Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-27-1985 The BG News September 27, 1985 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 27, 1985" (1985). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4426. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4426 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Cloudy, mid littler Vol. 18 Issue 20 THE BG NEWSFriday, September 27,1985 Storm Cops circle nears rape suspect New York braces for hurricane by Jim Nleman his identity. staff reporter "We know him, and he knows we know him," Ash said. NEW YORK (AP) - Squatters Bowling Green Police say they When police received the call were rousted, trash cans were think they know the identity of there was a police officer within taken off the streets and the the person who reportedly com- a block of the area. Statue of Liberty's old torch was mitted a rape and several mo- moved indoors yesterday as lestations at local apartment "Maybe our timing was too New York braced for the unwel- houses in the past month. good," Ash said. The suspect come embrace of Hurricane According to Police Chief Ga- may have fled when the first Gloria. len Ash, police surrounded an officer arrived, but before the The hurricane had a chance to area at Lehman Avenue and the area could be surrounded, he become the first this century to MO block of South Summit Street added. smash with full force into the from 4 to 7 a.m. yesterday, after There are several apartments heart of the nation's most pop- receiving a report of a suspi- in the area and Ash said police ulous metropolitan area. cious individual in the area. have been watching them clo- The National Weather Service sely. He added that with the posted a hurricane watch for the "Somebody reported him be- cooler weather there are fewer New York area at 3 p.m., and ing a suspicious person and the persons roaming the streets at said that would be upgraded to a description fit (the descriptions night so it is easier to follow up warning if the storm continued of the suspect in other recent on reports of suspicious individ- to swirl up the coast. break-ins)^ Ash said. uals. The service gave the storm a "We sealed up the area and 25 percent chance of passing checked everything, (but) by Police are attempting to lo- within 65 miles of the city today, the time we got enough officers cate the suspect but, because he and a 17 percent chance of pass- be might have slipped through," probably knows the police know ing that close to the east end of Ash said. "We towed a carthat his identity, Ash said he thinks it Long Island we suspect is related to the might be difficult to locate him., At 3 p.m., the eye of the 300- incidents 'If nothing else, until we do mile-wide hurricane was about locate him, ne might find an- 240 miles south of Cape Hatte- HE SAID the suspect is proba- other location (In another .ras, N.C., moving north-north- city)," Ash said. west at 15 to 20 mph. bly aware that the police know The probability of the storm hitting New York increased 10 percent yesterday "because the storm's stayed on course, and it's closer to New York than it Rape reported was Wednesday," said Edward Yandrich of the National Weather Service in Manhattan. Two males attack student HE SAID it appeared the storm would take one of three A 17-year-old female University student was reportedly raped courses: inland to the west of the yesterday at about 2 a.m. on the northside of the Home Economics dry, losing its strength as it Building, according to Public Safety. passed over land; out to sea east Dean Gerkens, manager of the University police division, said the of the city; or along the coast. student said she was attacked while walking to her dormitory. maintaining its strength and heading directly through New The woman reported that two males jumped her and one of the York City. males held her down while the other raped her. The latter would be the most The victim was taken to Wood County Hospital where she was destructive path, Yandrich said. treated and released, Gerkens said Dr. Neil Frank, head of the The only description the victim could give police was that one of National Hurricane Center, said the men was wearing a Jean Jacket. the metropolitan area had not been hit by the full force of a Gerkens said police are not certain if this incident is related to one K New,/Joe PheUn hurricane in this century. Monday evening when a female reported being attacked while Bon appetit He said forecasters expected walking between the Moore Musical Arts Building and the Student Barbara Stevenson, graduate student in educational administration and supervision, and Linda Rudolph, to know which course the storm Recreation Center. senior production and operations management major, enjoy the cream puffs and rum cake at the Le would take around dawn today. The police have no suspects in either case. Cafe Francals held in front of the French House yesterday afternoon. by Zora Johnson voted last fall. write-in candidate and sopho- votes; Ed Snodgrass, senior "USG is doing a lot of things to staff reporter Winners of USG district rep- more finance major, with 31 of marketing major with 52 votes; get its name out, and students resentative seats are: 47 votes. and Laurie Verbosky, senior bi- are kept aware of what it is Wednesday's Undergraduate • District Five: Lori Groene, ology major, with 40 votes. doingT Student Government elections • District One: Dean Berish, undecided major, were characterized by heavier senior interpersonal commu- 132 of 57 votes. Although the winner in Dis- Both the election voter turnout than in the past. nication major; with 33 of 56 trict Four was a write-in candi- and the tabulation of the i._ USG voter There was a 53 percent in- votes. THE FIVE off-campus rep- date, this had been provided for went smoothly, Perusek said. crease this year in the number • District Two: Julie Dalton, resentatives all ran unopposed, in election rules, Perusek said. "We double-checked all of the of students who voted in the on- sophomore education major, with 263 students voting. ballots, and in District Three turnout and off-campus representative with 42 of 68 votes. Elected were Jackie Curren, "We checked his (Heicher's) where the race was close, we elections, said Thomas Perusek, senior production and procure- academic standing and be is the triple-checked them," he said. chairman of the USG Elections • District Three: Dennis Vic- ment major with 52 votes; Tim official winner," he said "The amount of signatures and Opinions Board. chiarelli, junior economics and Norm, junior interpersonal Perusek attributed the in- matched the number of ballots." increases political science major, with 33 communication major with 76 crease in the number of voters to USG is looking into the possi- This year, 460 students voted, of 107 votes. votes; Matt Shull, senior busi- students becoming more aware blity of using computers In fu- as compared to the 246 who • District Four: John Heicher, ness pre-law major with 43 of USG and its functions. ture elections, Perusek said. Telemarketing aids drives Funds to expand student typing room, other projects by Janet Pavasko he said. velopment, students sity paraphernalia are re- staff reporter PIPER SAID the telephone participating in the telefund pro- warded throughout the night," fund runs four times a year, in gram must complete an hour- Wu said. "Students also com- "Hello, this la Susan, from September, October, April and long training session covering pete for five scholarships rang- Bowling Green State University. August. the basics of telemarketing. ing from 125 to *200." Row are you doing this evening? According to Jan Wisch- I'm here in the Miletl Alumni "Our goal for the parent's 'We cover how to approach meyer, senior marketing major, Center with about 35 other stu- fund is $15,000. We hope to use the call and positively ask for a the job is easy and fun for people dents. We're calling parents of this money to expand the typing donation, and how to handle any who like to talk. students trying to raise some room which was built by the problems that occur," Wu said. money for the expansion of the Parent's Club," be said. "Other ''A typical problem is when the "Old alums who have pledged student typing room located in telefund programs include a student has already graduated, throughout the years give the the Jerome Library. Would you new donors fund, Peregrine En- or has transferred to another most money and are apprecia- consider making a pledge of $75 dowment fund and a previous university." tive of the University," she said. to this worthwhile cause?" donor fund." "Recent graduates are always WU SAID students realize that friendly and offer advice on bow Telefund marketing is an effi- The telefund campaigners will not everyone is going to donate to get a job." cient way to raise funds from be making calls for the parent's funds to the program.
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