ICltlHY IAICH w....... ,. _II"'" tIoo ...CIS , ..... T_ ....."" Personality vs. Glamour-See Page 1 The Commentators Who Provide Your War News-Are They Competent? Movie and Radio Guide M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher CONTENTS NEXT WEEK Movies THIS WEEK W HAT chllnce does your child hove Glamour Iin't Neeesury (Personality's the T HERE have been refugees and fugi- Thing)., ............. By Erskine Johnlon of moking good in Hollywood? For Meet Such Hollywood CharacteTs as "Slapsie" tives from wor·torn Europe in recent the child who h(ls who! it +<'Ike5, Holly­ Moxie RosP1tbloom, PTince Michael Romanoff yeors ond months, but for the first time, wood is <'I lend of milk nnd honey. But and Elsa Maxwell o motion picture must be so clossified. whet does it toke? And how c<'In you get Lovely Toughie .................... .. ...... 3 "The Thief of Bogdod," starring S"bu, Alln Sothent as "Gold Rush Maisie" e heering for your tolented youngster? Cupid's Cholen People (Part II) ..... ..By the Indian elephant-boy of a few years Movie end Ro!Idio Guide has gone into James Street ....... .. 4 back. is " fugitive from the war. Started this problem thoroughly. It h<'ls t<'llked Robert TauloT and BaTbaTa Stanwyck in England, production was moved to with the greot child·directors end pro­ PrIvate Affairs .......................... 6 Hollywood to prevent the war interfering SlaTTing Nallcy Kelly, Robert Cummings, ducers, heord whet Hllgh Herbert and Rolmld YOllng with its schedule. they hlld to soy. Arabian Nights Tale......................... 8 You'll be interested g<'!lthered their pr<'lC­ Soou in "Thief of Bagdad" in seeing the pre· ticol tldvice ond tips T hIS Week In Holl ywood.................... 9 v;ew to this unprec· Latest News from Ihe Film Capital on how to get <'I kid Th is Week on the Screen .... ......... 11 edented film on (I movie "bre<'lt" It Reviewinll' the New Pictures pege 8. You'll olso has gone to those BrIef Rev iews ............................ 12 be interested, we're youngsters who A Guide to Good Movie Entertainment sure. in the story hove mode good in "Glamour Isn't Hollywood - stars Radio Necessary," which Jane like JMe Withers. reveals a stronge Coming Radio Event......................... 13 Wither. Shirley Temple. The March of Mu.lc ...... By Leonard Liebling 14 colony of Holly. Judy Gorland - to On Short Waves ....... By Chlrles A. Morrison 15 woodites who, lock· letlrn how they preptlred themselves for T hIS Week's PrOg rlm •...................... 16-32 ing glamour, have put their brains to This Week Along the Aldllto•..... By Wilson o!I screen ctlreer. Ned week, in o!I detailed work inste"d and are now reaping" hor­ Brown, Evan. Plu mmer Ind Martin Lewis 33 story. "CM Your Child Mo!Ike Good in On the Bandwagon ............ By Mel Adlm. 36 vest as "Hollywood Personalities." In the Movies]" we IllY our findings before Balld Of the Week: Del Courtnell this odd group tIre such people "s "Slap· you. Irs cram.packed with things to do, Men Behind the DIal- Viii .......... By Gail sie" Maxie Rosenbloom end the phony things not to do in making a child star. Gordon as told to Kate Holl iday .......... 37 Prince Michael Romanoff. You'll find it Voices of War and Crisis . .. ... .. ... 33 In that same issue, you'll find " vivid First Fl milies of Radio.................. 40 on page I. A second inst"lIment of "nd eye.opening feature on John Berry. Who's Who ill "The StOTY of Mary Marlin" Jomes Street's "Cupid's Chosen Peo· more's beauty secrets, "Keeping the Stars Stage Red CrOll Party; Starlight on Your pie," story of Robert Taylor and Borbero Great Profile Fit." Coiffure ........ .. ..... .... By Fiametta 41 Stanwyck, will be found on page 4. Mr. Fa lrfa~ Repliea; Voice of the Listener; 25 Braln . Buster. .......... ...... ... 42 Air·Conditioning Songs Crossword Puzzle; Bull •• nd Boners; Birthdays 44 The Slar on the Cover Perheps you didn't know, but every You Asked f or Th em and Here They Are ................... Faelng Pa ge 44 Curlr-hoired Kenny Baker has had as song you heer on the "ir must be "ir· colorfu 0 career as any radio star you conditioned in especial musicel leundry. could nome. Eight years ago he was" Bro"dcasters heve leorned that just one Programs truck-driver in Long Beach, Californi,,­ suggestive line in 0 song will bring in " Saturday, July 13 ........ .................. 16 son of Gordon C. Ba~er, furniture· flood of protesting letters, end to avoid Sunday, July 14 ................... ...•..... 18 deoler, a talented violinist and singer that dire event they hove devised intri­ Monday, July 15 .. ..... ................. ... 20 who hod been unable to make enything Tuesday, Ju ly 16 ..................... ..... 23 cate schemes to keep every w"nton Wednesday, July 17 ................... ..... 2!i of his tolent. In 1933 he was singing in word, every n"ughty title off the "ir. Thursday, July 18 .......................... 28 " church choir for twelve dollars " How they do it "nd FrIday, July 19 ....•....................... 30 month. In 1935 he the problems which won the TeJt;aco "rise in the doing Curtis Mitchell. Editor show's radio lalent· are reve"led in Vol. 9. No. 40. July 13 · 19, 1940 quest. got a sing. Movie end Radio 731 Plymouth Court, Chleago. III. ing engagement at Guide next week. the los Angeles "Air-Conditioni ng ASSOCIATE EDITOR , Martin Lewis; MANACINC EDITOR. Cocoenut Grove Ruth Bizzell; DEPARTMENTAL EDITOIlS: Gordon Our Songs" will tell Swarthout Movies: Wilson Brown, New York; end attracted the you why NBC's Miss Evans Plu~mer. Hollywood: Don Moore, Midwest; attention of Jack Turner is extremely Leonard Liebling, Music: Richard Kunstman, Pro­ Benny. From 19)5 Irving leery of Noel Cow- grams; James Hanlon, Education: Charles A. Mor­ to 19)9 he was Kenny rison. Short Waves; Mcl Adams, Bands and Or­ Berlin "rd's end Cole Por- chestras' EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: J o Brooks, J ohn Jock Benny's "Timid Baker ter's r"cy lyrics, Carlson' Francis Chase, Jr., Raymond Hanlon, Viva Tenor," ond during why she must walch even the "goody. Liebling. Charles Locigno. Arthur Miller. Clarence those yeors, too, he became e top· goody" lyrics of Irving Berlin. It will Reuter, Melvin S piegel. ranking singing film star, starring in tell you "bout other song-w rite~ for Tilt I"II""·!,,, II., ~'.·o ......... ot p!r1urt. p"~II.htd In ,hi. ,,,.,; ('... f- "Turn Off the Moon," "Mr. Dodd Takes ..... I~,'or: I·... ' ..... : I'U" ,.) (It.,MII. J_ "'b'n. WIllI ••OT. whom her "w"sh·cloth" must be kept ... 'S· /'.,.1- w.1t nO'", ,• ••• If_II.,.... ",Ito" ,•••• II 1<"". n,u.,.: the Air." end "The Goldwyn Follies." I·.... U· ·(.".,1.. 1'. _.""", I·••• H-1)U,. U .... 1I",... I"I~r: I· ... l~ hendy, too. Also in next week's issue """"W.'boo"... ctla'lnl' ....._; I',., Ii· )<1<(;;1· ... 11- ltuJ..... , In 1938 he ioined the new "Te~aco Star you'll find "The Morning Mirthqu"ke," I""K'D, I· ... H )Iou,," ".,_, Theater" as featured soloist and a year the story of " Minne"polis r"dio comic 11"". UD "~~'O Gn.,. IT'.... ).I ..... " •• , ...."" l' ~. I'" 0l'Il><1. \'otu_ later quit stooging for Benny to become IX. ;<o·u ...... 41. WHII ot luI.>" U·I~. lilt. 1'VIIlulw<l ...... 1.>" l>r ,lit whose "nnu,,1 "Doughnut-Dunking Festi­ •· ....11. ,,_• ..,. III 1·1._,b .'ourt. (·hl""~. 1111 ..... t;",.,toI .. _· Te~oco's otfroction e~clusively. A few " ........, ... at 'ho I..... ,_•• "b,"", 111, ..11. j'ot>".,,.,. U. Iitt. undet v"I" is equ"led in popularity among citi­ , ... on 01 ) I,n:b I. lin. " ......1O,0<I~' t'<>o' om.. I ..p.rt ..... '. 0\...... months "go. when it was reveoled thot r.".... ... _ ..la., "' ...... '·"" •• IJbl. U.t. b, UIO •·.... H. t·_'.T zens of the great Northwest only by his "II '1In.......... t<l. .... t~ A_... I·.. toltal: ".-I~ Krwo. _..,.: Fred Allen would t"ke over Texaco's ~. d·C, ..." 0.0.01 ),I........ : ".<I~. th... t.lI"" 101 ........ r-.ll<l,'" own "corny-but-clean" humor. Don't _PI' ......Id bo _p..,.td ~, ...~ .." .•_ ......_ , ... comedy next f,,11 it was also reve"led miiS the story of Clellan C"rd. The "First ~um. T......... __, ,. '110 rDUtd ~".. "'_'1111'" tot .. I. that Kenny Baker would continue as !t: .;..,t... ~.~~"i.. ~,:'::''':~l=:I!~;t.~L~<f.!.\~'~~D.~~ F"milies" series continues with an "Ibum ,I. _U". U.H: .... , .... U.II. " ..It..,. _tol -.- _'........ its singing star. Notural-color photo­ portr"it oLthe "Girl.Alone." cest. _ ..,... • _ <I..... , ••do, ... 101"". u. Ih",n '" ",. ()o... ..... gr"ph is by Gene l ester. .. ........ ...1 .... II'n· ••1.... "'",•• , .. iI • • . " • Movie stars aren't the only celeb­ rities Hollywood has to offer! By Erskine Johnson LAMOUR means Hollywood and who owns the place, homely. poker­ Hollywood means glamour to faced Maxie Everett Rosenbloom, ex­ G most people. But glamour isn't light beavyweight boxing champion of the only thing the film capital has to the world, film actor, clown, Public ofter the hundreds of tholtS8nds of Stooge NO.1 and Hollywood character. visiton: who jam the city during July, Then prepare to be shocked. August and September. There's also As the star of his shows, given such personaJlty. titles as "Each Dawn We Fry" and There is, lor instance, Maxie Rosen­ "The Vind Has Come and Vent," bloom. Rosenbloom dons long red underwear, Go to a little hole-in-the-wall night­ or a blond wig, or bloomers or what­ club called "Slapsy Maxie's" on ever happens to be lying around Beverly Boulevard and you'll find a handy. In worst possible !tyle he tells reasonably accurate but much noisier funny (?) stories, tap-dances and sings racsimlle of an insan~ asylum.
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