Suited and Jackbooted: Behind the Hype, the BNP are Still a Fascist Party Ben Drake IRST OFF, thanks to Andrew McKibben for a face and it’s still there, in many cases semi-pub- F clearly sincere contribution to the debate on licly in their publications and on their websites combating the BNP, and for expressing doubts and bulletin boards. which I know are shared by quite a few genuine It’s true that Muslims have replaced Jews as anti-racists and anti-fascists. their preferred number one hate group for the new And well done too for reiterating the violent century. But that’s not fundamental. Fascists are and thuggish nature of the party. It never gets shamelessly opportunistic – they absolutely need reported enough that Nick Griffin’s right-hand scapegoats but it doesn’t matter really who they man Tony Lecomber has convictions for assault- are, as long as they can be defined as “Other” ing a Jewish schoolteacher and for – I kid you not (non-White) and a threat. Hence Jews in the 1930s, – bomb-making. (Check the public record!) On this Muslims now. anniversary of 7/7 you’d think that’d be mentioned (Once in power the Nazis killed Jew and Mus- occasionally when the media decide to do one of lim alike – as well as other non-Whites, Slavs, Trav- their sporadic BNP publicity-fests. ellers, gay people, socialists, trade unionists, femi- But also, for all their shiny-suited entry into nists, disabled people. It’s never been a good idea the wonderful world of spin-doctoring, the lead- to ignore the lessons of history – in this case, that ership and core membership of the BNP remain Fascism is everyone’s enemy.) hardcore Fascists in the full sense. And second the BNP are Fascist in their meth- I wholeheartedly agree terms like Fascist and ods and strategy. What sets Fascism apart from Nazi shouldn’t be thrown about with abandon. “bourgeois” right-wing ideologies – and what They need to be used carefully and specifically, to makes it such a menace – is their unvarying strat- describe only those movements driven by the prin- egy to use violence (initially street-level and then ciples and forces that drove Mussolini’s and Hit- state violence wherever they get power) to physi- ler’s parties – and with the potential of leading us cally smash all opposition, especially workers’ or- into the same hell-on-earth if ever allowed into ganisations. This is a step beyond normal politics power. For that reason I have no truck with abus- of any stripe. ing groups like UKIP or Kilroy’s erstwhile mob as The Merseyside Trades Council activist and Fascist – right-wing populists for sure but that’s anti-fascist who recently had his face slashed is many leagues short of Fascism. Nor on the other only their latest target. Anti-racists and anti-fas- hand is it accurate to lump in Al-Qaeda or their cists can report a catalogue of such attacks and ilk with Fascism, though I acknowledge some abuse. As reported in Parliament recently, BNP (Searchlight, notably) might dispute this. supporters even maintain a website recording But the BNP are Fascist. First, because the dark names, addresses and photos of “Reds”, with fairly heart of their politics remains “Race and Nation” self-evident intent. with the latter absolutely defined in terms of the And the final culmination and destination of former. They continue to operate as part of an in- such political violence was played out in what ternational network of White Supremacist groups, remains the greatest horror of the 20th century – and their stated mission is still to “save” the (ill- the Holocaust, where some fifteen million, includ- defined) “white race” from multiculturalism. Of ing at least six million Jews, died in the Nazi death course they make strenuous efforts to disguise this camps. – they’ve finally twigged how absurd and para- If the BNP have really put such an aim behind noid it seems to sane people. But scratch the sur- them, then ask yourself why they continue so in- 28 sistently to deny and downplay the Holocaust. the same rotten ideology. We must expose them They’re fools but (alas) not idiots – they know for who they are, and stand together to stop them. they’ll get nowhere if they admit their ideological Never forget, never again. link to the Nazi regime. But their Holocaust de- nial gives the game away. This article first appeared on the SUN website Behind the shiny suits lurks the same hatred, (www.socialistunitynetwork.co.uk) Why the BNP is Still Fascist Geoffrey Brown HE GAINS made by the BNP in local elections Enter Nick Griffin in recent years – it now has almost fifty coun- For all the carefully cultivated “reasonableness” cillors,T an achievement unprecedented in the hist- of his public persona today, Griffin has a similar ory of the far right in Britain – have been assisted far-right background to Tyndall. He was a nation- by a systematic revamping of the party’s image. al organiser for the NF in the 1970s, and in the The public expressions of Nazi sympathies and 1980s was heavily influenced by Roberto Fiore, a Holocaust denial for which the BNP had become leader of the Italian fascist organisation the Armed notorious have been junked and it now presents Revolutionary Nuclei (NAR), who fled to Britain itself as a respectable, mainstream political party. to avoid prosecution over the 1980 bombing of The question arises – does this amount to a funda- Bologna railway station in which 85 people died. mental change in the BNP’s political character, or Throughout the 1980s Griffin was a leading figure is it a cosmetic exercise designed to fool voters into in what remained of the NF, promoting a NAR- backing an organisation that has in reality failed inspired “Third Positionist” ideology that claimed to break with its fascist past? to offer an alternative to both capitalism and com- munism. Griffin and the Third Positionists advoc- Origins of the BNP ated a “political soldier” strategy which rejected That the British National Party has fascist origins the 1970s NF’s objectives of mass membership and is of course indisputable. The party was founded electoral success in favour of building an elite corps in 1982 under the leadership of John Tyndall, a of professional fascist “revolutionaries”. longtime Nazi sympathiser whose involvement However, as the NF fragmented in an outbreak with the far right dated back to the 1950s. A former of political infighting, the Third Positionists broke chairman of the National Front and editor of the away in 1989 to form a separate grouping, and by fascist magazine Spearhead, Tyndall was on record 1991 Griffin had abandoned organised fascist pol- as stating that “Mein Kampf is my bible”. itics altogether. After a brief period in the political Having resigned from the NF in 1980 after wilderness he joined the BNP in 1995 and became losing a factional struggle against his rival and editor of Tyndall’s magazine Spearhead. Ironically, former close collaborator Martin Webster, Tyndall in view of subsequent developments, Tyndall formed his own group called the New National brought Griffin into the BNP to act as a counter- Front. He established the BNP on the basis of a weight to an opposition headed by Tony Lecomber fusion between the NNF and two smaller fascist and others who favoured playing down the fascist groups, the British Movement and the British character of the party in order to establish a wider Democratic Party. Tyndall remained at the head popular appeal. of the BNP until 1999, when he was successfully Griffin used Spearhead to denounce the “spiral challenged for the position of chairman by the of sickly moderation” and scorned the idea of the present incumbent, Nick Griffin. After his death BNP projecting an image of restraint and respect- in July 2005 a Guardian obituary rightly described ability. Commenting on the party’s earlier success Tyndall as “a racist, violent neo-Nazi to the end”. in a council by-election in Millwall in 1993, Griffin 29.
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