3geo sgK BSPfSw uwui THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE WASHINGTON D THURSDAY APRIL 19 1900 -T-WELVE PAGES iw EVERYDATtMFE look it for granted it was a Confederate THE RECORD OF A UVE REGIMENT of cavalryman 1 110 rear man Had a canteen Tobacco Cure to wluch tho stopper was held by a small mm little ¬ WEAK FRPF - m ABRAHAM LINCOLN chain This chain striking the can CURES How a Mother Banished Cigarettes and teen sounded tothofrontmanasif it was the Did in of Continued from first paso snap to a rebel salier and tho noise ac- ¬ Some Things the 54th Pa Saw and the War the Tobacco With a Harmless Remedy T f celerated his movements to a lively run The rear man was determined that his Rebellion Given in Tea Coffee and Food why I lielievo feel to say friend in front of him should not got away itjbutl bound from him ho quickened his speed to the Send Name and Address To dayYou Oan that I have my dbhbts about the abutment utmost limits This continued until the By J R HUMMEL Anyone Can Have a Free Trial Package on the other sideSb said Mr Lincoln front man from sheer exhaustion fell to the when politicians lojd jne that the Northern ground and tho rear one tumbled down by Have It Free and be Strong and Some timo ncro a well known business mnn him whose stomach and nerves were ruined by the and Southern wings of the Democracy They had safely mado their escapo principally killed wounded however and so far from tho rebel guards Tho 54th Pa was recruited ment was 30 and Adjt could be harmoniffid hy I believed them that there was no further danger from in the Counties of Camhria Somerset W H Rose being among the latter of course but I always had my doubts them Vigorous for Life during the On the morning of June 0 tho regiment on side Northampton and Lehigh command to about tho abutment tho other The most varied cxporiencoand when all 1S61 with the moved Staunton told montlis of August and Septemler where Hunter was joined by Crook who had A SICK LOT OF OFFICE SnKKKRS the most entertaining was that of rendezvoused Camp Curtin Pa and from tho Valley Forkner and Henry In their nature It at advanced Kanawha The A delegation once called upon Mr Lin- ¬ desires tastes everything follow- ¬ 54th was hero to com- ¬ and about them LOVE A was organized by the selection of the transferred Crooks coln to ask the appointment of a gentleman they wero opposites Lon Forkner was a INSURES AND HAPPY HOME ing officers M Campbell of Cambria mand and formed part of tho Third Bri- ¬ J Col Campbell as Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands very pious man he carried his religion County Colonel Barnabas McDermit of gade Second Division J M wherever ho went and never was tliought Cambria County Lieutenant Colonel and in commnnd of the brigade and in tho ab They presented their caso as earnestly as lesjabouthisreligiousduties Sam Henry of Cambria County Major senco of Col J P Linton on account of possible and besides his fitness for the John P Linton wounds Maj fwho was designated from the other Sam Campbell and many of his officers and men received at Now Market place they urged tliat he was in bad health Henrys in his neighborhood as Devil ¬ Youtzey tqok command of the regiment Sam had served during- the three montlis cam- and residence in balmy climato Henry1 was very prqfano and had no piety McDermit possessed military Gen Hunter now pushed rapidly towards a that paign and Lynchburg the enemy steadily contesting would le of great benefit to him The alxHithim- - Inhisyoungerdays hecmbraccd experienco acquired in the Mexican war religion atime or two but his liaturo was TIio men were drilled by squads and com ¬ the way President closed the interview with tho On Juno 11 the rcginiunt was engaged such that it would not stick and he was soon panies while in Camp Curtirf On Feb in good humored remark Gentlemen I am at histoid sinful ways Just as often ¬ defeating rebels Lexington 27 1862 the regiment was ordered to Wash- th at and sorry to say that there are eight other occurs in tho meeting of extremes in their upon arrival went into camp assessed tho town but suffered little loss tobacco habit was secretly given it remedy uy ington and its 8 n 17 liis wife and ho never knew irhnt cured him ot applicants for tliat place and they are all reverses these two men hcame cronio and on the hill near Bladcnsburg Cemetery Juno Hunter arrived in front of sought each other to plan work out Lynchburg where the enemy had concen-¬ the bahit She then treated her son who was a sicker than your man and Company and regimental drill were prac- ¬ cigarette fiend inhaling tlie deadly fumes al their escape It apiwarod as if Forkner discipline On trated a large force Heavy skirmishing ticed under the strictest immediately most constantly and uo too was made sick of gutting mt OF IIORKS wanted Henry to do tho cursing and Henry March 2i 1S62 the regiment was ordered commenced and fighting soon the weed and quit wanted Forkner to do tho praying to became general The remedy is odorless and tasteless can be Mr Lincolns fact in ridding himself of to Harpers Ferry to report Col Miles two After crossiiur the rivr at Florence their Col Campbell was directed to make the During days the contest was waged mixed with coffee or food and when taken into importunate suppliants is illustrated in opportunity came and they did get away witli varying success raging at times the system n mnn cannot use tobacco in any ¬ following disposition of his forco along the form The remedy contains nothing that could tho following Joshua Bell of Ken- together Then they wero there CO miles B O Co G Capt with great fury All this time the 54th at lino of the Railroad was without rations and worn out with possibly do injury It is simply an Hiitiilotc for tucky was sent the head of a delegation awav from the Union lines in tho country F B Long at Back Creek Bridge eight the poisons of tobacco and takes nicotine out of from the Kentucky Legislature to rei of the enemy and tho way was dark for hard service but never flinched from the the system will cure even tlie confirmed ¬ miles west of Martinsburg Va Co F severe to It resent facts to Mr Lincoln and reaching camp They were equal to al Capt G W P Davis at Sleepy Creek duty which they were subjected cigarette tlend and is a God send to mothers certain most any emergency at any rate they had Co D Fifty four of their number wero killed who liavo Browing bojs addicted to thesmok secure some desired action from the Execu- Bridge nine miles farther west insr of cigarettes The remedy Is called Tobacco the courago to try anything to get away ¬ among tho wounded was Lieut Cole Co to Capt Thomas H Lapsley at Alpine Sta- B Specific and a free trial package of the remedy tive The committee was admitted the and kick to the Iniou forces Thoy tion five miles beyond Sleepy Creek Rog- ¬ the Finding tho enemy too strong for him will bo mailed prepaid upon application to White House where Bell who was an able traveled bya night and Jay by in the day Iost Co J Capt Wm is iJonacKer at ers Drug Chemical CoS32 Fifth and ltace Sts man strong made powerful tinv Anxious to make as much distance west his ammunition nearly exhausted Hunter Cincinnati Ohio and siieaker a possible Sir Johns Iluu six miles farther withdrew presentation of reuse close as one morning they traveled until Co C Capt E D Youtzy at Great Ca- - and commenced his retreat his At its dav was beginning to break capon west across tho mountains towards tho Ka- ¬ Lincoln got up and came among the Ken wag Jinuge nvc miles ol sir Jonn s ¬ Everything quiet and they wero not Co H O nawha in a hostile country short of ra- CANADAS VAST PEAT BOGS Ho began to talk one and Run Capt J Billheimer at tions no water to be found tuckians with dreaming of danger Suddenly coming Rockwell Run six miles bevond Co E and under a the other aliout old Kentucky friends to the side of a large pond of water to their scorching sun and being almost con How Capt P Graham at Xo 12 Water Station enemy the Substance Is Prepared for Various Then he linked arms with Bell and walked surprise a reliel soldier caniL down to tho B Sta- ¬ tinuously Harassed by tlie s cav edge Co Capt J H Hite at Paw Paw Uses as Fuel ¬ waters on the other side with a briJIo tion about three miles farther on Co K alry back and fortli with him for an hour chat- in his hand He callel to tho lioys and Capt E R Xewhard at Little Cacapon A TERRIBLE MARCH Buffalo Exprcks ting and talking and especially telling asked them if they had seen anything of hU Bridge and Co A Capt John P Suter at It would be difficult to give an adequate Tho best authorities say there are 100 funny stories Finally other visitors hor3 Henrys quick Wt cam at once to South Branch Bridge 1G miles east of description oi me suiienng and privation 000 acres of undeveloped ieat bog in On- ¬ pressed for his attention and the Ken the rescue hiking in the situation he ro- - Cumberland Md and 62 miles west of of man and beast in this memorable march tario principally in tho Counties of Perth tuckiaus withdrew and started for home pueu mat no nau mat no 11111 soon ti Martinsburg Va For the first three days and nights the Welland and lissex The largest area liors grazing along down the road point ¬ They got as liefore it - The distance to be guarded was oC miles command could only halt long enough to lies in tho County of Perth eight miles as far Cincinnati ing in thedireetion that would tak- tlirelel Regimental headquarters were established maice a cup ot coitee wlueli was about tlie north of the city of Stratford 011 the Grand occurred to Bell that
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