THE CATHOLIC PAGE 10 Building a new life February 1,ommentator 2019 Vol. 56, No. 26 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org C A letter from the Bishop to the Diocese of Baton Rouge Bishop Michael G. Duca released have felt betrayed and heal tells us that we must “For God who said, ‘Let light shine out the following letter to the Diocese of unsupported by the un- continue to bring ev- of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts Baton Rouge during the weekend of willingness of the Church erything into the light. to bring to light the knowledge of the Jan. 26-27. to publicly admit to the This is not easy. I have glory of God on the face of Jesus Christ. crimes of these priests listened to some vic- But we hold this treasure in earthen Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and to acknowledge the tims share their stories, vessels, that the surpassing power may In November I spoke of my plans depth of pain and hurt and there are no words be of GOD and not from us” (2Cor. to release the names of the clergy who that was caused by these to express the depth of 4:7). So we release our list this week have been credibly accused of abuse of priests’ abusive actions. sadness and shame that for the Light of Christ is greater than minors. We have completed our review I pray the release of this was experienced in our the Darkness. of the files and I will release the list of list will be a witness to Church and is part of Let us pray that this week’s sad rev- names this Thursday, Jan. 31, 2019. my willingness to listen OUR diocesan history. elation will deepen our concern for This is a difficult decision that I and an encouragement Bishop Michael G. Duca It is hard to publish this the victims of abuse, inspire us all to have made, but I am convinced that for those who have been list for all to see, but real a greater accountability to protect our bringing more of the facts of this trag- victims of abuse in the Church to come renewal and healing cannot take place children, and renew our desire to grow edy into the light will be a help to the forward so we can offer help in their until we acknowledge the truth of our in holiness in the image of Jesus our victims of abuse and the beginning, I healing. past. Yet even though in this moment Savior. hope, of re-establishing trust where it I know that some would prefer we we are rightly brought low, I have not Hope in the Lord, has been lost. I hope that this list will just stop talking about this and move lost hope. For when we are humbled, +Michael be a help to the victims of abuse who on. The fact that this wound will not the words of Scripture give us hope: Bishop of Baton Rouge CELEBRATION Couple’s love is 65 years strong By Richard Meek Roy and Marie Kliebert, The Catholic Commentator longtime parishioners at St. Joseph Church in Paulina, are Their eyes met, yet no words one of several couples sched- were necessary. uled to be honored during the Not after 65 years of mar- annual 25th, 50th, 65th and riage, not after raising five over Diocesan Wedding Anni- children, not after helping versary Mass and celebration one of their children success- hosted by the Office of Mar- fully fight the disease of ad- riage and Family Life of the diction and certainly not after Diocese of Baton Rouge on successfully answering every Feb. 10 at 2 p.m. at St. George challenge that could potential- Church in Baton Rouge. ly derail a relationship. As is often the case, at least They already knew what the in an era before online dating other was thinking, what was sites dictated one’s social life, in their hearts. the Klieberts met through a Roy Kliebert looks lovingly at his wife Marie outside of the home where they’ve lived for 59 years. The “I love this woman more mutual friend. For Roy, the couple has been married 65 years and will be honored at the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass and every day; I’ve never loved her seeds of love were planted al- celebration at St. George Church in Baton Rouge on Feb. 10. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator more than I do today,” Roy Kli- most immediately and nur- ebert said, emotion pouring tured for the next year. Saturday night, several of his find a date. All of the girls I who said he “knew a girl” that through his every word, a glint The couple met in 1951 friends were going to a restau- knew either had been married might be interested. Little did of a tear trying to form in his when Roy, a Korean War vet- rant/dance hall in Metairie, or were spoken for.” anyone know the introduction 87-year-old eyes. eran, was home on leave. On a and Roy, admittedly, “couldn’t So he turned to a friend, SEE WEDDING PAGE 20 2 The Catholic Commentator February 1, 2019 | PICTURES FROM THE PAST Stand firm on the word of God By Dina Dow ermen had disembarked and were washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, the Remarkable events in the life of Jesus re- one belonging to Simon, he asked him to put sound in the Mass Readings of the Fourth and out a short distance from the shore” (Lk 5:1- Fifth Sundays in Ordinary Time. Most signif- 3). Simon (Peter) allowed Jesus to “get into icant is the word of God, of which we are to his boat and put out,” in order for the sound know, live and proclaim. Many are of the word of God to travel hesitant for feelings of unworthi- more effectively over water. ness because of sin. Others pro- Life-Giving Indeed, when Jesus got into claim, yet receive rejection. Fear FAI H Simon’s boat, Simon was about holds many from the mission. How to realize the future vessel to can we understand the call and live out proclaim the word of God was the mission given to us by the word of God? his very own mouth, mind and heart. The call Jesus, the Word Made Flesh, performs the Three people. One call. Over the next two miracle of the fish. Stunned, Simon humbles Sundays, we will hear the sending of two himself before Jesus as he realizes he is sinful great prophets and the call of the apostles. and Jesus is more than an iterant preacher. Each receive the word of God in varying man- Jesus assures Simon and the others to fear ifestations. Jeremiah, Isaiah and Simon Peter not for a greater task is at hand. What did encounter the word of God fully made known they do? They dropped EVERYTHING and and present. followed Jesus. Jeremiah writes, “The word of the Lord Think for a moment of a time where God came to me, saying: Before I formed you in called you to action, a mission or something GIVING PRAISE – Members of the Diocesan Liturgical Dance Troupe give the womb I knew you, before you were born beyond your scope. How did you initially praise to the Lord during the introduction to the Africentric Mass. “We have I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I respond? Did you experience fear, unwor- come because it is time to praise the Lord!” proclaimed Father Cyprian appointed you” (Jer 1:4-5). What a halting thiness, surprise, inability, humility, awe or Devold in his homily to the thousands attending the African American Cath- moment for Jeremiah to hear these words. something else? What did it take to trust in olic Homecoming on Aug. 26, 1994 at Southern University’s F. G. Clark Activ- God commissioned Jeremiah to be a proph- God’s word and follow him? How did God ity Center. Photo provided by Archives Department | Diocese of Baton Rouge et before he took his first breath, to proclaim “form” you to be capable of this mission? We the message of repentance. What does Jere- have talked about the many gifts given indi- miah say? “I don’t know how to speak. I am vidually for the good of the entire mystical | DID YOU KNOW too young.” God reassures Jeremiah by telling body. What is God sending you to do for him? him, “I will give you all you need.” God even Are you rooted in the word of God as to be tells the reality of what will come through transformed and made-ready for mission? the trials and tribulations. There is no sugar- Rooted in love Your Valentine? coating this sending. Yet, God will be by his St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians ex- side. Jeremiah knows this is a daunting task. presses rich practical realities for life-giving Order roses. Check. daughter. St. Valentine placed his Despite his fear, he answers and begins the faith. Chapter 13 is the “The Way of Love.” St. Purchase chocolate. Check. hand on the child’s eye and her vi- journey. Paul, before this passage, explains the spiri- Dinner reservation? Oops, bet- sion was restored. Allegedly, when Isaiah’s call is in a vision, a beatific vision. tual gifts. Yet, he leads us to a more “excellent ter get on that.
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