- - the new- ham.pshire Volume 69 Number 46 Friday, April 6, 1979 Durham, N.H. Trustee hill passes ·House By Michael Kelly Keene State. The state House of Represen­ Lessard's bill proposes that tatives_ passed a bill Tuesday students at each campus elect one allowing University System trustee on an annually rotating students- to elect -their student schedule. trustees, but killed another bill to Currently, student trustees are increase the number of student appointed by the governor, after trustees from one to three. being nominated by student HB 355, which calls for students . governments at the three cam­ in the University System to elect puses. student members to the Board of Morrissette said he ·plans to - Trustees, passed by a voice vote. continue to fight for three student If passed by the Senate, the bill trustees, · but several other will almost certainly be signed rep res en ta ti ves, including into law by Gov. Hugh Gallen, Lessard, said such a bill stands who has publicly committed him­ little chance of passing the self to it. Senate. State Rep. Leo Lessard CD­ Lessard also said, however, Dover), one of the · prime that he has no objections to even­ sponsors of the bill, said he was tually raising the student confident his bill would be ap­ trusteee number to three. proved by the Senate. "But you have to take this one But an embittered Rep. step at a time," he added. "At U.S. Senator and Republican presidential hopeful Howard Baker hit the campaign trail Richard Morrissette (D­ this time, his (Morrissette's) bill yesterday with a speech to 450 in the Strafford Room of the MUB. See story, page 5. (Bob Bauer photo) Somersworth), ·sponsor of de­ put the election of even one · feated HB 403, disagreed. trustee in jeopardy.'' - "That bill is not a shoe-in by During debate over the two any means, and anyone who bills, Lessard said only ten per­ House committee, approves thinks otherwise is kidding him­ cent of the University boards of self," said Morissette. trustees in the country have a Morrissette's bill was defeated voting student trustee. increase in drinking age••. · 1. ·011 ...:. 11 volt.: of 265-oi, after Morrissette defended ~ Js 20 minutes of debate. · proposal on the grounds that one By Michael Kelly bills, deeming_ them "inexpedient Both made it clear the switch Earlier. the bill had been student trustee was not enough to The House Regulated to legislate." did not necessarily signify sup- deemed inexpediant to legislate represent the 27 ,000 un­ Revenues Committee voted 12-8 Until Tuesday, HB 171 was port for the bill, but rather a by the House Education Committee. dergraduate and graduate Tuesday to raise the state's legal deadlocked in committee. Com­ desire to get it out of committee. Morrissette's bill would have students in the University drinking agejrom 18 to 20. mittee Chairwoman Rep. Meyers is expected to fight for provided three elected student System. The bill, HB 171, will come before Kathleen Ward <R-Littleton) sent an amendment he proposed in members on the Board, one each the full House this Tuesday. A the bill to a subcommittee for fur­ committee to allow those who are from UNH, Plymouth State and TRUSTEE, page 4 lengthy debate is expected. ther study last week, after her DRINKING AGE, page 9 Two other bills, HB263 and vote tied the committee 10-10. HB170, which would have hiked Tuesday, two committee mem-" the age to 19 or 21, appeared for bers, Rep. Milton Meyers <R­ ••• as stridents mobilize debate on the floor Tuesday, but Goffstown) and Rep. Lynn Hor­ were tabled until next week. ttm <R-Lancaster), changed their By Michael Kelly The committee earlier voted votes so the bill could be pre­ The day was cold and raw, but against passing either of those sented to the full House. the crew of the Pi Kappa Alpha fire truck was warmed by the same crusading spirit that heated Carrie Nation. Mills criticized Sort of. Carrie Nation, the fiery tem- perance leader and turn of the century saloon wrecker, led her for Spitz ruling troops with the cry, "Smash, for the love of Jes us, smash! '' By Gary Langer; 7, after five months of hearings. The seven or eight students and The turmoil surrounding the student officials leading Wed­ Mills, however, exonerated Spitz nesday's anti-drinking age hike Spitz grievance issue CO!ltinued "in light of significant develop­ yesterday as the UNH Faculty motorcade around campus did ments which occurred since the not have an official cry, but if Council criticized President investigation ... ''by the PSC. Eugene Mills for his acti9ns in they did, it might have been, In its letter yesterday, _the "Drink, before it's too late, > that case. Council criticized Mills for basing Four members of the five-man drink!''. his decision " ...on the basis of But the spirit was much the Council said they are ''seriously information which was not concerned by the way in which same. verified by the PSC. '' The motorcade was organized President Mills has dealt with Mills was also criticized by the this situation" in a letter cir­ by the Student Caucus to drum up, Council for not making that in­ opposition to a bill coming before culated to the Faeulty Caucus formation available to the PSC or yesterday. the New _Hampshire House the Faculty Council itself. Tuesday that would ,raise the But Mills yesterday defended The information in question is his Feb. 28 decision to exonerate state's legal drinking age from 18 apparently a report by the to 20. Dean of Liberal Arts Allan Spitz Liberal Arts Promotion and by four members of the political It was, in the words of Student Tenure Committee that contains Body President Doug Cox, part qf science department. criticisms of the political science The Professional Standards a "responsible, mature effort'! to department's Promotion and halt HB 171 . Committee CPSC) supported the Tenure committee. grievants· in a report issuetj Feb. "If this bill passes, you won't Neither Mills nor the College of have any more keg parties, or Liberal Arts has released thal' any_more hallways smelling of report. beer," shouted student Senator In the report, the college P&T Mark Johnson, as the motorcade Committee voted unanimously in <one firetruck and seven cars) favor of promotion and tenure for honked its way past Stoke Hall. Inside Assistant Professor of political Campus ('ah•1Hlar ... ........ pag(• .t Students reacted with smiles, science Warren Brown despite shouts of encouragement and in­ :\olin·s ..... ... .. .. .... pagt• Ii the department P&T Commit­ Editorials. 1€1.lt>rs . .... pagt>s 10, 1 l credulity to the narade. Thev .\rls ....•.. ....... .. ... pagt•s 12.1:: tee's unanimous vote against declined repeated offers to tag ( 'lassifiNls .............. P~l/4('S I I.I:> promotion and tenure for Brown. along. ('om it·s ......... .. .... .. .. pa Ml' Hi It was Spitz's "intrustion into Cox said he hadn't seen stu­ Sports ....... .... ...... pag(•s l!l,20 dents rn excited since 1970. PKA 's firetruck.leads the way in theanti-drinking bill motor­ GRIEVANCE, page 4 MOTORCADE, page 9 cade that wound its way through town yesterday. See page 3. <George Newton photo) PAGE TWO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1979 / --News briefs----. Local residents favor UNH By Laura Locke Syracuse,·· Leberman laughed. studying. But I want to get out o~ Truck hits students Peter Leberman does not lead "I grew up there and I knew all this town afler a couple of the life of a typical UNH there was to know about the vears.'' sophomore. The resident school. I didn 't know anything According to Roger Hall, an Two UNH students who were struck by a truck on Main Street assistant of Hunter Hall has about UNH when I came up here. Oyster Rfver High guidance Monday night were released frQm Wentworth Doug!_as Hospital in never had to juggle classes to It ·:Vas a new experience." counselor, approximately 51 per­ Dover Wednesday. wash three-week old dirty faun­ Oyster River High ~ School cent of all college bound students Freshmen Colleen Higgins and Lorna Higney were hit by a .dry or spend his last cent at senior John Wilson pians to at­ from Oyster River High attend pick-up truck driven by 22-year-old Bruce Deming of Epping, ac­ Karl's because the dining halls · tend UNH next fall. "I only plan UNH. But Hall explained that the cording to Durham police Lt. Leslie Jewell. have. perfected their peanut­ to go to UNH for a few years," the University is an "'' excellent Higgins's pelvis and a leg were fractured on impact. Higney better-cheddar loaf. Instead, prospective computer science resource" for all Oyster River received abrasions and contusions to her back, elbows and scalp. when college life gets rough, major said. "Afterwards, I'll students. Deming had slowed for two other pedestrians in front of Smith Leberman heads a mile away--to probably look into a few colleges "I don't think there are any Hall and sped up just as Higgins and Higney stepped into the a nlace he fondlv refers to as · with better programs." negative"feelings concerning the street, said Jewell. ''home.'' Like Leberman, Wilson said University," Hall said. "It's a big Deming said he didn't see them, said Jewell. "During vacation it's kind of positive rather than negative school with a lot of advantages, No charges have been filed as the accident is still under investi­ boring," Leberman said of his feelings usually result when an and we have a very good gation.
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