SUPPORT THE STRUGGLE FOR BLACK PEOPLE'S HUMAN RIGHTS! INDEPENDENCE FOR THE NEW AFRIKAN NATION! published by the John Brown Book Club TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . EDITORIAL The Black Nation's Struggle for Land and Independence —PFOC Statement p. 1 2. 'LAW AND ORDER': Blueprint for Fascism (PFOC) p. 2 3 . ASSATA IS FREE! BLA Communique p. 12 Statement from Assata Shakur p. 13 4 . PUERTO RICO: DE PIE Y EN GUERRA PROTECT AND DEFEND THE ARMED CLANDESTINE MOVEMENT "A Nuestro Pueblo" —reprinted from El Nuevo Dia p. 16 Statement by the Liga Socialista Puertorriquefla p. 17 Statement by the Movimiento de Liberaci6n Nacional p. 18 Vieques: There's No Turning Back (PFOC) p. 19 5 . FREE LEONARD PELTIER! p. 22 Statements by Leonard Peltier —reprinted from Crazy Horse Spirit published by the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee p. 23 6. FREE the RNA-11: FREE THE LAND! p. 25 "RNA Freedom Fighters: A Continuing Episode of Human Rights Violations in Amerika" —reprinted from The New Afrikan published by the Republic of New Afrika p. 26 "Editorial: Denial of Self-Determination A New Afrikan View" —reprinted from The New Afrikan p. 31 7. FREE THE PONTIAC BROTHERS! "The People Are the Best Judges!" —reprinted from The FUSE published by the New Afrikan Prisoners Organization p. 34 8. REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE IN GUYANA —by the Editors of Soulbook p. 38 Press Release, August 23, 1979 —Coalition for a Free Guyana p. 42 9 . A RESPONSE TO THE AFRICAN PEOPLES SOCIALIST PARTY —PFOC Statement p. 44 Breakthrough, political journal of Prairie Fire Organizing Committee, is published by John Brown Book Club. Subscriptions (4 issues) are $6.00 regular, $15.00 institutional, free to prisoners. Single copies are $1.50 plus 15% postage. Orders of five or more @ 90<t plus 15% postage. Please make checks payable to John Brown Book Club. Our new address is FOB 14422, San Francisco, CA 94114. Prisoners' correspondence and subscriptions should be sent to FOB 60542, Los Angeles, CA 90060. BREAKTHROUGH/page 1 EDITORIAL The Black Nation's Struggle for Land and Independence PFOC Statement Since our formation, Prairie Fire has been in strug- development of US/European imperialism was made gle to build revolutionary solidarity with the Black possible by the centuries-long plunder of Africa and Liberation Movement among white people. During the enslavement and trade of African people. As a the past period we've deepened our understanding of white settler colony, the US built its immense wealth the central relationship between the colonized Black and power on the backs of slaves producing cotton in Nation and US imperialism, and the key role which the South and on the conquest of Native lands and Black liberation will play in imperialism's ultimate peoples. Slavery, genocide and colonialism were the destruction. Through struggle with Black revolu- basis for the subsequent annexation of northern tionary nationalist forces we've come to redefine our Mexico and the worldwide growth of the US empire. stand on the revolutionary goals and strategies of For over 400 years, Black people have been denied Black nationalism. We now believe that only through the most basic of human rights—the right of a people winning independence, self-rule and freeing their land to self-determination, self-rule and land. Against the base in the South will Black people be able to achieve dehumanization of slavery and colonialism, African human rights and liberation. people of many nations and tribes built a new com- In the past, PFOC drew a sharp line against mon culture, a national identity and a national "multinational" politics which upheld integrationism resistance to genocide and oppression. All Black peo- or assimilation of Black people into the "multina- ple in the US are part of this New Afrikan Nation tional working class" movement. However, we held a which first developed in the South, where Black peo- liberal concept of self-determination which supported ple lived in the majority and worked the land long the right of the Black Nation to independence but left before this country was called the USA. It was here other options open as possible paths to liberation. that the wars for freedom were first fought by the Last year we moved to take a position that maroon societies, by Nat Turner, by Denmark Vesey independence is the only possible resolution to the and many others. It was in the South that Black peo- colonial contradiction, the only basis on which the ple began to build independent societies and institu- Black Nation could exercise its right to self- tions during Reconstruction. And it was in the South determination. But we still failed to support the Black that Reconstruction was defeated and reparations for Nation's historic and legitimate right to land in the centuries of slavery were denied to the millions of ex- South. The Black Nation cannot achieve genuine self- slaves. Through the use of illegitimate laws, federal determination, independence or liberation without power and the mass terrorist mobilizations of the control over land. We now believe that white anti- white population, the Black Nation was denied its imperialists must put forward clear support for the right to self-determination and forced into the co- Black Nation's struggle for national independence lonial relationship that continues till this day. and land in order to build revolutionary anti- imperialist movement in the oppressor nation. The struggle to free the New Afrikan Nation began US imperialism is based on the division of the with the courageous resistance of African people to world into oppressor and oppressed nations. The being stolen from Africa. It was continued on the page 2/BREAKTHROUGH slaveships, in countless rebellions against slavery and and privilege under imperialism is derived from con- in the determined resistance to KKK terror and lynch- quest and control over land and the colonization of mob violence. The Black Nation's struggle to end its whole peoples. The Black Nation's attack on the ter- colonial subjugation exploded across the US during ritiorial integrity of'the US and the demand for in- the '60s with demands for Black power and Black dependence threatens the foundations of white self-determination. Malcolm X declared: "Land is domination. The failure of the white left as a whole to the basis of all independence. A revolutionary politically and materially support the goals of in- wants land so he can set up his own nation, an in- dependence and land are rooted in its stake in the dependent nation." In 1968 the Republic of New status quo of white supremacy. Afrika (RNA) made claim to the five states of South In this period of intensifying crisis for imperialism, Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Loui- it is critical that the white left take up active support siana and since then many Black nationalist forces for the revolutionary demands of independence and have defined this land as the national territory of New land for the Black Nation. Imperialism is faced with a Afrika. PFOC supports the struggle to free New political time bomb in the power of the Black Nation, Afrika because the claim to this land is rooted in the particularly because of its strategic location in the historic reality of Black people's relationship to the South and in the industrial and urban centers of the South, because it is due Black people as partial North, Midwest and the West Coast. At this time it is reparations for centuries of slavery and superex- accelerating its strategy of genocide in order to con- ploitation and because it is strategically viable to tain this revolutionary potential. Masses of white peo- liberate this land mass as the territory of New Afrika. ple are also mobilizing to take part in a "populist" National liberation movements reclaiming their fascist movement aimed at suppressing Black and land, labor and resources are leading in the destruc- other colonized peoples. As white anti-imperialists we tion of US-led imperialism. We believe that the New must organize within the oppressor nation to stop Afrikan Nation will win independence and land fascist mobilization and white terror attacks, to op- through a protracted war of national liberation and pose genocide and to support true human rights for that this struggle will be a decisive blow against the the Black Nation. Through the leadership of revolu- entire imperialist system. The Black national libera- tionary Black nationalists, we must begin to build tion struggle also poses the sharpest challenge to the solidarity with the struggle to liberate New Afrika as interests of the oppressor nation population in the the only means of ending the colonial subjugation of system of white supremacy. White people's power the Black Nation. NEW AFRIKA BREAKTHROUGH/page 3 'LAW AND ORDER' Blueprint for Fascism Black youths murdered in cold blood by white determination and land. The left refuses to killer cops who never get convicted of anything; Black acknowledge the fact that genocide is really happen- demonstrators attacked by white terrorist Klanners in ing now, because Black people aren't yet being full hooded regalia on the streets in Alabama; Black herded by the millions into the gas chambers. men set up to be legally lynched by white people But Black nationalist forces are clear about what's "democratically" voting genocide into law in the happening and they are not waiting till Black people form of the death penalty; Black, Puerto Rican, are eliminated to charge the US with genocide. Chicano/Mejicano, Native American people gunned (Genocide is defined by the UN as "inflicting on a down, framed, locked down for life by the police, the national, racial, ethnical, or religious group condi- FBI, the INS, the BIA .
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