• SAARC Approaches • Koirala: Consensus or Instability? • Nepalese Films : Doing Well ~'=' superior Pepsodent GERMICHECK PLUS FORMULA F! FLUORIDE c5rFHr2Pfr ~ ~~ Pepsooent FIGHTS GERMS EVEN HOURS AFTER BRUSHING CONTENTS Page NEWS NOTES 4 BRIEFS 6 UOTE UNQUOTE 7 OFF THE RECORD 8 COVER STORY: NATIONAL ECONOMY: Bracing For Harder Times SAARC SUMMIT: Coming Closer . 9 With the escalation of security budget and declining industrial production. Nepalese economy is under crisis. Page 16 ROAD CONSTRUCTION: Rolling Ahead 12 TERRORISM: Common Concern 13 STATE OF EMERGENCY: Absence of Responsibility 14 FACE TO FACE: Bal Bahadur K.C: 15 PORT INJURIES: Joint Action 20 Nepalese Films: Coming Of Age 21 KOIRALA'S CALL: For Consensus or Instability WAR AGAINST TERRORISM: Lethal Linkages 24 Former Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala creates contro­ versy by calling for consensus. KA THMANDU V ALLEY: Traffic Travails 25 Page 10 BOOK REVIEW 26 THE BOTTOMLINE 27 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SUMMIT 2002: Work For All 28 ENCOUNTER: Don Priestman PASTIME 29 Energy expert Priest man talks about the need to harness en­ ergy in this region. ART: Cry Freedom 30 Page 22 SPOTLlGHit/DECEMBER 21. 2001 - SPOTLIGHT EDITOR'S NOTE THE NATiONAl NEWSMAGAZlNE Ivol. 21, No23, December 21,2001 (plUSh 6, 2(58) I he terrorists have attacked the Indian Parliament also. Even though there Chief Editor And Publisher Madhav Kumar RlmaI were few casualties, no reputed leader nor any member of parliament was hurt. But this cannot be a matter of any consolati on. The Indians Editor SarHaRimal have to delve deep and find out the real causes that have generated such asituation. As soon we heard about the attack, we had the feeling that the Managing Editor 1:blame would ultimat ely goto muslim militants. And no wonder it has come 10 pass. And Keshab Poudel this is being attributed to Pakistan . The long standing animosity between Pakistan and AIsoc;la!e Editor India has not only plagued themselves, but the whole region for over live decades. The Bhagiralh Yogi recent event has, of course, exacerbated the acrimonious relations. The exchange of hot Senior Reporter and fiery words might mislead the uninitiated to think that the two countries are at th·c Sanjaya Dhakal verge of war. But howsoever enflamed or impassioned the speeches, both the count . JJ Reporter know well they cannot afford 10 go to war. And there won't be any war. But this ne\ll!l' Akshay Sharma ending acrimony is full of potential ofengulting the whole region in a terrible blood bath Dealgn and Layout and has to be resolved. As such, it becomes the lOp priority of not only the feuding Jyoti Singh nati ons but all peace loving countries of the region and big powers who shoulder the Photographer responsibility of safeguarding peace in the world 10 seek an earl y solution to thi s most Nlshchal Chapageln vexing problem. Since ~he international community has vowed to root out terrorism and Art the global coalition has been able to uproot Usama bin Laden and his coll aborators from M.S. Khokna their hide out and put then on the run for their li ves, terrori sm has to be crushed wherever Legel Advisor it be. We do trust the Indians would practi se restraint and not be carri ed away by hatred Advoc;ato Lok Bhakta Rana and would work unitedly with all the countries of the region to crush terrorism - the Marketing/Advertisement bitterest enemy of peace and development- for all time to come from the face of the Sarit Rimal (USA) world. Marketing * * * Modan Kajl Basnet The NTV interview of the Nepalese Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Prajwalla Rana a few Navln Kumar Maharjan days back has generated mi xed feelings amongst the vari ous sectors of the Nepalese Madan Raj Poudel Bishnu Prasad Chaulagain community. While the majority of the patriotic Nepalese people who have miserably suffered for the last twelve years under the various democratic regimes of different Editorial Office political parties, mostly dominated by the Nepali Congress, has acclaimed it, a small GPO Box 7256, Baiuwatar, Kalhmandu, Tel: (977·1) 423127, Fax: (977·1) 417645 section of unscrupulous politicians seems gripped with fear and misgivings. Since W( Chief Edijo(s : 435594, have, time and again, exhorted the King to dismiss the corrupt government and appoint E·mall: spotCllmall.com.np Intemet Add: http://www.nepalnews.coml a caretaker government of honest and patriotic men who would hold free and fair spoUight elections, we do commend the army chief on hi s fonhright exhortations. We know unlike the corrupt political parties, the Nepalese army is very patri oti c and fully capable Cover Dellgn Wordscape of preserving Nepal's independence. We do truslthey will never faiter 10 perfonn their GPO 8975, EPC 5620, Kalhamdnu Nepal, duty come what may. Ph : 263098. 261831" Fax: 977·1·439386 * * * Distribution When the host country Nepal is exerting its uunost to make the eleventh SAARC Bazaar International Summit a grand success, the recent bombing in the Indian Parliament has provided 228 Sanchaya Kosh Bldg. Kalhmandu G.P.O Box 2480, Ph: 222983 Fax: 229437 opportunities to some people to spread rumors that the Summit. after a ll , might not take e-mail: [email protected] place. The worsening relations between the ~w o bigger members of the organization, Printers: Kishor offset Press (P.) Ltd. they say, could become a good excuse for them not attending the Summit. We would P.O. Box 4665, Galkopakha, Thamel, like to advise all good friends of SAARC not to give any credence 10 such baseless Kalhmandu,Tel:351044 (Off), 351 I 72(Re •. ), rumors. We are full y convinced that apart from whatever has happened recentl y, all the Fax: 977·1·351172, E·mail: [email protected] member countries seem fully committed to make the eleventh summit a reality. • C.D.C, Reg4- No 1511039-40 Postal Regd. No 42/057/58 U.S. Library of Congress Madhav Kumar RimaI Cmalogue No. 91-905060 Chief Editor& Publisher 2 SPOTLIGHT/DECEMBER 21. 2001 LETTERS concerned authorities must be Share The Experience made aware of their responsi­ Nepal could learn from bilities. Indonesia's experience in Deepa Gurtmg SPOTLlc:rr family planning ("For The Tharnel ~ I \' ' People", SPOTLIGHT, De­ ~ .. { ... " . cember 7). A country with a ~ Short Relief huge popuimion and a con­ Following the agreement servative society, Indonesia to extend the Nepal-India has some traits similar to those of Nepal. Therefore, its suc­ trade treaty by three months, our officials might be heav­ cessful ex perience in control­ ing a sigh of relief ("Extended ling population can surely be Coverage" SPOTLIGHT, De­ emulated here. Like in Indo­ nesia, wecan encouragecom­ cember 7). But three months munity participation in health is not a long time. Even a small amount of complacency issues covering popUlation trtmge Twist could have disastrous conse­ management. 'When airlines around the world are cutlingjobs and putting quences. In the interregnum, Shallkar Shrestha ff expansion plans in response 10 the global economic slump and the authorities must do their Balaju eighlen.ed securily concerns, Nepal's pnvale-seclor earners homework properly in order ani to go international (UA Costly Decision", SPOTLIGHT, lO convince their Indian CORRECTlON: Error in Ille cember 14). This is strange_ Why are our carriers so keen 10 counterparts to renew the name of police officer quoted ying on international roules now? The authorities should nol treaty. in the article Traffic Travails ake any hasty decisions. Besides, none of the Nepalese domes­ Chandra Bhakla Maharjan in the last issue of SPOT­ 'c airlines seem 10 have adequale lechnical and marketing ex per­ Sallaghari LIGHT is regretted - Ed. ise 10 handle the complexities of international flights. Shailendra Thapa Battisputali What An quite vague. It is better to first 2002 anafyze in depth before writ­ OM KNITTING Aching Mistake ing on any serious issue. Despite the various prob­ Other;vise, the efforts go in CASHMERE lems, Kathmandu traffic po­ vain. COLLECTION li ce has left no stone unturned Valley TraffIC Police Office lO manage the ci ty's traffic Ramshahpath, Kathmandu problem. Likewise, the me­ dia, too, has done a greal deal Voice Of Youth CASHMERE COATS. CASHMERE MUFFLERS. in creating public awareness. It is appalling to find a CASHMERE SWEATERS, CASHMERE SHAWLS. Still, the traffic accidents are large numbcr of our youths rising and there is rampant involved in ri sk-taking behav­ CAPS & CASMERE SILK CLOTHES increase in the number of ve­ iors like substance abuse hicles in the valley. The ar­ and pre-marital sex ("Emerg­ ticle "raffle Travajls" that ap­ ing Problem", SPOTLIGHT, DIVINE GROUP & CO. [Ne. L TO peared in your esteemed December 7). In the absence BABARMAHAL RE-VISITED magazine (December 14) ex­ of proper information,. posed some weaknesses in youths tend to stray from KATHMANDU transport management. No their course and fa ll victim to PHONE: +977-1-230369 doubt, the writer is correct. risk behaviors. A sustained FACISMAIL: +977-1-229622 But the persons quoted in flow of information and a EMAIL: [email protected] the article are illusory and credible media campaign can hypothetical. These persons result in youth awareness. Is­ OPEN TIME: I0:00AM -7:30PM (SUN-FRI) do not work at vall ey traffic sues of direct concern to police office. And records youths should be highlighted provided by the writer are regularly. Furthermore, the SPOTLlGHTIDECEMBER 21. 2001 3 NEWSNOTES US Security Staff ing daily reported on Friday. In letters sent that all countries must work together in to the chiefs ofthe United Nations and the combatingandeiiminating terrorism from Shot Dead European Union, the presidents of the the world.
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