BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA P iLG\J oj) P'-'kJ. 30~ PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR WAR CRIMES Broj: KT - RZ 130/05 Sarajevo, 23 October 2006 COURT OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO Preliminary Hearing Judge rursuant to Article 35 paragraph 2 item (hi. Article 226 paragraph 1 and Article 227 paragraph 1 af the Criminal rrocedure Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I hereby issue the following: INDICTMENT Against: KRESO LU(;[(:. son of Iva and Anda. born on 19 March 1969 ill Kres·evo. a turner by profession. residing ill Makarska at the address Zadarska 22. Republic of Croatia. citizen of BiH and Republic of Croatia. married, father of three linder-age children. IInemp~voed. no previous convictions. currently in custody in the "Kula" Penal and Correctiont,l Institution in Istoeno Sarajevo following the Decision of the Court of BiH number X-KRN-05/68 of 27 April 2006, 26 May 2006, 26 July 2006 and 25 September 2006, On account of tile following: /11 the period between April 1993 and late September of the same year. within a wide.,pread and systematic attack of the army and military police ~f the Croat Defence Council directed against civilian Bosniak population in the territory of the PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/83dcde/ Kre.fevo Municipality, as well as in the territory of the municipalities of Kiseljak, Busovaca and Vilez, which constitute Central Bosnia, knowing about the al/ack, in his capacity of the Kre!;evo HVO Military Police Commander he committed and took parI in imprisonment contrary to the jimdamental rules of international law, and committed and took parI in torturing Bosniak civilian population and aided olhers in inhuman acls of tairing to forced lahour and imprisonmenl in poor conditions by thefollowing,' 1, In June and July 1993 in Kresevo and the villages of Rakova Noga, CmiL';. BjeloviCi. Buk"e. RamiCi. Krdevo Municipality, wilh members of the Kresevo Military Police who were his subordinates. he unlawfully deprived of liberty and ordered BO.l'11iak civilians from the above villages to be unlawfully deprived of liberty, alld ordered the Bosniak civilian population to be taken away and imprisoned in the camps in the "/vo Lola Ribar" Primary School in KreSevo and in the ",<;unje" warehouse in Kresevo, where Ihe prisoners did not have .l'Iifficienr food, water or the necessary medical assistance, they were also token to pe~form forced labour on a doily basis. where they pe~t;,rmed hard laho"r. as was Ihe case wOlnen and ('hifdren from the village of Bukve; vili!{JI!,ers of Ihe villages «l CrniCi and BjeloviCi: and 2, On 20 June 1993. having unlawfully deprived of liberty in the place of RakovG Naga, Kre.fevo Municipality and took him to the camp in the "Ivo Lola Ribar·' Primary School in Kresevo together wilh his sllbordinate military police «fficers then, together with G member «llhe military police. he wilh his feet all over his body in a classroom of the qforementioned schOOl, qfter he had r4ilsed to tell him where his brother was, as a result o.lwhich hefell on the ground and he conlinued kicking him all over his body. and Ihen he called mililwy police «!fieers __ and __ and ordered Ihem to take him to Ihe gymnasium of the said School, where Bosniak civilian populalion from the vii/ages of erniCi and Bjelovici, Kresevo Municipality had already been imprisoned. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/83dcde/ 3. In June and July 1993. in Ihe Kresevo Military Police Main Slafl in Ihe "Eleklroprivreda" building ill Krdevo, he lorlured the following Bosniakprisoners Ihe called ,. wooden h"tm•• their bod,)' and he ordered his subordinate military police officers to physical~v abuse Ihe aboven(lmed. which they did, punching them, kicking them (lnd beating them with wooden balons all over their bod,v, as a resull of which the above-named persons sustained vis;ble bodifv injuries and they H.'ere taken back to the "'Sunje" camp in Kre.(:evo. 4. On 18 July 1993, in the same place as in Ihe previous count, he interrogated broughlFom Ihe "Su'1;e" camp, in Ihe presence C!/about fO mililOlY police otlicers who were sitting at another desk listening to loud mu~ic by placing II hackless chair,liJr against his desk >dth his subordinate militmy po/ice 10 his leti and right side and, ajier each answer given by he ordered them to beat him, which they did using wooden batons, hitting him on his back and punch him, as a result of on the grounds severollimes, where they continued bealing him, and Ihen they would litl him up and beat him again, due to which would lose consciousness. and they would pour water on him. lift him up on the chair and continue heating him again. and Ihen he himse(f appl'Oached _ _ and hit him with a wooden baton twice on his back and he ordered the militGl:v police ojficers to take him back to the "Sul1je" camp, Therefore. within a widespread and systematic attack directed against Basniak civilian popu/alion, knowing C!l such an attack, he ordered and commilled imprisonment conlrmy 10 the rules (1/ inlemalional law and he ""dered and committed torture C!f Bosniak civilian population and aided others in their inhuman acts by taking the detained persons 10 forced labour and Iheir imprisonment in poor cond;tions Whereby he committed the criminal ojfence of Crimes agoinst Humanity in violalion of' Article 172 paragraph I of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina. in cojnunctioin with Article 180 paragraph 1 and Article 29 ~/ the BiH CC asfiill"ws: l. item (e) in relation to Count 1 ofthe Indictment, 3 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/83dcde/ 2. item (f) ill relation to Counts 2. 3, and 4 of the indictment. 3. item (kj ill relation to Count 1 ofthe Indictment. Ither~f'ore PROPOSE 1. ThaI the following persons be summoned: Prosecutor olthe Prosecutor's Ojlice of BiH. Suspect Kr.so LuCic. detention unit of the "Kula" Penal and Coreetiona! Insl itution - Suspect's defence counsel Kresimir Zubak. an attorney from Sarajevo, 2. That the following evitlenee be presented: aj By examining the witnesses below: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lB. 19. 20. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/83dcde/ 21. 22. 23. U b) That the following be inspected: I. leT)' Proseeulioll Letter with standard marking "A" ill relation to Krdo Lucie lIumher 993315/GB/DFG/RR56 415 .Il1ne 1999. 2. Deci.\·;on o(the Court ofBiH 011 taking over the criminal case number X-KRN/05/68 (1'5 October 2005. 3. Certijrcole of membership of Kre.fo Lucie to the AlP unit 1783 - Kresevo number V21-41/1-16-21-133/04 of22 November 2004. 4. Personal/ile ofo.!!icer Kre.!o Lucie number 1042/69. 5. KreSevo Military Police Report number 221/93 0.1'2 July 1993. 6. List of Kre.i:evo Mililm)' Police members number 309193 of 8 October 1993.- 7 Kre.ievo Militm)' Police List number 4/3/93 008 December 1993. 8. Kresevo Military Police List number 435/93 of 30 December 1993. 9. Kre.<evo Militmy Police List l1umber 14/94 of 12 January' 1994. 10. Kresevo Military' Police List number 58/94 of 15 February 199-/. 1 I. Kre.sevo .Militarv Police Report /01' 27 June 1993 number 54194 o.f 12 FebruOfY 1994. 12. Krdevo Militm)' Police Official Note number 419/93 <if 21 December 1993, 13. Krdevo Military Police Order number 62/93 of9 December 1993. 14. KreSevo .Ivlilitm)' Police Document number 331193 of21 October 1993. 15. Kresevo Military Police Order number 322/93 o.f I 8 Oclober 1993. 16. Kresevo lvfiiilary Police Report number 255/93 of 19 August 1993. 17. Krdevo Militmy Police Report number 254193 of 18 August 1993. 18. Security and lnjill'lnatioll Service (SIS) Order nwnber 61/93 0/15 August 1993. 19. SiS Order nllmher 55/93 '?f 5 August 1993 .. 20. Request to Bring in a Conscript number 234193 of 18 July 1993. 21. Krdevo Military' Police Reporl number 232/93 o.f 16 .Tuly 1993. 22. Krdevo Military Police Report nllmber 231193 of 16 JZI~V 1993. 23. Request/or Sebure o/Malerial and Technical Equipment 0.1'5 July 1993. 24. Krdevo tv/ilitary Police Reporlnll1l1ber 220/93 of5 JuZv 1993, 25. Report on Release "f_to House Arrest of 4 JuZv 1993, 26. Order/or Apprehension issued by the Krdevo D4ence Olliee to Ihe Military Police '!l.J .IuZv 1993. 27. Order to Secure the Buildings where prisoners are detained l1umber 374/93 of 30 June 1993. 5 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/83dcde/ 28. Work Order number 75/93 for 15/16 June 1993from 08. 00 to 08.00 hrs 29. Kresevo Military Police Repor! number 206/93 of8 June 1993. 30. Kresevo Military Police Report nllmber 201193 of 5 June 1993. 31. Krdevo Military Police Dai(v Report l1umber 198/93 of4 June 1993, 32. Kresevo Military Police Daily Reporl number 197(93 of3 June 1993. 33. Kre!ievo Military Police Dai(v Report number 196/93 of2 .lulle 1993, 3~. Kresevo Military Police Daily Report l1umber 193/93 ~f 1 June 1993, 35. Work Order number 59 for 30131 May 1993 from 08.00 to 08.00 hI'S, 36. Kresevo Milito/}' Police Daily Report number 191193 of31 May 1993, 37. Kre,fevo Military Police Daily Report nllmber 188/93 of27 May 1993, 38.
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