5/22/2017 VIETNAM NANTIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY (VNUF) COLLEGE OF FORESTRY BIOTECHNOLOGY (CFB) Xuân Mai, Chương Mỹ, Hà Nội, Vietnam NOTES ON TAXONOMY AND CONSERVATION OF MAGNOLIACEAE FROM VIETNAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Quang Nam ([email protected] [email protected]) Tel. 0084(0)984 622 611 Varadero, 28-3/Dec/2016 1 5/22/2017 I can't imagine that Let me ‘Red listing’ No, we say!!! makes me so don’t think (BGCI) tired !!! so !!! Have you finished to I don’t like you access that mention on species? ‘threatened species’ Contents during eating! • Introduction to Magnolias • Taxonomy of Magnoliaceae in Vietnam • Conservation status 2 5/22/2017 What is Magnoliaceae? ° Magnoliidae: Magnoliales: Magnoliaceae ° 2 (17!) genera: more than 300 species ° Mainly in SE Asia and in Central America, E and S North America, including Mexico and Antilles, and N South America ° Many ornamentals and timbers • Stipules present => annual scars Characters of: Flowers • Inflorescence: solitary • Flowers: most perfect, flowering bract, 3-merous, actinomorphic. • Tepals (not sepal and petal). 3 5/22/2017 Androecium: numerous spirally Stamens: anthers arranged stamens Laterally dehiscent Gynoecium: many simple Extrorsely dehiscent carpels spirally arranged on an elongated receptacle Gynophore (superior). Introrsely dehiscent Fruits: aggregate of follices Magnolia-type: spherical, ovoid, ellipsoid (Magnolia, Manglietia, Kmeria, Parakmeria etc.) Michelia- type: cylindrical one of the earliest Archaeanthus linnenbergeri groups of the flowering Some irregularly dehiscent Fossilized specimens datting back over 100 berrylike structure or samaras million years are thought to be ancestors of plants in Angiosperms existing Magnolias Taxonomy of Magnoliaceae in Vietnam ° Tropical and temperate zone with a strong • South-East Asia, Indochinese Peninsula monsoon influence • 331. 698 Km2; ° Sunny days, high rate of rainfall (1, 500 to 2, 000 mm) and humidity (80%) • 90,549,390 in Population; ° t0/year: 22-27, 3 types of climate area • 54 Ethnic groups - Northern: 4 different seasons - Southern: tropical monsoon: dry and rainy, 27.50C, without winter 4 5/22/2017 Tay Con Linh (Ha Giang): 2.419m INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Hoang Lien Son Mts. High Bioderversity: Phanxipang: 3143 m vascular flora of over 15000 species and nearly 2010 genera. Vũ Quang: 800 m Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng: 800-1.000 m Co Rilata: 1.128 m Kon Ka Kinh: 700 - 1.758 m Rich in endemic species with about Chư Yang Sin: 2.442 m 10% of all species Bidoup - Núi Bà: 91% of 64.800 ha is forest and 3% of genera. 1500-1800m, Bidoup peak: 2287m Langbian peak: 2167m. REASONS TO CHOOSE MAGNOLIACEAE FROM VIETNAM • Anonaceae Except Nguyen Tien Ban • Lamiaceae • Cyberaceae (2003)’s Checklist and ° Menispermaceae • Mysinaceae ° Oleaceae Flora of Vietnam Pham Hoang Ho (1999) • Apocynaceae ° Acanthaceae studied? • Verbenaceae ° Vitaceae • Liliaceae ° Ericaceae • Orchidaceae ° Rutaceae • Asteraceae ° Ephorbiaceae • Chlorophyta ° Rubiaceae • Polygonaceae ° Poaceae • Asteraceae ° Moraceae • Arecacea ° Ferns • Araceae Need to be studied (28 families) • Malvaceae • Lauraceae • Gesneriaceae HERBARIUM VISITED (Vietnam) METHODS - Institute of Ecological and Biological Resources (HN) - Institute of Tropical Biology (VNM) - National University (HNU) ° LITERATURE REVIEW ° HERBARIUM EXAMINATION - Forestry Inventory and Planning Institute (FIPI) ° FIELD WORK - Vietnam Forestry University (VFU) - Da Lat University (DLU) - Cuc Phuong National Park (CPNP) - Hoang Lien NP (HLNP) - Agriculture and Forestry University, Hue (AFU) 5 5/22/2017 HERBARIUM VISITED (Overseas) FIELD SURVEYS - South China Botanical Garden,CAS (IBSC) • Lao Cai Province: Sapa District, Hoang Lien - Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) University (SYS) NP. (Aug., Dec. 2008, Dec. 2009, May 2010), - Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Bat Xat District, Y Ty (Dec. 2009) and Muong Khuong District (Jan. 2011). Academy of Sciences (KUN) • Khanh Hoa Province: Nha Trang, Hon Ba - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, NR. (Nov. 2009) Academia Sinica (HITBC) • Lam Dong Province: Lac Duong, Bidoup- Nui Ba NP.; Di Linh (Nov.-Dec. 2009). • Dak Lak Province: Krong Nang District., Ea Ho municipality (Nov.-Dec. 2009). • Ha Tay Province: Ba Vi NP. (May 2010) • Ninh Binh Province: Cuc Phuong NP. (Jul. 2009 and May 2010) • Quang Ninh Province: Yen Tu and Tien Yen (Dec. 2010) • Son La Province: Moc Chau, Yen Chau (Jan. 2011) • Dien Bien Province: Muong Phang (Jan. - Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN, 2011) P) • Ha Tinh Province: Huong Son ((Jan. 2011) • Gia Lai Province: Kbang, Kon Ka Kinh ((Jan. - Royal Botanical Garden Kew (K) 2011). - Natural History Museum (BM) - National Herbarium of the Netherlands (L) TAXONOMIC SYSTEMS PHAM HOANG HO (1999) & NGUYEN TIEN BAN (2003) Figlar and Chen & Dandy (1927, 1950, 1978) Law (1984) Nooteboom (1985) Law (1996) Nooteboom (2004) Nooteboom (1993) and Hutchinson (1959) Malesiana Pham Hoang Ho (1999): 8 genera: 50 spp. & 2 var. Subf.Magnolioideae Subf.Magnolioideae Subf.Magnolioideae Nguyen Tien Ban (2003): 9 genera: 46 spp. & 3 var. Subf.Magnolioideae Trib. Magnolieae Trib. Magnolieae Trib. Magnolieae Trib. Magnolieae Trib. Magnolieae 1. Magnolia Subt. Magnoliinae 1. Magnolia 1. Magnolia Subt. Magnoliinae Subg. Magnolia 1. Magnolia L.(1753) 1. Magnolia Subg. Magnolia Subg. Magnolia 1. Magnolia Sect. Magnolia 2. Talauma Sect. Magnolia Sect. Gwillimia Subg. Magnolia Sect. Gwillimia Genera Pham Hoang Ho (1999) Nguyen Tien Ban (2003) Subg. Magnolia 3. Dugandiodendron Sect. Gwillimia Sect. Rytidospermum Sect. Gwillimia Subs. Gwillimia Sect. Magnolia 4. Aromadendron Sect. Lirianthe Sect. Oyama Sect. Rytidospermum Subs. Blumiana Alcimandra 0 1 Sect. Gwillimia Sect. Rytidospermum Sect. Gynopodium 5. Parakmeria Sect. Oyama Sect. Talauma Sect. Lirianthe 6. Kmeria Sect. Oyama Sect. Alcimandra Sect. Theorhodon Subs. Talauma Kmeria 1 1 Sect. Rytidospermum 7. Alcimandra Sect. Theorhodon Subg. Yulania Subg. Yulania Subs.Dugandiodendron Sect. Oyama Sect. Gynopodium Sect. Yulania Sect. Yulania Subs. Spendentes Liriodendron 1 1 Sect. Theorhodon Sect. Maingola Sect. Buergeria Sect. Buergeria Sect. Gynopodium Sect. Alcimandra Sect. Tulipastrum Sect. Tulipastrum Sect. Manglietia Sect. Maingola Subg. Yulania Subg. Talauma Magnolia L. 17 and 2 var. 12 and 2 var. Subt. Maglietiinae 2. Talauma Sect. Kmeria Subg. Yulania Sect. Yulania Sect. Blumiana 3. Parakmeria Sect. Rytidospermum Sect. Yulania 8. Manglietia Sect. Buergeria Manglietia 9 9 4. Kmeria Subs.Rytidospermum Sect. Buergeria 9. Manglietiastrum Sect. Tulipastrum Subt. Manglietiinae Subs. Oyama Sect. Tulipastrum 10. Pachylarnax Subg. Talauma 5. Manglietia Michelia 19 18 and 1 var. Sect. Talauma Sect. Auriculata 6. Manglietiastrum 2. Talauma Juss.(1789) Sect. Blumiana Sect. Macrophylla Pachylarnax 1 1 3. Aromadendron Bl.(1825) Sect. Aromadendron 2. Kmeria Subt.Alcimandriinae Subg. Yulania 4. Kmeria Dandy (1927) Sect. Manglietiastrum 3. Manglietia 7. Alcimandra Paramichelia 1 2 5. Alcimandra Dandy (1927) 2. Kmeria Sect. Manglietia Sect. Yulania 6. Manglietia Bl.(1823) 3. Manglietia Sect. Manglietiastrum Subt.Micheliinae Subs. Yulania 7. Pachylarnax Dandy (1927) 4. Pachylarnax Subg. Michelia Subs. Tulipastrum Tsoongiodendron 1 1 8. Elmerrillia Dandy (1927) Trib. Michelia Trib. Michelia Trib. Michelia 8. Michelia Sect. Michelia 9. Michelia L.(1753) Sect. Michelia Subs. Michelia Total 8 gens.: 50 spp., 2 var. 9 gens: 46 spp., 3 var. Subt. Elmerrilliinae 5. Elmerrillia 4. Michelia 10.Tsoongiodendron Chun (1963) Sect. Anisochlamys Subs. Elmerrillia 6. Michelia 11. Paramichelia Hu (1940) 11. Elmerrillia Sect. Michelia Sect. Dichlamys Subs. Maingola Sect. Anisochlamys Sect. Micheliopsis Subs.Acromadendron Subt. Micheliinae Sect. Dichlamys Subg. Gynopodium 12. Michelia Sect. Micheliopsis 13. Tsoongiodendron Sect. Tsoongiodendron 9. Tsoongiodendron Sect. Gynopodium 14. Paramichelia Sect. Paramichelia 10. Paramichelia Sect. Manglietiastrum Magnolia annamensis var. affinis Gagnep. 11. Liriodendon Trib. Liriodendreae Subf.Liriodendroideae Subf.Liriodendroideae Subf.Liriodendroideae Subf.Liriodendroideae Magnolia eriostepta var. poilanei (Dandy) Gagnep. 12. Liriodendron L.(1753) 15. Liriodendron Trib. Illicieae 7. Liriodendron 7. Liriodendron 2. Liriodendron Michelia floribunda var. tonkinensis Dandy Trib. Schisandreae Paramichelia braianensis Now Species transferred and reduced Paramichelia P. b a i l l o n i i Michelia baillonii P. b r a i a n e n s i s Michelia braianensis Taxa/Group/Genera Species Tsoongiodendron T. odorum Michelia odora Alcimandra 1 Manglietia M. hainanensis Manglietia fordiana var. hainanensis Kmeria 2 Michelia M. constricta Michelia chapensis Liriodendron 1 M. hypolampra, M. gioi M. tonkinensis Magnolia (Lirianthe, Magnolia, M. tignifera Michelia lacei M. subulifera Michelia mediocris Talauma, Yulania) 19 (13+1+2+3) M. gravis Michelia odora Manglietia 12 M. floribunda var. tonkinensis Michelia floribunda M. kisopa removed Michelia 22 Magnolia Magnolia liliiflora Pachylarnax 1 M. denudata M. x soulangeana Parakmeria 1 M. grandiflora 8 59 M. eriostepta M. albosericea M. eriostepta var. poilanei M. albosericea 6 5/22/2017 New species, records and up to date (15) Genera Species, up to date for Flora of Vietnam Magnolia (4) M. bidoupensis, sp. nov. (Ann. Bot. Fennici) M. cattienensis, sp. nov. (Nordic) M. tiepii V. T. Tien, N.V. Duy & V.D. Luong, sp. nov. (Nordic, 4 February 2015 ) M. lamdongensis V.T. Tran, N.V. Duy & N.H. Xia, , sp. nov. (Adansonia, sér. 3, 37 (1): 13-18, June, 2015) Manglietia Manglietia
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