Cuban diplomat listed in jet crash (COMPILED FROM AP/UPI REPORTS) -- to Malaysia as well as Japan since jackets were members of the Japanese Southern Malaysia just north of Cuba's Embassy counselor in Tokyo 1974. Red Army. Singapore Island. has left for Kuala Lumpur to seek am- Malaysian Airlines officials con- Sources at Kuala Lumpur Airport formation on the fate of Cuba's am- firm that all 100 persons aboard had said the pilot radioed before the Airline officials say the Boeing bassador to Japan. The ambassador were killed. explosion that his plane had been 737, carrying 93 passengers anda seized by members of the terrorist crew of seven, was hijacked on a Several senior Malaysian govern- group. flight from the Maylaysian resort was listed as a passenger on the hi- ment officials were also reported to island of Penang to Kuala Lumpur, jacked Malaysian jetliner that ex- be on the passenger list including Further reports say the pilot the Malaysian capital, then on to ploded and crashed Sunday night near the minister of agriculture. tried to land in Kuala Lampur, but Singapore. Singapore. ground radio listeners heard gun fire An airline spokesman says that 10 Police have set up tactical command fire aboard the plane and it swerved minutes after the plane left Penang, The Cuban Embassy says the ambassa- posts at the scene of the crash, off. the pilot informed airline officials dor arrived in Kuala Lumpur Nov. 24 where bits of the wreckage and the flight had been hijacked and or- to pay a farewell call on the gov- bodies were found among trees in the Airport sources report there was dered to fly straight to Singapore. ernment before returning to Cuba area. an. explosion aboard the hijacked The plane crashed near the south- next year. An airline official says there is Malaysian Airlines jetliner before ern town of Johore Bahru, 15 miles He had served as Cuban ambassador still no confirmation that the hi- the plane crashed. It went down in north of Singapore City. SToday is Cuban-A merican The Navy' onUy 1sahon-bas, d daLy Friendship Day Vol. 32 No. 231 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Monday, December 5, 1977 Castro is Coal miners' delegate P.L.O. rejects U.N. resolutions strike looks TRIPOLI (AP) -- The Palestine Libera- The head of the P.L.O., Yasir Ara- in Angola tion Organization Sunday rejected any fat, was not present when the an- imminent Geneva peace talks based on current nouncement was made in Tripoli, Lib- WASHINGTON (UPI) -- There does not (AP) -- Radio Havana says the head United Nations resolutions. ya. seem to be much chance of avertjg of Cuba's armed forces, Raul Castro. The resolutions, passed by the He was said to be conferring else- a nationwide coal miners strike on heads a delegation to the first con- Security Council, call for negotia- where in Tripoli with the hard-line Tuesday. gress of Angola's ruling Popular Lib- tions based on the principles of Arabs who are trying to form a front United Mine Workers Prident Ar- eration Movement, which opened yes- recognized borders and national se- to counter the peace initiatives made nold Miller, absent from the terday. curity for countries in the area, in- by Egyptian President Sadat. The military leader is the brother last two sessions, rejoined govern- cluding Israel, and Israeli withdrawal ment-supervised bargaining with coal of Cuban President Fidel Castro. from occupied Arab land. The U.N. resolutions refer to the The U.S. State Department says Cuba operators in Washington yesterday. The announcement by the P.L.O. is Palestinian situation as a "refugee But a union spokesman was predict- has some 19,000 military personnel an apparent reversal of its earlier problem." The P.L.O. is demanding in Angola. ing that many of the 130,000 coal softened stand on Mideast talks. recognition of their national rights. miners will jump Meanwhile, in New York, Andrew Young the gun and not re- has changed his stance on the posi- port for work today. tioning of Cuban troops in Africa. U.M.W. spokesman Jerry Anderson After previously referring to them told U.P.I. that "In effect, the as "a stabilizing force," Young Sun- strike already has begun. If they day charged them with "contributing Assassination info costs plenty settle today it would probably be to destruction and chaos in Africa." two weeks before the contract could be ratified." WASHINGTON (UPI) -- It's going to freedom of information requests it Mine workers have a tradition of cost the public plenty to find out received in the last fiscal year. notworking until a contract is rati- what the F.B.I. has in its files on Those skeptical of the official fied by the full membership. Plane shot the assassination of John Kennedy. finding that Lee Harvey Oswald alone Under the Freedon of Information killed President Kennedy should have Act, 60 organizations and individuals a field day when the file material Spain weighs down over have forced the F.B.I. to release is released Wednesday. some 80,000 pages of file material, a about 40,000 pages on Wednesday and It is believed to contain some ma- port facilities EliL1IMnn I1 VULIC L theU rest I -in1 January.bi terial that never reached the Warren The agency estimates that the cost Commission. MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE (AP) --- Radio Mo- of the work involved will be more Public opinion polls show that many zambique U.S.S.R. reports a transport plane than $187,000. Americans still do not believe that for MADRID (AP) The Spanish government shot down over Mozambique last Sat-- However, it coat the F.B.I. more they have heard the full, true story -- urday, was carrying Rhodesian beef to than $9 million to handle all of the of the assassination. is said to be considering a request Zaire. from the 'Soviet Union that it be That would be in defiance of Unit- given non-military port facilities ed Nations sanctions against Rhode- across the bay from British Gibral- Sla.ExpIosIonsri ) Indian plant ter. The radio quotes the planes pilot A Spanish official said the U.S. and co-pilot as saying they've fer- NEW DELHI (AP) -- A series of explo- The accident is expected to delay and Britain have informally asked ried 300 tons of meat on 35 flights sione and a fire ripped through a the production of heavy water, used Spain about the Soviet request, but between the two countries since last plant that produces heavy water for as a medium for nuclear fission, for have not made any protest. June. nuclear generators injuring 20 per- about one year. The U.S. Navy operates a Polaris The mandatory U.N. sanctions sons and closing the facility accord-i- First reports say the blast was missile submarine base near Gibral- against Rhodesia were imposed 12 ing tt Indian government officials. caused by a leak in the plant's con- ter, and Washington is probably con- years ago when the white minority A spokesmen for the Indian Atomic verter, where heavy hydrogen, an ex- cerned about possible Soviet surveil- government declared unilateral inde- Energy Commission said the accident plosive material, is extracted from lance of base operations. dependence from Britain. ammonia gas. The Soviets made their request 18 catsed severe damage to the plant at The Baroda plant, whose construc- months ago. Some Spanish officials tion was started in 1969 with French say a Spanish-Soviet company has north Bombay. emonira ors He oda,said 200the injuriesmiles were mostly technical assistance, recently com- ready been formed to handle the bunk- Demonstrators minor burns suffered by plant work- pleted trial runs. It had not yet ering and servicing of ships and ers and firemen during an hour-long produced any substantial quantity of tankers in the Soviet merchant fleet. protestprotes bombbomb battle ConeJeagainst the flames. heavy water. Ky requests WAHSINGTON (AP) -- Demonstrations comes home protesting development of the neu- human rights tron bomb greeted President Carter PALMDALE FLA.CAP)-- After six time away from work. He was seen when he left church in Washington days, Colonel -oe's lark in the wallowing in pools by day and was Sunday with his wife and daughter. scrublands of Florida is over. heard trumpeting at night. for refugees 14-year About ten persons across the street The 3-too elephant will be hack Colonel Joe, the circus' LOS ANGELEN (AP) -- Former South shouted "Stop the neutron bomb," and doing tricks for the Circus Vargus old star attraction, was led into Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky held up a 50 foot banner reading tonight. a tractor-trailor Sunday afternoon said he's urged President Carter to "even to consider the neutron bomb The bull elephant escaped near for transport to Homestead -- south- extend his human rights campaign to is evil," as the Carters emerged from Palmdale in south-central Florida west of Miami -- where the circus helping fleeing Vietnamese refugees. a side door. Tuesday after his circus truck Vargus is appearing. Ky, who now runs a liquor store in Similar protests have been held caught fire. He eluded capture un- southern Califcrnia, said he sent for the past several weeks at the til Sunday when he was taken quietly He was spotted by two searchers telegrams concerning the refugees to church. about 15 miles east of Palmdale near about noon. Handlers were flown to the President, to the United Nations Carter has said he wants money ap- Lake Okeechobee. the scene and the elephant was cap- and to Sen.
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