The Clinton Independent, VOL. XXVII—NO. 15. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1893. WHOLE NO-1368. Buy your gold filled watches of Kreppe, —Wanted, good girl for general house ­ PEKSONAL. low and it is feared that be cannot live Dr. Mi!!«r. Kuptur* Specialist, The best of work at modest prices a DeWitt & Co., leading jewelers, and work. Enquire at this office. long. Of the O. E. Miller Rupture Treatment the St. Johns Steam Laundry. save money. —Regular annual meeting of St. II. Behrendt spent Saturday last in James Tuttle, of Walled Lake, was Co., of Detroit, received decided encour ­ Johns fire department, next Saturday Detroit. agement during his first visit to Owosso, Spaulding & Co, have a fine line of the guest of .Miss Ota Lake, the week of and he wishes us to announce that here ­ Cross-cut Saws and Axes which you HOHEMATTEILS. evening, January 7, at 7:30 o ’clock, for Arthur Hotchkiss visited in Owosso the holidays. after he will spend one week out of last week. should see before purchasing elsewhere. Brevities. the election of officers. Henry P. Adams, of this village, has every eight in that city at the Wilder- Mrs. James Anderson, of Essex, has —Frank Hayne, piano tuner of Van beed appointed to a clerkship in the muth House, fer the benefit of patients A beautiful line of Windsor Ties. —Write it 1893. and others who desire consulting him. All prices at C hapin & Co. ’s Sycle’s music house, Bay City, is in been very sick. Auditor General ’s office. —The supervisors are in session. Mre. J. II. Corbit is still confined to His first visit of ’93 begins Monday — Edward P. Elliott at Newton hall town. Those wishing his services can L. C. Wright, a teacher in the Manis ­ morning, Jan. 16th, and ends Saturday Nickel mounted Opal Cuspidores for leave orders at Frazell's music parlors, her bed by sickness. tee schools, spent the holidays with night, Jan. 21st. the holiday trade to-night. Eugene Crowley is in Maple Rapids At Spaulding & Co. ’s. —Dr. Holman S. Humphrey will be at or at Dr. Wiggins' boarding house. “ Uncle ” Wra. Lake, this village. Diaries for 1893 at Aldrich & Co. ’s Our readers who heard Edward P. learning to be a barber. Dr. O. S. Allen, of Cleveland, O., has The Steel to-day. Will DeWitt is entertaining his friend, Winning Friend* by Honed Work. Chiffon Embroidered Handkerchiefs Elliott last spring will be delighted been the guest of Mrs. L. E. Griswold, 25 cents each at C hapin & Co. ’s —Krepps, DeWitt & Co. defy compe ­ J. D. Janes, of Chicago. That Smith Brothers aie fast gaining tition in fine engraving, finest in town. with his new comedy “My Wife’s of the Perrin House, during the week. an envied reputation for turning out Con! Stove* at lied need Price. Mother, or Woodcock ’s Little Game.” Miss Lillian Daskam, of Muir, spent Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steel will return —Edward P. Elliott, humorist, New­ last Saturday in this village. good goods and doing honest work, raav In order to close out our stock of Coal ton hall this (Thursday) evening, Janu ­ He will also give “Lend me Five Shil ­ to their western home after a compara ­ be seen from the fact that they have Stoves, we will sell them at a reduced lings, ’’ and a few miscellaneous selec­ II. J. Patterson was in Montcalm tive short stay in iheir St. Johns home. been literally flooded during the last price. C orbit & V alentine . ary 5. four months with orders for wagons. — tions. county this week trying a suit. Miss Jessie Crichton, of St. Mark’s —Win. ii. Castle has removed his J. II. Fedewaand Edwin Pennell were The St. Johns Mercantile Co., in order I am now prepared to do sewing ma­ —At the annual meeting of the Hospital, in Grand Rapids, is spending chine repairing in all its branches. office from the court house to over Miss in Detroit last Friday and Saturday. to handle their- ever increasing and Burke’s millinery store in his own buil ­ Patron ’s Commercial Union, held in a two weeks’ vacation with her parents, never ceasing volume of trade, required Shop opposite Corbit & Valentine ’s Lansing on Thursday of last week, G. Porter and family, of Alma, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alx. Crichton. a new dray that would, in every respect, store, Walker street west. ding. the family of A. C. Adams over Sunday. be a match for the best black dray horse Geo. D. C ooper . —The purchaser of the Estes block, 6,000 stockholders were represented. D. C. Balcom left here last Saturday in Clinton county, so they very wisely Its affairs are said to be in a prosperous Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tucker, of Ionia, morning for Beresford, Volucia county, tendered the Smith Brothers an order All prices of Handkerchiefs for the corner of State and Spring streets, spent New Years with relatives in this hollidaysat C iiapin & Co. ’s proves to be G. J. Charles, of Lansing. shape. Isaac F. Cressman, of this town ­ Florida, where he will build two dwel­ for one. The dray turned out by them ship, was re-elected president. village. ling houses for his brother, Dr. R. Bal­ is a marvel of beauty ; is of herculian A good, clean Bed for 25 cents at the Consideration, $4,500. Eli Stocker, of Metamora. Lapeer strength ; iron bound and rock ribbed. The total vote of Michigan at the com, of New York, who owns an orange Central House. —A number of our citizens and some county, is here visiting his son William The tiers are of steel, which, with the grove springs, weigh upwards of 700 pounds. Carpets. friends from abroad, participated in a recent election was 465,055 as against and family. there. well prepared dinner at The Steel on 475,356 in 1888. The republicans cast Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Lane, north part This dray, as a whole, is so nicely bal ­ The largest and best assorted stock of Frank E. DeWitt went to Lansing on anced in its construction that as car carpetft.in St. Johns is at Kendrick ’s. Suuday last—the first day. 13,619 less votes than in 1888, the demo­ Saturday last and is now f a full Hedged of this township, enjoyed the advent of after car of sugar arrives, each barrel —A resolution has been offered before crats 11,200 less, the prohibitionists 380 the new year with her brother Timothy seems to be as uneasy as the “ next ” Jor the best watch repairing go to union printer. victim in a barber-shop, anxious to (pre ­ Krepps. DeWitt and Co. Every job the board of supervisors, now in session, less, while the populists cast 15,277 more James Collins and Will Brunson went and wife, of Wichita. Kans., and than the labor vote of 1888. their warm friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. side in the chair) secure a place on the warranted. to increase the bonds of the couuty to Lansing Tuesday morning to see the new dray. That Smith Brothers now treasurer from $75,000 to $100,000. Otis Fuller, of this village, has pur ­ Steffy, of Carson City. The largest and finest line of Carpets senatorial circus. make the best wagon manufactured in in St. Johns is at Kendrick's, at lowest —The enterprising publishers of the chased the St. Louis (Mich.) Republican- C. O. DuBoise, who has been repres ­ Clinton county, many farmers who have prices. _______ _ Mr. and Mrs. M. C Terry, of Durand, enting the well known dry goods house recently purchased of them, can verify. Grand Rapids Daily Democrat present Leader. Until the expiration of Mr. spent New Years with relatives and its patrons with a fine picture of the Fuller's term of office as deputy revenue of Strong, Lee & Co., of Detroit, on the A Friend of Honest Work . Dress Goods for the holidays. friends in this village. At C hapin & Co. ’s Michigan building at the world's fair. collector, C. F. Brown, of Alma, wil1 road, is home for a vacation. At pres ­ Lower it nil Lower Miss Mattie Craig, of Kalamo, Grow the prices on all Millinery at Mrs. The Mercantile Co. pay the farmeia —At the annual meeting of the look after the interests of the paper. — Eaton county, is visiting her cousin, ent he is assisting in serving the flood of customers at Chapin & Co. ’s Canfield ’s, at the head of Clinton ave­ more cash for Butter and Eggs than Knights of the Grip, held in Detroit Mr. Fuller undoubtedly purchased the Mrs. L. M. Northrup. nue, on the west side. She has vet a any three concerns in Clinton county. last week, E. P. Waldron, of this vil­ plant as a matter of speculation. Byron E. McPherson has gone to Car- fine assortment of trimmed and* un ­ Miss Lottie Farnhatn returned to her For a Good Square Mewl lage, was elected a director for one year. —Maple Rapids Dispatch : “ The home in Chicago yesterday. Her moth ­ son City to spend a few days with his trimmed Hats, which must be closed out —The Mutual Gas Co. are fortunate gold bowed spectacle man who helped sister, Mrs. L. Procunier, and on his re­ at once, regardless of prices. Go and se­ for 25 cents, go to the Central House, er is steadily improving. cure them at the lowest figures ever of­ St. Johns. ___________ in again securing the services of Mr.
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