Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Trinity Tablet (1868-1908) Catalogs, etc.) 10-14-1904 Trinity Tablet, October 14, 1904 Trinity College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/tablets Recommended Citation Trinity College, "Trinity Tablet, October 14, 1904" (1904). Trinity Tablet (1868-1908). 532. https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/tablets/532 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Catalogs, etc.) at Trinity College Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trinity Tablet (1868-1908) by an authorized administrator of Trinity College Digital Repository. /I THE TRINITY TABLET ESTABLISHED APRIL II, 1868 TRINITY COLLEGE OCT. 14, 1904 VoL. XXXVIII No. 1 CONTENTS PAGE PAGE EDITORIALS, I PERSONALS, 19 VERSE, s NECROLOGY, . 21 AT A p ARISIAN CAFE, 6 THE STROLLER, 21 THE HUMORIST WHO DIPPED INTO ATHLETICS, 22 TRAGEDY, II EXCHANGES,. 23 COLLEGE AND CAMPUS, . 15 HARTFORD CONN. 11 TI-IE TRINITY TAB LET The Travelers . Insurance _Company, ~ OF H,ARTFO~DJ CONN. ,r~·A/41'~ ACCIDENT. LIFE. Best Policies and the Largest and Strongest Non-Participating Policies. Every Figure Accident Company in the World. Guaranteed. "Self Explanatory" Annual Dividend Life Has Paid 414,000 Accident Claims Policies with options which Practically make for Nearly $30,000,000. every Policy an Endowment. Resources, $40,105,000. Reserve and Other Liabilities, $34,876,000. Excess Security to Policyholders, $5,229,000. AVE you ever thought that Good Printin g, Fine Printing, Cheap Printing, Expensive HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE H Printing, whichever you wish to pay for, is done at STEAM WORK OEER.'S DIR.ECTOR.Y OFFICE BY THE OF ALL KINDS HARTFORD PRINTING CO. Designed and Erected. and while we are not very large and are exceed ­ ingly modest, we have been engaged in this Book, Job and Card Printing for 65 years, at · L.IBBY & BLINN, 16 State Street. 164 State St. Hartford, Conn. STUDIO, 1039 MAIN STREET. ttadtna , . m.Jobnsont Pbotograpbn, 1039matn Street, J;artrord, £onn. GROUP WOR K A SPECIALTY. Cbe Boardman Li"ery Stable, Inc. Official Photographer HACK,LIVERY, and BOARDING STABLE, For the College. No. 356 MainSt,, Hartford,Conn. THE TRINITY TAB LET 111 S. BIENSTOCK, Belknap & Warfield, Proprietor of BOOKSELLERS AND STATIQNERS 3efferaon ]Pbarmac~t 990 Broad, Cor. Jefferson St ., Hartford, Conn. U, S. Post Office Station No. 11. Ke~ps everything you need in the TRINITY TEXT BOOKS lin e of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigar J, Candies, etc. AL w A YS IN STOCK. 77 and 79 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. COTTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y. (472 and 474 Broadway.) In"ter-collegiate makers of CAPS, GOWNS, AND HOODS. Class Contracts a Specialty. Particulars upon Application. IJOE MOTTO, Cigat's, Cobacco,fl'uits, Confections, and )\1:agazines. 12 MAPLE A vE. OPPOSITE HOSPITAL. The ''The Heublein," New York HARTFORD, CONN. Hom-mopathic Medical College At the Junction of Lewis, Wells, and Trumbull Streets, Most complete Medical Course. FACING BUSHNELL PARK, Largest Clinical Facilities (1200 Beds). Greatest opportunity for Hospital Appointment. EUROPEAN Electric Bus Connecting For Announcement address : PLAN with Trains. GEORGE WATSON ROBERTS, M.D. Sec 'y • I7f' Central Park South, N. Y. City'. WILLIAM HAR.VEY KING, M.D., I,I, .D., Dean. THE CAPITOL SOUVENIR PLATES •.. "TRINITY COLLEGE" Pool and.Billiard Parlors. AND SIX OTHER VIEWS. ASYLUM STREET, T _he Mellen & Hewes Co. Opposite Allyn ·House. 725 MAIN STREET, WAVERLY BUILDING. THE LARGEST AND FINEST IN NEW ENGLAND. HEADQUARTERS FOR STEINS AND OTHER NECESSITIES. EIGHTEEN TABLES. lV THE TRINITY TAB LET URNITURE FOR · THE DRUG STORE DENS, STUDENTS' ROOMS, Favored by Trinity Students F LIBRARIES,Etc. Che Rapdye Drug Company, Inc. The Celebrated "UNITED CRAFTS" 853 MAIN STREET. Productions have the desired Plentiful assortment of Toilet Goods. character to them. Maillard's, Allegretti and Fenway Candy Send for descriptive literature on this subject. FINE RUGS FOR STUDENTS' ROOMS. AMERICAN AND EUROPEANPLANS, C. C. FULLER & CO., Located in the busi­ 14-18 FORD STREET, HARTFORD. ness center, corner of Asylum and Trumbull 1Jfor1Jluur4rnu @,prrtaltirn, Streets. Electric cars pass the door every Such as Imported Sardines, Olives, Pickles, Game Pates, Potted Meats, Soups, Fancy two minutes. Hotel · Electric Bus meets all Crackers, Dessert Fruits, Etc., Etc., go to the ROBERT J. ALLYN, Pfto~. JOHN J, DAHILL, MANAGIII. trains. CITYHALL GROCERY, 42 State Street, BIGGEST ASSORTMENT AND LOWEST PRICES. John Middle ton Importer t.,.•Mounter GET EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF ·219 WAL.NUTST. -""""'=-- PRILA. MUSIOand MUSIOALINSTRUMENTS PA. AT WOODS-McCANN CO., 80WLS MADE. IN FRANCE Pipes Repalred 227 Asylum Street. Popular Music at Cut Rates. E. C. QUIGGLE, Prest., A. M. WILSON, Vice-Prest. and Treas. 1851 1904 R. D. BALDWIN, Sec'y. Phoenix Mutual Life · Che €. S. Kibbe Co., HELMET COFFEE, REGAL COFFEE, Insurance Company one pound cans. one pound cans. Of Hartford, Connecticut. Roasters of Coffee and Grinders of Spice. Issues every Desirable Form of Policy 149-155 State Street, Hartford, Conn .. known to Modern Life Insurance. The only Company that writes the combined Life­ Endowment-Annuity contract, the most attractive Policy for Agents to sell or Insurers to buy. Protection for Self, for Family, for Business . Specimen policy, rates, etc., will be given on appli­ cation to the Home Office. JONATHAN B. BUNCE, President, JOHN M. HOLCOMBE, Vice-President, WILLIAM A. MOORE, Secretary. iuuhult GUS. KOCH. UNEEDA LUNCH, Jqntngrnpqrr. 375 ASYLUM STREET, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. II PRATT STREET, HARTFORD, CO;NN. GOOD FOOD, QUICK SERVICE, Highest Awards ip United States and Europe. College Work a Specialty. MODERATEPRICES. THE TRINITY TAB LET V TRINITY COLLEGE, Hartford, Conn. Trinity College, under the name of Washington College, received its charter in 1823. The present name was adopted in 1845. Its chief founder was the Right Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, Bishop of Connecticut. Established by Episcopalians as a contribution to higher education, it is not a Church institution in the sense of being directed by the Church. Its advanta ges are placed at the service of those of every creed. Formerly on the sit~ of the present State Capitol, it was transferred in 1878 to new buildings in the . southwestern part of the city. The principal of these, in the English Secular Gothic style, 653 feet long,includ­ ing Jarvis and Seabury Halls and Northam Towers , is one of the most imposing and admirably fitted educa­ tional edifices in the United States . It was intended to form the west side of a great quadrangle . Outside of the lines of this quadrangle on the south, are the Obse rvatory, the Boardman Hall of Natural History, and the Jarvis Labo ratories for Chemistry and for. Physics. T o the north of it are the Gymna sium, houses of the President and Profes sors, and Chapter Houses of the Fraternities. Below the College Campus to the east and within three minutes walk, is the spaci ous Athle t ic field. · In beauty of situation, healthful conditions of life, and equipment fgr its spe cial work, the College is not surpassed. The College bas distinct courses of four years in Arts, in Science, in Letters and Science, and in Letters. The Faculty inclndes thirteen professors, seven instructors, five lecturers, a librarian, and a medical director. Among the Elective studies within the respective courses there is no important subject -for which adequate provision is not made. · Properly qualifi~d candidates not desiring to pursue all of the studies of any course are allowed as Special Students to pursue certain subjects, receiving certifi~ates for work satisfactorily acco.mplished. The Library contains 48 ,000 volumes. Generous contributions of the Alumni are making possible a rapid addition to its resources. A Reference Reading Room is open every day and on five evenings of the week. The Jarvis Chemical and Physical Laboratories have every equipment for the most advanced work. The Hall of Natural History contains the museum and Biological laboratories provided with the most modern appliances. In the year 1903 -1904 a full technical course in Civil Engineering was for the first time made available for all qualified applicants. There are numerous scholarships providing pecuniary assistance for deserving students. The three Holland Scholarships, yielding each $600 per annum, are awarded to the three best students in the three lower · classes respectively. The Russell Graduate Fellowship of $400 is awarded biennially in the interest of higher graduate study. Prizes to the amount of $500 are also awarded to undergraduates for success in the work of the various departments. Two examinations for admission are held at the college in each year, the first on the three days following the Annual Commencement, and the second in September, immediately before the beginning of the Christmas term. · For Catalogues, Examination papers, or information, apply to the Presid ent or to the Secretary of the ·Faculty. ~WEATERS, JERSEYS, AND CAR- 'R._epaz'ringNeatly and ~romptly Done. DIGAN JACKETS, KNEE CAPS, ANKLETS, AND ABDOMINAL BELTS SpecialAttention to Trinity Students. W. H. BACON, 38 New Britain Avenue. TRINITY PENNANTS, TRINITY FLAGS, TRINITY BANNERS, CLASS CAPS, TRINITY CAPS. A Specialty at MORAN'S, 869 Main Street, Hartford. ID4tllnrtttr Jqntngrapq Qtnmpruty, Established 1826. ROBBINS BROS., MAKERS OF ~ORTRAITS AT 92 PRATT STREET. ModernandAntique Furniture Bromide Enlargements, Flash Light Groups, Etc., Kodaks Finished, Brains Used, Not Machines. 683 Main Street, HARTFORD, CONN. Vl THE TRINITY TABLET The CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY PRINTERS OF Jriutrrs anh ~inhrrs HARTFORD TABLET & BULLETIN CONN. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS FULL LINE OF ELWIN F. HAWKINS, CIOARETTES, TOBACCO JA~S, AND 38 PIPES. Decorat ed with Fraternity Emblems at Dentist Conn. Mutual Hours 9 A.M. Frank Crygier's Cigar Store, Building. to 5 P. M, 248 A.sylum St., HARTFORD, CONN.
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