V O L . N o. 34 Issue 14 Z413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, FEBRUARY IS, 1945 PRICE THREE CENTS Ruth Hodgkins Is Queen 57 Granted Degrees Biff West and Jackie In Second Winter Percival Q ueers Aides Commencement Feb.7 Skiing, Basketball Game, President Harold W. Stoke 17 Vets Among 43 Snow Sculpture and Dance Speaks on “Reflections on Promise Gala Weekend Individualism” in NH Hall New UNH Students Miss Ruth Hodgkins, ’46, of Needham, Forty-seven women and ten men re­ Seventeen veterans of World War II Mass. and formerly o f Etna, N. H., has ceived degrees from the University of were among the 43 new students enter­ been chosen to reign as Queen of the New Hampshire at Commencement ex­ ing the University of New Hampshire annual U N H Winter Carnival and gala ercises held on Wednesday afternoon, with the opening of the second semester Ball. Miss Hodgkins is a member of February 7, in New Hampshire Hall. today, it was announced by Dr. Everett Alpha Xi Delta and an English major. Four degrees were granted in absentia Country Gentlemen” New B. Sackett, registrar and director of ad­ Aides to the Queen will be Miss Eliza­ to men in the armed forces who have Name for UNH Dance Band Noted Pianist Gives missions. The ex-servicemen range in beth “ Biff” West, ’48, of Woburn, M ass.; completed requirements for a degree age from 19 to 39, with the average age and Miss Jacqueline Percival, ’45, of Hampton Beach, N. H. while in the service through courses The “Country Gentlement” is the new Concert Here Mar. 7 about 23. Approximately half of them taken in the Armed Forces Institute, the official name of the local dance orchestra. have been overseas and their service Miss Nancy Ferguson, general chair­ On Wednesday evening, March 7, Army Specialized Training Program, or Mort Baum was the winner of the recent runs the gamut from the frigid Aleutians man of the weekend events, has an­ Boris Goldovsky, noted pianist will give the Navy V-12 program. Under the uni­ Name-the-Band contest and was awarded to the tropical South Pacific. nounced that the Queen will be crowned a concert at o’clock in New Hampshire versity’s wartime-accelerated program, the prize of $5. The selection came 8 These men, on the whole, have seen as a climax to the gala affair at the in­ termission. this is the second year commencement from a. surprisingly large number of sug­ Hall. more service than any other veterans Born in M oscow in 1908, Mr. Goldov­ exercises have been held in February. gestions. ' In making the choice, band who have entered here and some of them Music at the Carnival Ball will be members expressed hopes that this name sky received his first piano lessons from supplied by Bob Pooley and his NBC The commencement address was de­ were in for more than four years. This will become permanent for campus or­ his uncle Pierre Luboshutz and made his Orchestra of 12 pieces, featuring Jumbo livered by Dr. Harold W. Stoke, who will bring the total number of returned chestra of future years at UNH. first public appearance as a child of nine Hirt and his trumpet, formerly with Chose as his subject “ Reflections on In­ servicemen attending the university un­ Unfortunately, the band at the present with his mother, the noted violinist, Lea Tony Pastor and his orchestra, Duncan dividualism.” The keynote of the ad­ der the Postwar Education Service up time is in an uncertain state, Mort Baum, Luboshutz. Then came years of study in DeWar, vocalist, and Bobby Holt, dress was one of paramount importance to 75. himself a member of the group, has en­ Central Europe with Arthur Schnabel boogie-woogie piano stylist, formerly in a world wWch mass thinking and mass The veterans are James Adams, Som- listed in the Navy and Dick Mascott, and finally graduation with high honors with Will Bradley’s orchestra. Pooley actions appear to be topping the contri­ ersworth; Louis Brown, Hamilton, Ohio; leader, is not attending U N H for the at the Liszt Academy of Music in Buda­ is returning to campus by popular re­ butions to living made by individuals. Roland Cadieux, Nashua; Ernest Cou- second semester. A1 Cherin, an erst­ pest where he worked under the tutelage quest after a most successful engagement “ It is the task of our generation-not to lombe, Suncook; Richard Graham, Per­ while trumpeter for Les Brown’s well- of the celebrated Hungarian pianist and at U N H last spring at the Alumni Fund lose the insight as to the worth, the cy; John Harises, Manchester; Roger known orchestra^ is trying now to or­ conductor, Dohnanyi. In 1930 Goldovsky Benefit Dance. His band, well-known in dignity^ and the importance of indivi­ Clark,' Plaistow; George Johnson, Wa­ ganize a new band. Nine pieces form a came to the United States to join the this region, is a favorite at college proms duals,” the president said. tertown, Mass.; Sheldon Krasker, Ports­ nucleus to start with, so that there are faculty of the Curtis Institute of Music mouth ; Andrew Lariviere, Newport; throughout New England, and has been He then went on to say that in the real grounds for hope that the newly in Philadelphia. While there he met and Frank Martin, Manchester; Karl Muller, featured in the past summer seasons at last analysis, the value of all social or­ named “ Country Gentlemen” will become married the gifted soprano Margaret Jr., Gloucester, Mass.; Richard Snell, the Hampton Beach Casino. H e is cur­ ganizations is determined by the kind of an orchestral fact in the very near fu­ Codd. Three years later Dr. Artur Rod- Lisbon; David Wheeter, Berlin; Louis rently appearing at the Hotel Bradford people they produce. “Whatever forms ture. z inski induced the young couple to move Dondero, North Conway; William Mil­ Roof, in Boston. of social life we develop we must never The band during the first semester to Cleveland where for five years Goldov­ ler, Cambridge, M ass.; and Herbert Tom orrow night, all sororities, houses, let it destroy our capacity to see in ev­ played for two big school dances; the sky wielded great influence as pianist, Mordecai, Newton Centre, Mass. and men’s dormitories on campus are in­ ery individual a unique being capable of Veterans’ Dance, and the Christmas conductor, commentator and teacher. In Other students include Doris Beau­ vited to participate in the annual “ Stunt unfolding all the potentialities of the race Dance; and also the Friday Frolics in the summer of 1941, Dr. Koussevitzky lieu, Lowell, M ass.; Robert Collins, Night” festivities. Each house will pre­ itself. And this is the danger of the January. brought Goldovsky to the newly formed Manchester; George Cooper, East Nor­ pare a short skit to be presented before minds of this collectivist age— we think Music Center in Tangelewood. O f his walk, Conn.; Sheldon Davidoff, Brook­ the student body on the stage of New (continued on page 4) UNH Employees Eligible appearances there, Koussevitzy wrote: line, M ass.; Frederick Diengott, Newton Hampshire Hall at 7 :30. Judges will be “In addition to his many accomplish­ Centre, Mass.; Constance Dion, Tilton; Mr. Carl Lundholm, Miss Ruth Wood­ For Blue Shield Benefits ments and the far-reaching scope of his Nancy Engelman, New York City; Mur­ ruff, and Mr. G. Franklin Shaw. Ad­ musicianship Goldovsky is also a brilliant mission will be 20c, tax included. The There has recently been circulated ray Goldstein, Brooklyn, N. Y .; Har- Americans Unite for speaker. He possesses the gift of word, Winning house will be presented with a among * university employees, printed mond Harvey, Brookline, Mass.; William of wit and of holding his listeners intense­ silver cup. folders announcing the Blue Shield- Heller, Brookline, Mass.; Fred Hub­ ly interested.” A t 10:30 tomorrow evening, ski movies, World Organization Surgical and medical benefits-. Enroll­ bard, Jr., Fairhaven, Mass.; Richard As a result of the Berkshire season shorts, cartoons, etc., will be shown at Townsmen, faculty, and students of ment in the Blue Shield is only by groups Meade, Jr., Stratford, Conn.; Estelle came flattering.offers from Boston where the Franklin theater under the auspices the University o f New Hampshire met and members are entitled to hospital Rose, Dorchester, Mass.; John Shirley, Goldovsky now enjoys unprecedented of Blue Circle. Campus girls have been on Tuesday evening, January 23, in 213 room, meals, use of operating room, Belmont, Mass.; Gerry Paquette, Man­ popularity. Concert courses, schools and granted 12:15 permissions by the Dean. Thompson Hall, to organize a Durham anesthesia, medications, dressings, drugs, chester; Nancy Stearns, Portland, Me.; clubs throughout New England have fea­ Price will be 25c, tax included. branch of Americans United for World and a number of other services. A ques­ Nancy Wales, New York City; Burton tured him for a total of one hundred Saturday events will open with ski Organization, with temporary chairman tionnaire was included with the folders, Weiner, Brookline, Mass.; Shirley Grant, seventy-five appearances in the past two competitions which will be held at the Everett B. Sackett in charge of the meet­ providing an opportunity for staff mem­ Rutherford, N. J.; Robert Vallarino, seasons. ski jump. Men’s and women’s cross ing- bers to report their interest in these new East Conway; Marion Arnold, Newton Now residing in Boston, Goldovsky (continued on page 4) Believing that it is necessary “ to m o­ benefits. S. W . Hoitt is in charge of Centre, Mass.; Arthur Bolduc, Nashua; proves his versatility by heacling piano bilize public sentiment and mass enroll­ the committee for the Blue Shield at the Victori Paras, Portsmouth; Paul Scru- teaching at the Longy School, is the one- ment of Americans in a nation-wide university.
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