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Hypermutation in the Immunoglobuling Su Region: Implication of AIDInvolvement in a Common Step of Class Switch Recombination * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2010 Sheet 1 of 15 US 7820,442 B2 Pose. Two Somatic Hypermutation A/T-biased Uraci DNA Glycosylase Figure l U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2010 (Z) ---- ? ? US 7.820.442 B2 G?VJO40€/\·--------···--#-OGOZ~~~~~~~~~-…--~~~~.--· eN?maen.No.©5&.“.”0 <!--: !ar????????????????????????????????????????? zexa6?g Sileo eqewolfSuenW &#)C/IV/Jo?O?Ar??????????????????????????????????????, U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2010 Sheet 3 of 15 US 7.820.442 B2 Vector t t it t t g t gigt tag at cag city tet Cag titt at gag cag and sac ceg ot tat gag att acrg cac a cyt (gt. 8 8 . s. gen agets ccs gge gyt cts acc cyt genegt gea getta gas gtt a gee gta cag cog G g . v. R. O. W. G s 8 S Ted .. 8 B K R a 510 320 tt t t t t tes gen ete sic oca ga agt atgace cyt gas cyt gea age tte gas get cga gag gta caa cog 8 A. G 1? 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