AUSTRALIAN EMERGENCY MANUALS SERIES PART III Emergency Management Practice Volume 1—Service Provision Manual 2 DISASTER MEDICINE Health and Medical Aspects of Disasters Second Edition EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA © Commonwealth of Australia 1999 First edition 1995 Second edition 1999 ISBN 0 642 47374 9 Edited and published by Emergency Management Australia Typeset by Director Defence Publishing Service, Department of Defence Printed in Australia by INFORMATION ON THE AUSTRALIAN EMERGENCY MANUALS SERIES The first publication in the original AEM Series of mainly skills reference manuals was produced in 1989. In August 1996, on advice from the National Emergency Management Principles and Practice Advisory Group, EMA agreed to expand the AEM Series to include a more comprehensive range of emergency management principles and practice reference publications. The Series is now structured in five parts as set out below. Parts I to III are issued as bound booklets to State and Territory emergency management organisations and appropriate government departments for further dissemination to approved users including local government. Parts IV and V (skills and training management topics) are issued in loose-leaf (amendable) form to all relevant State agencies through each State and Territory Emergency Service who maintain State distribution/amendment registers. All private and commercial enquiries are referred to EMA as noted at the end of the Foreword on page vii. AUSTRALIAN EMERGENCY MANUALS SERIES STRUCTURE AND CONTENT Publishing Status—Dec 99 PART I —THE FUNDAMENTALS Manual 1 Emergency Management Concepts and Principles (3rd edn) A/R Manual 2 Australian Emergency Management Arrangements (6th edn) U/R Manual 3 Australian Emergency Management Glossary A Manual 4 Emergency Management Terms Thesaurus A PART II —APPROACHES TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Volume 1—Risk Management Manual 1 Emergency Risk Management D Volume 2—Risk Evaluation Titles to be advised (covering PPRR) P Volume 3—Implementation of Emergency Management Plans Titles to be advised P PART III —EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PRACTICE Volume 1—Service Provision Manual 1 Emergency Catering A Manual 2 Disaster Medicine A/R Manual 3 Disaster Recovery A/R Volume 2—Specific Issues Manual 1 Evacuation Planning A Manual 2 Safe and Healthy Mass Gatherings A Manual Health Aspects of CBR Hazards D Manual Civil Defence D Manual Community Emergency Planning (3rd edn) A/R Manual Urban Search and Rescue (Management) D Volume 3—Guidelines Guide 1 Multi-Agency Incident Management A Guide 2 Community and Personal Support Services A Guide 3 Managing the Floodplain A Guide 4 Flood Preparedness A Guide 5 Flood Warning A Guide 6 Flood Response A Guide 7 Community Information Gathering D Guide Disaster Victim Identification U/R PART IV —SKILLS FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES PERSONNEL Manual 1 Storm Damage Operations (2nd edn) A Manual 2 Operations Centre Management A Manual 3 Leadership A Manual 4 Land Search Operations (2nd edn—Amdt 1) A Manual 5 Road Accident Rescue (2nd edn) A Manual 6 General Rescue (4th edn—formerly Disaster Rescue) A Manual 7 Map Reading and Navigation (Amdt 1) A Manual 8 Four-Wheel-Drive Vehicle Operation (Amdt 1) A Manual 9 Communications (2nd edn) A Manual 10 Flood Rescue Boat Operation (2nd edn) A Manual 11 Vertical Rescue (2nd edn) A/R PART V —THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAINING Manual 1 Small Group Training Management (2nd edn) A Manual 2 Exercise Management D Key to status: A = Available; A/R = original version Available/under Review; D = under Development; P= Planned; R = under Review/Revision; U/R = Unavailable/under Review FOREWORD The purpose of this Manual is to provide a basic reference for health and medical professionals in disaster medicine. It is intended for use in education, training and planning by all health personnel. In this context, the terminology ‘health and medical personnel’ is used to include personnel providing first aid, ambulance, medical doctor, nursing, mental health, public health, scientific and other associated expertise and involvement. This Manual has been reviewed by a national consultative committee (NCC), representative of health professionals, learned bodies, States and Territories, and selected Commonwealth organisations. The NCC was initiated by the Australian Medical Disaster Coordination Group (AMDCG) of the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council and is sponsored by Emergency Management Australia, Department of Defence. Obviously situations change and new policy procedure is regularly being developed. Thus, the Manual will be revised and updated by a NCC every four years. Proposed changes to the document should be forwarded to the Director General, Emergency Management Australia, at the address shown below, through the relevant State/Territory emergency management organisation. Duplication may occur in some areas, with the aim of permitting the user to gain the desired information from individual or multiple chapter references without having to scan the entire Manual. It is isued in bound and loose-leaf formats to meet the varying needs of users. The use of trade names in this Manual is not intended to be restrictive, preferential or promotional, rather, trade names are used where descriptive clarity is required. This publication is provided free of charge to approved Australian organisations which may obtain copies from the Counter Disaster Officer/Unit located in each State/Territory health department. A contact address appears at the back of the Manual. Limited free copies for relevant (non-health) emergency management agencies are issued through each State/Territory emergency management organisation. Manuals may be supplied to other Australian or overseas requesters upon payment of cost recovery charges. Consideration is given to requests from developing countries for copies without charges. Overseas enquiries (for free copies) and all those regarding purchase of this Manual should be sent to the Director-General, Emergency Management Australia, PO Box 1020, DICKSON ACT 2602, AUSTRALIA, (facsimile +61 (0)2 6257 7665, Email: [email protected]). CONTENTS Page INFORMATION ON THE AUSTRALIAN EMERGENCY MANUALS SERIES III FOREWORD V PREFACE XXI INTRODUCTION XXIII SECTION 1—OVERVIEW OF DISASTER MEDICINE CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION 1 DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING 1 DISASTER MEDICINE PRACTICE 1 DISASTER MEDICINE RESOURCES 1 DISASTER MEDICINE—OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1 SECTION 2—DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING CHAPTER 2 EMERGENCIES AND DISASTERS: KEY MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS AND ARRANGEMENTS INTRODUCTION 5 EMERGENCIES AND DISASTERS 5 Definitions 5 Hazards 5 IMPACT OF DISASTERS ON AUSTRALIA 6 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS 6 The All Agencies (or Integrated) Approach 6 The Comprehensive Approach 7 All Hazards Approach 7 The Prepared Community 7 Emergency Risk Management 7 COMMAND, CONTROL AND COORDINATION 8 EMERGENCY AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS 8 Integral Elements 8 KEY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AUTHORITIES 9 National 9 Commonwealth 9 State and Territory 9 Local Government 10 Other Organisations and Individuals 10 DISASTER MEDICINE AND HEALTH POLICY–MAKING 10 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OPERATIONAL AGENCIES 10 Commonwealth 10 Commonwealth Assistance 10 State and Territory 11 SUMMARY 12 REFERENCES 12 CHAPTER 3 PLANNING INTRODUCTION 13 WHY PLAN? 13 PLANNING MANAGEMENT AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13 HIERARCHY OF PLANS 13 EMERGENCY AND DISASTER PLANNING 14 THE PLANNING PROCESS 14 CONDUCT RISK ASSESSMENT 17 Hazard Analysis 18 Vulnerability Analysis 18 Disaster Epidemiology 19 Implications for Health Planners 19 HEALTH RESPONSE PLANS 20 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IN HEALTH RESPONSE PLANNING 20 Time Delay to Resuscitation 20 Time Delay to Surgery 21 Initial Phase 21 Follow-up Phase 21 Care for People with Disabilities 21 Detainees in Custodial/Correctional Institutions 22 Remote Area Planning 22 Major Events 22 Common Difficulties in Disaster Response Planning 22 SUMMARY 23 REFERENCES 23 Annex: A. Disasters and their Health Effects SECTION 3—DISASTER MANAGEMENT PRACTICE CHAPTER 4 PUBLIC HEALTH—PREVENTION AND MITIGATION INTRODUCTION 29 INTER–SECTORAL APPROACH 29 MEASURES 29 MITIGATION STRATEGIES 29 SUMMARY 30 REFERENCE 30 CHAPTER 5 HEALTH RESPONSE AND INTRODUCTION 31 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 31 COMMAND, CONTROL, COORDINATION AND COMMUNICATION 31 Introduction 31 Command 31 Control 32 Coordination 32 Establishing Medical Control 32 Communication 32 INTELLIGENCE 33 COMMUNICATIONS 33 Communications Network 33 STATE LEVEL DISASTER MANAGEMENT 34 REGIONAL LEVEL DISASTER MANAGEMENT 34 HOSPITAL 34 DISASTER SITE MANAGEMENT 34 MEDICAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT 34 DOCUMENTATION 35 SITE ARRANGEMENTS 35 SITE MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL 36 SUMMARY 37 Annexes: A. Communications Network (South Australian example) B. Site Management and Personnel (South Australian example) C. Site Personnel CHAPTER 6 TRIAGE INTRODUCTION 49 OBJECTIVE 49 TIMING 49 PERSONNEL 49 PRIORITIES 50 THE ‘EXPECTANT’ CATEGORY 50 THE PROCESS OF TRIAGE 50 TRIAGE AT THE SITE 51 TRIAGE AT THE HOSPITAL 52 PRACTISING TRIAGE 52 SUMMARY 52 REFERENCES 52 CHAPTER 7 CLINICAL MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION 53 OBJECTIVE 53 RESUSCITATION 53 AIRWAY MANAGEMENT 53 Equipment 54 Muscle Relaxants 54 Sedatives 54 ANALGESIA 54 Immobilise Fractures and Cover Burns 54 BURNS 54 Burns Resuscitation 55 CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING 55 Exposure 55 HYPOTHERMIA 55 CRUSH INJURY 55 WOUNDS 55 FRACTURES/DISLOCATIONS 56 CHILDREN 56 RADIATION INJURY 56 Ionising Radiation Exposure 56 General Procedure 56 CHEMICAL INJURY 56 Management Priorities 57 SUMMARY 57 CHAPTER 8 TRANSPORT INTRODUCTION
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