South Derbyshire Partnership Stuart Batchelor Director of Community & Planning South Derbyshire District Council Civic Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 0AH. Please ask for Sally Cope Tel: (01283) 221000 Ext. 5791 DDI: (01283) 595791 Minicom: (01283) 228149 DX 23192 Swadlincote Email: [email protected] www.south-derbys.gov.uk Dear Councillor, South Derbyshire Partnership A Meeting of the South Derbyshire Partnership will be held in the Committee Room, on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 09:30. You are requested to attend. Yours faithfully, Stuart Batchelor Director of Community & Planning Page 1 of 113 AGENDA Open to Public and Press 1 Introductions, apologies and to note any substitutes appointed for the Meeting. 2 Declarations of Interest. 3 To receive the Minutes of the Meeting held on 23rd January 2014. Minutes 28 January 2014. 5 - 8 4 Matters arising. 5 The South Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Plan 2013 - 16. (Mary 9 - 23 Hague) 6 Locality Intervention Project. (Jo Smith) 24 - 96 7 Troubled Families Scheme. (Maureen Evans) 8 Sustainable Community Strategy - Year End Report 2013/14. 97 - 108 9 2014 - 2015 Action Plan and Financial Report. 109 - 114 10 Voluntary Sector Update. (Jo Smith) 11 Any Other Business 12 Date of next meeting Page 2 of 113 Page 3 of 113 OPEN BOARD MEETING OF THE SOUTH DERBYSHIRE PARTNERSHIP Town Hall, Swadlincote on Tuesday 28th January 2014 at 9.30 a.m. PRESENT:- Local Authority Sector District Councillors Wheeler (Chairman), Richards and Sheila Jackson (Derbyshire Association of Local Councils). Stuart Batchelor (South Derbyshire District Council) Other Public Sector Chief Superintendent Jack Atwal (Derbyshire Constabulary), John Beaty (Burton & South Derbyshire College), Helen Dillistone (NHS Southern Derbyshire CCG) and Mary Hague (Derbyshire County Council Public Health). Private Sector Colleen Hempson (East Midlands Airport),Tony Hurrell (Sharpe’s Pottery Heritage and Arts Trust), Nick Freeman (Toyota UK Ltd), Sophie Churchill (The National Forest Company) and Paul Ellwood (Swadlincote and District Chamber of Trade). Voluntary/Community Sector Jo Smith (South Derbyshire CVS), Tracey Harris (Homestart South Derbyshire) and David Symcox (South Derbyshire CAB) Also in Attendance M. Roylance, V. Smyth, C. Smith, Lee English and S. Cope (South Derbyshire District Council). SDP/24. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence from the Meeting were received from Ailsa Daykin (East Midlands Housing Group), Stephen Spear (SV2), Fred Cox (South Derbyshire Tenants and Residents Association), Gill Farrington (South Derbyshire Forum), District Councillor John Harrison, County Councillor Trevor Southerd, F. McArdle (South Derbyshire District Council) and Gary Musson (Swadlincote and District Chamber of Trade). MATTERS ARISING SDP/25. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held on 30th October 2013 were taken as read, approved as a true record and signed by the Vice-Chairman. Page 4 of 113 1 SDP Board – 28.01.14 OPEN SDP/26. MATTERS ARISING No matters arising. SDP/27. VILLAGE GAMES PROJECT UPDATE A presentation was delivered on the Village Game Project by Lee English, South Derbyshire Village Games Co-ordinator. The presentation gave an update on achievements, the types of activities undertaken, the villages that had participated and what’s new for 2013/2014. A copy of the impact report to be circulated with the minutes of this group. Any further information can be found on the website: www.communitysportstrust.co.uk/derbyshire-village- games. JS/LE to liaise about a joint approach with chair based exercise. ACTION: JS/LE SDP/28. SOUTH DERBYSHIRE LOCALITY PLAN Mary Hague presented a report on the draft Public Health Locality Plan for Health and Wellbeing 2013 -2016. The aim of the plan is to improve the health and wellbeing of local people, with specific focus on people who are at risk of or living with significant health inequalities compared to the district as while. Following examination of the health issues in specific wards, the following priorities have been identified: Health & Wellbeing of Young People Health & Wellbeing of Older People Health & Wellbeing of most vulnerable families Basic skills of adults and families Mental Health & Wellbeing The Health & Wellbeing Group will take the lead in delivering the actions when the plan has been finalised with the South Derbyshire Partnership Board being accountable overall. The views of the Local Area Committee of Elected County Councillors will also have its views considered in finalising the plan which has to be ready for submission to Cabinet on 25th March 2014. Discussions took place on the draft plan; comments were made as follows: a greater gain would be fewer priorities. Asset mapping across partners is currently taking place. Funding is only in place for the next year, the Plan’s timeframe is over 3 years. It was agreed the key is to work together more with partners. SDP/29. PUBLIC SECTOR FUNDING UPDATE The Chief Executive is currently looking at other ways to consult on the Council’s budget instead of the Finance & Management Special Cttee. The South Derbyshire Partnership is a possible Forum that could be consulted. Page 5 of 113 2 SDP Board – 28.01.14 OPEN Stuart Batchelor updated the meeting on the Council’s budget for 2014/15. A 2% increase on voluntary sector and parish council’s budgets. Plans need to be put in place for the £300k cut in public funding. Capital budgets are still to be agreed. Chief Superintendent Jack Atwal updated the meeting on Derbyshire Constabulary budgets which have been reduced including the community safety funds; a bidding system has been put into place. From 2016/17 onwards significant issues. John Beaty updated the meeting on the 100 hours less funding for 18 year olds in the 2014/15 academic year. Consultation is currently taking place on moving apprenticeship funding to employers PAYE system. A further update will be provided to the group. Sophie Churchill gave an update on DEFRA and the current plan to reduce the national forest planting with emphasis on looking after the land. SDP/30. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Jo Smith informed the meeting of the format of the forthcoming International Women’s Day event to be held on Friday 7th March at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum. SDP/31. CCG UPDATE Helen Dillistone gave a verbal update on the development of the 5 year strategy and the areas to focus resources. It was agreed to present formally at the next SDP meeting. ACTION: HD/SC Cllr Richards, Lee English and Tony Hurrell left the meeting at 11:10 am. SDP/32. SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY STRATEGY 2013/14 – UPDATES Verbal updates were given on the Action Plan for Quarter 3 – December 2013. SDP/33. VOLUNTARY SECTOR UPDATE Jo Smith provided an update on the Voluntary Sector. Information was provided on; Volunteers – Christmas Thank you Event Accreditation Centre SDP/34. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Vicky Smyth thanked the Partners for their contributions made to the success of the Healthy South Derbyshire Event. Page 6 of 113 3 SDP Board – 28.01.14 OPEN A request was made at a future Board Meeting for a presentation on ‘Thriving Families Scheme’ by Kelly Ormond. ACTION: CS/SC SDP/35. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 29th April 2014 – 9:30 am – South Derbyshire District Council – Committee Room. Future dates to be advised. R. WHEELER CHAIRMAN The Meeting terminated at 11.35 a.m. Page 7 of 113 4 The South Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Plan 2013 - 16 1. Vision and Aim A healthier and more active lifestyle across all communities. (c. Our Sustainable Community Strategy for South Derbyshire 2009-2029) The South Derbyshire Plan aims to improve the health and wellbeing of local people, with specific focus on people who are at risk of and/or living with significant health inequalities compared to the district as a whole. 2. Objectives The Plan will continue to develop: strong collaborative working through partnership working, match-funding, shared capacity to deliver, joint ownership of key local outcomes local strategic outcomes to measure health improvement. Local outcomes will contribute and align to the priorities and indicators within wider strategies including: o Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy o Strategic priorities across partner organisations delivering locally o national Public Health Outcome Indicators (Appendix 1 Overview of PHOF indicators) opportunities to redirect current resources to better meet identified need – a shared outcomes approach cross-agency utilisation of staff capacity to ensure an identified health and wellbeing focus eg. staff working within a community development role to meet the varying needs of communities most in need, staff supported through Making Every Contact Count (MECC) cross-working with county-level services, including additional county-wide Public Health commissioned services (Appendix 2) to ensure targeting to communities living with highest health inequality specific focus to reduce health inequalities within South Derbyshire through the principles outlined above and through additional Pubic Health resource o Public Health staff capacity and the joint post (Health Partnership Manager) with South Derbyshire District Council Page 8 of 113 1 o New allocated financial resource 2013/15 Maximisation of budgets to ensure efficiency and SMART outcomes across locality programmes planning against identified local health need, consultation with local people and local organisations and underpinned by robust evidence base performance monitoring to determine effectiveness working in
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