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' ILLTOP ,I . • The Nation's Largest Black Collegiate Newspaper VOLUME 83, No. 15 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1999 http:/n1mtop.howard.edu :~ssembly Black Tuesday Students Storm Opposes Tuition Meeting :Proposed Committee Postpones Vote, Next Increase Meeting Set for Tuesday By }tOHf,RT f ORO Hilltop Staff Writer By C111us r<w11ER WtN0IIAM the meeting early, due to prior Hilltop Staff Writer engagements. Without all its mem­ 'The General Assembly discussed bers, the committee was forced to the proposed tuition increase at its Dressed in all black, more than postpone the -.ute until ne.'1 Tuesday. meeting Wednesday night. Howard 30 Howard University students The committee, comprised of 12 University Student Association e.,ec­ stormed 1he Administration Build• University admini,trators and 1wo uti\'CS assened opposal to a proposed ing on Tuesday to demon,trate their student representatives, was to vote 6 to IO percent increase of tuition, opposition to the proposal 1hat on whether to recommend the housing and meal plan rates. would increase tuition as much :,:; tuition incre:,se proposal to Pre!>i• HUSA President Marilyn Hoosen ten percent. The protest as.isted in dent H. Patrick Swygert. Once a told the lhe one-week e~ten,ion of the vote recommendation i, made, Swygert approxi- ~------~ that would have set in motion 1he wi II then review the plan and the mately 20 Rcpref.entatiws Not In plan 10 increase tuition for 1he fifth commince·s recommendation will representa­ Attendance At Lime in five years. be presented to the Board of tives pre­ Wcdm;sdav'$ Geocrnl Lenglhy presentation, were 1hc Tru,tees' fora final vote in January. sent that A"SCIDbly Meeting main cause in the po,1poncment of Hoosen presented the results of a HUSA dis­ the meecing. HUSA President Mar­ HUSA survey in which appro~i­ approved ilyn Hoosen and GSA Vice Coor­ mntely 1,000 students were polled of the :\ikla Scott dinator Krista Blackwell, the lone .Sruden1s were a,ked to rate what A,ha ~lo)· increase student s on the Tuition Rates they thought of 1he tuition increase, Elim Bttlon because of K«nao Saulter Review Committee, spent mosc of housing conditions and 1he Black­ Howard's Turi 'Illylor the meeting's two hours presenting burn Cafeteria. t r a c k Abigail William, Phoo> B) Eric Hall data regarding their opposition to Halfway lhrough 1he meeting, a record. Jennlrcr Lee Students participated in ''Illa(!( 'luesdJ\y'' this wttk In opposition to the propOStd tuilion, housing. nnd m<al plnn lncl'\'RSC. the tuition increase. See TUITION, A6 "Facili• Curo Fennell 11\JSA Vice President, Q. 'll,roJ, Jockson Ul, rallJ<d ,tudents "Ith his bullhon, In the middle of the )Uni Some comminee members left ties on our Tullka Joseph campus, we believe, ~--------' arc not commensurate with the steady Marching Band Tells Fans to 'Put it In Your Mouth' increase in tuition that has occurred over the five years, not to mention the Music is Stopped After Showtime Plays Controversial Song During Ho,neco,ning Half-tirne Sho1,v unfortunate rate of retention that is evermore on the decline," Hoosen By ELIZABETH T. PHIFER dramatized and. being tha1 we're ness major. "I just don't like the said. Hilltop Staff Writer one of the biggest money makers way they had to make it so abrupl­ She added that HUSA does howev­ on campus, all they are doing is they could have done it another er ~upport the addition of a technolo­ The Howard University Show• cheating the fans." way." gyiee. time marching band was banned The band was suspended on Nov. After such a successful traveling Also during the meeting. the Gen­ from traveling wi1h the football 12 and forbidden to travel to the season, band members were dis­ eral Assembly voted to draft a letter to team for the res1 of 1he season for two remaining games. gruntled. Special Student Service,., calling for playing 1he song "Put i1 in Your Raymond Archer, interim vice "l think the reason for our season a judicial bc.1nng oflas1 year', HUSA Mou1h" by rapper Aykinclle at an president of Student Affairs. was ending is ridiculous," :-aid Celeste president. Neville Welch. Due to n Oct. 30 Norfolk Statt v Ho" ard OUUOl~'t" b~· ttn~ "-Urge.,tive <,,()f ~ Sb•~mtr , ,1.·n;nr human d ·\ ,-­ deficit in its e,,ecutive a~count, thi~ game and again during a Philadel­ "The band serve, as the ambas­ ment major and band member 'It year's HUSA administralion has not phia Eagles game against the New sadors for the Universicy," he sa,d. shouldn't have any impact on u, received stipends. ''Theexecutive staff York Giants. After the perfor­ "They set the tone and are sup­ traveling to Morgan. We already of HUSA volunteered nol to get paid mance, Norfolk State and the posed to reflect the core values of changed the show to fit the crowd, until 1he deb1 was alleviated," said Q. National Football League wrote a the University. I can't justify using and I hate tha1 my senior year had 1crah Jackson, vice president of letter to the Univcrsi1y condemning 1be University's money to fund the to end this way." HUSA. the use of 1he song. band playing that type of song." The band had decided 10 take the The General Assembly also Each time, before the band Band members wanted to know: song out of the performance for the attacked the issue of the distorted bud­ began 1he song, announcer Jason If the song was so bad. why did game at Morgan Seate, but by tha1 gel report. Welch's ndminis1ra1ion left Gordon 1old the fans of the other they take so long to say something? 1ime it was 100 late. Archer s:1id he n $55,000 long-distance phone bill, team to open 1heir mouths wide. "I "They could have told u, back had no prior knowledge of chc which was not discovered until this used the lyrics of the song because on <kt. 9 when we played FAMU change in the show and s.ud that, if semester. This discovery resulted in che job of the announcer is to cacch that 1t was inappropriate," said he had known, maybe somc1hing the prohibition of long-distance calls the auention of the crowd," Gordon Keyone Swain. a second-year could have been worked out. Pl1(llo 6) MMJ. Cokmm See ASSEr.mLY, A6 said. "I feel 1hat this has been over- bandsman and International Busi- See BAND,A6 1'he I IU ShO\\thnt ~ 1archin~ Band ha• bttn \U.-.:ptndt'd ror pla) ina the rontro, ""iol sonjt. •· Put it in '\bur ,1outh.0 Hate Mail Sent to Black Student Union, Leaders at the University of Maryland By RANll\' SHORT no idea who sem them, but th;tt any interview Thursda) • Howard Chap­ Rotmion Editor recipicnc "would be extremely con· ter Presidcm lyrrell bland said. ·we ccrned." plan on being in fr,,qucnt communi• Racially-based threats of violence " I'm very upset." said Juliana cation with black ,1udcnt le,1ders on were received Tuesday at 1hc Uni­ Njoku, the s1udent gow:rnm<!nt head. 1heir campus to give them moral versity of Maryland 01 College Park "We just hope for 1he be,t." She is the support." he said. "We also are plan­ by the Black Student Union. 1he first black person to lead the univer­ ning a trip to their campu, to ,how Department of African American sity's ,1udent government. The uni­ physical support ,n their fight Studies and the student government versity enrolls more than 24,000 >tu­ again,1 hatred and raci,m. president, who is Black, a campus dents. "We will be a,king the University spokesperson said. In Maryland's crisis, Howard's to provide the nece'Sllr y tool\ and The letters, sent by campus mo.ii NAACP chapter ha, galvanized transport ation to make our effort, a contained rncial epithets and warned most of the college campus chapters ,ucce". We know that in ,ome ,mall of bodily harm, said George Cathcart, in the District in a campaign 10 pro­ way our presence on their cJmpus PllOCo By Eric Holl a UMCP spokesman. He said he had mote tolerance and diversity. In an SeeUl\lCP,A6 Bonntker Fldd, localed ncru.s from I lownnl's campus. is cum,nlly bein~ r<DO\ated by the cilJ, Banneker Field Undergoes Renovation Allocation of Student Activity Fees By SAtJA B1R~:OA aided by a $25 mi llion budget from the mayor's An Issue for United States Supreme Court City Editor office, is embarking upon a series of renovations of playgrounds, parks, and fields around the city. Olher By CAROL WASIUNc;roN being allocated toward what he con­ speech wi1h which they do not agree. The closing of Banneker Field, localed across the sites undergoing renovation include the Bald Engle Hilltop Staff Writer sidered comroversial student activi­ The University of Wisconsin con­ street from Howard's campus, has raised a number Community Center in Ward 8 and the ty groups.
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