Borough Council of Wellingborough Planning Committee Wednesday 14th April 2010 at 7.00 pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House INDEX Page No. SITE VIEWING GROUP WP/2010/0046/F - Land adjacent 7 and rear of 5 Kettering Road, Isham. 1 WP/2010/0054/RMM - 55-61 Eastfield Road and rear of 209 Mill Road, 13 Wellingborough. DISTRICT WP/2009/0453/FM - Factory premises 40 and Orchard Court, Orchard Road, Finedon. 63 WP/2009/0508/TX - 32 Thrift Street, Irchester. 75 WP/2010/0039/RVC - Unit 4 Castlefields Retail Park, 22 London Road, Wellingborough. 85 WP/2010/0104/C - Units 15-21 Links Road, Wellingborough. 93 FOR INFORMATION WP/2009/0397/C - White Plant, 301 Grendon Road, Earls Barton. 104 - 1 - BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH AGENDA ITEM SITE VIEWING (Date of visit 13th April 2010 at 10.20 a.m.) Planning Committee 14/04/2010 Report of the Head of Built Environment APPLICATION REF: WP/2010/0046/F PROPOSAL: Amendment to planning permission ref. WP/2008/0265/F involving changes to the footprint and the elevation - Further Amended Drawings including: Omission of west facing gable window and replacement with a south facing dormer and the repositioning of the west wing a further 1.5m away from the boundary. LOCATION: Land adjacent 7 and rear of 5 Kettering Road, Isham, Kettering. APPLICANT: Mr Lee Sheldon. This application appears before the Planning Committee due to 4 third party objections and is to be site viewed because of a request by Isham Parish Council who have concerns with respect to the drainage of the site as well as concerns with respect to overdevelopment and overlooking. PROPOSAL AND DESCRIPTION OF SITE: The application site is located within the Village boundary of Isham and is accessed via a non-metalled track off of Kettering Road. The site is bordered on the east by the grounds to the Monk and Minstrel Public House, to the south by land considered reminiscent of a paddock. To the north is the established dormer bungalow 7 Kettering Road, with the proposed property entrance to the front and to the west is the dwelling; 7C Kettering Road. The site slopes gradually from west to east with a more pronounced slope to the east boundary. The site currently enjoys outline and subsequent full planning approval; therefore the principle of development has been established. This application is as above and involves alteration to the footprint with a slight shift as well as an increase of approximately 25sqm as well as the insertion of a dormer window to the south elevation. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: WP/2007/0066/O Proposed house - approved with conditions by the Regulatory Committee following a site visit. 2 WP/2010/0046/F 488300 488500 1 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. 8 Borough Council Of Wellingborough: Licence No.100018694. Published 23/03/2010 884 Allotment Gardens 2 274200 4 274200 B 74.1m 9 2 1 2 3 2 LB 0 E ( 1 S o 8 1 t CLO Lewis REL House OR S 5 1 6 9 14 14 5 1 12 1 2 a 9 5 741 1 8 e 741 c la P 4 6 n to The g 3 n a Homestead 1 0 L a 9 B a 1 7 72.5m 4 b m 7 ar n F to am ng Ish E a of L C ry ima Pr ol ho Sc ( @ 2 Monk & Minstrel 2 a (PH) A 7 5 0 The Rectory 9 15 740 740 A The 11 5 1 Rectory 0 9 E TR 3 S The Old CH B UR Rectory KET H C S a 72.9m t 1 Rectory Ch P Cottage T et E ur er R c 's h IN G k ( Recreation 1 R @ O Ground Dovecote AD 1 House Dovecote ( 273900 1a TCB 273900 488300 884 488500 Scale 1:1250 Manor Farm House B 74.3m ( GP - 2 - WP/2007/0074/F Refurbishment of existing house and new double garage, refurbishment also provides two new bedrooms and two new bathrooms - approved with conditions. WP/2008/0265/F New 1½ storey house on land being part of the garden of no. 7 Kettering Road, Isham – approved by committee following a site visit. NATIONAL AND LOCAL PLANNING POLICY: North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy Policy (CSS): 13 Borough Council of Wellingborough Local Plan Policy: G4 Supplementary Planning Guidance: II, IV & V National Guidance: PPS 1 & PPS 3 SUMMARY OF REPLIES TO CONSULTATIONS/REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED: 1. Isham PC - “The Parish Council request a site visit. We are concerned about the increased size of the property and the privacy of the next property. We are also concerned about the surface drainage problems, of which the Borough Council are aware (Paul Thompson and Peter Bone MP are both involved).” 2. NCC - Public Rights of Way Officer - “Northamptonshire County Council Rights of Way Service has no objections in principle to make with regards to the above planning application as it does not affect a Public Right of Way. There is a Public Right of Way, Footpath TM4 but is not affected by this application, please find an extract from the definitive map (2005). I would like to add, we note the lack of provision of secure cycle parking for the development. Providing enough convenient and secure cycle parking at people's homes and other locations for both residents and visitors is critical to increasing the use of cycles and achieving the 20% modal shift target published in the Local Transport Plan 2006/7 - 2010/11. Please refer to the SPG on Parking for the recommended standard level of cycle parking provision for new properties.” 3. WBC - Infrastructure Manager - “As you may be aware there have been problems concerning the flooding of properties within Isham village, by both foul and surface water. The flooding has been caused by excess overland water running off the land and flowing down the access track to the proposed site and then overloading the foul/surface water systems in the village. While a scheme has been proposed to remedy this flooding problem, the proposed development should ensure that adequate control of surface water runoff from the roofs and drive and garden area is undertaken to ensure that runoff does not exacerbate the existing overland flows. Suitable soakaway and surface water retention should be provided on site and surface run off should be prevented from flowing onto the access track from the driveway of the proposed - 3 - new dwelling. A flood risk analysis of the site would identify the possible problems to enable solutions to be included in the design”. 4. Third Parties - Isham Playing Fields Association – “It was exactly three years ago that the Association was asked for its comments on two Planning Applications numbered with pre-fixes WP/2007 regarding these sites but I cannot recall being asked for comment on what appears to be a later detailed application WP/098/0285/F, which is about to be amended. However, the Association, must continue to emphasize that the additional permitted use of additional vehicles up and down this restricted access from additional houses is not welcomed and appears ill-conceived. Having now had the opportunity to peruse the latest application at your Planning Department, the Association is disappointed that the application does not mention the considerable ambulant access that is generated up and down this shared access by the important fact that our village footpath TM14, designated under the Northamptonshire County Council's Rights of Way Definitive Map goes from the A509 highway, up this access and over O.S. 54, a route used by both parents and schoolchildren alike. You yourself are aware, I am sure, of two other separate parties have authorised access to this access route. The application states that the existing access is suitable to accommodate another dwelling and that the shared private access will be maintained jointly by the owners (the existing four and the new one). This needs to be enforced as up until lately no real improvement has been undertaken since the Association's last letter dated 22nd February 2007, in which your. own Council's Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Report was quoted (copy enclosed for your retention). There appears no reason other than inconvenience to the existing properties no. 7 and 7C that a change should be allowed from one storey to one and a half storey building. The views of those need to be taken into account. The application states the rear garden backs on to open countryside, meaning presumably the Old Rectory Paddock and the Glebe Recreation Site. The proposed boundary fence stated as " of 1.2m high post and rail" is Viewed as inadequate in the circumstances, and needs to be higher and more protective. Your Borough Council is involved in urgent detailed discussions with other agencies to rectify the deficiencies in the sewerage and drainage of the A509 area at the bottom of the access road in particular. It would be foolhardy if extra volume from a new house on this slope was permitted until these problems have been rectified. - 4 - The Association has no comment to make regarding the actual buildings outlined in the above listed Planning Applications, but would point out that they would both appear to be accessed from a private gravelled lane that is already shared by three other substantial properties. The state of this access has given some concern in the past with gravel stones seeping onto the pavement crossing and even on to the A509. This lane is also the route of the first part of Right of Way TM4 and at present is the only authorised ambulant access for children, parents and dog walkers to get to the Association's Glebe Recreation Site.
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