S6508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 19, 1996 10. Previous CBO estimate: None. soldiers were awarded the second-high- Betty Meiers and Sebastian ``Dash'' 11. Estimate prepared by: Federal Cost Es- est honorÐthe Distinguished Service Daschle were married on a mild winter timate: Kent Christensen, Victoria Fraider, Cross. I was surprised, however, to day in Roscoe SD. Two days later, they Raymond Hall, and Amy Plapp prepared the learn that the study found no evidence were hit by the worst blizzard of the estimates affecting the Department of De- fense; they can be reached at 226±2840. Kathy that any African-American soldier in year. Together, the Daschles weathered Gramp (226±2860) prepared the estimate for World War II was ever nominated for the storm and have continued to stand the Naval Petroleum Reserve. Deborah Reis the Medal of Honor, though command- beside one another through 50 years of (226±2860) prepared the estimate for the Pan- ers, comrades and archival records in- surprises and joys. ama Canal Commission. Wayne Boyington dicate that at least four of the seven The Daschles devotion to one another (226±2820) prepared the estimates for the nominees had been recommended. This began early, with Betty waiting for her costs of changes to civilian retirement pro- same report found evidence that the sweetheart to return home from World grams. segregation of units by race often com- War II so they could be married. Since State and local government impact: Leo Lex and Karen McVey (226±2885). plicated training, exacerbated rela- fabric was scarce at the time, Betty's Private sector impact: Neil Singer (226± tions between officers and enlisted men wedding dress and the flower girl's 2900). and their units, and undermined the dress were made out of a parachute 12. Estimate approved by Paul N. Van de morale of these units in both subtle brought home from the war. While the Water, Assistant Director for Budget Analy- and obvious ways. fabric was unconventional, it was plen- sis. The Senate Armed Services Commit- tiful and provided enough material for Mr. NUNN. Mr. President, for those tee and the House Committee on Na- Betty's dress to have a long, elegant who may be listening, I believe there tional Security approved a provision in train. Betty and Dash took their vows had originally been a vote at 9:15 that the Defense Authorization bill that on the day of Betty's parents 25th anni- the leader had announced and now that would authorize the Secretary of the versary and, for 30 years, the two cou- the amendment, which was the SIMP- Army to award the Medal of Honor to ples jointly celebrated their happiness. SON amendment, has been disposed of African-American former service mem- Clearly, commitment and lasting love and agreed to with the second-degree bers who have been found by the Sec- run in the family. amendment that was accepted, so as retary of the Army to have distin- Following the wedding, the young far as I knowÐand the Senator from guished themselves by gallantry above couple moved to Aberdeen, SD, to Idaho may want to add to thisÐthere and beyond the call of duty while serv- make their home. After an unsuccess- will be no vote on this amendment at ing in the U.S. Army during WWII. ful search for a place to live, they had 9:15 tomorrow morning. It is truly unfortunate that only one to install plumbing on the top floor of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- of the seven nomineesÐVernon J. a house to create a makeshift apart- ator is correct; that vote was vitiated. BakerÐis still living. On April 5, 1945, ment. Betty's father and brother built Mr. KEMPTHORNE. Mr. President, then First Lieutenant Baker led a pla- the Daschles' first house in 1948. In we are certainly in agreement that the toon over ``Hill X'' in Italy. Along the 1952, they built a bigger home on the vote which was ordered has been viti- way, he and his men destroyed six ma- same lot and have happily lived there ated, or has been dealt with. We have chine gun nests, two observer posts and ever since. not yet received final word from the four dugouts while the Germans rained Through the years, Dash worked as a majority leader as to whether or not he bullets down on them. Out of 25 men, 7 bookkeeper for Nelson Auto Electric, wishes to still have an early vote. We Americans survived while 26 Germans and eventually worked his way to be- will know that very shortly. were killed in the action. ``Hill X'' had come a part-owner of the business. The At this point I suggest the absence of to be taken in order to capture a castle Daschles are proud parents of four a quorum. that guarded the town of Montignoso boysÐincluding my friend and col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The along Highway 1. The route was key to league, the distinguished minority clerk will call the roll. the Allies push north and its capture leader Senator TOM DASCHLE. The The legislative clerk proceeded to helped to hastened the end of WWII. Daschles now delight each day in the call the roll. First Lieutenant Baker received the joy of their grandchildren. Mr. KEMPTHORNE. Mr. President, I Distinguished Service CrossÐour Na- For the Daschles, a promise made ask unanimous consent that the order tion's second highest awardÐfor his ac- was a promise kept. Their dedication for the quorum call be rescinded. tions. And now at long last he will re- to their vows and commitment to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ceive the appropriate recognitionÐthe strong family ties serve as a model for objection, it is so ordered. Medal of Honor the highest honor that families across America. f we can bestow. I congratulate the Daschles on this Mr. Baker, although raised in Wyo- achievement, and wish them continued MORNING BUSINESS ming, moved to St. Maries, ID, in 1987 happiness in their lives together. because he enjoys the State's hunting f and great outdoor opportunities. I am AFRICAN-AMERICAN MEDAL OF SALUTE TO THE PERFORMING proud of and thankful for the many HONOR NOMINEES ARTS sacrifices that our men and women in Mr. KEMPTHORNE. Mr. President, I uniform have made in the past and con- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, when rise today to pay tribute to seven un- tinue to make around the world. We I think of Iowa, I envision lush, rolling sung heroes of World War II. Although are certainly proud that Mr. Baker now hills; wide, blue skies; and rich, black a half-century in the making, it is resides in the State of Idaho, and that soil. Located in the heartland of Amer- never too late to honor the bravery and he and the other nominees will now ica, Iowa's bounteous fields and heroism of our men and women in uni- rightfully receive the Congressional streams feed the world. I'm sure most form. I view the nomination of seven Medal of Honor. people across the country and through- African-American World War II heroes f out the world associate my State with for the Medal of Honor with much ad- its exceptional agricultural products miration and pride. This is an honor HONORING THE DASCHLES CELE- and productive farmland. that should have been bestowed many BRATING THEIR 50TH WEDDING But today, I am going to share with decades ago. The award acknowledges a ANNIVERSARY America a different chapter of the Iowa job well done and is absolutely well de- Mr. REID. Mr. President, it is my story. Perhaps one that many already served. distinct pleasure to rise today to honor have read about or seen on the Big A 15-month study conducted by a Sebastian and Elizabeth Daschle, who ScreenÐand that is, Iowa's contribu- team of military historians reviewed celebrated their 50th wedding anniver- tions to film making and the perform- the nation's archives and interviewed sary on January 16, 1996. Their lives ing arts. A handful of our Iowa-born veterans to find out why no black serv- and strong commitment to one another friends have risen to celebrity status ice member received the Medal of serve as an example to the entire Na- on TV, on the silver screen, and on Honor during World War II. Nine black tion. stage. June 19, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S6509 To name a fewÐsinger Andy Wil- June 15±23. Building on its charter to DR. BEATRICE BRAUDE AND JUS- liams was born in Wall Lake; the provide affordable and high quality TICE DELAYED BUT NOT ULTI- Everly Brothers, Don and Phil lived in education to those who share a love for MATELY DENIED Shenandoah; Cloris Leachman, who the arts, the Foundation offers per- Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, this played Phyllis on ``The Mary Tyler forming arts workshops, and awards an past Monday, the Washington Post re- Moore Show,'' hails from Des Moines, annual college scholarship to appli- ported that Justice Department attor- as did Harriett Nelson of the television cants interested in studying acting, neys have reached a settlement with series, ``The Adventures of Ozzie and music, and dance. The first scholarship lawyers representing the estate of Dr. Harriett.'' Marion Michael Morrison, was awarded in 1987 for $500. Within 8 Beatrice Braude concerning monetary better known as John Wayne, was born years, the award had grown to a $10,000 damages equitably due for the wrongful in Winterset. The famous musician/ national scholarship. During this dismissal of Dr.
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