March 8, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 3731 SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS what would be his life-long fight reduce the demand for drugs in their against drug abuse when he was as- communities. Since then, the Red Rib- signed to El Centro, CA, where he bon campaign has taken on national SENATE RESOLUTION 73—HON- served for 13 months as a Narcotics In- significance. ORING THE LIFE OF ENRIQUE vestigator for Imperial County. Red Ribbon Week is celebrated annu- ‘‘KIKI’’ CAMARENA Those 13 months as a Narcotics In- ally in cities across the country. The Mr. BIDEN submitted the following vestigator proved to be a life-altering DEA and many other drug abuse pre- resolution; which was referred to the time for Enrique. In June 1974, he took vention organizations around America Committee on the Judiciary: his determination to dismantle drug help to sponsor this annual event. In S. RES. 73 organizations to the Federal level, as a Delaware, the Substance Abuse Aware- Whereas Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena, a Spe- Special Agent of the Drug Enforcement ness Committee sponsors Red Ribbon cial Agent of the Drug Enforcement Admin- Administration. During his time with Week each October to take a visible istration for 11 years, was abducted and bru- DEA, Special Agent Camarena re- stand against drugs through the sym- tally murdered by drug barons in 1985; turned to his hometown in California bol of the Red Ribbon. Whereas Enrique Camarena dedicated his for several years prior to his assign- Special Agent Enrique Camarena was life to serving the law enforcement commu- ment in Guadalajara, Mexico, which a devoted husband to Geneva ‘‘Mika’’ nity and the Nation as a whole and was the began in July 1981. Alvarado and a loving father to three devoted husband of Geneva Alvarado and lov- During his 11 years with DEA, Spe- sons, Enrique, Daniel and Eric. Today, ing father of Enrique, Daniel, and Eric; I ask that the United States Senate Whereas Enrique Camarena received 2 Sus- cial Agent Enrique Camarena received tained Superior Performance Awards and a two Sustained Superior Performance formally recognize the life and death of Special Achievement Award while serving Awards and a Special Achievement Kiki, as his family lovingly calls him, the Drug Enforcement Administration; Award. Each award recognized to place official emphasis on the im- Whereas Enrique Camarena’s dedication to Enrique’s dedication to the fight pact he made on America. reducing the scourge of drugs eventually against drug abuse and determination f cost him his life; to scourge our country of illegal drugs. SENATE RESOLUTION 74—DESIG- Whereas ‘‘Camarena Clubs’’ to combat His frustration with the drug trade drug abuse have been created in high schools NATING MARCH 8, 2005, AS across the Nation to honor his memory; was perhaps most evident by a state- ‘‘INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S Whereas Enrique Camarena is honored ment that would later prove to be pro- DAY’’ each year during National Red Ribbon Week; phetic: He asked, ‘‘What’s gonna have and to happen? Does somebody have to die Mr. BIDEN (for himself, Mrs. CLIN- Whereas the 20th Anniversary of Enrique before anything is done? Is somebody TON, Mr. LUGAR, Mr. KOHL, Mrs. MUR- Camarena’s death will be specially honored going to have to get killed?’’ RAY, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Ms. STABENOW, on March 9, 2005, at the Drug Enforcement On Thursday, February 7, 1985, at 2:00 Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BAYH, Ms. LANDRIEU, Administration headquarters: Now, there- p.m., Special Agent Camarena left the Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. LEVIN, fore, be it Mr. FEINGOLD, Mr. DODD, Mr. SAR- Resolved, That the Senate— American Consulate in Guadalajara to BANES, Mr. CORZINE, Mr. KERRY, Mr. (1) mourns the loss of Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ meet his wife for lunch. Having come Camarena; dangerously close to unlocking a OBAMA, Mr. SALAZAR, Mr. KENNEDY, (2) recognizes the contributions of Enrique multi-billion drug pipeline, Enrique Ms. MIKULSKI, Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. Camarena to our National efforts to combat was awaiting a reassignment, which HATCH, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, and Mr. REID) drug abuse; was just three weeks away. Enrique submitted the following resolution; (3) admires the courage and dedication of never met his wife for lunch that day which was considered and agreed to: Enrique Camarena in his work as a Special and he never received his reassign- S. RES. 74 Agent of the Drug Enforcement Administra- Whereas all over the world, women are tion; ment. contributing to the growth of economies, (4) expresses gratitude for the legacy left As he neared his truck that after- participating in the world of diplomacy and by Enrique Camarena; and noon, five men approached him and politics, and improving the quality of the (5) directs the Secretary of the Senate to shoved him into a car. By February 10, lives of their families, communities, and na- transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution DEA Administrator Francis ‘‘Bud’’ tions; to the family of Enrique Camarena. Mullen had flown to Guadalajara and Whereas discrimination continues to deny Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I rise to help begin the search for Enrique. women full political and economic equality today to submit a resolution to com- On March 5, Enrique’s body was and is often the basis for violations of wom- memorate the outstanding life and found on a ranch outside of the town of en’s basic human rights; tragic but courageous death of Enrique Zamora, Mexico, approximately 60 Whereas worldwide, the lives and health of ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena, a Special Agent of miles outside of Guadalajara. Autopsy women and girls continue to be endangered the Drug Enforcement Administration. reports indicated that Special Agent by violence that is directed at them simply because they are female; Enrique grew from a boy in the small Camarena had been tortured and beat- Whereas worldwide, violence against town of Mexicali in Baja California, en. Three days after his body was dis- women includes rape, genital mutilation, Mexico to a man as a United States covered, twenty years ago today, he sexual assault, domestic violence, dating vi- Marine. During his two year tour as a was returned to the United States for olence, honor killings, human trafficking, Legal Clerk with the Marine Corps in burial. dowry-related violence, female infanticide, San Diego, Enrique received the Na- Following the death of Special Agent sex-selection abortion, forced pregnancy, tional Defense Service Medal. It was Enrique Camarena and the press atten- forced sterilization, and forced abortion; during this time that Enrique first tion that the killing generated, Whereas the World Health Organization as- ‘‘Camarena Clubs’’ started throughout serts that domestic violence causes more demonstrated his dedication to the deaths and disability among women aged 15 United States. the El Cajon, CA area. These to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents, Following his honorable discharge ‘‘Camarena Clubs’’ were formed to cre- and war; from the Marine Corps in 1970, Enrique ate a united front against drug abuse Whereas worldwide, 130,000,000 girls and demonstrated his courage as a fireman among students, teachers and others in young women have been subjected to female for the City of Calexico while dem- the community. genital mutilation; onstrating his intelligence as a student The summer of 1985 saw a surge in Whereas worldwide, at least 1 in 3 females at Imperial Valley College, where he national interest in Enrique’s memory has been beaten or sexually abused in her earned an Associates degree in 1972. It and the problems of drug abuse. The lifetime; Whereas worldwide, 20 to 50 percent of was also in 1970 that Enrique Camarena Virginia Federation of Parents and the women experience some degree of domestic first showed his interest in law enforce- Illinois Drug Education Alliance called violence during marriage; ment by joining the Calexico, CA Po- on every American to wear red ribbons Whereas 1 in 4 women in the United States lice Department. In May 1973, he began to symbolize their commitment to help have been raped or physically assaulted by VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Jan 18, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK3\NO_SSN\BR08MR05.DAT BR08MR05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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