International Journal of Advanced Studies in Sexology https://www.sexology.ro/jurnal © Sexology Institute of Romania ISSN 2668-7194 (print), ISSN 2668-9987 (online) Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 53-55, January - June 2019 VOYEURISM AND SCOPOPHILIA TUDOR POPA1, CRISTIAN DELCEA1, 2, * 1Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2Sexology Institute of Romania, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Abstract Formerly known as Voyeurism in DSM-IV, this disorder refers to (for over a period of at least 6 months) having recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the act of observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity. The person being considered for this disorder, in some way, has acted on these urges towards an nonconsenting person or the sexual fantasies/urges cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Keywords: voyeurism, disorder, sexual arousal, fantasies. INTRODUCTION during voyeuristic activity or later, when he remembers what he saw. Voyeurism - involves the act of looking at Voyeurism is apparently more common individuals who do not realize that they are, as in men, but its prevalence is not known. The a rule, strangers, who are naked, in the process onset seems to occur before the age of 15, in of stripping or engaged in sexual activity. adolescence, as an expression of sexual curiosity being replaced by normal sexual intercourse. Theoretical approaches With the passage of time, this activity can be Voyeurism, sometimes called scopophilia, chronicled, continuing to shoot with the eye, is the observation of the sexual activity of other even if shy, especially in places where people people repeatedly, as a preferred means of walk naked (eg beaches with nudists). A new obtaining sexual arousal. The act of peeping variant of voyeurism is listening to erotic is directed at foreign persons, who do not conversations, such as sex on the phone. know they are watched, who are in the bare The object of voyeurism is to observe pill (nudes), or are stripped of or engaged in unsuspecting individuals who are naked, in a sexual act, without being followed by the the process of undressing or engaging in sexual attempt to maintain sexual relations. with acts. The person being observed is usually a these. Voyeurism is a disorder of heterosexual stranger to the observer. The act of looking individuals who have inappropriate sexual or peeping is undertaken for the purpose of activity. Although they hide themselves so they achieving sexual excitement. The observer cannot be seen, they are often caught on the generally does not seek to have sexual contact fact or by the victim or more often by passers- or activity with the person being observed. If by. Orgasm, following sexual arousal through orgasm is sought, it is usually achieved through watching, occurs through masturbation masturbation. This may occur during the act of * Corresponding author: 160 Plevnei Street, Cluj-Napoca, 400000, Romania, Phone/Fax: 0264 550247, email [email protected] 53 POPA and DELCEA observation or later, relying on the memory of fantasies, urges, or behaviors to watch other the act that was observed. Frequently, a voyeur persons must cause significant distress in the may have a fantasy of engaging in sexual individual or be disruptive to his or her daily activity with the person being observed. In functioning. reality, this fantasy is rarely consummated. A number of states have statutes that CONCLUSIONS render voyeurism a crime. Such statutes vary widely regarding definitions of voyeurism. For treatment to be successful, a voyeur Most states specifically prohibit anyone from must want to modify existing behavior pat- photographing or videotaping another person, terns. This initial step is difficult for most vo- without consent, while observing that person yeurs to admit and then take. Most must be in the privacy of his home or some other compelled to accept treatment. This may often private place. There is no scientific consensus be the result of a court order. Behavioral thera- concerning the basis for voyeurism. Most py is commonly used to try to treat voyeurism. experts attribute the behavior to an initially The voyeur must learn to control the im- random or accidental observation of an pulse to watch non-consenting victims, and unsuspecting person who is naked, in the just as important to acquire more acceptable process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual means of sexual gratification. Outcomes of be- activity. Successive repetitions of the act tend to havioral therapy are not known. There are no reinforce and perpetuate voyeuristic behavior. direct drug treatments for voyeurism. The act of voyeurism is the observation of Voyeurism is a criminal act in many juris- an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the dictions. It is usually classified as a misdemea- process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual nor. As a result, legal penalties are often minor. activity that provides sexual arousal. The possibility of exposure and embar- To be clinically diagnosed, the symptoms rassment may deter some voyeurs. It is also must include the following elements: not easy to prosecute voyeurs as an attempt • recurrent, intense or sexually arousing to watch is difficult to prove. In their defense fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors statements, they usually claim that the obser- • fantasies, urges, or behaviors that cause vation was accidental. significant distress to an individual or are Most experts agree that providing guid- disruptive of his or her daily functioning. ance regarding behavior that is culturally ac- ceptable will prevent the development of a par- According to the mental health aphilia such as voyeurism. professional’s handbook, Diagnostic and The origin of some instances of voyeurism Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, two may be accidental observation with subsequent criteria are required to make a diagnosis of sexual gratification. There is no way to predict voyeurism: when such an event and association will occur. • Over a period of at least six months, an Members of society at large can reduce the inci- individual must have recurrent, intense, dence of voyeurism by drawing curtains, drop- sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or ping blinds or closing window curtains. behaviors that involve the act of observing Reducing opportunities for voyeurism an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the may reduce the practice. process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual The prognosis for eliminating voyeurism activity. is poor because most voyeurs have no desire to • The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors change their behavior pattern. must cause clinically significant distress or Since voyeurism involves non-consenting impairment in social, occupational, or other partners and is against the law in many juris- important areas of functioning. 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