Fizzle – 24PP LEAFLET FLAT SIZE: 522 MM WIDE X 236 MM DEEP FOLDS TO: 87 MM WIDE X 118 MM DEEP FILENAME: 84606/113375_LEAFLET_MPL_V1 DATE: 13/12/2017 SCALE SIZE: PRINT AT 50% ON A4/75% ON A3 PAPER FARMALINX 3. VEGETABLES – continued Application Withholding 3. VEGETABLES – continued Application Withholding Crop Pest Controlled State Critical Comments Crop Pest Controlled State Critical Comments CROPS INSECT STATE Rate/ha PeriodRATE WHP CRITICAL COMMENTS CROPS INSECT STATE Rate/ha PeriodRATE WHP CRITICAL COMMENTS PiricarbFizzle WG Chickpeas, Native Budworm NSW, Vic, SA 24 or 36 PERmL 100L7 days after PERFor HA best results, apply at hatching or soon after. Use the Lucerne Blackhead Pasture Cockchafer NSW, Vic, 20 or 40 PERmL 100L14 days after PERTreat HA as soon as possible after the autumn rains stimulate APHICIDEINSECTICIDE Faba Beans, (Helicoverpa punctigera) and WA only harvest/ higher rate if the crop is dense or the larvae are larger than (Aphodius tasmaniae) Tas, SA and harvest/ egg hatching and activity of existing larvae. CapsicumsLentils, Vetch Aphids All States 100 to 200grazing g 500 g10 or mm. 1 kg 2 days Spray when aphids are detected Tomatoes Aphids WA onlyAll States 100 to 200grazing g 500 gThis or 1can kg be ascertained 2 days Spray by monitoring when aphids soil populations are detected in and repeat if necessary. Use the and repeat if necessary. Use the DIRECTIONS FOR FOR USE USE † known areas. For best results spray when the larvae have Restraints: DO NOT apply from the air when the crosswind is less than 3 km/hr. Redlegged Earth Mite NSW, Vic, 9 mL If mites are present on higheran established rates if crop,applied apply in conditionsat higher rates if applied in conditions For ULV application: Farmalinx FIZZLE Insecticide can be bulked up with spraying oils for all uses except those indicated in the critical comments (Halotydeus destructor) Tas, SA and first sign of crop emergence.below 20°C.Monitor crop regularly for surfaced to feed after rain.below 20°C. 1.in FRUITthe Direction CROPS for- TREE Use tableAND VINEbelow. CROPS Preferably use a boom spray delivering 70 to 100 L water/ Cucurbits WA only reinfestation and resprayApply if necessary. every 5 to 10 days during Watercress Aphids All States 50 g ha.– Use the lower rate until– early June and the higher rate Rate Critical Comments Control of Lucerne Fleaperiods will not ofbe rapidobtained plant with growth application. to 4. ORNAMENTALS after mid-late June. In the following table: "Fruit Crops - Tree and Vine Crops" all rates givenApplication are ForWithholding all uses in the table "Fruit Crops - Tree and Vine Crops": Apply by delay virus buildup. Use the higher Crop Pest Controlled State Critical Comments Cotton Cotton Bollworm Qld, NSW, NT 60 mL 21 days after Apply when egg laying is light less than 25 eggs/100 DO NOT USE ULV APPLICATION FOR THIS PEST. for dilute spraying. Rate/ha dilutePeriod or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of (Helicoverpa armigera) and WA only harvest terminals and no larvaerates are present. if applied in conditions below Roses, Aphids, Rose Aphid, All States 50 g 8 g/15 L – Apply when aphids appear. Spray to product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or 20°C. Chrysanthemums LucerneChrysanthemum Leaf Roller Aphid All States 24 or 36 mL knapsackFor best results apply atgive hatching complete or soon coverage after. Use of plants.higher ForBarley, concentrate Wheat spraying,Pasture Webworm refer to the Mixing/ApplicationNSW, Section. Vic, 12 mL 14 days after Pre-seeding the product can be tank mixed with knock Native Budworm concentrate spraying methods. Endive, All States 70 mL 50 g Apply– when egg laying –is moderate greater than 25 Ornamentals (Merophyas divulsana) NSW, WA rate– if the crop– is dense or the larvae are larger than 10 (Hednota spp) Tas, SA and harvest/ down herbicides. (Helicoverpa punctigera) Garden Cress eggs/100 terminals and/or when less than 12 newly only mm. Apply the first spray when about 30% of the terminals WA only grazing Post crop emergence inspect crop regularly from sowing. hatched larvae/100 terminals are present. are rolled. CROPS PEST STATE RATE Spray at firstWHP sign of damage. CRITICAL Use COMMENTS a minimum of 50 L water/ Kale Cabbage Aphid, All States 100 to 200 g 500 g or 1 kg Apply every 10 to 14 days Qld, WA only 35 g If applied in conjunction with Green Peach Aphid 85 mL Apply when egg laying commencingis heavy and continuous 1 week after and/or planting. when predatory mites ha. Apply at first sign of infestation before larvae are 10 Native Budworm (Helicoverpa For best results apply at hatching or soon after. Use higher PER 100L PER HA H. punctigera larvae areUse greater 500 thanIitres 10 spray mm perin length. ha. Add For 18 (Phytoseiulus persimilis) apply mm long. punctigera) rate if the crop is dense or the larvae are larger than 10 mm. Apples Woolly Aphid NSW, ACT, 50 g 1.1-1.7 kg 2 days Use the higher rate when less than H. armigera, apply only mLto larvae FARMALINX less than WetDrop 5 mm in600 length. before release or only after mites Pink or Brown Cutworm All States 12 or 18 mL For best results apply at first sign of infestation before Wetter per 100 L. If lower spray Pea Aphid 24 mL Good coverage, particularlyhave the become stems, fully is essential. established. Use Vic, Tas, SA, 2200 L of spray per ha. Add 18mL Pink-spotted Qld and NT 70 mL Controlled with the Helicoverpa spp. program when used (Agrotis munda) larvae are 10 mm long. If larvae are larger than 10 mm use volumes per ha are used, increase (Acyrthosiphon pisum) hollow cone nozzles. DO NOT apply more than 2 sprays WA only FARMALINX WetDrop 600 Wetter Bollworm (Pectinophora scutigera) only at this rate. If the pink-spotted bollworm is the only pest Common Cutworm NSW only the higher rate. Use a minimumper 100 L.of 50 L of water. the rate per 100L to maintain the Redlegged Earth Mite 9 mL † 14 days after If mites are present on inan quick establishing succession crop, whereapply at IPM first is present, apply when moreequivalent than 10 rateadult of moths product are percaught in practiced. Where roses are grown Citrus (AgrotisCitrus Aphidinfusa ) NSW, ACT, 50 g 1.1 kg 2 days Apply when aphids appear. Use at (Halotydeus destructor) harvest/ sign of crop emergence. Monitor crop regularly for re- pheromone traps on twoha.Use consecutive the higher nights. rate if in dense hedges and IPM is used, Vic, Tas, SA, least 2200 L spray per ha. grazing infestation and re-spray if necessary. Control of Lucerne Blackhead Pasture Cockchafer NSW, Vic, 20 or 40 mL 14 days after Treat as soon as possible after the autumn rains stimulate temperature falls below 20°C. spray only the upper half of the WA only Apple Dimpling Bug Qld, NSW, NT 60 mL Apply at the recommended threshold levels as indicated by Flea will not be obtained with this application. (Aphodius tasmaniae) Tas, SA and harvest/ egg hatching and activity of existing larvae. This can be Kiwano (CampylommaAphids liebknechti) and WAAll Statesonly 100 to 200 g 500 gfield or 1 checks.kg Apply every 5 to 10 days during hedge where the aphids are Aphids WA onlyQld, ACT, WA 2.5 grazingg ascertained– by monitoringApply soil only populations where pest in known areas. Broken backed Bug period of rapid plant growth to Lupins Brown Pasture Looper NSW, Vic, 12 mL Once crop has emerged,attacking inspect regularlythe buds. and Allow apply the at lower the only management is being implemented For best results spray when the larvae have surfaced to feed (Taylorilygus pallidulus) delay virus buildup. (Ciampa arietaria) Tas, SA and first signs damage. Usehalf a ofminimum the hedge of 50 to L servewater/ha. as a and only when it is apparent that after rain. Leeks Brown Mirid (C. pacificus) 50 g – – WA only DO NOT USE ULV APPLICATIONrefuge for FOR P. THIS persimilis PEST.. In such Preferably use a boom parasitespray delivering predators 70 towill 100 not L controlwater/ situations FARMALINX Piricarb Lettuce Cottonseed Bug All States 100 to 200 g 500 g or 1 kg Spray when aphids are detected Native Budworm (Helicoverpa NSW, Vic, SA 24 mL For best results apply at hatching or soon after. Use higher the infestation within a reasonable WG Aphicide should NOT be ha. Use the lower rate until early June and the higher rate (Oxycarenus luctuosus) and repeat if necessary. Use the punctigera) and WA only rate if the crop is dense or the larvae are larger than 10 mm. time. mixed with a fungicide which after mid-late June. Green Mirid (Creontiades dilutus) higher rates if applied in conditions WA only: Environmental factors may cause populations of Stone fruit Green Peach Aphid, All States 50 g 1.1 kg Apply at pink bud stage or when requires very careful coverage. DO NOT USE ULV APPLICATION FOR THIS PEST. Leafhoppers below 20°C. small caterpillars to decline, reducing damage potential. Black Peach Aphid, aphids appear. Use at least 1100 L Because of the wide range of † (Austroasca viridigrisea Spraying should commenceNote: once caterpillars are 12 mm RedleggedCherry Aphid Earth Mite 9 mL If mites are present on spray/ha.an establishing crop, apply at first Okra All States 50 g – For use in IPM programs where crops and pests encompassed (Halotydeus destructor) sign of crop emergence. Monitor crop regularly for re- and in length. 2. FRUIT CROPS - NON TREE AND VINE CROPS Helicoverpa resistance strategy is under Ornamentals, the infestation and re-spray if necessary.
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