Meeting Agenda Development Control Committee Town Hall, St Annes, 4 April 2007, 9.30a.m. This meeting is open to the Public Membership Development Control Committee CHAIRMAN - Dr Trevor Fiddler VICE-CHAIRMAN - John Bennett Councillors Harold Butler Councillors Linda Nulty George Caldwell Barbara Pagett Kevin Eastham Albert Pounder Richard Fulford-Brown Heather Speak Peter Hardy William Thompson Howard Henshaw (A.D.K Colin Walton MALAYSIA) Ray Norsworthy Andrea Whittaker Contact: Lyndsey Lacey, St. Annes (01253) 658504, Email: [email protected] 2 CORPORATE OBJECTIVES The Council’s investment and activities are focused on achieving our five key objectives which aim to : Conserve, protect and enhance the quality of the Fylde natural and built environment Work with partners to help maintain safe communities in which individuals and businesses can thrive Stimulate strong economic prosperity and regeneration within a diverse and vibrant economic environment Improve access to good quality local housing and promote the health and wellbeing and equality of opportunity of all people in the Borough Ensure we are an efficient and effective council. CORE VALUES In striving to achieve these objectives we have adopted a number of key values which underpin everything we do : Provide equal access to services whether you live in town, village or countryside, Provide effective leadership for the community, Value our staff and create a ‘can do’ culture, Work effectively through partnerships, Strive to achieve ‘more with less’. 3 A G E N D A PART I - MATTERS DELEGATED TO COMMITTEE ITEM PAGE 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: In accordance with the 4 Council’s Code of Conduct, members are reminded that any personal/prejudicial interests should be declared as required by the Council’s Code of Conduct adopted in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000. 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: To confirm as a correct record 4 the minutes of the Development Control Committee meeting held on 14 March 2007 (previously circulated). 3. SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS: Details of any substitute members 4 notified in accordance with council procedure rule 26.3 4. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL MATTERS AS NUMBERED 4 Development Control Committee Index 04 April 2007 Item Application Location/Proposal Recomm. Page No: No: No. 1 06/1085 50 ST DAVIDS ROAD SOUTH, ST ANNES, Grant 3 LYTHAM ST ANNES, FY8 1T THREE STOREY REAR EXTENSION (AMENDED RE-SUBMISSION OF REFUSED APPLICATION NO. 06/0514) 2 06/1122 PATHWAYS, BLACKPOOL ROAD, NEWTON, Grant 8 PRESTON RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION FOR ERECTION OF NURSERY SALES SHED 3 06/1123 PATHWAYS, BLACKPOOL ROAD, NEWTON, Grant 14 PRESTON RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION FOR REMODELLING OF FACADES OF FORMER GLASSHOUSE BUILDING INCLUDING SINGLE STOREY CONSERVATORY EXTENSION. 4 06/1124 PATHWAYS, BLACKPOOL ROAD, NEWTON, Grant 20 PRESTON BLOCK OF 10 LIVERY STABLES, TACK ROOM, OFFICE & STORE (RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION) 5 07/0034 PINFOLD HARBOUR LANE, SALWICK, Refuse 26 PRESTON DEMOLISH CONSERVATORY, PART OF LOUNGE AND PORCH, ERECTION OF SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION. DEMOLISH WAC, UTILITY, SUN LOUNGE AND OFFICE AND ERECTION OF SUN LOUNGE AND ENTRANCE PASSAGES. REPLACE GARAGE AND OUTBUILDINGS WITH GARAGE, CAR PORT AND GUEST ACCOMMODATION ABOVE. 6 07/0045 DOW EDGE, PRESTON OLD ROAD, Grant 31 FRECKLETON, PRESTON, PR4 1 SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION 7 07/0069 BIRCH COTTAGE, FLEETWOOD ROAD, Grant 35 GREENHALGH, KIRKHAM MODIFICATION OF APPLICATION 5/97/0297 FOR USE AS SINGLE HOLIDAY COTTAGE & ALTERATIONS TO EXERNAL ELEVATIONS TO INCLUDE NEW WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS. 8 07/0071 52 RIBBLE AVENUE, FRECKLETON, Grant 41 PRESTON 1 RE-SUBMISSION OF 06/953 - CONSERVATORY TO SIDE ELEVATION 9 07/0120 KIRKHAM GRAMMAR SCHOOL, RIBBY Grant 45 ROAD, KIRKHAM, PRESTON TWO STOREY EXTENSION TO EXISTING SCIENCE BLOCK TO PROVIDE REPLACEMENT CLASSROOMS 10 07/0130 PEEL HALL FARM, PEEL ROAD, PEEL, Refuse 52 BLACKPOOL CONVERSION OF EXISTING REDUNDANT DWELLING INTO OFFICE ACCOMMODATION AND ERECTION OF REPLACEMENT SITE OWNERS DWELLING. 11 07/0187 76 NORTH PROMENADE, ST ANNES, Grant 59 LYTHAM ST ANNES ERECTION OF DETACHED DWELLING (AMENDMENTS TO APPROVED HOUSE TYPE) 12 07/0194 LIFEBOAT HOUSE, EAST BEACH, LYTHAM, Grant 65 LYTHAM ST ANNES CHANGE OF USE FROM LIFE BOAT STATION TO LIFE BOAT MUSEUM 2 Development Control Committee Schedule 04 April 2007 Item Number: 1 Committee Date: 04 April 2007 Application Reference: 06/1085 Type of Application: Full Planning Permission Applicant: MR CORKHILL Agent : Location: 50 ST DAVIDS ROAD SOUTH, ST ANNES, LYTHAM ST ANNES, FY8 1T Proposal: THREE STOREY REAR EXTENSION (AMENDED RE-SUBMISSION OF REFUSED APPLICATION NO. 06/0514) Parish: Heyhouses Area Team: Area Team 2 Weeks on Hand: 11 Case Officer: Mrs C Kitching Reason for Delay: Delay due to the need to report Committee Summary of Recommended Decision: Grant Summary of Officer Recommendation The main issues for consideration in this application are contained within Policy HL5 of the Fylde Borough Local Plan. It is considered that the proposal would not have a detrimental impact upon the amenities of nearby residential properties and will meet the criteria laid down in the policy. Members are recommended to grant planning permission subject to conditions. Reason for Reporting to Committee The views of the Town Council raise concern tantamount to an objection and the officer recommendation is one of approval. Site Description and Location This application relates to and existing HMO property (House in Multiple Occupation) within the settlement of Lytham St Annes. The converted town house is on the seaward side of St David’s Road South, St Annes in the block between the old telephone exchange (now BT premises) and the railway line end of Hove Road. This property is terraced being one of a group of four properties located south of Hove Road, on the westerly side. It is three storeys in height and is in use as a house in multiple occupation. These properties have rear wings (or annexes) either two or three storeys in height; this particular property has a rear annex of three storeys. The rear facades of the properties are set back and contain windows to serve the main body of the houses. The rear of these properties is tightly developed and is located at right angles to the rear of the properties fronting Hove Road. 3 Details of Proposal It is proposed to upgrade this property and a part of this proposal is one of adding a three-storey rear extension to the existing rear wing. The projection would be one metre depth and contain kitchen or kitchen/dining areas at each level. The extension would be faced in brick and incorporate a pitched roof. Relevant Planning History Application No. Development Decision Date 06/0514 THREE STOREY REAR EXTENSION Refused 02/08/2006 Relevant Planning Appeals History None Parish Council Observations St Anne's on the Sea Town Council (notified on 25 January 2007) Summary of Response Concerned about possible loss of light to adjoining building No details of bathroom facilities have been indicated for flat 2 Officer note: the floor layout is not shown in its entirety on the submitted plans and a bathroom is to be included in the accommodation. In any event, any lack of bathroom would be a matter for the Council's Housing authority and is not a material planning consideration. Statutory Consultees N/A Observations of Other Interested Parties None received Neighbour Observations Neighbours notified: by standard notification letter: sent and hand delivered to all occupiers of flats and houses in the 'L' shaped block No. of Responses Received: None Relevant Planning Policy Joint Lancashire Structure Plan: JS02 Main Development Locations Fylde Borough Local Plan: SP01 Development within settlements HL05 House extensions and incidental buildings Other Relevant Policy: 4 PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Development Environmental Impact Assessment This development does not fall within Schedule I or II of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 as amended. Comment and Analysis This property is presently used as an HMO and is in a poor state of repair both internally and externally. Under new ownership it is proposed to upgrade the units. This includes the provision of a one metre depth rear extension to the present rear wing of the property to produce a total projection of some 5.5 metres. It is not proposed to introduce new units but provide each one with additional floorspace. The rear of the properties are tightly spaced with rearward annex projections creating deep ‘well’ areas which serve windows to the adjoining properties. In addition, in this case, the rear wing has an impact on the properties contained within the corner of St. David’s Road South and Hove Road. The occupiers of the flats of the adjacent property that have a window on the rear elevation do not receive full sunlight to that window in the later part of the day because the outrigger of no. 50 (the element that would be extended) blocks some of the afternoon sunlight. The 1 metre projection increase would in effect, bring the sun light block-out time a little earlier. However the other half of the 'L' shaped block of the joined terrace building, the properties on the southeast side of Hove Road, blocks much of the late sun and the rear aspect for no. 52 has never been advantageous for the occupiers of those flats. This situation, together with the proposal's benefit of improving the housing stock is considered to result in a net acceptable development. The proposal projects from the building less than the previously refused application, an amendment which is considered to have overcome the previous reason for refusal. The new first floor window on the side elevation serving a lounge/kitchen for flat 4 could present an overlooking issue to the rear private amenity space of properties to the north / west (48 St David’s Road South, 14, 12 and 10 Hove Road in particular) and a condition of any planning permission is necessary to ensure that window is obscure glazed and fixed shut to protect the amenities of those residential properties from harmful loss of privacy to an undue extent.
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