CORPORATE MAGAZINE No 2 (29) May 2020 ISSUE’S FOCUS reliaBilitY, EFFiciencY, sustainaBle DEVelopment DBnp-2020: operation EnerGY EfficiencY VictorY 75 FROM COMPLEX THE RECONSTRUCTION BENCHMARK CPC IMMORTAL TO OPTIMAL IS A BEGINNING... OIL PIPELINE SQUAD CONTENT IN THE First person 1 N.N. GORBAN, GENERAL DIRECTOR CPC: APPEAL TO READERS DBNP: Step BY Step 2 ENGINEERING: FROM COMPLEX TO OPTIMAL 4 Operation ECOLOGY 4 COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO DIAGNOSTICS 28 ZHAIyk, RIVER FOR SAKE 8 ASPECTS OF PIPELINE REPAIR IN A MOUNTAINOUS AREA THanKS to CPC 12 THE RECONSTRUCTION IS 32 THE CONSORTIUM’S A BEGINNING WITHOUT AN SYSTEMATIC AID END 36 TO ALL THE PEOPLE 14 AMPLE RESOURCE OF OF THE REPUBLIC RELIABILITY 28 16 READY TO WORK IN LARGE SCALE! TraVellinG SAFetY anD SecuritY 38 THE DISCREET CHARM OF EnerGY EFFiciencY 22 THE SAFE DRIVING MOUNT ELBRUS ASSOCIATION HAS BEGAN 18 BENCHMARK OIL PIPELINE ITS WORK LIFestYle 26 ONLINE MODE 42 THE MAIN BEVERAGE AT 27 12 MOMENTS OF SAFETY WORK THrouGH THE lens OF HistorY 46 OIL AND GAS MILESTONES 46 OF VICTORY VictorY 75 51 GREETINGS FROM THE BATTLEFRONT 52 HEROES FROM ATYRAU 55 CPC IMMORTAL SQUAD №2 (29) MAY 2020 IN THE FIRST PERSON 1 DEAR COLLEAGUES! to the current economic situation and we endorse Working as a solid team across all industrial facil- their optimism. ities from Tengiz to Novorossiysk, Caspian Pipe- Thanks to our specialists’ understanding, high line Consortium continues its operation and, as orderliness, and strong sense of responsibility, we usual, displays excellence in responding to the have been working just as planned. For example, challenges. All our divisions are working in a nor- we have a new shipment record: in March 2020, mal mode; we continue implementing our Debot- we shipped 6,450,676 tons of oil at our Marine tlenecking Program and oil supplies are being de- Terminal. It is 495,682 tons more than in Decem- livered dynamically. ber 2018, when the Consortium set its previous Considering the current epidemiological situ- shipped-in-a-month record. We loaded 61 oil tank- ation, most of our employees work remotely, us- ers in March, which also showed how intensive ing up-to-date communication technology and and efficiently we worked. technical means at the company’s disposal. The Obviously, the upcoming months will be rather Consortium Security, Transportation, HR and IT challenging for our multinational team. However, Units and other divisions have managed to or- I am sure we can handle even the most difficult ganize their work with regard to these new con- tasks. CPC’s employees have been put to the test ditions without any performance losses within a in terms of their professionalism, strength, readi- matter of days, and I am grateful to them for such ness to mobilize their efforts, and ability to han- an immediate response to this unconventional dle new challenges, and they have passed it with situation. Having this issue in our minds, we have flying colors. I would like to wish you all to stay provided comfortable working conditions for all positive, maintain the team spirit and be ready to the employees who work continuously and on a carry out the important tasks each of us is faced rotational basis at our Marine Terminal and in all with today. the Consortium’s regions of operation. The oil produced in Kazakhstan keeps flowing to our pipeline system without any interruption, N. N. GORBAN just as usual. We can see how oil-producing com- GENERAL DIRECTOR, panies of the Republic of Kazakhstan are reacting CASPIAN PIPELINE CONSORTIUM 2 DBNP: STEP BY STEP CORPORATE MAGAZINE «CPC PANORAMA» №2 (29) MAY 2020 DBNP: STEP by STEP 3 Based on the expert studies con- Thus, for example, it worked out ducted together with JSC Giprovo- to optimize solutions for installation stokneft at the initial data collection of 10 kV electrical equipment in the AUTHORS stage, the following main solutions indoor switchgear and an integrated were developed for Tengiz PS. Ex- transformer substation without hav- DMITRIY MEDVEDOVSKIY, isting pumps with impellers with a ing to build an additional structure to DEPUTY ENGINEERING MANAGER diameter of 475 mm will be replaced the indoor switchgear building. Due by similar pumps adapted to rotors to the installation of an additional ALEKSANDR SESKOV, with impellers with a diameter of 0.4 kV switchboards, as well as the CHIEF PROJECT ENGINEER 542 mm that will not change the op- use of existing remote I/O cabinets, erating scheme of the main pump- the routing and number of the laid ing station. Oil custody metering cable networks were optimized. A lot station (LACT) and the safety valve of attention was paid to the place- assembly at the inlet of the pumping ment, design, piping and fire extin- Engineering: station will be also modernized. We guishing system of two additional will also mount a pressure control tanks. Since there are third-party unit (PCU) at the LACT outlet. It is engineering networks around Ten- From CompleX also planned to build a new booster giz PS, it was proposed — in order to pumping station, where units with a reduce the total area of the future larger differential pressure will be facility — to surround the vertical to Optimal installed. steel tanks with floating roofs with The modernization of the Tengiz steel-reinforced concrete dyke wall CASPIAN PIPELINE CONSORTIUM CONTINUES IMPLEMENTING ITS PS power supply system implies the with an approximate height of 3 m, DEBOTTLENECKING PROGRAM (DBNP). TODAY, WE WILL TELL YOU construction of frequency converter and even this solution required the block-boxes for high-voltage motors relocation of the existing commu- ABOUT THE MODERNIZATION OF TENGIZ OIL PUMPING STATION of back-up pumping units. Moreover, nication lines of Tengizshevroil LLP (TENGIZ PS). THE ENGINEERING STAGE OF THE PROJECT IS ABOUT there will be a new electrical room, a by agreement with the company. For 220/10 kV electrical substation, and that purpose, the additional land al- TO BE COMPLETED, SO THE IMPLEMENTATION IS GOING TO BE two 220 kV overhead power lines. location was registered. CARRIED OUT SOON. HOWEVER, IT IS ALREADY OBVIOUS THAT THE The tank battery will be “strength- By the way, steel-reinforced con- STATION WILL BE THE MOST TECHNICALLY SOPHISTICATED FACILITY ened” with two additional vertical crete dyke wall for additional tanks, steel tanks with floating roofs and as well as frequency converters for BUILT AS A PART OF THE DBNP necessary facilities. high-voltage motors of back-up pump- It will be literally the most exten- ing units, will be used in the CPC’s DESIGN MODELING OF NEW UNITS sive project out of all the planned pipeline system for the first time. OF TENGIZ PS works for a single DBNP facility. It should be noted that during verybody knows where Cas- Expansion Project and can now pump increase in capacity of the name- the field meetings, the project team pian Pipeline Consortium oil without any interruption ensuring sake deposit. Besides, it is import- OPTIMIZATION OF PROJECT managed to find a solution to one E starts from — from the main the stable work of our system. Anoth- ant to take into consideration the SOLUTIONS of the most difficult issues around oil pumping station Tengiz er equally important modernization long operational life of the equip- Since the CPC’s management team the modernization of Tengiz PS: they located in the Atyrau Region of the of Tengiz PS is happening right now ment and pipes that have been used decided to focus on the improve- found an optimal routing for new The implementation of the Tengiz Republic of Kazakhstan. It is one of within the framework of the CPC’s there since 1989. Requirements for ment of quality of the solutions it industrial pipelines from additional PS technical upgrade project with- the first and main oil pumping sta- Pipeline Debottlenecking Program. the system stability with regard to adopts, the DBNP project team or- tanks to the future booster pumping in the deadlines which have been tions of the CPC’s pipeline. Tengiz the DBNP’s operating factor of no ganized two additional field meet- station, considering that the existing agreed upon with the shareholders PS was built back in 1989 and be- THE PROGRAM’S LARGEST FACILITY less than 0.95 also make the mod- ings at the construction site with the collectors of the tank battery, which will undoubtedly become one of came a part of the pipeline in 2001. It One of the reasons for the tech- ernization of Tengiz PS relevant participation of specialists from the have been in operation since 1989, the biggest challenges both for the was modernized in the course of the nical upgrade of Tengiz PS is the and important. Operations Department from the would be partly replaced. The dif- DBNP team and all CPC-K employ- Moscow office and the Eastern Re- ficulty of the task was supported by ees in general, because the launched gion, as well as the Transportation the lack of free space for laying two processes will only be successful, if and Commercial Departments. Thanks new collectors with a nominal diam- there is well-coordinated coopera- to extra engineering elaboration and eter of 1,000 mm, the presence of a tion. In addition, this cooperation, joint discussions, it worked out to large number of existing engineer- as well as the working communica- optimize and clarify the main tech- ing networks and communications, tions established at the engineering nical solutions previously adopted and the need for construction and stage, characterized by a balanced, during the pre-project examination installation work under the condi- rational approach to the issues in of Tengiz PS.
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