PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF FIJI PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DAILY HANSARD MONDAY, 9TH JULY, 2018 [CORRECTED COPY] C O N T E N T S Pages Minutes … … … … … … … … … … 1910 Communications from the Chair … … … … … … … 1910 Suspension of Standing Orders … … … … … … … 1910-1912 2018-2019 Appropriation Bill 2018 … … … … … 1912-1930,1935-2061 List of Speakers: 1. Hon. A.M. Radrodro (Shadow Minister for Economy) (Pgs. 1913-1930,1935-1939) 2. Hon. R.S. Akbar (Pgs. 1940-1945) 3. Hon. J.V. Bainimarama (Pgs. 1946-1952) 4. Hon. Ratu I. Kubuabola (Pgs. 1953-1958) 5. Hon. CDR. J. Cawaki (Pgs. 1959-1961) 6. Hon. P. Chand (Pgs. 1962-1969) 7. Hon. M.A.A. Dean (Pgs. 1969-1971) 8. Hon. I. Delana (Pgs. 1971-1975) 9. Hon. J. Dulakiverata (Pgs. 1975-1980) 10. Hon. L. Eden (Pgs. 1980-1983) 11. Hon. V.R. Gavoka (Pgs. 1984-1988) 12. Hon. S.D. Karavaki (Pgs. 1988-1992) 13. Hon. Ro T.V. Kepa (Pgs. 1993-1997) 14. Hon. Ratu K. Kiliraki (Pgs. 1997-2001) 15. Hon. CDR. S.T. Koroilavesau (Pgs. 2001-2005) 16. Hon. V.K. Bhatnagar (Pgs. 2005-2010) 17. Hon. J.N. Kumar (Pgs. 2010-2013) 18. Hon. P.B. Kumar (Pgs. 2013-2018) 19. Hon. Dr. B. Lal (Pgs. 2018-2022) 20. Hon. Ratu N.T. Lalabalavu (Pgs. 2023-2026) 21. Hon. M.R. Leawere (Pgs. 2026-2032) 22. Hon. A.A. Maharaj (Pgs. 2032-2036) 23. Hon. Ratu Suliano Matanitobua (Pgs. 2037-2041) 24. Hon. A. Nabulivou (Pgs. 2041-2043) 25. Hon. R.N. Nadalo (Pgs. 2043-2047) 26. Hon. O. Naiqamu (Pgs. 2047-2051) 27. Hon. V. Nath (Pgs. 2051-2054) 28. Hon. N. Nawaikula (Pgs. 2054-2061) Speech by the Hon. Peter O’Neill … … … … … … … 1931-1935 MONDAY, 9TH JULY, 2018 The Parliament resumed at 9.31 a.m., pursuant to adjournment. HONOURABLE SPEAKER took the Chair and read the Prayer. PRESENT All Honourable Members were present, except the Honourable Minister for Industry, Trade, Tourism and Lands and Mineral Resources. MINUTES HON. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT IN PARLIAMENT.- Thank you, Madam Speaker, I move: That the Minutes of the sitting of Parliament held on Thursday, 28th June, 2018 as previously circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed. HON. A. SUDHAKAR.- Madam Speaker, I beg to second the motion. Question put. Motion agreed to unanimously . COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CHAIR Welcome I welcome all Honourable Members to the first day of Budget debates and as all Members are aware, the Budget process is an integral role of any Parliament. I also welcome the members of the public joining us in the gallery and those watching proceedings on television and the internet and listening to the radio. Thank you for taking interest in your Parliament. Address by the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea - Hon. Peter O’Neill For the information of Honourable Members, later on I will invite the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, the Rt. Honourable Peter O’Neill, who will address Parliament on issues pertaining to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The Business Committee had agreed to the Address by the Honourable Prime Minister straight after the response from the Shadow Minister for Economy and in this regard, the Standing Orders will be suspended. SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS HON. SPEAKER.- As is convention, the Leader of the Government in Parliament will move 9th July, 2018 Suspension of Standing Orders 1911 a procedural suspension motion pursuant to Standing Order 6(2); I am allowing this without notice as I consider it necessary for the proper conduct of the business of Parliament. I now call upon the Leader of the Government in Parliament to move his motion. HON. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT IN PARLIAMENT.- Madam Speaker, I beg to move under Standing Order 6: That so much of Standing Orders 23, 34 and 46 be suspended, to allow the following during the sitting period beginning today, Monday, 9th July, 2018 and ending on Friday, 13th July, 2018 – a) Parliament to sit beyond ordinary sitting times; b) Limiting breaks, including lunch to be determined by the Speaker so as not to unduly interrupt debate; and c) In the event that the business for any given day is concluded earlier than anticipated, that business be brought forward from the following sitting day. HON. A. SUDHAKAR.- Madam Speaker, I beg to second the motion. HON. SPEAKER.- I now call upon the Leader of the Government in Parliament to speak on his motion. HON. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT IN PARLIAMENT.- Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, this motion is purely procedural and has been agreed to in principle by the Business Committee and the Party Whips, and is necessary to enable us to complete the Business before the House for the entire week and, therefore, Madam Speaker, commend this motion to the House. HON. SPEAKER.- Thank you. The motion is before the House and I invite input, if any. There being none, I call on the Leader of the Government in Parliament to make concluding remarks if he so wish. HON. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT IN PARLIAMENT.- Thank you, Madam Speaker. I have no further comments to add. HON. SPEAKER.- Parliament will now vote on the motion. Question put. The Question is: That under Standing Order 6, that so much of Standing Orders 23, 34 and 46 be 1912 2018-2019 Appropriation Bill 2018 9th July, 2018 suspended to allow the following during the sitting period beginning today, Monday, 9th July, 2018 and ending on Friday, 13th July, 2018 – a) Parliament to sit beyond ordinary sitting times; b) Limiting breaks, including lunch to be determined by the Speaker so as not to unduly interrupt debate; and c) In the event that the business for any given day is concluded earlier than anticipated, that business be brought forward from the following sitting day. Does any Member oppose the motion? (Chorus of Noes) HON. SPEAKER.- There being no opposition, the motion is agreed to unanimously. Motion agreed to. HON. SPEAKER.- I have been advised that there will be no consideration of additional Bills today. We will move on to the next Item on the Agenda. HON. SPEAKER.- Secretary-General? SECRETARY-GENERAL.- The Honourable Minister for Economy to move the second reading for a Bill for an Act to appropriate a sum of Four Billion, Two Hundred and Forty Nine Million, Twenty Nine Thousand and Two Hundred and Ninety Eight Dollars for the ordinary services of Government for the year ending 31st July, 2019 (Bill No. 10/2018). HON. SPEAKER.- I now call upon the Honourable Attorney-General, the Minister for Economy, to move the second reading of the 2018-2019 Appropriation Bill 2018, Bill No. 10/2018. DEBATE ON THE 2018-2019 APPROPRIATION BILL 2018 HON. A. SAYED-KHAIYUM.- Madam Speaker, I move: That a Bill for an Act to appropriate a sum of Four Billion, Two Hundred and Forty Nine Million, Twenty Nine Thousand and Two Hundred and Ninety Eight Dollars for the ordinary services of Government for the year ending 31st July, 2019 (Bill No. 10/2018), be now read a second time. HON. LT. COL. I.B. SERUIRATU- Madam Speaker, I beg to second the motion. HON. SPEAKER.- I now call the Honourable Attorney-General and Minister for Economy for his second reading speech, if any. HON. A. SAYED-KHAIYUM.- Thank you, Madam Speaker, as per convention, I do not have any comments to make in respect of the Second Reading. Thank you. HON. SPEAKER.- The floor is now open for debate and we will follow the Batting Order which has been agreed to. We will start with the Honourable Shadow Minister for Economy, who 9th July, 2018 2018-2019 Appropriation Bill 2018 1913 will speak for the same amount of time as taken by the Honourable Attorney-General and Minister for Economy during the First Reading. I now call upon the Honourable Shadow Minister for Economy to have the floor. HON. A.M. RADRODRO.- Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I wish to begin with the words of a great Philosopher, Lucius Seneca, who once said, “True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so, wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.” I rise to formally present the Opposition’s response to the Budget Address, as delivered by the Honourable Minister for Economy, on 28th June, 2018. I must, at the onset, thank God for his provisions and for the breath of life, allowing me to be here today. I also extend my acknowledgment to the Party leadership of SODELPA for allowing me for the second time, to represent the Party for this important task. I am deeply honoured. I also thank all those who have worked hard to assist me in the preparation of this response. To Mr. Pita Wise and Sainiana for their professional guidance; to Ben Daveta, the evergreen, Ratu Isoa Kamarusi; Asena; Luisa and others I may have failed to mention, who assisted to put this response together; I am very grateful. I also give special thanks to the Honourable Leader of the Opposition for her motivation and allowance for us to work late into the nights to prepare. Thank you most sincerely. Madam Speaker, the media have always succeeded in raising the interest of people every time the announcement of national budgets are upon us.
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