![JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-SL"Rth CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
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" 'DATE F.I LMED C' il ---- ---,- ~---' ~ - -- ~-- • ---- { , REFORM OF THE FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAWS Ji, l COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-SL"rTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON. s. 1722 and S. 1723 SgPTE1\IJ3ER 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, AND OOTOBER 5, 1079 PART XIV I'l'inted for the use of the Committee on the Judicial'Y U,S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 111-840 W .ASHING,]~ON : 1970 ., ...... , r\ - -.-~-----, ~~~.~. j ! J OONTENTS ,II Hearings held on- 9p a;:: '. 1 September 11, 1979________________________________________________ S I ! September13,1979 ______________________________________ ----______ 9955 •• 1 September 18, 1979 ________________________________________________ 100~9 ; 'I September 20, 1979 ______________ - __________________________ ----_-- 100/1 September 24, 1979 __ - __ --__________________________________ ._______ 2 J Octo.ber 5, 19.·;:9 ____________________________________________ ._______ 10307102 0 . j :i.'ext of- ~ 1J Statement~: i~~~========================:========:====::=:================ of- iig~g I Augell, Stephen, National l\Ioratorium on Prison Construction _______ 10583 ' I Baptiste, Robert l\1., labor counsel, International BrotherhOOd of _ f I Teamsters ------------_________________________________________ 1004;, tl" Beaudin, Bruce, director, Pre-Trial Services Agency, Wa$hington, D,C- 100~~2 ". i Bevans, R. Dennis, Alexandria, Va_________________________________ 1 ,)./ :. i Civiletti, Hon. Benjamin R., the 4ttorl)e~ GeneLal of t~ Unitlld COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY 1i States --------------------::;.:J.:3l:zB:-j-r..t~'iL..:t_':::.9-9j _2..?J6,_,L 9902 l- · I Cleary, ·Tohn J., Legal Aid anct.:Qefende!·s Ass08~J;ion, Sqp,Dfego, EDWARD M. KENNEDY, lIIassachusetts, Ohairman .. 'j' Calif. -------------------:.-::;.d.:.J..bS-_t/!;<_lf2L_rt:":Ll?lL/-.L. ______ 10093 STROllI THURlIIOND, South Curollna I <ct Cook bRobpertfl\In" Livelsltl\oIckRLUatrketinug !\.sso.tiatsionh---l--f-r-------------110066'~07 BIRCH BAYH,C BYRD Indlalla West Vir"inlO.. CH'RLES"'" lIIcC. MATHIAS, Ju., lIIarylallll. t I oom s,ro.. usse l., U gel'S 11l verSI y c 09 g ~!}4V _________ w ROBERT. ,,, PAUL LAXALT Nevada ·ff.:..··!I.. DershQwitz, Prof. Alau, Harvard School of Law+3-.:J-ZLlif-t..fL12L -J.0323/ 33k) JOSEPH R. BIDEN, Ju., Delaware ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah DO!1elson, Tom, Council on Skills for Living, Alexaudria, .Va _________ 10592 b JOHN C. CULVER, }o,~a ROBERT DOLE, Kansas · , Dunn, James R., Federal Public Defender, I,os Angeles, CaliL ________ 10357 HOWARD lIf. lIIETZENBAUM, Ohio THAD COCHRAN Mississippi ' ! Freeman, George C., .Jr., on behalf of tile American Bar Association____ .9966 DENNIS DECONCINI, Arizona ALAN K. SIlIIPSC)N, Wyoming PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont I . Galiner, Ronald G... DtehPutYAA] s~iS~atnt .c,\ttorneYJGet~eraIDin the Office Off MAX BAUCUS, Montana 1 I mprovements 1I1 e ( mllllS ration of • us Ice, epartment 0 HOWELL HEFLIN, Alabama /0/' <I) STEPHEN BREYER, Ohie! OOll1lSeZ f. i G;!::~;.,i,;di;e;i;;;;·p~biiOOlti;.;;;.;·c~~g,;;;;;wa;;;;;:;z:Ji'~Et'::: ,g~g;{I' 'I j Green, Richard .A., attorney, Wasilington, D.C ________________ ._______ 10031 rota(/. (ll) · I Greenhalgh, William, on behalf of the American Bar Association_____ 9966 · j HarriS, Kay, Director, National Capital Office of the National Council 17'" 3 t' 0- on Crime unc1 DeUnquency ____ - ________________________________ 1029tP/03f"s-) 1 1 OJ '0 Herst, Esther, NatiOni.ll Committee Against Uepressive I.Jegislatiou ___ 103121 lC>s~ s . ' , Heymllnn, Philip B., Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, .1. Department ot Justice______________________________________ 9902,9918 I I,I Hruska, Hon. Roman'L., Omaha, NelJr___________________________ 9955 !f 1 Kennedy, Hon. Ec1ward l\I., opening statement, September 11, 1079_.___ 9898 I Kroll, Michael A., UUSC National l\Ioratoriulll Oil Prison Construc- I igf: II Ii Lowe,La~~I~;,-D;;id~-;;l~~;~~~i~~~;i"'c~~ci~iiLib'"e~ti;suni;~============= Ira l\I., 0reative AlternatiYes to Prison ___________________ .. __ 10592 d ' I MathiS, Weldon. International Brotherhood of Teamstel's ____________ 10045 (!? I 0 )Or ) ! h.. Rec~or, Milton G., aN~tit)nal Council ?n Crime and DeIiuquency_73.,,;~6.ff0299 loj,;;l./ ~jJ 1 ROb~nson, Prof. .D v~cI, iGeorge !V!~shmgton .univers~ty, School of I.Jaw_ 10350,(;1 ;.:. t RObmso,n, .Laul'le, dIre(!tor, Cr~llllllal JustIce SectIOn, American Bur \ ~ ! sc!~f~c~:0~ich~i-d~~~;b-eh.-lif-~fth'"e-Nnti~~-ai-M;;;nto~1~~-;;;-P;i;;;n 9966.:1:.) r , Construction --------'------------______________________________ 10583 , f, i Shapiro, Irving S., on beh.alf of the Bu~iness Roundtable __ .. ___ 10072, 10851,!II [,'" I Sha~tucl~, JOh~ H. F., dIrector, Washmgton Q,ffi)!e, AmerJ9alI Civil fi· ~lP7rtie& l!~lon------'j··----------------.;:z-:2.,u;.-7.t,e..1P./h..,1__ _=t~~rtJJ.0151 );' Sml~, ,P.atl'lClll, Women S International League for Peace and Free- , k' Te~~rr:. D~;i·~C;xe~uti;'"e-6ii;ect;;,-F'"ed~_;I-D~f~~de;s,-I~~:.-Po_;,iin~d- 10030 I ,j . TIllett,T~~~~~~l1d:H~;:~<3t;o~~~p~mi~gstntime;t~sePt'"e~be;li,-io79====-=: S. Raymond, on beh,ulf of the Business Roundtnble__________ 1007218~8J ~I\. (HI) ,<\ v IV Exhibits- Page "(~'he) Acquittal of Murder, Inc.," Art Buchwald ___________________ 10149 Page "Alternatives to Il11prisonl11ent," Ronalc1 Goldfarb __________________ 10619 Addition~l pr~pa.r;d g~te~fents the submitted U.S.Courts for _____________________ the record- -~~~~~__ 1073210705 I Amendments to the criminal justice proposed by the JudiCial Con- Adnnmstratn ~ ce d Contractors Inc_____________________ 10709 ference -----------------------________________________________ 10711 Assoc~ated BU1ld?r~ C~ntractors of .A.merica.-------:------------99~G 10690 Alllendments to Standards Relating to SentenCing Alternatives and Assocw.ted Genera d G "Pat" Beverly HIlls, Cahf·----·----- t' Procedure, American Bar ASsOciation ___________________________ 10029 Brown, Hon. Edmun t·· Grades Department, AFL-CIO, sta emen 10691 I All)erican Bar Association, chart comparing ABA policies with provi- Building and Construc IOn _______________ ._________t _( i . Sions of S. 1437 and Hou~e bilL__________________________________ 9996 by Thomas X. Dunn---------T------c~iif ______ .___ -' _______ 101£6 American Bar Association, reSOlutions _____________________________ 10015 Clancy, James J., attorney, Sun 'i ~lle~,.o~ th-;S-~t~ of MississippL_ 10011 American Bar Association, Section of Criminal Law, report to the Cockran, Hon. Thad, a U.~. Se~a o~ ItOf the State of New Jersey, let- _~ House of Delegates____________________________________________ 10018 Degnan, Hon. John}., attOl,ney ,;,eIWaBerO' deputy attorney gelleraL- 10101 American Bar Association, authorized sentences, redraft of section tel' of Mar. 7, 1.~19, tr sRI~h~~~or from "'the State of Kansas and a . 0901 I 2001 of S. 1722 and section 3101 of S. 1723 _______________________ 10015 "(A) C0l1111arison of Prison Use in Great Britain, Canada and the Dole, I-bIO~. RfotbheerL,C~mn;itteee on the JugiQia.ry ___ c---------------- 10693 mem er 0 • D C .________________ _ f United States," James P. Lynch, Office for Improvel11ent in the Ad­ Dulles, David,· Esq., ",vashmgton'l B' 'ldlng and- Construction Trades, ministration of Justice, Department of Justice___________________ 10958 Dunn, '.rhomas X., general counse, Ul ________________________,.; 10691 "Counterfeit! L.l\..'S Hot Status Crime for the '80's." Townsend Parish AFL-CIO ------------------l--St;t~-~f Ore"'on letter of Oct. 11, '> and Dianne Grosskopf-Markley, Los Angeles, February 1979______ 10940 Gorton, Slade, attorney genera , __ ~ __ ~ _______________ :-_ 1087:.- Ij "Crime ancl Crime Control: ",Yhat Are the SOCial Costs," H. G. 1979 with attachments-------:------J-crc.al Conference CommIt- 1 Demmert --------------------_________________________________ lOR!)'! Harvey, !Ion. ,Alexander III, cha~r~ani L~~ I _____ .__________ 10731 "Deterring Poisonous Decisions," the New York Times, May 1, 1979_. 10150 1 "Gtlng LiYes High on !Iog Bilking Livestock l\Iarkets," Kansas City tee on Administration ?f the CrIm~na Gen;;;i"-DeI)artment of Jus­ Star, Noy. 5, 1978 ______________________________________________ 10688 Heymann, Philip B., AsslstantS.At~o~~ittee on Criminal Justice, with . 8 1. tice, statement before House u ________ .__________ 991 I "GUilty Using Time Instead of Doing It," Neil Hirschfield, New York atttlchments ---------E----C-l-::~-a'j;"-Jti'dic~l-Conference Advisory _. Sunday News, Sept. 23, 1979_____________________________________ 10621 Hoffman, Hon. Wa!te.r .,. lau , _______________________ 10122 f.: Hall, Prof. LiYingston, Cllairperson, Committee on .JuYenile
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