(a) ADMINISTRATIVELAW C hild a nd ado lescent acute psych ia tri c beds 2094(a) Scheduling of prehea ring conferences 2 131(a) HI GHER E DUCATI ON In terl ocutor y review of certai n issues 2 131(b) Student assi sta nce and foreign nati on als 2 101(a) Settl ement terms a nd co nsent o f age ncy head 2131(c) Independent student sta tus 210 1(b) Excep tio ns in uncontested cases 2131(d) Cong ressio na l Te ache r Sch ola rship Progr am 2102(a) AGRIC U LT URE H UMAN SE RVICES Review of non agri cultural de velopment pr ojects in Live ry se rvice fo r amb ulato ry Medicaid patients 2103(a ) ag ricu ltura l a reas 2132(a) G A M: monthly case reviews 2111(a) COM MUN IT Y A FFAIRS INS URANCE Un ifor m Construc tion Co de , plan ned real estat e In sur a nce prod ucer licen sin g: pre- p rop osed new rule s 2112(a) de velopme nt: inspect ion and plan review fees 2134(a ) LA W AND PUBLIC SAFETY Polic e training: instruct ion in rada r ope rat ion 2123(a) (Continued on Next Page) You're viewing an archived copy from the New Jersey State Library. STATE AGENCY RU LEM AKI NG INTERESTED PERSONS Interested persons may submit, in writing, inform at ion or a rguments concerning any o f the rule p rop osals in this issue until December 16, 1987. Submission s a nd a ny inquiries about submission s should be add ressed to the agency officer specified for a particular proposal o r gro up of proposals. On occas ion, a proposing agency may extend the 30-d ay comment pe riod to accom mo da te public hea rings or to elicit greater public response to a proposed new rule o r a mendment. An extended co m ment dead line will be noted in the head ing of a pr oposal o r appea r in a subsequent notice in the Register. At the close of the period for co mments, the proposing agency may thereafter adopt a proposal, without ch ange , o r with changes not in viol ati on of the rulemaking pro cedures a t NJ.A .C. I:30-4.3. The ad op tion becomes effective up on publication in the Regi ster o f a notice of ado ption, un less othe rwise ind icated in the ado pt io n notice. Promulgati on in the New Jersey Register establishes a new or a mended ru le as an offi cial part of the New Jersey Administrat ive Co de . RULEMAKING IN THIS ISSUE-Continued EN VIRO N ME N TA L P ROT ECTI O N LA W A ND PUBLIC SA FETY C lass ifica tio n of she llfish gro wing wa ter s . 2136(a) Adv erti sin g by perso ns not certified as landscape Flood pla in de line ations in Passaic -Hacken sack a nd a rchitects . 2197(b) Raritan basin s . 2150(a ) Rule s of Board of Examine rs of M aster Plumber s .. 2 197(c) Redelineations a lo ng Green Brook,U nio n County 2 151(a) TRANSPORTATION New Je rsey Po llut an t Disch arge Eliminati on System . 2152('1) Parking restrictions a lo ng Routes 5, 57, 71, a nd 94 2198(a) Hazardou s waste criteria .. 2165(a) Parking restrictio ns alo ng U .S. 9, Routes 23, 27, 3 1. Registration of ionizing radiati on-producin g machines a nd a nd U .S. 46 . 2 199(a ) rad ioa cti ve materials . 2167(a) A irp ort safety im prov ement aid .. 2200(a) Na turally-occu rri ng a nd accelerato r-pro d uced radioactive TREASURY-TAXATIO N ma teri als: handling a nd use . 2171(a) Tax rat e o n wine produced from Ne w Jersey gra pes ......... 2200(b) Design ati on of co ntro lled a reas for use of radi ati on a nd Hom estead rebate a nd residents of co ntinuing care radi oact ive materia ls . 2180(a) retirement communities . 2201('1) H EALTH Sa les o f mo tor veh icles to mil itary per sonnel sta tio ned in " Specialized" long-term ca re; licensure track reco rds; St ate . 2201(b) location of residentia l health care faciliti es . 2181('1) Sa le o f principal residen ce .. 220 1(c) Home Hea lth Agen cy Policy Ma nu al; Ce rtificate of CASINO CONTROL COMM ISSION N eed review . 2184(a) St or age of em ergency drop bo xes . 2202(a ) HIGHER E DUCATI O N Ca pita liza tio n of PLUS loan interest . 2187(a) EMERGENCY ADOPTIONS H UMAN SERVICES Pers on al ca re ass ista nce services . 2188('1) HUMAN SERVICES Medicaid Specia l; p regn ancy examination s .. 2189(a ) Ph armacy Manua l: payment limits for Medicaid and PAM: recovery of ch ild supp o rt overpay ments .. 2 189(b) PAAD reimbu rsement . 2203('1) Emergency Assistance in AFDC pr ogr am .. 2190(a ) PAM : exte nsion of Med icaid ben efits to certai n em ploy ed Monthly Rep orting Po licy Ha ndbook .. 2193(a ) person s .. 2206(a) CO R R EC TI O N S Home Ene rgy Assistan ce pr ogr am .. 2208('1) Inma te o rienta tion and handbook .. 2194( '1) TRANSPORTATION Inm ate reception cla ssificati on process .. 2195(a) School zo nes a lo ng U. S. 30 in Lind enwold a nd LABOR Laurel Sp rin gs . 22 11(a ) Unemployment compensati on and tempor ary disa bility: 1988 maximum weekl y benefits .. 2196(a ) M ISCELLANEOUS ",OTICES Unemploy ment compensati on : 1988 taxabl e wage base ...... 2196(b) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Unem ploy men t co mpensa tio n: 1988 co ntributio n rate fo r Tri -County water qu alit y managem ent: Moorestown 2212(a ) governmen tal entities . 2196(c) Tri-County wa ter qu ality man agement: Deptford . 22 12(b) Base week earnings for claim eligibi lity . 2196(d ) Upp er Raritan wat er qu ality man agement: Mount O live 22 12(c) A lternate earnings test . 2 196(e) Wo rkers' co mpensa tion : 1988 maximum weekly ben efit .. 2197(a) (Continued on page 2223 ) The official publicati on containing not ices of pro pos ed rules and rules ado p ted by State agencies pursuant to the Ne w Jersey Co nst itutio n, Art.
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