www.nato.int/kfor The KFOR magazine for KFOR soldiers February 2013 KFOR CHRONICLE - UKRAINIAN PEACEKEEPERS - GERMAN VIP - CHILDREN’S SAFETY CELEBRATION - VISIT TO KOSOVO - IS A PRIORITY - CONTENT UKRAINIAN PEACEKEEPERS CELEBRATIONS 4 3MCAD ADDRESS GERMAN VIP VISIT TO 10KOSOVO CRC EXERCISE 12 MITROVICA NORTH ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE6 CHILDREN`S SAFETY 14IS A PRIORITY LANGUAGE COURSE IN HIGH DEMAND 15 SENIOR MENTOR AND ADVISOR8 MORAL WELFARE 16ACTIVITIES IN KFOR THE NATIONAL 20THEATRE OF KOSOVO PROFILES 23 TRAINING FOR MEDICAL PERSONNEL22 - KFOR Chronicle 02/2013 - MCAD ADDRESS MCAD MILITARY CIVIL ADVISORY DIVISION ACTIVITIES osovo has just celebrated the fifth Anniver- Ksary of its independence, and the Kosovo Se- curity Force (KSF) has been an integral part of the celebrations, marking its place as an essential element of this young State. The KSF is a lightly armed security force, offi- cially established on the 21st of January 2009 with the task of providing an emergency and a civil protection response force to assist Kosovo civil authorities. Its core capabilities are fire fighting, search and rescue, dealing with hazardous ma- terial, and explosive ordnance disposal. Having reached its Initial Operational Capability in mid- September 2009, the KSF is now awaiting the for- mal endorsement by the North Atlantic Council of its Full Operational Capability (FOC), which is expected to be declared in the coming months. The KSF has already proved its capabilities, not only during the exercises conducted just prior to FOC recommendation, but also in real emergen- cies, such as the relief assistance to Albania after the flood in January 2010, the search and rescue operation in the village of Restelica following the avalanche in February 2012, and in the clearing of Kosovo mined areas, where KSF deminers suf- fered no casualties. KFOR’s Military Civil Advisory Division (MCAD) has accompanied the KSF along this journey, mentoring, advising and training its com- advisory tasks. At the same time, KFOR’s units will con- manders, leaders, trainers and personnel over the tinue to provide support, within means and capabilities, last four years. KFOR’s operational units too have through enhanced cooperation. significantly contributed towards this goal through The commitment of the men and women of KFOR and the Enhanced Cooperation Programme. MCAD will continue unaltered; a self-sustaining KSF is The formal declaration of the FOC will not mark a key step forward towards a safe and secure Kosovo the end of KFOR’s mission with regard to the and the accomplishment of KFOR’s mission. This is a KSF. Much remains to be achieved yet towards goal that we can only achieve continuing to progress a self-sustaining force. A thorough cooperation “FORWARD TOGETHER” with the KSF. plan for 2013 is being developed in coordination with the Ministry of the KSF and the COM KSF, encompassing Enhanced Cooperation, Security Force Assistance programmes, the overcoming of legacy issues, and the transition of vetting activi- ties to Kosovo Institutions. In order to accomplish BRIGADIER GENERAL SALVATORE CARTA DCOS/MILITARY CIVIL ADVISORY DIVISION CHIEF these goals in the upcoming months, the MCAD will face a transformation, focusing mainly on - KFOR Chronicle 02/2013 - 2 3 UKRAINIAN PEACEKEEPERS CELEBRATIONS THE 21ST ANNIVERSARY OF THE ARMED FORCES n December 2012, the Ukrai- In the second part of the festive Inian contingent held a ceremony event, the Ukrainian peacekeepers to mark the 21st anniversary of demonstrated the use of weapons the creation of the Armed Forces during a tactical operations display. of Ukraine. Welcoming the atten- Finally, the guests were treated to a dance of their distinguished guests, highly professional performance of the Commander of the Ukrainian various techniques of hand-to-hand Contingent, Lt Col Illia Fedorenko, fighting that contains elements of commenced the ceremony by out- boxing, karate, aikido, and judo. lining the significance of the event These combat skills bring with and congratulating the contingent them the necessary military, physi- on the occasion of the 21st anniver- cal and psychological qualities re- The commander of the Ukrainian sary of the foundation of the Armed quired of a modern soldier. Contingent in Kosovo, Colonel Illia Forces. This, the final part of the ceremo- Fedorenko believes that he is a very ny, was a spectacular demonstra- fortunate officer to command such tion which was greatly enjoyed by a cohesive and well-trained unit the guests. On completion of the which will remain in theatre un- display, the guests applauded for til April 2013 thus completing one a solid five minutes to mark their year service with KFOR. appreciation for the demonstration To date, after ten months service presented by Ukrainian service- with KFOR, Ukrainian peacekeep- men. Col Storey was deeply im- ers have performed more than 900 pressed and personally expressed different tasks. In particular, they his admiration and gratitude to the have conducted convoy escorts, commander of the Ukrainian con- VIP guard, patrolled enclaves tingent and all the organisers and densely populated by national mi- In reply on behalf of the guests, the executors of this special event. norities and conducted joint patrols Commander of the Multi National Col Storey stated that “In my 30 with the Kosovo border police. In Battle Group East, Col Waymon years of service in army, this has addition, they have completed syn- Storey, thanked the soldiers of the been the most professional and chronized patrols along the admin- Ukrainian contingent for their ex- skillfull demonstration of unarmed istrative boundary lines with units cellent manner in which they con- combat that I have witnessed. I of the Armed Forces of the Repub- ducted their peacekeeping tasks and am honored to command a Battle lic of Serbia, established tempo- also awarded the best soldiers on Group which contains troops with rary check points and observation parade with diplomas. such skills and training ”. posts and guarded KFOR military STORY and PICTURES: B. SENYK - KFOR Chronicle 02/2013 - UKRAINIAN PEACEKEEPERS CELEBRATIONS MNBG E installations. The contigent has personnel who have already experi- The first Ukrainian peacekeep- also participated in all operations enced participation in international ing unit stepped onto the land of and activities conducted by the peacekeeping operations. Ukraine “blackbird” thirteen years ago, in MNBG E. Armed Forces personnel have September 1999. Veterans of Peace- Ukrainian soldiers believe that their peacekeeping experience in Sierra keeping Operations said that in re- participation in peacekeeping mis- Leone, South Lebanon, Liberia, and cent years the situation in Kosovo sions allow them to gain valuable Iraq. Some of their personnel per- has improved immensely. But there experience and improve their skills formed peacekeeping tasks 14 years are still many issues outstanding set. The Ukraine Authorities se- ago in the former Yugoslavia. This which KFOR and the international lect its best personnel and deploys gives proof to the saying: “He who community must address in order to them on peacekeeping missions. will visit the Balkans once – will improve the welfare and safety of The present contigent contains 60 surely come back here again.” local people. - KFOR Chronicle 02/2013 - 4 5 MITROVICA NORTH ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE CHILDREN’S FUTURE IS AT STAKE he abbreviation MNAO is own municipal representatives. The discussing the workings of the Tregularly seen and heard in funding for the MNAO is by the MNAO is how driven Mrs. Hodzic KFOR briefings, but what does Institutions in Kosovo (IiK) and is to succeed in her appointment. MNAO stand for and what are its the MNAO has the same status as She is a mother of two young functions and what are the thoughts an elected municipal authority. All children and it is the desire to of its Chief Administrate Officer policy and activities of the MNAO improve their future that makes her (CAO), Mrs. Adrijana Hodzic. are planned and implemented in so determined to make the MNAO The Mitrovica North Administrative direct communication with the a conduit for the development Office (MNAO) was established on citizens of North Mitrovica. MNAO of North Mitrovica. She stated the 23rd of May 2012 in accordance deals exclusively with local issues that there are many problems in with the “Ahtisaari Plan”. The that affect the lives of the ordinary her area of responsibility such as function of the MNOA is to deliver population and does not tolerate security, health facilities, education, all municipal services in a fully political or any other interference. employment, capital investment and transparent, comprehensive and In order to gain an insight into the the provision of sports facilities. direct way in tight cooperation workings of the MNAO, the KFOR Mrs. Hodzic believes that all the with the citizens and according to Chronicle team met with Mrs. citizens of North Mitrovica share a their needs. MNAO will remain in Adrijana Hodzic in her Mitrovica common goal of wanting a better existence until the conditions are North office. life for themselves and their families created for the citizens to elect their The first impression one gets when and this includes the delivery of STORY: J. MURPHY PICTURES: A. HAJRULLAHU - KFOR Chronicle 02/2013 - MITROVICA NORTH ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE MNAO all the services that one expects resulting poverty could be elevated. North and stated that no democratic of a modern city. Mrs Hodzic This would offer a prosperous country could countenance such fervently believes that if investment shared future for all citizens in activities. Mrs. Hodzic is a realist from outside Kosovo could be Mitrovica. This is a major focus of and knows that nothing happens attracted together with the regional the MNAO and the development of overnight but she is prepared for Economic Development Strategy an overarching strategy is critical to the long road ahead as she stated and the involvement of the local move Mitrovica North forward to a “it’s my children’s future that is at community through indigenous better future.
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