BHBHT afctBsirfBitesiiffcjMs, f ft' . U gVBNlN'q LEBGER PHILAPBIiPHlA TUESDAY, DECEMBIOB 22, 1014. 4 ILLY" SUNDAY-T- HE MAN. HIS WORK AND THE COMING CAMPAIGN IN PHILADELPHI IK - . ' " a g. gMta j 1 " - ' I r , m i jHHHHHHBilrailfflillHK.. v m bishop expects- - , saaaaaa I HUM IWHaaassW lMJillilSBKP' JSr'' 1 I .K THT REV. E. H. EMETT MM IsaaHMHMBasaaaaaeM Wl saaaMI ill IIW THaaBBHOHUIBH PA J" .eTsF JBKtixt- jtJ MM JAHHHHHHnW' berry 'll yHlHl MANY CONVERTS HERE Assistant to Mr. Sunday, who has been here organizing work for I first knew Mr. Sunday when 'he; campaign. was a star on the old Chlcano "White-Stockings- " baseball club. I remem ber his conversion at Pacific Garden Mission, and used to hear Harry Mon- -i RISE FROM LOG roe tell how marvelously the gracaj CABIN of God has changed "Billy Sunday,", I heard one of his earliest public ad-- i dresses. To tell the truth. It was not TO GREAT PREACHER a great success. His vocabulary was" rather limited and his style hesltat- - nn,f -l nttt. ,,,In Ihna- - rtnta IStin!1' (IIUl.n l,w Jir,t UU. IIIU.U MMO vul- - BY day used to say to those who crltN' "BILLY" SUNDAY died: , "Stop knocking, boys' I'll show you some day how to preach"' Well, he has shown vast multitudes In all parts of the Republlo how to 'A Soldier's Orphan, He Be- preach. Through all the years since, Mr, Sunday and I have been friends. As came Baseball Hero but an editor I helped to Introduce him to the public and to give him a start. Deserted Diamond to Be I ihave watched his steady advance In efficiency and popularity with real pleasure. I have every confidence In Evangelist. his personal npd ministerial charac- ter. Mr. Sunday Is a man of liberal edu- The Rev. Dr. William Ashley Sunday, SPEICE cation, of real culture and of tre- i iIOE MRS. WILLIAM A. SUNDAY better known to the world as just plain liM mendous moral earnestness. As a preacher he Is unique, winsome "Billy" Sunday, like most of the men who and I S great ready tremendously effective. He says some ra have achieved fame In the history of tliu illUHnHllHmw 'W tabernacle ORGANIZATION FOR thlpgs I would not say' and does some United States, was barn in the country VS? inings i womo not ao. uut ir ne saia spoon Building: Will Accommodate 20,000 things as I say them and did things I and did not And a "silver In hli I as do them, he would not be Dtlly mouth" when ho first saw tho light ot Parsons at Each Service. WORK FOLLOWS OUT Sunday and the multitudes would 'not day. Whatever Bucceia ho has had came As though by magic, the monster, flack to hear him and bo uplifted, by through tho usual courso turtle-shape- d tabernacle was thrown to- his preaching. to him ot My confident expectation Is that Mr, "bumps" nnd "knocks' such as Lincoln gether on the vacant plot along the Park- WELL-LAI- D REV. DR. A. SUNDAY A PLAN Sunday will be used In Philadelphia had to fight through. THE WILLIAM way, at 18th nnd Vine streets, during the for the rescue and uplift of a multi- He never saw his father, William Sun- Mr. Speice, whose picture appears on the right oE Mr. Sunday, is the member of the Sunday party who last few weeks. Joe Spclce, who has tude of men and women. day, for the elder Sunday had been n designs the tabernacles and superintends their construction. Mrs. Sunday assists the Evangelist in planned and directed tho construction of private In Company n of tho 23d Iowa much of his work. Members of the Executive Committee, from left to right, are top row Ben T. the Billy Sunday tabernacles for years, Sun-- Infantry Volunteers, four months and was IT. Tjie Rev. E. H. Emett, - Welclv'the Rev. A. Musser, Walter M. Wood, E. H. Bonsall, C. E. Beury, F. S. Edmonds, John B. was charge of the work, and Bcveral at the front with the Union troops In the Tuttle and the Rev. E. H. Emett. Below are William R. Nicholson, Joseph M. Steele, Mrs. Clarence L. in Civil War when, on November 19, 1S62, a Harper, E. Cattell, George C, Shane and C. Winston. Several members were present score of men put It together. day's Assistant, -- Tells" of bounclnR baby boy arrived In tho old log J. John not when The structuro will nccommodate about cabin near Ames, Iowa, that Mrs. Sun- this photograph was taken. 20.000 persons, and, with the exception day was trying to mako comfortable for of the Pittsburgh tabernacle, Is the larg- Methods and Praises Lo- her little family; and about a month later, plete collcglato education While work- MTJSIC FEATURE OF MEETINGS the services in the Tabernacle While est In which the evangelist has preached. on December 22, 1862, the father died ing on tho farms back In Iowa, he man- these "singers will all be classed as the It cost about 118.000. cal Preparations. "BILLY" SUNDAY HAS of disease In an army hospital nt Pat- aged to attend high Bchool for a time, but Never In the many jears that Billy The auditorium will be furnished only Sunday choir, they will in reality be two terson. Mo. never was able to finish the work.and ob- Sunday has been conducting evangelistic with pine board seats, and big stoves will Mother Sunday had a difficult time pro- tain diploma. always choirs, for 1S0O sing It. Between seats will be wide a He has been an of them will at each heat the Organlratlon Is one of tlve things viding for her three sons, Roy, Kdward earnest student, however, since he decided services has he had such a big choir as aisles. They will be covered with Baw-du- st that LED OYER QUARTER evening and Sunday service. has to nd William. But she had tho spirit ot to become a preacher: and while coaching will be awaiting" him In Philadelphia. to prevent noise and to reduce the mtfch do with the sucecss of the "never give up," which Billy has Inherited at Northwestern University, during his Professor Homer Rodeheaver, of the danger from fire. Each of them leads to revivals conducted in the Sunday taber- man- More than 3600 persons will sing during Sunday party, from her. and for soma jears sho baseball days, he attended classes there will lead the singing. a door opening Into the street. nacles. Billy Sunday can convert thou- MILLION FROM SIN aged to keep tho children together. for a while. Ho has had the honorary When Billy was 12 yearn old it be- degree ot Doctor ot Divinity conferred sands when ho gets them to his meetings. came necessary for him and his older upon him, and on April 15, 1903, he was The Rev. 33. H. Emett, assistant to Billy brother to go to tho Soldiers' Orphan- ordained as a minister In the Presbytery Sunday, who has been hero for several age Glenwood, la., and In In- One-tim- at that of Chicago. weeks, helping with e Famous stitution, and In tho Davenport Orphan- Mr. Sunday and his happy family, com- the lodal committees Baseball age. Into which he was later transferred, posed Sunday children, THE CALL TO ARMS! and plans, in nn Interview, gives some of Mrs. and four ot me or organ- they spent two years. live In a cozy bungalow at Winona Lake, iaea macninery the great Player Has Great Record After that experience Billy Sunday Ind. But the evangelist Is so busy "ham- ization. "Organization of the forces cam- did all kinds of work on farms, almost mering the old-tim- e religion Into men "Billy" Sunday's First Words lor Philadelphia Battle Against Sin for n every kind of manual labor that falls to throughout paign conducted by Mr. Sunday has as Whirlwind Evangelist. the United States," that he passed experimental stage. the. lot of a country boy; and for somo can only And a month or sis weeks each tho In com- time worked on a railroad, reaching the year which he can rest and enjoy ing to a city I know what Mr. Sunday in the Dear Philadelphia: requires, suggest DurW tho 19 years "Billy" Sun- position of fireman. home life.. His children are Helen, George, and or outline to the that Ha was an athletic youth, and took William and Paul. committees the various phases of the or- day has been In evangelistic work.' ha "much interest in games. As a baseball I have watched with increasing satisfaction and interest the thorough and business- ganization," he said, has spoken before more peophj than any player he was one of the best in the small "The one exception In this city is the living towns In Iowa when little more than to like preparations that your various committees have been making for the coming cam- matter of planning for neighborhood man. Even in 'the smaller cities child. Later he became a player on an CAMPAIGN TO OPEN prayer meetings. These have been ad- and towns where tabernacles are built amateur club at Murshalltown, la., and paign, which we hope and pray will be, under the blessing of Almighty God, the high-wat- er mirably cared for by Doctor George H, large enough to accommodate 10,Q0Q there he was found by the Chicago White Blckley. In no city where Mr. Sunday Sox, From time, 1SS3, until 1890, in nas have been 'overflow meetings m that HERE ON JANUARY 3 mark the religious history of the City of Brotherly, Love, long ago dedicated conducted a meeting have broader or practically he played professional ball.
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