Happy Valentine’s Day Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, February 11, 2010 OUR 120th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 06-2010 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Area Officials Differ on Support Of Legislation to Abolish COAH By PAUL J. PEYTON and ning is necessary due to the failure of being households with a gross in- MICHAEL J. POLLACK COAH to ensure that all constitu- come of “more than 50 but less than Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tional obligations with respect to the 80 percent” of the region. AREA – Area elected officials have provisions of affordable housing are The legislation before Trenton law- differing views on whether or not satisfied in a manner that is both fair makers, S-1, states that “the state can legislation introduced in Trenton to and reasonable to the already bur- maximize the number of low- and abolish the state’s Council on Afford- dened municipalities of our state.” moderate-income units provided in able Housing (COAH) and transfer COAH was created following the New Jersey by allowing its munici- most of its powers to the state Plan- 1975 state Supreme Court ruling in palities to adopt appropriate phasing ning Commission is the right ap- South Burlington County NAACP vs. schedules for meeting their fair share proach. On Tuesday, Governor Chris Mount Laurel, which determined that (of affordable housing), so long as Christie signed an executive order every municipality has a “constitu- the municipalities permit a timely suspending COAH for 90 days while tional obligation” to provide “a fair achievement of an appropriate fair a special task force of experts deter- share of its region’s present and pro- share of the regional need for low- mines whether or not it should con- spective needs for housing for low- and moderate-income housing as re- tinue to operate. and moderate- income families.” State quired by the Mt. Laurel I and II In the five-page order, the governor law defines low income as “house- opinions and other relevant court de- said the procedures established by holds with a gross household income cisions.” COAH have proven to be “exces- equal to 50 percent or less of the This bill also forgives unmet hous- sively complex and unworkable” and median gross household income” in ing needs from prior rounds from that “new thinking on statewide plan- the region, with moderate-income COAH or periods in time before the effective date of the legislation. The bill also would end Regional Contribution Agreements (RCAs), Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader which permit municipalities to trans- HAPPY 100TH...Scouts from around Westfield marked the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America on February fer a certain portion of their fair share 8 with a ceremony in front of Westfield High School that included state and municipal officials. All Cub Scout packs, Boy housing obligation outside of the Scout troops, Centure Crews and Explorer Posts participated in the ceremomy. municipal border. The bill says RCAs are “no longer viable as a permanent solution to creating affordable hous- ing in municipalities,” and, instead, a WNC Exotic-Car Show Approved; new program is needed “to foster the rehabilitation of existing, but sub- standard, housing.” The most critical comments have DWC Scraps Plan, Lends Support come from Steve Lonegan, a 2009 By MICHAEL J. POLLACK approval on Tuesday, the WNC will do the exotic-car show is that we felt Republican gubernatorial candidate Specially Written for The Westfield Leader set in motion the first exotic-car show it would add to the community, giv- who now heads the New Jersey chap- WESTFIELD – Giving way to the in town. ing the young people and the commu- ter of Americans for Prosperity. He Westfield Neighborhood Council The event will take place at the nity a chance to see these high-end said the legislation, sponsored by (WNC), the Downtown Westfield northside train station, near the cars that are usually not at these car Senators Ray Lesniak (D-Union) and Corporation (DWC) said it will forego Verizon store, on Sunday, May 2. shows.” Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader Christopher Bateman (R-Somerville), its plans for a new-car show and in- Originally, the WNC had suggested A more serious reason for the show, DON’T FORGET THE FLOWERS...Kurt Christoffers, pictured left, of “would create an even more powerful stead lend its support to the WNC. Sunday, April 18. however, she added, is that, “The Christoffers Flowers in Mountainside, prepares floral displays in time for and destructive low-income housing With the DWC scrapping its ven- WNC Chairperson Mary Withers Neighborhood Council is in [dire] Valentine’s Day this Sunday, February 14. bureaucracy than currently exists.” ture and the town council offering its said, “The reason that we wanted to financial [condition].” Mr. Lonegan, a former mayor of “What we’re trying to do is develop Bogota, said the new entity would be programs, but programs cost money,” Garwood Hears RVSA no more than “a hybrid super bureau- WF BOE OKs Anti-Bullying Mrs. Withers said. “We’re no longer cracy that combines the state Plan- funded by the United Fund. We’re Billing Changes for Towns ning Commission, the Economic trying to raise money. The only way Development Authority, the Home Policy; Parent Asks to Wait we can is by using the facilities the By LAUREN S. BARR given that there is pending legislation Mortgage Finance Association and town has to offer... As utilities go up, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader to abolish COAH — and Governor the Commissioner of the Department By CHRISTINA M. HINKE gards to bullying and at that time she it’s just not enough money to keep GARWOOD — It was announced Chris Christie signed an executive of Community Affairs into a super Specially Written for The Westfield Leader said the district could follow up on our organization running. We will be at Tuesday night’s Garwood Borough order on Tuesday prohibiting COAH bureaucracy that puts COAH on ste- WESTFIELD — The Westfield the wording specifics of the policy. applying to the United Fund once Council meeting that the Rahway from taking any action for the next 90 roids.” Mr. Lonegan favors a consti- Board of Education (BOE) had ap- Before the discussion, Carol again because our programs are be- Valley Sewerage Authority (RVSA) days. tutional amendment giving voters the proved unanimously on second read- Gerson, a counselor at Edison Inter- coming very [unstable], but that would sent a letter to all of the member Borough Attorney Robert Renaud opportunity to overturn the 1975 New ing an updated version of its Harass- mediate School, spoke before the take another year or two to become towns asking if they are interested in stated that the application has been Jersey Supreme Court Mount Laurel ment, Intimidation and Bullying board on how counselors work with reality.” the RVSA commissioning a study to completed and that the borough has decision. Policy at Tuesday’s board meeting. students in ant-bullying efforts. Ex- Mrs. Withers has asked her son, review the way it bills municipalities. nothing to lose by submitting it to In response, Senator Lesniak said, Prior to voting, parent Tom Lorenzo amples she cited included social skills George, to assist. Mr. Withers, who Borough Engineer Don Guarriello COAH. “Lonegan must have slept through had asked the board to hold off on building, counseling sessions, con- runs G-Wiz in town, has been able to explained that the municipalities are Garwood resident Bruce Paterson the civil rights movement.” voting on the policy until it could flict resolution lessons and assem- procure some of the higher-end ve- currently billed based on flow rate. questioned the council’s approval of “He believes municipalities should gather input from the community. blies for students and parents. hicles for the event. The exotic-car The changes being offered are for the resignation of police officer be able to segregate themselves from According to Superintendent of One of those assemblies was held show will feature cars ranging from bills based on water usage or bills Gennaro Mirabella and a settlement low- and moderate-income, mostly Schools Margaret Dolan, the state of to discuss cyber bullying on Monday $100,000 to $200,000. Mr. Withers based on the number of households. agreement that was reached in 2009. minorities in New Jersey, families,” New Jersey has required school dis- night at Roosevelt Intermediate envisions having about 50 to 60 ve- Also under consideration is continu- Mr. Paterson insinuated that Officer Mr. Lesniak said. tricts to update the policy to reflect School for parents, which Mr. Lorenzo hicles on hand, and he said he would ing to bill based on sewerage flow Mirabella received special consider- Mr. Lesniak said his legislation does certain wording as specified by the had attended, among over 130 par- prefer the northside train station lot rate, but that the sewage would no ation by being allowed to “resign in not transfer all COAH powers to the state. The state had hired a consultant ents. due to the stronger possibility of walk- longer be tested, which could save good standing” because he was a po- state Planning Commission, but rather from Rutgers University to conduct a Ms. Gerson said an area for im- up traffic. As Third Ward Council- costs on lab fees and manpower, ac- lice officer and because he is the “only gives power to the state Plan- survey to ultimately come up with a provement was to intervene earlier man David Haas noted, the sched- cording to Mr.
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