PRESENTED BY: SHOW GUIDE TORONTO February 21-23, 2020 The International Centre SEE IT! DO IT! LIVE IT! Canada’s Ultimate Outdoor Adventure & Travel Event! Socialize with us to Show Hours win great prizes! Friday: 10 am - 7 pm • Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm • Sunday: 10 am - 5 pm OutdoorAdventureShow.ca C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Phew. We thought you might stand us up. We’re looking You’re here! for travellers who want to get out and see our world but also connect to what makes it incredible. Who want to meet local people and learn about their way of life. Learn Good, we’re looking from a local guide about the best places to go to hang, to eat, to celebrate, or get out of your comfort zone. Step into for you. landscapes and experience them with all your senses. See why we were so excited for you to get here? Come visit G Adventures at our booth right here at the Outdoor Adventure Show. You could win a trip for two valued at up to $10,000. gadventures.com Algonquin Outfitters TOAS Guide Ad 2020.pdf 1 2/4/2020 4:03:31 PM C M Y C M CM Y CM MY MY CY CMY K CY CMY K photo by Jesse Villemaire Follow us for contest, events & news EXCLUSIVE OUTDOOR ADVENTURE SHOW OFFER C M Y CM MY CY CMY K DON’T FORGET TO CLAIM YOUR FREE DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION Get this limited time offer at paddlingmag.com/ODA20 Free digital subscription value $12.95 ALSO AVAILABLE IN PRINT Upgrade to a 1-year print subscription for only $10 during sign up. Regular subscription value $19.95 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Voted World’s Best by Scuba Diving Reader’s in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019! 20 COME DIVE THE FAMILY DIVE years WORLD WITH US! ADVENTURES BOOTH 614 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K THE ARENUI, ANDO, BELIZE, BONAIRE, CABILAO, CAYMAN BRAC, COCOS, DOMINICA, DAUIN, FIJI, GALAPAGOS, GRAND CAYMAN, GRENADA, INDONESIA, KOMODO, EXPLORER VENTURES LITTLE CAYMAN, MALAPASCUA, MALDIVES, MEXICO, LEMBEH, PALAU, PHILIPPINES, RAJA AMPAT, ROATAN, SABA, SEA OF CORTEZ, SOCORRO, ST. LUCIA, ST. KITTS, TURKS & CAICOS, UTILA, WAKATOBI www.familydivers.com email: [email protected] (803) 419-2556 Presented by: THANK YOU TO OUR 2020 SPONSORS AND PARTNERS: SNACK BAR 268 264 260 256 254 250 248 242 240 238 236 232 230 228 224 222 218 216 270 214 212 210 784786 EXPLORE CANADA 281 277279 273 265267 263 257 249 245247 243 241 237239 233 231 229 215 213 211 205 251 INTERNATIONAL 112 TRAVEL THEATRE 300 380 378 372374 364366362 360 358 356 346 344 342 340 338 334336 330 326328 308314 306 302304 788 U.S. PAVILION ADVENTURE TRAVEL ZONE INTERNATIONAL ADVENTURE TRAVEL ZONE 381 367 379 377 373 369 365 361 359 357 355 351 349 347 345 343 337339341 333 329 327 323 321 319 317 313 311 309 307 305 301 472474 420 110 480 478 476 466 460 458 454 452 448 446 444442 438440436 428430 424426 422 418 414 412 410 408 400 792 ONTARIO OUTDOOR ADVENTURE PAVILION CAMPING SHOWCASE THE BEST OF ROCK 461 459 457 449 447 445 439443 437 CANADA CLIMBING ADVENTURETHE BEST 793794 518 516 477 WALL 433 500 OFTHEATRE CANADA 564568 556 554 552 548 542 536540 INFO BOOTH ADVENTURES MAIN THEATRE CAMPING SHOWCASE ENTRANCE 519 795 579 577 569571573 543 541 539 537 535 531 525 523 515 505 652 642 501 676678 670 668 666 640 638 636 632634 628 624 622 620 618 614 606 106 PADDLERS’ PARADISE SCUBA & CARIBBEAN ADVENTURES 679681 677 ADVENTURES670 IN 677 675 621 619 613 611 609 607 605 603 796 637 PADDLING STAGE 754 633 UNDERWATER ADVENTURES 601 100 776778 770 772 770 752 STAGE 720 718 714 712 708710 704706 Speakers’ Corner 840 WHITEWATER DEMO POOL SCUBA & CARIBBEAN ADVENTURES 771 798 773 735737 731 729 725 723 719721 715 711 702 700 EXIT 860 781 759 SHOW 842844 849 847 830 814 812 806 828 824 822820 818 804 800802 ENTRANCE FOOD AREA PADDLERS’ PARADISE HEALTH & WELLNESS ZONE 180 867 871 861 859 847 841 837 835 831833 829 827 823 821 819 817 815 813811 805 803 801 EXHIBITOR LIST # AT LAST Adventures C www.atlastadventures.com 454 50 North Adventures Atlantis Philippines – CAA Travel www.50northadventures.com 224 Dive Resorts & Liveaboards www.caasco.com 472 606 www.Atlantishotel.com Cabañas on Clark’s CAY A Atmosphere Resort and Spa clarkscay.com 704 www.atmosphereresorts.com 314 Adrenalease Posture Apparel Cabin Falls Ecolodge 426 www.adrenalease.com 801 B www.cabinfalls.ca Adventure Central Newfoundland Cablz Engineered Eyewear Retainer www.adventurecentralnewfoundland.ca 340 Backroad Mapbooks www.cablz.com 461 433 Adventure Haliburton Group www.backroadmapbooks.com Camping in Ontario www.adventurehaliburton.com 420 Bamboo For Life Corp. www.campinginontario.ca 410 579, 795 Adventure Newfoundland www.bambooforlife.org Canabudd www.adventuresnl.ca 345 Barceló Hotel Group www.canabudd.com 679 621 Adventure Quest Tours Canada, Inc. www.barcelo.com Canadian Outdoor Equipment Co. www.adventurequestcanada.com 224 Battle Harbour www.canadianoutdoorequipment.com 501 344 Adventure Studies - www.battleharbour.com Canadian Working Divers Institute Thompson Rivers University Beaches and Beyond www.canadianworkingdivers.com 752 www.tru.ca/adventure 242 featuring Hurtigruten Cayman Islands Department 215 Agawa Canyon Inc www.beachesandbeyond.ca of Tourism agawacanyoninc.com 408 Beaches of Fort Myers and Sanibel www.visitcaymanislands.ca 715 377 Aggressor Adventures www.fortmyers-sanibel.com Cetaphil www.aggressor.com 708 BeautieGlow www.galderma.com Sampling 277 Air North, Yukon’s Airline senesite.senegence.com/BeautieGlow Coastal Bliss Adventures / www.flyairnorth.com 231 Bionyx Care Kilimanjaro Bliss Limited 830 www.coastalbliss.ca 323 Alabama Scenic River Trail www.bionyxskincare.com www.alabamascenicrivertrail.com 378 Black Feather - Coco View Resort Wilderness Adventure Co www.cocoviewresort.com 729 Alabama Tourism Department www.blackfeather.com 241, 254 www.alabama.travel 378 Comfort Corner Corporation Blaq Bear Eco Adventure Routes www.docwalks.ca 814 Algonquin College www.blaqbear.ca 428 www.algonquincollege.com/pembroke 847 Conagra Brands Boat Rentals on Trailers www.conagrabrands.com Sampling Algonquin Outfitters Ontarioboatcompany.com 844 www.algonquinoutfitters.com 548 Conch Republic Divers Bohio Dive Resort - Grand Turk’s www.conchrepublicdivers.com 700 Alkan Air Premier Beach & Dive Resort www.alkanair.com 247 Couteuro www.bohioresort.com 606 www.couteuro.com 822 ALT Boreal River www.remedygun.com, www.attitudeline.ca 573 Cozumel Marine World/Yucatek adventures.borealriver.com 677 www.cozumelmarineworld.com 609 Anchor D Outfitting Ltd. Boreal Ventures Canada www.anchord.com 355 Craft Travel www.borealventures.com 531 www.crafttravelgroup.com 112 Antler Guyz Bottleworx www.antlerguyz.ca 796 Cressi U.S.A., Inc. www.bottleworx.ca 480 www.cressi.com 601 Aquarius Scuba Diving Centre Inc. Bruce Trail Conservancy www.aquariusscuba.com 618 Cuba Tourist Board www.brucetrail.org 452 www.gocuba.ca 735 Arbonne International Buddy Dive Resort www.suzannevanparys.arbonne.com 813 CubbyCubes www.buddydive.com 725 www.cubbycubes.com 356 Arctic Wilderness Burnt Cape Cabins Guiding & Outfitting Curacao Dutch www.burntcapecabins.com 341 www.arcticwildernessoutfitter.ca 257 Caribbean Destination www.divecuracao.info 633 Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club www.abyc.ca 842 D Escapism Toronto Global Affairs Canada escapism.to 564 travel.gc.ca 305 Das King Essential Costa Rica Global Emergency Medical www.das-king.com 759 www.visitcostarica.com 205 Consultants & Training Ltd www.emcat.ca 817 Davey Tree Etelint Consulting Inc. www.daveytree.ca 250 www.zoppinh.com 827 Go RVing Canada www.gorving.ca 860 D-D Meats Eureka Canada - Johnson Outdoors www.d-dmeats.com 788, 831 www.eurekatentscanada.com 500, 505 Go West Diving www.gowestdiving.com 633 Decathlon Canada Express Heat Therapy www.decathlon.ca 477 www.expressheattherapy.com 871 Go Western Newfoundland www.newfoundlandlabrador.com 336 Destination Labrador Exodus Travels www.destinationlabrador.com 344 www.exodustravels.com 317 Golden Planet Tours www.goldenplanettours.com 308 Destination St. John’s Explorer Ventures – www.destinationstjohns.com 347 Liveaboard Diving Fleet Grand Canyon Resort Corporation 606 364 Dick Duff’s Organic Jerky www.explorerventures.com www.grandcanyonwest.com www.dickduffs.com 803 Great Canadian Sox Co. Inc. F 577 Discover Crystal River Florida www.greatsox.com www.discovercrystalriverfl.com 357 Fanshawe College Simcoe-Norfolk Great Lakes Waterfront Trail 445 Discover Dominica Authority www.fanshawec.ca 430 www.waterfronttrail.org www.discoverdominica.com 706 Fenix Canada Green’s Your Colour 847 Dive Center Scuba Do www.fenixtactical.com 414 www.greensyourcolour.com www.divecenterscubado.com 633 Fired Up X Heated Apparel GreenSpace Brands Sampling Dive Division www.firedupx.com 525 www.greenspacebrands.com www.divedivision.com 633 Fjord en Kayak Grey County Tourism 454 Dive Provo www.fjordenkayak.ca 770 www.visitgrey.ca www.diveprovo.com 624 Flexpeditions Guelph Grotto Rock Wall Divers Den www.flexpeditions.com 240 www.guelphgrotto.com 638 www.diversden.ca Florida Keys & Key West H Dive-Utila www.fla-keys.com 700 www.utilalodge.com 611 Flourish H2O Canoe Company Dominican Republic Tourism senesite.senegence.com/FlourishToday 277 www.h2ocanoe.com 642 www.godominicanrepublic.com 737 Fly & Sea Dive Adventures Haliburton Forest & Downunder Travel www.flyandsea.com 723 Wildlife Reserve Ltd www.haliburtonforest.com 675 www.downunder-travel.com 307 Free Spirit Tours Dragonfly Wingman www.freespirit-tours.com 454 Happy Bees Honey www.happybeeshoney.ca 819 www.getyourbug.com 823 Friends of Temagami www.friendsoftemagami.org 422 Hare Bay Adventures E www.harebayadventures.com 342 Frontenac Outfitters 642 Harmony Tie Boss LLC Eagle Adventures www.frontenac-outfitters.com www.tieboss.com 543 www.eagleadventureexperiences.com 454 G Hastings County Tourism Eastern Outdoors www.VisitHastings.ca 516 www.easternoutdoors.com 781 G Adventures Hawaiian Moon Earthroots www.gadventures.com PRESENTING SPONSOR 400 www.aloecream.biz 804 www.earthroots.org 424 Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control, Inc.
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