The Deacon’s Call Newsletter of the Baltimore Deacon Community www.archbalt.org/clergy-religious-life/deacons/ March – April 2011 Volume 9, Number 2 April 1 — 3 Inside This Issue Archdiocesan Retreat for Deacons Archdiocesan Retreat by Msgr. Nicholas P. Amato for Deacons ...................1 “Desire, once claimed, becomes intention. Intention, himself has assured us. So the fact remains, Development of the given the grace not to derail itself into superstitious how do we accomplish or dispose ourselves so Roman Missal, Pt. 2 .......2 control, becomes a willing, honest turning toward the the grace of God may flow and that union is source of life. In and through that love, all you need is achieved? That takes me to my third point. Save the Dates ....................4 already given. You do not need to learn another single thing. Only allow your spirit to fly.” All you do as a community of deacons in ✠ Gerald May, The Awakened Heart service to the Word throughout the Archdio- ORDINATION OF THE cese of Baltimore points you in that direction Dear Brothers, of unity, whether it is the sacramental minis- CLASS OF 2011 It is an honor to have been asked to facili- tries of Baptisms, weddings, and assisting at MAY 14, 2011 • 10 A.M. tate your retreat this year on April 1-3 at Bon Mass; preaching and catechesis; care of the Secours Spiritual Center at Marriottsville. sick; or administration. But frankly, you need Our focus for the three days together is “One more. You need to “come away awhile” as Je- Birthdays, Anniversaries Yet Many: Life in God and Life Among sus often did from the crowds and communi- Necrology .......................4 Deacons.” I would like to take a moment to ties to which he belonged, to be in silent pres- share my thoughts regarding our theme and ence with the Father. When Two Deacons how it fits into a context of contemplative And that is where contemplative presence Are Present ....................5 prayer. has an important part to play. Prepared DBP Update: There is within us all a desire to prayers, psalms, rosaries, Mid-year Review ...........5 know God and to have an intimate or meditation are impor- relationship with him. This desire You need to “come away awhile” tant means of prayer and Paul Dignan • RIP ...............6 should not surprise us. In creating as Jesus often did … to be in we have all had a try at us, we are not only made in the silent presence with the Father. them. And, as with the Placement Openings .........6 image of the Creator, in much the Jewish People in Jesus’ same way that a painting mirrors or images the time, the simple recitation of prayers often did Deacon Wives’ artist; God’s wish was greater. In creating us not get them very close to God’s presence. If Retreat ............................7 he also planted within us a desire to seek him we look to Jesus’ praying it was usually alone out and find him so that both God and we and in silent reverential presence to his Father. Emmaus Groups .................7 could experience the joy of union as individu- There was a union of hearts, a deep sharing at als. a non-verbal level. This is the sort of prayer – DPB Committees ...............7 call it contemplative prayer – of which I am This desire then is an indication that we are speaking. destined for unity with God as our creator. We might quickly add that the fact of this desire On our retreat together we will offer differ- Believe what within us is already an indication of something ent ways or practices that could get us more you read, divine present in everyone. deeply into God’s presence — practices such as poetry, scripture, and guided meditation. Teach what Secondly, the fact that we are “image” and have a drive to be one with God would imply Make no mistake about it: being in contem- you believe, that we do not have to wait around until we plative presence is no work of ours. All we can Practice what die and go to heaven. That oneness can be do is dispose ourselves to it you teach. achieved in the here-and-now! Of this Jesus and ask God’s grace to To page 2 Articles and ideas for future newsletters are welcome. Feel free to contact a member of the Communications Committee or send your suggestions to the Editor, Deacon Mark Soloski, at [email protected]. Issues are published bimonthly, with deadlines on the 15th of the preceding month. Page 2 March–April 2011 From page 1 The Development of the Roman Missal, Part 2 make that presence by Catherine Combier-Donovan, Office of Worship, Archdiocese of Baltimore possible. While it is an awesome reality, it The following, part 2 of a two-part series, • Liturgicae Instaurationes, Sept. 5, is still very possible to those whose hearts continues the glossary of events and terms 1970: Issued after the promulgation are open and who that details some of the movement and of the Missale Romanum first typical allow their desire to complexity of the past 45 years of devel- edition, and following approval of be satisfied by God. opment of the Roman Missal. the first Order of Mass in English The experience Msgr. Nicholas P. Amato Instructions on the Right Imple- for the United States, this docu- makes us more aware mentation of the Constitution on ment contains principles and sug- of and responsive to Christ’s pervasive the Sacred Liturgy: Several particu- gestions to help bishops implement and transforming presence to us. Dur- lar Instructions on the practical im- the new liturgical norms, especially ing our time together we will also have plementation of the liturgical renewal those found in the General Instruction the opportunity to develop a prayer plan have been issued since the Second of the Roman Missal. that will include elements of a contem- plative lifestyle based on the Sunday Vatican Council by the Congregation • Varietates Legitimae, March 29, Mass readings. for Divine Worship and its precur- 1994: Issued almost 25 years after sor. These instructions are as follows: the third instruction, this fourth Jesus’ adult life was not the only oc- casion for contemplative presence with • Inter Oecumenici, Sept. 26, 1964: instruction acknowledges the im- his Father. So many of the beautiful The first instruction on the im- portant task of letting the liturgy scenes of Mary in the Gospel of Luke plementation of the Constitution take root in different cultures by depict her in a Presence in the midst of on the Sacred Liturgy (CSL), this setting forth the principles for doubt, confusion, or stress. She “pon- document gave the first practical cultural adaptation. In particular, ders in her heart” and God is with her. principles for the liturgical re- it defines and outlines the correct This Lenten Season can be such a newal. Included are concrete procedure for the implementation season of a similar pondering for us, one standards such as the basis for of the Constitution’s articles 37 where we take a few minutes before our liturgical translations and the es- through 40. homes begin to stir and, over a hot cup tablishment of Liturgical Com- of coffee, we try to respond to our real • Liturgiam Authenticam, March 28, missions for Assemblies of Bish- thirst for union with God. All we need 2001: The fifth instruction contains at any time of our day can be found in ops. the principles for translation of the the present moment. We have only to be • Tres Abhinc Annos, May 4, 1967: books of the Roman Liturgy into still, to be open, and to be aware, put- Issued three years later, this in- the vernacular. “In preparing all ting our thoughts aside so we can expe- struction contains further adapta- translations of the liturgical books, rience a most sublime union. tions to the liturgy that were ap- the greatest care is to be taken to If you have not yet made a decision proved prior to the release of the maintain the identity and unitary to join us, I would invite you to do so. renewed liturgy itself. Released expression of the Roman Rite” Let us pray for each other as we move by the Concilium, it recognized (LA, 5). Its guiding principle is through our Lenten journey of prayer, the growing “intense participation that of “formal equivalence.” fasting and almsgiving. May the Lord continue to bless you in your ministry of the faithful” and the need to • International Commission on with his presence. increase that participation, so that English in the Liturgy (ICEL): Peace, the liturgical rites could be This Commission is charged with “clearer and better understood” the work of translating liturgical (Introduction). texts into English. ICEL is a • Comme le prévoit, Jan. 25, 1969: mixed commission of the 11 inter- P.S. Whether or not you are able to be national conferences of bishops in with us, I would still invite you to re- The Concilium, to prepare for the which English is the primary lan- spond to the survey we have set up on promulgation of the new Roman “Survey Monkey” regarding the life of Missal, issued this text in French, guage, and its membership is made prayer of our deacons. As follow-up to which contained guidelines for up of one bishop from these coun- our retreat, we will send each of you a translators. The guiding principle tries. The professional staff summary of the responses. Simply go to: of the document was “dynamic of the com- To page 3 www.surveymonkey.com/s/SXQ86FN equivalence.” mission en- and follow the directions.
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