5256 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 17 AUGUST, 1934 And His Majesty, by and with the like Richard Neill, of Christ Church Vicarage, advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Maids Causeway, Cambridge, as trustees of Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar the Martyr's Memorial Trust: of the said Diocese of Chelmsford. " And whereas the patronage of the said Benefice of Leybourne is vested in Sir David E. C. E. Leadbitter. Henry Hawley, Baronet: " And whereas the patronage of the said Benefice of Aylesford is vested in the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Christ and At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Rochester: day of August, 1934. " Now, therefore, we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, with the consent PRESENT, of the said Martin, Bishop of Rochester (in The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. testimony whereof he has signed this Scheme), and with the consent of the Dean and Chapter the Ecclesiastical Commis- of the Cathedral Church of Christ and The * * sioners for England have, in pursuance Blessed Virgin Mary at Rochester (in testimony of the Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, duly whereof they have caused their Common or prepared, and laid before His Majesty in Coun- Capitular Seal to be affixed to this Scheme), cil, a Scheme bearing date the 26th day of and with the consents also of the said Henry July, 1934, in the words and figures following, Barker Greene, Charles Anthony King Harman, that is to say : — Thomas Lancaster, and Robert Richard Neill, " We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for David Henry Hawley, Donald Leslie Band, England, acting in pursuance of the Union of Frederick William Linton Bogle, Arthur Benefices Measure, 1923, have prepared, and William Lawson, Frederick Fremlin Key, now humbly lay before Your Majesty in Coun- Harry William Thorne, and Frederick John cil, the following Scheme for altering the boun- Everett (testified by their respectively signing daries of the Parishes of the Benefices of this Scheme) do humbly recommend and pro- Addington, Offham, Ryarsh, Trottiscliffe, Ley- pose to Your Majesty as follows, that is to bourne and Aylesford, all of which Benefices say: — are situate in the County of Kent and in the " That upon the day of the date of the publi- Diocese of Rochester: cation in the London Gazette of any Order of " Whereas Commissioners appointed at OUT Your Majesty in Council affirming this Scheme: request by the Right Reverend Martin, Bishop (a) All those three detached parts of the of Rochester, pursuant to the provisions of the Parish of the said Benefice of Ryarsh which said Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, to hold lie within the area of the Civil Parish of an Inquiry concerning the said Benefices of Addington, (all which detached parts are more Addington, Offham and- Ryarsh, duly made particularly delineated and set forth upon the their Report to the said Bishop of Rochester, Map or Plan hereto annexed and are thereon and therein recommended certain alterations coloured pink) shall be transferred and of boundaries affecting the Parishes of the annexed for all ecclesiastical purposes to the said Benefices of Addington, Offham and Parish of the said Benefice of Addington; Ryarsh, and also affecting the Parishes of the said Benefices of Trottiscliffe, Leybourne and (6) All that northernmost part of the Parish Aylesford and the said Bishop of Rochester of the said Benefice of Addington containing signified in writing his approval of the said Coldrum Lodge together with an adjoining part Report : of the Parish of the said Benefice of Ryarsh " And whereas we, the said Ecclesiastical (both of which parts are more particularly Commissioners for England, have prepared this delineated and set forth upon the said Map or Scheme for the said alterations of boundaries Plan and are thereon coloured blue) shall be which Scheme is based upon the terms recom- transferred and annexed for all ecclesiastical mended in the .said Report : purposes to the Parish of the said Benefice of " And whereas all of the said Benefices are Trottiscliffe ; now full the Reverend Donald Leslie Band (e) A portion of the detached part of the being the present Incumbent of the said Parish of the said Benefice of Leybourne which Benefice of Addington, the Reverend Frederick lies to the south-west of the Parish of the William Linton Bogle being the present In- said Benefice of Offham, that is to say, the cumbent of the said Benefice of Offham, the portion lying to the east of Leybourne Lodge Reverend Arthur William Lawson being the and comprising part of Great Leybourne Wood present Incumbent of the said Benefice of (all which portion is more particularly de- Ryarsh, the Reverend Frederick Fremlin Key lineated and set forth upon the said Map or being the present Incumbent of the said Plan and is thereon coloured yellow) shall be Benefice of Trottiscliffe, the Reverend Harry transferred and annexed for all ecclesiastical William Thorne being the present Incumbent purposes to the Parish of the said Benefice of of the said Benefice of Leybourne, and the Offham; and Reverend Frederick John Everett being the (d) A portion of the detached part of the present Incumbent of the said Benefice of Parish of the said Benefice of Aylesford which Aylesford : lies to the south-east of the Parish of the said "And whereas the patronage of the said Benefice of Off ham, that is to say the northern Benefice of Trottiscliffe is vested in the portion of each detached part comprising part Reverend Henry Barker Greene, of The of Blaze Wood (all which portion is more par- Vicarage, Felixstowe; Sir Charles Anthony ticularly delineated and set forth upon the said King Harman, K.C.M.G., of Ouse Manor, Map or Plan and is thereon coloured green) Sharnbrook, in the County of Bedford; the shall be transferred and annexed for all Reverend Thomas Lancaster, of Little Leighs ecclesiastical purposes to the Parish of the Rectory, Chejmsford ; and the Reverend Robert said Benefice of Offham..
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