V^ ij. • Th* Coming Flour "SEAL OF ALBERTA" "SEAL OF ALBERTA" 0 FLOUR $1.90 Sack Manufactured from Selected Al- Sold at Derta Hai J Wueat OAMPBELL BROS. Sold at *i.o > Sack at THE ISLANDER CAMPBELL BROS No 10 THE ISLANDER, C'U.MHKIU.ANI), B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1910. Subscription price SI.50 per year. LOCAL BALL TEAM LEAGUE LEADERS OF HIGH CITIZENS LEAGUE CITY FATHERS E NEVER CAME MAY TOUR LOST TO SCHOOL EW TO BE FORMED JN SESS1 BACK ANY MORE The pick of the local Unionists put a crimp Cumberland High Meeting will be held on Health Officer's repori Mr. Scott, who visited teams may tour the in Courtenay's pen­ School makes the best Wednesday eyening is submitted at meet­ town last week is Inland. nant aspirations. showing in province lor that purpose. ing on Monday sought by police. An exciting baseball m tch wan Ttie Courtenay league leaders h^i The result of the High School Ex­ A movement is on foot to organiz. The City Council met in regular se Mr. Cooli was a visilor to Cuiu- U* Union Iluy on Sunday last ut tlte I'll at lln Cny d-d! on Mi i.da> t»veiihi played oil'iin Sunday between the Pil­ amination throughout the province a Ci i/.ens League in town, aim a men ii'i'lanil la<i woek sners and the Overs on the Reoren- Hay, when Uir I toys in tiie green uni­ iug for that purpose will be h*ld next .iCtU belli" piuaelit thu Mty >i and A have just heen auiii uuced. Through­ durmeii MoLeoU, Itrowu and M ri fi id. forms put it over them to tliu tune of Mr. Cunk, although not. a gontle- tion Groin.ds, reselling in a'fie, each Wedi.esday QVQuillg, in tiie CotlllCI A coinuiuiiic: i n was r*ceiv,d frm, out tbe province, out of a total of iitin of extraordinarily prep'm^esBing team scoring .1 run. 5 to 3. Chambers, at which it i- hoped thai the Union of It C Muu-cipsiities, rt I 170 candidates, ,\,'2 wore successful Higgins, Uie Brewery hoys' twirler, Courtenay stinted out like winners. all citizens who* have tiie interest oi >plu.liillg thu u ntti uiciiitii.'ltdiip fee, whin tpponranoe, * speni8 to have iinprpstted dispensed the liehders for the League Mi-Ni ir hit to first aud swiped secpud ; The result of the examination in the t'wn at heart; "ill be pi'iseut, • -,s uiuuicd iu bu remitted. ha ciiizens wiih at least an adequate team and, although h« arm was not in .Dixon hit iu the xamt place, and Mc t is City is worthy of the heart est con The object of ihe League will be u tills LU lhe amount of $49 02 wer lea of his importance and financial the liest of slnpe, deprived io the coin Neil advanced ; Anderton hit safe uiid I most the town. A plalt'of'UI of pro f-tuiid correct l<y thu Financu Cummittet, gratulations, not only to the pupils, tnnding. plete satisfaction of the fans that if lie the runner scored; McGoldrick flew posed civic improvements w.ll be lai< and ordered p,od. but also to the principal, Mr. Palmer. Tnu Mtdical Health Officer's Report receives any kind of support at all, the out to Smith ; Thomas was hit hy u down, and at all Civic elections, can On Friday eveiung he called upon •v-.B received and oidered t;iveii to thi pitched hall ; t'lill' drew a pass, imd In the preliminary course 6 passed locals are line lo slink.'oil' the hoinlo diuateswill be nominated bythe,iesgiji local iiutfsp-pi ra lor piinbcatioii, dc. Hugh Mitchell, who was routined that has Iseu haunting them for the Dickson walked home; Anderton wa- out of a possible 0, while in the advanc­ for Mayor and Alderman, and plidgei. A. Mi.xw«h'a tender of 913U for rt o his home hy sickness, to ascertain forced out OH labor's grounder} Wag past several weeks anil make theii ed course 8 out of il were successful, u to the platform laid by lhe league moving stumpB on Duiismnir Avenue WH t that gentleman's blacksmith shop opponents take, the small end of the tier fanned. One of the mutters tbat will probabb -iceep ed ; tliu teiitlLis for similar woll record that tie city if Cumberland viw for sale. score for a change. Union also Woke into the run be takeu up by the league at its tirv J Fifih Avenue were laid on thu tabb may well be proud of. Haines did the receiving for the column in the first innings; Halo lend meeting, will be the Sewerage bylaw mtil afier the comp ution of thu woik oi Mr. Mitchell was quite ready to sell Juiisiuuir Avtiiiie. new tVvirler and held him in good style,- ofl' with a safe hit to the outer garden, Preliminary course, junior grade; i'he oppi sitiuu io the bylaw at tin ii lhe price was right. The price, Tnu board i f Work was authorised ti no easy matter, for Higgius throws a and went to second on Thomas' over­ maximum marks, 1(01); number uf candi­ election held a few weeks ago WH, uave the culvert on Dunsmuir Avuuue mwever, was a second in consideration wicket lull. He did not ex it himself throw,-J IA. Claire pa:ailed ; lialocame dates, 6 ; paused, ti —Marion . Moiinc , sutHcent to cause the defeat of ih a the comer of Fiiih Street, repMirud. vith Mr. Cook. Yes he would on Sunday, Imt on several occasions he home rejoicing on Clark's long hit; 701; [. .ziibril. J. Gibson, <>94; Kuben measure, but it is fell that Ihu object 'llm by law to amend thu Suwerngi tke the business, nnd the cash would turned loose for a little, and gave a Cumin's tly went wife, and Clark li. Duncan, 008 ; Krai cin J. ShupiHiiu, ton on the partof the citizens was inetvh liy law was lead a thud time aud passen Tuuders, with samples of cloth, fm ie paid over as soon as the hank open- hint of what he had in reserve. He chased Le Claire across the pun ; 693 i Eva G. Biekle, 547; >iabel tf, io certain delects in the bylaw whiol has played profess dual Imli on some of Curran worked Ids passage to third, might easily be amended, and this suit -lUpplying uniforms for the local pnhc< d in the morning, Mathuwson, fn: i. toroe Uuiu opened^ W, S. D Siddti. the fastest teams in lhe Kast, ami looks and fieoied ou lioliinson's neat sacri­ jeel will be discussed at Wednesday Advanced uoutse, junior grade ; maxi­ oeing the oniy tenderer. He submittti Mr. Cook was a rustler. Before to be just a li tie lietter than any of fice; Smith drew a pass; Drosky meet ng w.th the idea of remedyinj mum mat lis, ltifK); number uf cn Ilil l ,our, as to.luws:—$32, $U5, &M and $40 tight lie had men figuring upon the the box men that have been seen per­ popped to . Fiihi'i'; Kyijn retired/the these defects, aud suggesting snd No action was taken. dates, 3; pau-ed, 3—Charles A. Dunesn, •o>t of a new ldncksmit.li shop as the forming around here previously. sideatn a foul fly to the backs tpp amendments to the City Couiuula- wi, Chief uf Police McLennan submitted 838 ; May A. Sale ti52 ; tithe ML Fan Both ladysmith and Nanaimo nre lu tho second Curtis was caught at insure (he passing of tlio bylaw whei • ua report ut Police dun tines f..r Juiit xisting one wr,s not neiirly huge looking for trouble; well let them all first; McNeil was hit hy pitcher; yen, 500. next submitted. oid Juiy, thu amount being «20 50. •noiigh for his requirements. He also Constable tiruy bubmineu his niontho come ; the Maroons have a team here liixun was thrown out; Anderton hit Only one otber city in tlte province The adoption of tho single tax i report of collections, aa follows :— ranted a dwelling house erected that can make the best of them sit up up a fly which Le Claire failed to can boast of a perfect record,—Fernie. another matter thut will be taken uj Scavenger $L10 50 He evidently expected to do a rush- and take notice and the local fans gather in ; McGoldrick was passed, on Wednesday, und judging from street L\i_lix. Watchman .. 71 00 and iu tbat centre there were only 4 ngl'usiness. llcuiiuie special arrange- have some real coin ready with which bui retired the side in trying to make corner conversations, tbere is littli Cit, tt, dTax 2.00 candidates writing. to back the home tcnin. second. doubt that this is one of reforms thai Dug Tax 6 00 innts with Mr. Mitchells assistant to There is sonic talk of sending the Courtenay looked dangerous in the the league will work for. City Scab s 1 60 ie on hand to start work in the morn- hoys ofl' on a tour of the lower part of third, hut a double play, which caught The idea of a Citizens League seenu Scaveiigur Buckets .. 1 20 Hall ttuul 25.00 tig at 6 o'clock, nnd sure enough, the the Island, to take a crack at the best Drosky at the plate, relieved the pres­ to have been received with favor bj hop was opened at that hour.
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