MARINE AND FISHERY SCIENCES 32 (1): 43-46 (2019). https://doi.org/10.47193/mafis.3212019061804 43 NOTE Aluterus monoceros (ACANTHOPTERYGII, TETRAODONTIFORMES) SOUTHWARDS DISTRIBUTION RANGE EXTENSION IN ARGENTINE WATERS ANDRÉS C. MILESSI1, 2, IGNACIO BRUNO1, EZEQUIEL COZZOLINO1 and RODRIGO WIFF3 1Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo Nº 1, Escollera Norte, B7602HSA - Mar del Plata, Argentina e-mail: [email protected] 2Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC), Argentina 3Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability (CAPES), Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile ABSTRACT. The presence of Aluterus monoceros (Linnaeus, 1758) in Mar del Plata, Argentina (38° S) was regis- tered over 40 years ago. This new report extends its southernmost distribution limit to 39° S (Necochea: ~ 120 km). The presence of the species could be associated to the warm subtropical water derived from the Brazilian continental shelf. The hypothesis was tested with satellite images of the sea surface temperature recorded during the cruise the specimen was caught. Key words: Unicorn leatherjacket filefish, geographical distribution, Monacanthidae. Unicorn leatherjacket filefish, Aluterus monoc- jacket filefish specimen was caught on board of eros (Linnaeus, 1758) distributes in subtropical the “Angela” bottom trawler off Necochea and warm temperate zones worldwide (Froese coastal area (~ 39° 00’ S-58° 40’ W) at 20 m and Pauly, 2015). In the Atlantic Ocean it is usu- depth in a rocky-sandy sediment area. The speci- ally reported from New England (USA) to South- men was photographed, weighted, measured and ern Brazil (32° S), including the Caribbean Sea sexed at the laboratory, identified following Berry (Carvalho-Filho 1999; Figueiredo and Menezes and Vogele (1961) and preserved in the ichthy- 2000). The species, that feeds mainly on crus- ologic collection of the Instituto Nacional de taceans, sponges, algae and corals, of 750 mm Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) maximum length reported, is associated to coral under number INIDEP 852 (Figure 1). The sea and rocky reefs found up to 150 m depth (Carval- surface temperature (SST) was determined pro- ho-Filho 1999; Bernardes et al. 2005; Froese and cessing Aqua-MODIS 4 km resolution satellite Pauly 2015). Its presence off Mar del Plata (38° images from: http//oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov S) Argentina, was registered only once, over 40 when the fish was caught (Figure 2). years ago (Cousseau and Bastida 1976). The The individual, a 1,212.2 g weight 511 mm total objective of this note is to document Aluterus length (TL) mature male (maturity stage IV) pre- monoceros southwards geographical extension sented one hard dorsal spine, 49 soft rays in sec- from the limit previously reported. ond dorsal fin and 47 anal fin rays considered the During a fishing operation carried out from species diagnostic characters (Berry and Vogele 20th through 22nd January 2014, a unicorn leather- 1961) and rough, dark brown skin with tiny thorns 44 MARINE AND FISHERY SCIENCES 32 (1): 43-46 (2019) and dark spots. The SST indicated waters warmer STSW flow allows the arrival of subtropical and than 22° C related to the advection of oceanic tropical fishes to Mar del Plata, Argentina warm waters to the coast produced by a favourable (Cousseau and Figueroa 1989; Figueroa et al. wind pattern from the North. Its horizontal distri- 1992, 2000; Izzo et al. 2009; Milessi et al. 2012, bution showed the presence of warm waters all 2017). over the Argentine shelf during Summer 2014. A. monoceros new report constitutes another The characteristics mentioned agree with the piece of information supporting the hypothesis descriptions of A. monoceros Brazilian specimens that the warm coastal drift allows changes in trop- by Berry and Vogele (1961), Carvalho-Filho ical and subtropical fishes distribution that, due to (1999), and Figueiredo and Menezes (2000). an increase in water temperature, show a true The first record of A. monoceros in Argentine southwards expansion (Ortega et al. 2016) . Dur- waters published by Cousseau and Bastida (1976) ing the last decade high abundance reports of was based on an individual (508 mm TL) caught commonly unusual species such as Epinephelus on 27th April 1976 in Mar del Plata (38° S). The marginatus and Hyporthodus niveatus (Irigoyen new report extends the species previously known et al. 2005; Trobbiani et al. 2014; Milessi et al. range in ~ 120 km to the South. Neither the first 2018) off Argentina and Stellifer rastrifer in record produced in 1976 nor the scarce informa- Uruguay (Segura et al. 2008) suggest coloniza- tion provided by INIDEP on different surveys tion and establishment of new distribution areas. reported further analyses about sex, maturity stage To assess said hypothesis a time series analysis of or weight. The SST result is compatible to the new species is needed. Correlations between new process that forms the Subtropical Shelf Water species records and changes in other environmen- (STSW), a mix between the Plata Plume Water tal variables may help understand the causes for and Tropical Waters (Moller et al. 2008). Said the reported distribution expansion. Data about oceanographic process is known as warm coastal displacement of subtropical and tropical species drift (Balech 1986; Balech and Ehrlich 2008) and as a result of global warming may contribute new is common in Argentine waters during austral records (Scenna et al. 2006; Venerus et al. 2007) Summer and Autumn, when winds coming from supporting the hypothesis that southwards expan- the north and north-east become stronger (Guer- sion of said species off Mar del Plata is favoured rero et al. 1997; Martos and Piccolo, 1998). The by the increase of water temperature. 5 cm Figure 1. Aluterus monoceros (Linnaeus, 1758); INIDEP fish collection no. 852. Total length: 511 mm; weight: 1,212.2 g. Photo by Marcela Tobio. MILESSI ET AL.: SOUTHWARD EXTENSION OF ALUTERUS MONOCEROS IN ARGENTINA 45 2626 AA UruguayUruguay 2424 35°35° S S 2222 2020 1818 ArgentinaArgentina 1616 37°37° S S 1414 sst (°C) 1212 1010 88 39°39° S S 66 44 B 38° S B 41° S 38° S MarMar deldel PlataPlata 41° S63° W 61° W 59° W 63° W 61° W 59° W Necochea Necochea Figure 2. Sea surface temperature (°C) from the Argentine-Uruguayan Coastal Ecosystem, 34° S-41° S (Aqua MODIS, 4 km) (A) and the site where the specimen was caught near Necochea port (38° 32’ S) (B). The black dots indicate the fishing trawls performed during the trip in which the specimen was caught (“Angela” FV). The blue point indicates the only pre- vious record of Aluterus monoceros in Argentine waters (Mar del Plata port). We are grateful to the “Angela” FV fishermen de Hidrografía Naval. H645. 23 p. (Pablo, Julio, Ariel and Gaby) who caught the BALECH E, EHRLICH MD. 2008. Esquema biogeo- specimen; to M. Tobio for the photographs; to Dr. gráfico del Mar Argentino. 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