Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 10-2-1952 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1952). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3512. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3512 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Reael Toaohers College Is offcrlng Il Durlng lhe fnll quarter, Sep- curse In office praetlce which Herold'. Members of lhe Cnndler-Bul­ tember-December, tho Buslness Tile .. ASSII�IEI) scout Division of Includes Instructlcn In office �I· loch-Screven DistJ'lcl, Boy I�ducntlon Georglu Ma THE met on eve­ und of­ BULLOCH onunttteo Mondny HERALD mnohlnes, fll-Ing, general at the home nlng, September I, A e of nnd Boy Scout executive David fice procedures kuowfcdg of Kerrnl! R. Cal'!', dtstrtct ehuir­ 18 before en­ FOB SJ\ LI': One deluxe wcsung- L, bolh of Savannah, And typewrturur necCBSRI'Y DEDI�TED TO THE 0' STATESBORO Authenuc, 1'111' lind mnn, Liles, PROGRISS AND BULLOCH COUNTf .J\N'l'IQUhlS In tho COllI se, Olnsses will hnuxo orecu-te rnngu. nlso mtl F'leld Scout oxeouuvo lolling' III chicken Tully, tfll] items r-un -t)f' a Slipper, week fOl' b�1l1l1 foupd mnchlne. Beth Following northern service urea of meet two nights ench A-H-C' washing each of the tor the al full' wneuror represcntntlves of one-half hOUl'S, The tUI­ XII OCTOBER 1952 0111' shop prtces. condlt lon CIlIl bee seen the Coastul who IIvcs lin two and VOLUME STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, 2, NUMBER 47 in pl','f('('l III a Empire, 111' counues ·In lhe dlslrlcl mel 111'11 "[ust. loohlng" PHONE tion will bc $18.75. yO!1 buying III 111 Hllllol'h SU'f'Ct. Statesboro. cliurgo W�ICOlIlC III VI'; assembly to discuss ncw "1111 nrc !l1�vnY:i ltc. genera: AN· 36-H. to In­ Scout Billy Stubbs, member of The first class meeting will be 01.1 I;; WAGON WI·Ili:I';I, goals ror the coming year one of the stntesboro scout at 7,30 Muln street r-x sur e n well rounded program of Boy Thursdny, September 25, South SAlol': 'Ifi 11('1'(,:';, 10 cuu t­ TIQUI�S, !'OB nn theAdmtnls­ (in and nchicvement for the troops, conducled Impressive P Ill" in Room :1:1 In tr-nston, U. S. :WI, ttntcsboro, exr-oflr-nt fi!"lh' Mite, ucttvtty VIHI'd, pond Interested of lhc three counties, clostng ceremony. u-atlon Bulldlng. Anyone WilliaDl Elected �y H outh miles 1'1 let.' $2,500, .JOSIA youth HI'- "ighL should be at Russell (lI'C held on In New pieces were Waldo The next meeting Will he enrolllug' present AN'I'IQIJES :lE1"I'''HOIVI':H At the meeting You /lI'C Invlted be nn- this time, The lnst dale fOI' regls­ ----------------- 8 'The will l'ivlIlg weekly. Brndley, exccuuve bourd member October pluce uud hl'OIlHC HI'OIlIllI HIIlI In lei'. [trauon for course Is October 2, to (,OIllO in FOH SALE [15 acres, :10 r-ultl- of Lhc Coastnl Emph e Council, nounced them, YOII'II find IL Inscl­ enjoy VH1('d, I1e'W bouse stx miles I,:. Ii HUSIIING·S "ou;,g. �IHS nor-th 111'i['(' ,JI,500, .JOSIA I-I ZI�'I'­ Of Statesboro For Oct. 6 SHOP, 12G South Main AN'I'IQ1JI,: T!':HOIVI':H s.r-u. SL. Mayor' FOB SA I.E "I':ngllsh Settcrs" William Russell, son of 01'. and Mi-s. Fielding Russell, in J\ 111t'1'i('/1 111 their 13(':-;\ St�lt(,1 s of Statesboro, was elected "Youth Mayor" of Slutcsboro in ices --- pt'lllglf't' !i mnles. 2 f'erunlcs, nine Sen the etections held at tho Stntcsboi-o School \\'('l'lc� old, $25,00 cur-h. Hendy ror youth . lIigh Blue Devils tt nlnlng', 2 males 10 00 cnch. ::! yesterday morning, Defeat onr'h 011(' Lrnined GENERAL INSUHANCE Fomnles ,,:1;100 Runmng 8S a candldnte of lhe Mrs, Frud F'It.ltcIH'I', 1'llIlIling' wilh Not to Have fnmn!e. ,12!iOO, Phone -Russencnu'' nnd Ihe "Blue Devlls" 1'f't'f'I\lf'd "It's a good policy l',gl,.leli'd put-ty IJt.lfIlIllg PIII'tV, !lOll. RI 5, l+ox. :\4-1, Sn vnnnnh, the drum with a "Hussull With 00 votes nnd Ft'cdet'ich son a bad one" D.WI, CeO! m Russell" hc received 81 or MI', lind MI'H DYI'I', run­ Is g stogun, Byron Next REAL ESTATE TCH; Lyons Us votes lo win lhe election, IIllig liS fill "Iudepcndont," I'!J- List Your Property Wah �oo nCI es noD ncrcs. ,Iel'o Fletchcr, son of MI', and cetveu " The Stntnsboro Blue Devils run over a HILL 8. OLLIFF High light Ivnt (ou I' houses. 10w(,1 766 CIIII cd. I onn son of �11' H ntl Siebaid SI. Phone ljobuy tdnon, Toombs Central High Team last Friday night on the local t of Bulloch lund. pal county, good than MI':-I, H F' Dnnuld:-lolJ ,II'" II'd the This jovial gent IS none other • scol'e nu l stocl< ]0 • field by lhe of 35 to 0 excellent turn I'unge tlcltCl rol' (�nllHt'lhnHI1 with 100 ovel'whelming SI'IWLLlNG Ol1r "pecwl· who plays a clown CUSTOM Bel'lllllCln Price Jllnmy Stewart, of (I('I'(,S ('on�11L1 voltJ!:!, The othCl' t01l1' CtlIIIlIJIIIIIOn Till' pH�sillg cUlniJlllIIthlll Lo In Cecil B, DeMille's unforgettable The flnesl of e<llIlpll1enl ,JOSIAH ZET'I'E­ nnd ty, �Ofi pel' n('l'e, oIccted wm'e Hnn of ,Iere "'I"teliel' 10 Ollhelt Cone YLIN behind-the-scenes circus drama, Temperature Guy F'I'OCIIIIIII, do the best fol' YOIl HA the dofenlilve o\' I he whole job !lOIVEIl Ml's SI11n '''I CellI/In, U<I \lol('s; pIny St!'oot III "The Greatest Show On Earth," 'Hansel·Gretel' I,'I�F:D �lILLS, Ploclol' Hille Dcvll ICIIIII 1(4'pl tho bOYH 7·10·lf Paramount Technicolor release Shil'ley Aldns, dllu��htCl' nf MJ', IIlId \Vesl �1"ln. PHONI': 28!) FOR SALE Th,'oo Hundl'ed neres, And Rain For 1'1'0111 'i'OnJIIS on lhe shol't !\iI'S IN County now plaYing at the Georgia Doy AI{IIlH, vOtoR: .!IIIIIllY 12ri (,lIltivntcd cxlm good lund, end of I III' SCOI'O_ son uf MI', lind MI'H JUIlIes Talc At SHS SERVIC�S-Let liS fiJI I.hc next Theatre. I3IHnd, one hOllse nCAI' Hopc-U-LII<c-ll. 'I'htl Onvils off to II slow Fairy Bulloch Blnnd, 75 voles: nnd POll'\! I{en� got y01l1' doclo!' wl'ltes .JOS1AH County PI'cs('I'ipLion PI'i('c $100 pCI' nCI'o. GEORGIA THEATRE slort n� lhl'cntelled tn seol'e Phone 2 nedy, HOIl of 1\11, nllLl I\fI'S' Pel'lY Lhey A LL DRUG STOHl;;, ZI;;TTEROWER. The thermometer readlngl 88 \loltl:-l, Otllel's ill the lwlce III Ihe fil'sl qUIII'lel' bill. n PA UL I'RAN"LIN, Heg· I{cnllcdy, Oct. 7 for NOW PLAYING Thru for the week, Monday, Sep­ flOlll nn ),011. !'!tco bnd HIlIl)) ('clilel' ,.int.l Tuesday, PAUL COllllcllnllln wel'e Elldle Istel'ed Phal'mnclst, FOR SA L1� ,Iohn Decre Side De- September 29, tember 22, through Sunday, thel1l HodgeH, U I, .InC' ,lohn3tolJ, 5'1; inlcl('C'pled pur.:-I j)lcvt'nlot! Th'.1 Slatesbol'O .Junior \\tomon's 1< I. I ,IH �cAlcs were as follows, FHA N N, Reg-,stered IIvclY, cOll1pllllllg (which September 28, f!'om I the ,10 Will SII1l� Cll(Jhlng gonl Club will CHent REX� "THE GREATEST as the "Wicked Witch" the ovcn as "GreteP' her hand In terror MIII'Y .lohnston, a'l, pi "HnmlCl nnd Phul'maclsL FRANI{LfN lip to :10 pounds) And "HANSELH registers surprise opens wrings weigh G'I, IIlJd GG III lhe second Albel't GI'olel" Oil ot ON EARTH" Woman's Club "Hanscl and Statesboro School H'gh Low mons, Lynn SmiLh, pel'lnd, 1'lIcsdny, OclolJ�I' 7, ", 'ine'e 1908" 1<ltchcn CAblllCl �1RS S�flLEY 111 a scenc 111 the Junior annual play, Gretel," at the High SLewal'l n T, C_ pass the Slutcl'lbol'o School oudi� II the Sept, 22 75 67 The ele lion cOIllI11illec WIIS Bet­ IIllcl'eepteci High CII, 10-2-atp. on October 7, Bernard Scott IS "Hansel" in the oven; Mrs. G, H. Byrd, Monday, ADAhlS, Regislc!', illldltorlUlll Tuesday, . on his Hi d line lind moved to LOl'iUlll, Asl( \IS Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! 23 79 65 ty S\,lvin ,Iolle�, Me­ YflI Wunt '1'0 Loose Wmght'! "GreteJ.1I Tuesday, Sept, Young, Belly Wicked Witch; and Mrs, Bobby Olliff is -Photo by Clifton. LlcvllH 'I' C.'s four more 24 79 60 MCl'le Denn '-he 38 The dl'ove to 'I'hel'o \VIII be lwo how_ FRANKLIN REXALL F'OB. SALE-F'lvo loom hOllse in only (h�YS Wednesday, Sept, COl'l1llcl(, ChnpllllllI, perroI'm on cos, 118 In more Bob� Show If POSSible 25 77 63 Nadine Cl1l'fll!'n Illld lwo cnl'l'le!'!, the ilt DHUC STORE, Phone 2 excellent condition, Close Ill, Attcnd An Early Thur.day, SepL Snuh., HOIlCh, Ly­ IIlUlillCC :1.:10 and the eve� Newton ,lt'l'e '''Ietchel' hull Show at 26 80 61 dene by lind Bilow At g'OO Olhff stl'eet.
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